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Some love comming in 1.2 for crafting


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There are some light at the end of the tunnel.


From the neweset Q&A:


TrueDND: Currently, the incentive to choose other Crew Crafting Skills outside of Biochem is minimal due to the fact that, once you reach max level, all gear that is acquired through PvE and PvP is better than all crafted equipment and mods (mostly through the Commendation and token vendors). Is this being looked in to?


Georg Zoeller: Absolutely. With the upcoming Game Update 1.2, we are adding endgame crafting for all professions. This includes augment crafting, the ability to crit-craft custom (orange) gear with augment slots, new endgame schematics, new color crystals, expanded and improved research and reverse engineering and much more (we're up to 4 pages of crew skill related patch notes in 1.2. alone)


Combined with new features such as the ability to extract base-mods from purple items (including the set bonus) and the improved color matching feature, crafters of all professions will find themselves in a lot of demand once the update hits.

Edited by Slakke
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Question is if this new gear will only be available to raiders with access with FP and OP crafting material. Would like to create decent gear on my Gunslinger without being forced to join a raiding guild.


I absolutely agree. Crafting shouldn't be depending on raiding imho. I would rather see some weaker recipes (compared to raid gear) than having to raid to get materials. Don't get me wrong, I like an occasional raid, but having to farm mats in raid areas always ends the same: You grind and grind, and while you do that you inevitably find gear that is far superior to the recipes you were farming for to begin with. Bioware, please keep crafting and raiding separate :)

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It would also be nice for people to have the ability to create "starter" raid gear. Just a notch under the current raid gear for Hard-mode Flashpoints. This would help new players who are looking to raid be able to have a better chance at getting accepted into a guild that needs raiders to complete there roster.
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I absolutely agree. Crafting shouldn't be depending on raiding imho. I would rather see some weaker recipes (compared to raid gear) than having to raid to get materials. Don't get me wrong, I like an occasional raid, but having to farm mats in raid areas always ends the same: You grind and grind, and while you do that you inevitably find gear that is far superior to the recipes you were farming for to begin with. Bioware, please keep crafting and raiding separate :)




Been forced to raid to be able to craft the top recipes is very very wrong! A so called "dedicate" crafter don't need to be a raider also!

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I absolutely agree. Crafting shouldn't be depending on raiding imho. I would rather see some weaker recipes (compared to raid gear) than having to raid to get materials. Don't get me wrong, I like an occasional raid, but having to farm mats in raid areas always ends the same: You grind and grind, and while you do that you inevitably find gear that is far superior to the recipes you were farming for to begin with. Bioware, please keep crafting and raiding separate :)


They just need to make the schematics and Raid mats tradable so raiders can sell them on the auction hall to people who don't want to raid...


Just make sure the drop rate on these items are low so the Auction Hall doesn't become flooded with them, otherwise they will lose there uniqueness really fast..

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I would point out the hypocrisy of griping about the fact that non-crafters should have to depend on crafters for gear while crafters should not have to depend on non-crafters for materials.


bottom line, either get the parts yourself in a raid or however; or pay someone else to do it. this is no different than the non-crafters. they can either do some work themselves to obtain gear through money or commendations, or they can pay a crafter to make it for them (now that we are getting some sort of items that should at least compete)


If you want non-crafters to depend on crafters, why is it "unfair" to have crafters also depend on non-crafters? Economy doesn't mean giving crafters access to everything simply because they are crafters and "shouldn't have to depend on raiding guilds." then likewise, those raiding guilds shouldn't have to depend on you for stuff either.

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Question is if this new gear will only be available to raiders with access with FP and OP crafting material. Would like to create decent gear on my Gunslinger without being forced to join a raiding guild.


This is complete bull. You don't want to be able to create "decent gear", you want to be able to create "great" gear. You can already craft "decent" gear (quite good gear, actually) with the current crew skills, without any sort of raid/FP crafting materials.


And if you don't want to do FP or OPs, why exactly do you need better gear anyway? Do you need a certain amount of Cunning to sit in the Fleet and cry about how worthless your tradeskills are?

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They just need to make the schematics and Raid mats tradable so raiders can sell them on the auction hall to people who don't want to raid...


Just make sure the drop rate on these items are low so the Auction Hall doesn't become flooded with them, otherwise they will lose there uniqueness really fast..


Rofl? You say you want the drop rates low... but if their priced too high you're going to cry about that, too.

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Raiding is still the only way to get THE BEST gear available. Of course there is nothing extremely hard in game just yet. Crafting can get you so far but to have bragging rights to anything you gotta raid. Back before the crybabies and whiners got to EQ there were extremely hard events that took place with raid sizes larger than 72 people coordinated to one single goal. And even then it came around to chance that could cause a whipe. The only solution was to have a tank with enough HPs to not be one shotted long enough for the complete heal chain to tick by once more and restore him. If crafting gear is equal to raiding rewards or superior no one would be raiding much anymore. What is the point when the reward is nil? Making recipes tradable is a start but if everyone and their tukata hound have it whats the point in pushing further. It is obvious in all the other MMOs that once a new expansion comes out the old is obsolete. WoW added achievements and short of those no one would have even set foot in the old raid zones due to the gear not being worth the effort.


Effort and Desire = Reward


Crafting skills = Everyone has it


therefore should Effort and Desire = Reward = Everyone has it

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It would also be nice for people to have the ability to create "starter" raid gear. Just a notch under the current raid gear for Hard-mode Flashpoints. This would help new players who are looking to raid be able to have a better chance at getting accepted into a guild that needs raiders to complete there roster.


Starter gear already exists. It's all the level 50 recipes, the mod gear, and the mods.


