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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1.1.5 - death of rarity and achievements?!


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If a broke raider logs in once a week, kills a boss, and receives a rare purple crystal why is he more deserving than a player who invest a week of time into gaining the credits necessary to purchase an item?


Nice philosophy. If I spend all my time playing basketball at the park, then I should deserve an nba championship ring, even tho my basketball skill level is the mmo equivalent of killing boars in the forest.

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I didn't read all the pages in this thread but it seems most people are pretty appalled by this development.


Actually, most people didn't read the patch notes or look at the vendors in question and are getting their panties in a bunch over imaginary things.

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Nice philosophy. If I spend all my time playing basketball at the park, then I should deserve an nba championship ring, even tho my basketball skill level is the mmo equivalent of killing boars in the forest.


Well... uh *ahem*... You CAN actually buy those rings on e-bay.:o

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I dunno if id say most, more like half are appalled and half are telling the other half to get a life and stop being such a whiner.


Those guys should take some of their own medicine and stop whining about other people whining. It's just a game--errr- forum, get a life ;).


Anyway I don't understand if BioWare thinks this is such a great thing why are they not making it permanent? I think we are missing something here...

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Bioware makes more money if more players get to see the content they make. I wish I knew why that was rocket science for you guys to understand.


People already CAN see all the content with enough time given. It sounds more like you're claiming that the easier or more streamline a mmo is, the more money it makes.


I wish I knew why it was rocket science for you to understand that once you make a mmo easier or more streamline, more people will beat it faster, unsub, then wait for the next expansion or major content patch to re-up their subs if they ever come back at all.


This game needs to be made harder, not easier. If they don't add another layer of more difficult content with more carrots to chase soon, then we will see the opposite of what you're claiming happen.

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Usually people don't need videogames to give a sense of self-worth.


And thats why we are raising a generation of sissy kids "dont worry everyone is a winner" "hey lets give medals to everyone that manages to drool on the ball".


Realy ? Video games like any other hobby with a competative element needs confirmation of effort, it would be like removing all tournaments, competitions, grades in martial arts etc


What the crying new gen players need to realise is that not everything needs to be givegivegivegive. There has to be work for it especially when things are just a funny collor anyway or a speeder model,.


Stop playing mmos already.

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I'm not special anymore :( booohooooo


Yes its actually needed to be able to stand apart. Since this game in all its infitinite wisdom decided to give everyone pretty much the same gear (which unfortunatly is the only way to achieve character progress) looks was/is important and it does not end up hurting game balance.


Even gw2 with their insta80+allgear pvp chars has realised this and locked their cooler models behinde hard achievments in both pvp and pve, i belive the lead dev quote is something similar to "we made it reasonable easy for every player to achieve the same power lvl but the people who do dungeons etc will look good doing it"


To remove any sense of achievment for much harder content is simply idiotic, this games content is not even time based heck most guild worth being called a guild does the ops in less than 2 hours and pugs in 3, the magenta crystal aint hard nor time consuming to get, just some focused effort.


So yes, we do deserve some unique looking stuff for clearing stuff designed for us (nightmare mode, hardmode was specificly designed for the people who play games more competivly) why are you crying over it ? seriously is your envy that great ?


plz dont bring up time or nolife etc, i bet i play less than most ppl who considers this a HOBBY and if you dont then why are you here moaning ,

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The OP has no idea what he's talking about. You can see for yourself what's on these two vendors and for what price here:

:) don't be so clueless.

Yea, that's the preorder crystal vendor and speeder vendor offer. Video is however missing newly added crystal vendor. Obviously you and video author have no idea what's going on.


Ps. By the way - here you can check which speeders hit the market exactly and verify if, cause I didn't know exactly which one is obtained through which exact method in game currently.

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Curious, why is people talking like all the gear is available off a vendor? A color crystal and a mount that a different "achievable" one an be added to give those "cutting edge" something else to "show off".


Why did many people keep doing ZG for soo long?

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And thats why we are raising a generation of sissy kids "dont worry everyone is a winner" "hey lets give medals to everyone that manages to drool on the ball".


Realy ? Video games like any other hobby with a competative element needs confirmation of effort, it would be like removing all tournaments, competitions, grades in martial arts etc


What the crying new gen players need to realise is that not everything needs to be givegivegivegive. There has to be work for it especially when things are just a funny collor anyway or a speeder model,.


