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1.1.5 - death of rarity and achievements?!


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So "old content" means 2-3 months and nothing has replaced it yet? Yeah.. I have no idea..


The content hasn't been nerfed. I have no idea what point you're trying to make.


If the nerf EV and KP AFTER the next raid tiers are put in place, it's fine. It doesn't affect the difficulty of the new raid tiers in any way.

Edited by Caelrie
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So, what's your point? You're upset that people who don't camp long spawning world bosses will get magenta crystals? Are you upset that people who don't down nightmare bosses will get new color crystals, speeders, etc? Why?



sad,,,these people are the problem. Why try and achieve anything if the game is just going to nullify it a few weeks later. bla.

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The content hasn't been nerfed. I have no idea what point you're trying to make.


If the nerf EV and KP AFTER the next raid tiers are put in place, it's fine. It doesn't affect the difficulty of the new raid tiers in any way.


But that isn't what you said.


Bioware makes more money if more players get to see the content they make. I wish I knew why that was rocket science for you guys to understand.


You said Bioware makes more money if they make "THE" content more accessable, not "OLD" content. That of course can only be achieved by lowering the standards of play in one way or another aka nerfing. So I stand by what I originally said in response to what you originally said.

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sad,,,these people are the problem. Why try and achieve anything if the game is just going to nullify it a few weeks later. bla.


Nope, apparently us "special snowflakes" are the problem, and somehow getting what we want affects everybody elses game. Never mind, its actually the exact opposite.

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But that isn't what you said.




You said Bioware makes more money if they make "THE" content more accessable, not "OLD" content. That of course can only be achieved by lowering the standards of play in one way or another aka nerfing. So I stand by what I originally said in response to what you originally said.


I'm not going to argue with you when you take stuff out of context. It's a waste of time. You know exactly what I meant.

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Nope, apparently us "special snowflakes" are the problem, and somehow getting what we want affects everybody elses game. Never mind, its actually the exact opposite.

I honestly can't believe the fuss you're making over some crystal colors. Unreal. What's the big freaking deal?

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I'm not going to argue with you when you take stuff out of context. It's a waste of time. You know exactly what I meant.


What I originally quoted.


Bioware makes more money if more players get to see the content they make. I wish I knew why that was rocket science for you guys to understand.


My response.



People already CAN see all the content with enough time given. It sounds more like you're claiming that the easier or more streamline a mmo is, the more money it makes.


I wish I knew why it was rocket science for you to understand that once you make a mmo easier or more streamline, more people will beat it faster, unsub, then wait for the next expansion or major content patch to re-up their subs if they ever come back at all.


This game needs to be made harder, not easier. If they don't add another layer of more difficult content with more carrots to chase soon, then we will see the opposite of what you're claiming happen.


Your response


You have no idea what you're talking about. Nerfing old content has no impact on current content.


I didn't take anything out of context, you changed your tune from "THE" content to "OLD" content. Whatevs though.

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Ok... I've seen new vendors in public test server for 1.1.5 and I'm seriously terrified buy what's about to come.


Looks like Bioware plans to screw everyone who achieved something.


See what we get:

- Magenta crystal schematics almost free from vendor.

- Very rare Ops speeders for 1m from vendor

- PvP and daily speeders for 1M+ from vendor

- VIP speeder from vendor

- all rare color crystals, including crystals from Karraga drops PvE sabers almost free from vendor. Or at higher cost, but still only credits - no achievement involved.


What the heck?!


My guild downed world bosses about 20 times to get specific magenta crystals schematics. It was a huge achievement engaging guild multiple times on raids always requiring our artificer to come online when we groupped and it took few weeks to get it.

Now everyone will get it for 25k


I took part in Ops god-knows how many times and still don't have cyan color crystal, and each time I see player with PvE saber using it I see someone who achieved something I thrive for (ps. Screw the rakata black-core saber, it's a joke) - now you plan to give it away for some spare cash I earn by selling one high-grade item on GTN.


