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Official Q&A Thread for March 2nd, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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Hello i have written you numerous times since the 1st time i had the problem with a datacron on corellia connected with the size of my character. You gave me the answer that the upcoming patch will fix this problem. But there's been two major patches since my 1st ticket but the issue wasn't fixed. When are you going to fix this problem? You only promise that there will be a solution but at the very and you do nothing
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What improvements are Bioware implementing/devloping to strengthen the more "social" aspect of the swtor community? A major problem many players experience is that promoting an ingame gathering or podcast / livestream with webpage urls ingame will more or less get you warned / banned for spamming or actions taken on the secuirty front towards goldselling/phising. Finding your server forum is somewhat cluttered on the forum and not that many players as you expect actually reads it. Swtor fanpages have a wide range of readers but not likely to reach your target server audience. Edited by Puuk
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I'm just curious as to if/when there will be benefits to being of neutral alignment.

Currently, if you want to play the game as you want to, you are stuck in a neutral limbo. Not a big issue, but some items will only work if you are light II or Dark I. As far as I know you can't even use a relic (unless its a matrix cube) unless your aligned to one side.

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The Advanced Prototype specialization has a talent - "Kolto Vents" - that is worded in such a way that it seems when we first read it that it passively heals you, since the Prototype Cylinder Ventilation talent passively vents heat every six seconds. Thing is, it's actually based on the two minute cooldown ability all bounty hunters use, rather than a unique weak passive heal for the spec, making it a relatively useless talent. 7% of your maximum health every 10 seconds is virtually equal to the Operatives "Revitalizers" talent, +2% to max health every 3 seconds. Hence, it is in the game, so why not add/change it to further the playstyle goal of Advanced Prototype and make it passive, at which the spec tree seems to be about utility over high-end damage and tankiness such as its rival specs? (extreme fun)


The Question: Will we be seeing buffs/additions to Advanced Prototype's passive-utility playstyle, and changes to the current weakness of the Kolto Vents talent, such as making it permanent passive heal (as long as HEGC is active)? I stress passive, as that is what makes this specialization fun.


Perspective taken on PvP.

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The problems with bugs within some HM Flashpoints are a huge problem within the end-game community. Although some have been addressed there are many more that have been reported and talked about on the forums. Is there either a timeframe for these to be addressed or a chance of a "Current Known Issues" release from the devs to acknowledge the problems found?


Thank you,


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1. Will you be adding a function to prevent spawn camping at the ball pedastol in hutt ball and the oposing teams score line


2. also will you be adding the option to block force lighting with a saber or vibro sword


3. is there any chance of adding more acrobatic like moves with saber combat?

Edited by stms
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A Question concerning high lvl Sith Inquisitors after completing the class story events


When do Sith Inquisitors that successfully completed their class story get their own chamber at the korriban sith academy as they have proceeded into Sith Council? The lore indicates that every member of the Dark Council has its own sort of meditation chamber or room - either at Dromund Kaas or at Korriban. Right now you get quite nothing. I think this is - in terms of lore and rolelay issues - an unsadisfactory situation that needs to be changed. At least space might not be missing after the death of Darth Thanaton his former chambers and libary at Korriban are left unused.


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What about thropies after the completion of an flashpoint or killing a world boss to put on or to put in a thropy chamber on your spaceship?


What about social gear as real social gear not as another armor to wear but only to be seen for others.... ?


What about a neutral class like a pirate class that begins as neutral and has to decides after the prolog to join either the republic or the empire ?

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Currently there is a difference in difficulty in 8man content from 16m content. As a raider that means that to clear nightmare in 16m is more "prestigous" than in 8m. Are there plans to differentiate future 16 and 8 man content rewards. For instance different speeders for 8/16m and different titles for 2 hour runs in 8/16? (Not neccesarily gear but the vanity items.)
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If the point of customizable gear is to allow players to wear and look however they choose (which is even more so in 1.2 with the ability to remove mods from raid and pvp gear) then don't you feel the change to crit crafted customizable gear is counter productive in trying to reach that goal? When players have a choice between two pieces of custom gear, one looks how they want and the other piece has an extra stat slot, people will choose the gear with higher threshold of stats. So wouldn't it be a better idea to either allow augments on all gear regardless of augment slot or making it so synthweavers/armormechs can add slots to corresponding gear a more productive approach in trying to achieve the goal of allowing players to wear any piece of gear?
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Do you think "Arens's" will ever be possible? Maybe doing something similar to other MMO's and having a 2v2 tier, 3v3 tier and a 5v5 tier. I would like for me and my friends to do arena's to earn some special gear or the like.


Another question is will in-game housing ever come into play? Or will we be able to customize (aesthetically) our ships?


Thank you :D.

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