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  1. I'm a geared 50 that casually plays... but now since the "grind" for gear is pretty much complete for me... my question is what is the incentive to stay subbed? Now that I have the gear why would I continue to raid, run HMs, and do dailies? Don't get me wrong I enjoy playing this game... but honestly I don't understand how people can accept the daily grind for gear as end game content. Im not big on PvP.. just not my style of game play. And me being new to MMOs I dont really have much of an opinion about MMOs in general but seriously its obvious the only thing saving this game is the fact its Star Wars themed.
  2. I have mixed emotions on this topic.. I'm a firm believer if someone puts the time into getting a rare item they deserve it. With this Bioware is handing out free achievements which gives a player no sense of accomplishment... =FAIL! At the same time most people are too lazy or just don't have the time and patience to go for drops like these... You really can't blame someone for feeling this way because at the end of the day it's just a GAME! WE ALL HAVE MUCH BETTER THINGS TO WORRY ABOUT.. LOL at the players who wasted their life away camping world bosses and grinding out operations so can be like "Look my lightsaber is cooler then yours."
  3. If you spent 8 hours of your time on the fleet you have other problems other then he lack of end game content..... Anyways I recently just turned lv.50 (Assassin) myself but honestly I think Im done with it... lifeless planets, horrible pvp, daily grind of trying to get decent pve gear.. I can't handle it. depending on what type of updates Bioware releases might sway me back in.. but for now I wont allow my self to pay 15 bucks a month to play an ordinary game. Don't get me wrong I loved every bit of lvs. 1-50 worth 60 bucks if you ask me just for the story. The funny part is my brother and a couple of my friends talked me into buying it they quit playing before I did..a couple of them didn't even reach 30. All in all just not the right game for me.. and seriously I tried to enjoy it but it's just like any other MMO a waste of money.
  4. Really? Really? No command to see total amount of players in the whole world? Fail...
  5. Sorry this question probably has been asked before but since I'm a newbie when it comes to MMOs I have no answer...
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