I won't even say anything about introducing more black-core sabers, especially for lvl50 players which is A HUGE IMMERSION BREAKER. Now all the ppl who care nothing about lore will run with this joke in Star Wars looking like a training saber being absolutely sure it makes them "l33t" and "special" cause they preordered (ps. it's not about being jelaous - I got preorder, I got rakata saber, it doesn't change anything) or bought stuff for 25k at vendor


Ps. Before someone pop-up telling that it won't hit the live servers - give me a quote. Otherwise it's just random opinion.



- It's not about "feeling special" - it's about having an objective in game. And keeping things people worked for worthwhile. And having the point in keeping subscription instead of just getting all the stuff from vendor in moment one hits lvl50.

- Patch 1.1.5 won't make your crafting useful. 1.2 will but we aren't talking about that patch. Also: The artificers get screwed most of all by 1.1.5 cause we won't need you anymore after 1.2 - all the crystals majority of people thrive for will be handled to us from vendors already.

- I'm a casual player, not "hardcore raider" as majority of people falsely assume here. And as casual I ask for keeping achievement items as an achievements instead of give-away stuff


Everyone will ***** about your valid concerns and call you an elitist, but I completely agree with you.

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Everyone will ***** about your valid concerns and call you an elitist, but I completely agree with you.


Except that he lied to you and most of those things aren't actually on the vendors... There are no rare speeders being put on the vendor. The crystals being put there are crystals that didn't drop anyway, for the most part. So you couldn't have gotten them in the first place. And finally, the vendors are temporary and will be removed in 1.2.


But hey, don't let facts get the way of your ranting.

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Except that he lied to you and most of those things aren't actually on the vendors... There are no rare speeders being put on the vendor. The crystals being put there are crystals that didn't drop anyway, for the most part. So you couldn't have gotten them in the first place. And finally, the vendors are temporary and will be removed in 1.2.


But hey, don't let facts get the way of your ranting.


lets put a temporary vendor with all PvP gear for Credits in too, i mean, its only temporary, who cares.


The crystals were obtainable, excluding white, and the faction restrictions. Point is, if its for a money sink, there are other options. if its temporary, why put it in in the first place instead of waiting?


but hey, as said, lets put in Pve/PvP gear vendors in temporary too, since nobody seems to care.

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lets put a temporary vendor with all PvP gear for Credits in too, i mean, its only temporary, who cares.


The crystals were obtainable, excluding white, and the faction restrictions. Point is, if its for a money sink, there are other options. if its temporary, why put it in in the first place instead of waiting?


but hey, as said, lets put in Pve/PvP gear vendors in temporary too, since nobody seems to care.


The COLORS were obtainable, these crystals themselves were not. They're variations on the stats, with things like expertise on them. Go look at them. You'll see they're things NOBODY has, so you're not even being cheated out of anything.


The only real exception is the magenta schematic.

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The COLORS were obtainable, these crystals themselves were not. They're variations on the stats, with things like expertise on them. Go look at them. You'll see they're things NOBODY has, so you're not even being cheated out of anything.


The only real exception is the magenta schematic.


Oh come on, my crew skill deals with colour crystals, and i shouldnt feel cheated about it?


You think Biochem wouldnt feel cheated if they put on new reusable medpacks on a vendor ?

Or any similar thing with any other profession?

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Oh come on, my crew skill deals with colour crystals, and i shouldnt feel cheated about it?


You think Biochem wouldnt feel cheated if they put on new reusable medpacks on a vendor ?

Or any similar thing with any other profession?


I believe they're going to be adding all those crystals to the artifice crew skill, so artificers are going to be deliriously happy.

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I believe they're going to be adding all those crystals to the artifice crew skill, so artificers are going to be deliriously happy.


well, i dont see anything that clearly states this.


but can i still have the one thing that makes me wanna skill biochem on a vendor please? since its basically the same thing they do with artifice its only fair. and i want it, and i pay money for the game, so i should get it.