Now if the "next step up" wasn't so plentiful, maybe they'd actually see use.

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The best pre-raid/early-raid gear should come from high end crafting. This is the model many other games have used successfully.


However, where SWTOR has failed the crafter is that they've not only made it possible to skip crafted gear, but it's actually cheaper and easier to get equivalent or better gear from quests. You can go from level 49 to raiding without needing crafted gear at all.


This breaks what I think should be a fairly simple line of progression.


This line of progression is also blurred with the ability for raiders to acquire patterns to make BoE raiding gear, which they can sell on the GTN. This further invalidates non-raider crafting, as it allows new level 50s to skip pre-raiding gear and just right into raiding gear. This is what BioWare stated WOULD NOT happen, with regards to raiders automatically being the best crafters.


There is far too much overlap. Different segments should have their own niche. Raid quality gear should come from raids only.


Honestly, it really feels like there was very little planning involved in how the different gearing methods should work together.

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For anyone who did crafting in SWG pre NGE/CU and after to some extent would tell you flat out that yes crafted gear should be as good if not better than raid stuff. Why because the good crafters took it like a job you had no 1 self sustaining crafter class as well all depended on each others goods and the quality of those goods to make better gear for our customers and ourselves. In fact I will go as far to say that crafting was 10 times harder in that system than raiding some prescripted boss fight. It was more than just makeing a item it was the quality of the resources that went into the item and experimenting with those to come up with the best final product you could.


All i see in this game is the same old tired system put in place by EQ/WOW and of coarse is pefered by hardcore raiders cause they feel they need to limit anyone who does not want to raid full time to a lower class of gear. With a crafting system like SWG everyone could get some bling going not just the guys who spent 24/7 in hard modes.


And before you say it that system was voted the best crafting system yet to date. It not only lead to great gear for everyone but also a great co-dependent economy that thived way beyond what you ever saw in WOW or EQ. Thats what this game should shoot for not the raids is how you getz your purps on.

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There are some light at the end of the tunnel.


From the neweset Q&A:


Georg Zoeller: Absolutely. With the upcoming Game Update 1.2, we are adding endgame crafting for all professions. This includes augment crafting, the ability to crit-craft custom (orange) gear with augment slots, new endgame schematics, new color crystals, expanded and improved research and reverse engineering and much more (we're up to 4 pages of crew skill related patch notes in 1.2. alone)



I'm taking what he says with a grain of salt, after much hate he had towards the people in beta I'll believe it when I see it.

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I wouldn't hold my breath, considering BioWare Austin's quality of work so far with the crafting system. They say they have a lot of schematic drops in store for 1.2 but we don't even know what they have. We've blindly assumed positively a lot of things in the past when the devs mentions changes, both in beta and in release, and we've gotten the complete opposite in the end.


Best case scenario, wait and see what is actually delivered before celebrating. Some of us have already smartened up.

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Let's see.


People who raid get ops-level gear.


People who don't wanna do ops want to be able to craft ops-level gear.


Do you hear the **** spouted out of your mouths? Ridiculous.


I dont see the problem but then again maybe it is the the fact that true crafters enjoy the tradeskill not for what it can provide them over the normal player but for the trade and crafting itself. But then again I came from a system that took crafting on a serious note and it took as much skill or more to be a good crafter as it did running some hard mode prescripted fight.


Just because this game is a WOW/EQ clone does not mean BW shouldnt take the best of other games that have proven to be not only better for crafters themselves but one which provides the best in game economy. besides what diffrence does it make to provide diffrent options for gear? Both are time sinks that keep the player paying, playing and busy which should be the main goal of any company keeping the cash flow running.

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Hm, if that is the case, I guess it is time to drop Diplo and possibly even Biochem again and get two more gathering skills for a bitter margin.


Then again, at one point everyone will have the best item from those pages of patch notes, and only needs stims to be useful in Raids. So the only thing that will sell on the long run will most likely be buff items.


Maybe if they add consumables for other crafts too might work. I was thinking of maybe an item that actually adds an augment slot to a piece of equipment (loot gear). That might be useful since people will need 1-2 of these after each raid run.


And just for the protocol, crafting is as hard as raiding right now. I did both and really, crafting is way more time intensive. Raiding on the other hand is less challenging and more buggy or "unknown feature"ed.

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I absolutely agree. Crafting shouldn't be depending on raiding imho. I would rather see some weaker recipes (compared to raid gear) than having to raid to get materials. Don't get me wrong, I like an occasional raid, but having to farm mats in raid areas always ends the same: You grind and grind, and while you do that you inevitably find gear that is far superior to the recipes you were farming for to begin with. Bioware, please keep crafting and raiding separate :)


I agree

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I would love to see bound to account crafted items that were on par with the best raid gear. It seems reasonable to make raid level gear cost a high number of ingredients. Instead of 2 to 6 of each type of ingredient it could be 200 of each type, for one item.


Making the crafted gear bound to account will solve the problem of competing with raid gear. Most people will find it is easier to raid for their gear, but a person that wants to have a bunch of alts and farm could be just as geared.


There should never be only one route to having the best items in a game or the game will limited to only having one type of client.


Rit – 50 Sorc

Yad – 50 agent

Mean – 50 Assassin

Whery – 45 BH

Edited by whery
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^ This. Couldn't have put it better myself.


Maybe you should care less about how others get the gear they want and more about what you enjoy doing with your time raiding or crafting. They could both be equal in stats just make the look diffrent. Or is this a contest and you just want to deny others gear because they dont subscribe or enjoy your style of play?

Edited by Noviru
edited out "e-peen" - PMing form mild rude/IC
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