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Official Q&A Thread for March 2nd, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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Artifice Currently has 2 duplicate patterns for each level 49 Enhancement just with a different name. Will this be addressed in patch 1.2 ? At first I figured the blue or purple patterns would be different, perhaps mid/maxing different stats, but that is not the case. Also will we ever be able to make enhancements better than the ones that are awarded from the level 50 daily quest ?
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As a healer in two man or three man groups, I always have a hard time keeping the companion character healed, mostly because I can't see his/her health bar.


Will you be adding the ability to add companions to the group window?

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will we see some kind of housing in the game? I t would be nice to have somewhere to stay and decorate. I know in eq 2 they do housing like a instance you step thru the door and you are in your house. Would that be possible and if it is would there be different types of housing style? I would love to see something of that in this game.
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I don't know if the questions being asked have already appeared in the forums. Anyway, When will servers be combined to make bigger PVP realms for shorter wait queues that will increase the chance that the right amount of players will be playing at the very beginning? I have often been in PVP games where not enough players join at the beginning and at the last second, players arrive shutting down the abort sequence. This is a disadvantage to most games.


When will dual specializations become available? I would like to dps in PVP and tank in PVE. However, we only have one option at this time. I feel useless in PVP as a tank, but I refuse to re-specialize.

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In last weeks Q&A you detailed upcoming changes to the crafting system with crit crafting orange gear and removing base mods from purple gear. I think that this issue needs some clarification, as what was stated essentially suggests that orange crit crafted gear will always be superior to either PvP or PvE gear. This is because players will be able to simply remove the mods in their PvP or PvE gear and place it in a piece of crit crafted orange gear that will additionally provide extra stats as a result of the augment slot. Is it your intention to make crafted gear superior to gear obtained in other ways?
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Do you plan to do anything preventing purple items market collapse after 1.2?


From materials we've recieved it looks like you swapped current system where every customer buys items multiple times through gear progression to a system when every customer is one-time buyer as soon as he gets crit-crafted orange items.

We are afraid that high-end purples will become tra******ems when we'll be able to craft critical orange for lower cost than we craft normal lvl 46 purple (low-end orange items require only normal grade 2 materials while high-end items require grade 6 materials including extremly rare end costly mission-materials, like Mandalorian Iron or Prometium) and each orange item sale essentially removes customer from buying further items from us, especially purples.

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Could you please update us on new operation, and can you confirm new operation will be in 1.2?



- are you planning to give nightmare mode higher level gear then hardmode?

- will the new flashpoint drop tionese/columi gear lke current flashpoints, or are you going to give that instance complety new sets of gear (something like oranges from low levels)?


Thanks, and keep up the good work :)

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With the changes coming in 1.2, adding Critable Orange Crafted gear...what is the concern with items that drop from a raid? For example, isn't the game going to just turn into de-modding all your received raid gear, and just putting them into your orange crit craft gear in order to min/max your DPS? Why even have raid gear drop at that point? Are there plans to have some method of adding augment SLOTS to gear? Perhaps a Slicing item that is found?
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What can we expect with the planned future inclusion of same-gender romantic content? Will current companions be available? Will content be limited to companion characters, or can we expect to meet some same-gender [Flirt] options from NPCs out in the wider game world? Any ballpark notion when we may hope to see this implemented?
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