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well, i dont see anything that clearly states this.


but can i still have the one thing that makes me wanna skill biochem on a vendor please? since its basically the same thing they do with artifice its only fair. and i want it, and i pay money for the game, so i should get it.


Suggestion forum is that way --->


On a related note, I think artificers should have crystals and sabers that require 400 artifice to use.

Edited by Caelrie
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Suggestion forum is that way --->


Cant be, since i nowhere see a suggestion about a vendor who sells artifice stuff.


and the question still stands, why does it have to sell artifice stuff?

the answer "its a moneysink" is beyond stupid, there are other things you could make as a money sink. plenty of it.

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Cant be, since i nowhere see a suggestion about a vendor who sells artifice stuff.


and the question still stands, why does it have to sell artifice stuff?

the answer "its a moneysink" is beyond stupid, there are other things you could make as a money sink. plenty of it.


IMO, Bioware realized that making colors people love rare was a bad idea and is fixing it. For people who like playing saber users, blade color choice is a personal thing. They don't want to have to change saber colors because a new tier of loot came out, or they bought a PvP saber.


This change, and the upcoming hilt removal change in 1.2 seem to bear this thought out. Moving colors from drops to crafting would be a step in that direction too.

Edited by Caelrie
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IMO, Bioware realized that making colors people love rare was a bad idea and is fixing it. For people who like playing saber users, blade color choice is a personal thing. They don't want to have to change saber colors because a new tier of loot came out, or they bought a PvP saber.


This change, and the upcoming hilt removal change in 1.2 seem to bear this thought out. Moving colors from drops to crafting would be a step in that direction too.


Not true otherwise this move would not be temporary.


I'm not really sure what their motivation behind all this is but I am sure it is a bad idea!

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Except that he lied to you and most of those things aren't actually on the vendors... There are no rare speeders being put on the vendor. The crystals being put there are crystals that didn't drop anyway, for the most part. So you couldn't have gotten them in the first place. And finally, the vendors are temporary and will be removed in 1.2.


But hey, don't let facts get the way of your ranting.


Dude, you are seriously annoying. But here it is, you want facts - I made a special trip, just for you! And checked what is actually in game, not just in one youtube video you see.


Here it is:



Korrealis Commander - till now VIP vendor for 1.5 M - after patch: speeder vendor for 1M

Korrealis Baron - till now Social rank requirement + 1.5 M for speeder itself - after patch: speeder vendor, no requirements, 2M

Tirse Prime - speeder dropping from Operations - 1M at speeder vendor.



Magenta crystal schematics - dropping from world bosses - 250 000 CR in crystal vendor

Cyan crystals - obtained only through PvP and PvE lvl56 gear - 125k from crystal vendor

Purple crystals - obtained only through PvP and PvE lvl56 gear - 250k from crystal vendor

+41 Expertise crystals - expertise gear obtained only through PvP bags - 125k from crystal vendor

There are also many unnamed crystals, so hard to tell what exact color they have - prices range from 125k to 1M. I assumed one of them in magenta, although cannot be 100% sure as 125k is bit beyond my reach on test server which resets after every patch, sorry


So don't accuse me I lied everyone on most of the things.

And: Less YouTube, more facts please.

Edited by Sky_walkerPL
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IMO, Bioware realized that making colors people love rare was a bad idea and is fixing it. For people who like playing saber users, blade color choice is a personal thing. They don't want to have to change saber colors because a new tier of loot came out, or they bought a PvP saber.


This change, and the upcoming hilt removal change in 1.2 seem to bear this thought out. Moving colors from drops to crafting would be a step in that direction too.


Well, thats totally okay for me. i have no problem that they want to increase the number of colors.

But why choose the worst way out of it all? why vendor them? now you say, its only temporary. then why temporary? then you say, because its a money sink. there are other options for a money sink.


i guess you understand where im going with it. there is really zero point why it would need a vendor for these things "IF" artifice gets to make it 2 weeks later anyways, its pointless.


if its not the case, and white was only buyable in this short time span, its a bad idea from the get go.

Edited by Leadros
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