Stop playing mmos already.

http://www.thatvideosite.com/video/does_a_former_drill_sergeant_make_a_terrible_therapist :D Edited by GalacticKegger
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I have mixed emotions on this topic.. I'm a firm believer if someone puts the time into getting a rare item they deserve it. With this Bioware is handing out free achievements which gives a player no sense of accomplishment... =FAIL!


At the same time most people are too lazy or just don't have the time and patience to go for drops like these... You really can't blame someone for feeling this way because at the end of the day it's just a GAME!




LOL at the players who wasted their life away camping world bosses and grinding out operations so can be like "Look my lightsaber is cooler then yours."

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Curious, why is people talking like all the gear is available off a vendor? A color crystal and a mount that a different "achievable" one an be added to give those "cutting edge" something else to "show off".

There are two categories of items: added and copied to vendor. With first one roughly in a form seen on PTS I personally am fine, although call is a lazy design cause new stuff, especially like color crystals was supposed to be obtainable through adventures/battles/events, not just vendored. Second one though is ridicioulus idea.



My question exactly :)

Gorcha, got something constructive ot add or just gonna keep throwing one line here and there in attempts to... I don't know, troll topic I started and everyone disagreeing with you, like you did on other occasion?

Edited by Sky_walkerPL
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Probably because it took 14 months for end game (AQ) to get patched in, and it was a world event. Folks on the outside looking in had to do something besides MC & Ony.


The tiger mount kept ZG relevant all the way through WoTLK.

Edited by Vlaxitov
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There are two categories of items: added and copied to vendor. With first one roughly in a form seen on PTS I personally am fine, although call is a lazy design cause new stuff, especially like color crystals was supposed to be obtainable through adventures/battles/events, not just vendored. Second one though is ridicioulus idea.

You're missing what I'm saying. Firstly the mount is just a reskin of something else. It may/may not look cooler depending on who you ask. Crystal is a color. A "new" mount (reskinned or brand new) and a different color crystal can be added to the new raids giving people something else to show off while the masses get the one color (you got to admit) everyone wanted to have from before they bought the game. I believe they'd of gotten way more pre order sales if the Pre Order crystal was purple.

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You're missing what I'm saying. Firstly the mount is just a reskin of something else. It may/may not look cooler depending on who you ask. Crystal is a color. A "new" mount (reskinned or brand new) and a different color crystal can be added to the new raids giving people something else to show off while the masses get the one color (you got to admit) everyone wanted to have from before they bought the game. I believe they'd of gotten way more pre order sales if the Pre Order crystal was purple.


So, why not put the precious purple crystal into a long and hard questchain, wich takes a while, so that it keep players playing FOR IT instead of putting them on a vendor and just click to buy it.


What would make more fun and more sense? If its so much wanted, players will quest for it. Just because everyone wants it, its no reason to give it to them that easy.


GeorgZoeller, if by any point, you read this, could you give us a specific reason why there is this vendor and what point it has?

Edited by Leadros
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People already CAN see all the content with enough time given. It sounds more like you're claiming that the easier or more streamline a mmo is, the more money it makes.


I wish I knew why it was rocket science for you to understand that once you make a mmo easier or more streamline, more people will beat it faster, unsub, then wait for the next expansion or major content patch to re-up their subs if they ever come back at all.

You have no idea what you're talking about. Nerfing old content has no impact on current content.

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:) don't be so clueless.

Yea, that's the preorder crystal vendor and speeder vendor offer. Video is however missing newly added crystal vendor. Obviously you and video author have no idea what's going on..


It's not missing. It's linked to in that video I linked. Don't try to correct me when I'm not wrong.


And thats why we are raising a generation of sissy kids "dont worry everyone is a winner" "hey lets give medals to everyone that manages to drool on the ball".


Realy ? Video games like any other hobby with a competative element needs confirmation of effort, it would be like removing all tournaments, competitions, grades in martial arts etc


What the crying new gen players need to realise is that not everything needs to be givegivegivegive. There has to be work for it especially when things are just a funny collor anyway or a speeder model,.


Stop playing mmos already.


Why, when I was young, we fought dinosaurs on the way to school, uphill both ways!

Edited by Caelrie
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