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Official Q&A Thread for March 2nd, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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Will patch 1.2 do anything to address the massive quantities of CC in PvP and the inefftiveness of resolve at countering them? It really sucks to get chained-CC'd only to have your resolve bar fill when you're at 1/4 health. Then once you're dead you see it drain away while waiting for respawn.
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Will you be improving the drop rate for purple crafting material along with the RE%? As it stands now I've literally spent over 15K on missions trying to get a 4 stack of purple at level 2 where the missions only cost about 300 cred each.
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Hi, is there anything being done to balance out tank threat? Currently, it's widely known that Guardians and Juggernaut are the worst tanks. They have trouble keeping threat on single targets due to low DPS output (and lack of "high threat" abilities) and any AOE tanking situation is a nightmare compared to the other tank classes. Edited by Galbatorrix
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Wow.. 63 pages and counting.


I have seen this question before, but it is my question for the week also.


Do you have any plans to make the codex entries expand more to show what we have and have not done on a planet? Completionists like myself want to know exactly what entry they have not done on a planet, but with six characters so far, keeping track of where I have been with which tune is pretty close to impossible.

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Is there any chance at all of tank-spec'd Juggernauts/Guardians getting an in-combat self-heal (such as a DarkCharge-alike or a VictoryRush-alike) to allow them to level and pvp without relying almost entirely on having a healing companion or pocket-healer?

It would make for a far less tedious leveling process and also allow these two tank classes to fulfil their role in pvp without racking up death after death; as well as making such classes less reliant on the flavour-of--the-month CrewSkill; Biochem.

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The game was advertised as having a lot of choices and availability of different play styles within your advanced class. Changes to Shadows/Assassins in 1.1.2 are forcing us into one of 3 specs by limiting most talents to only work in the tree-specific technique/charge.


Why is there so much hate for hybrid specs?

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In regard to same-gender romance arcs with companions, could we possibly get a little more information on how these might be implemented? Specifically, if they will be available for current companions, or only new ones in the future? Many people are in a quandary with their current or planned characters, unsure of whether they should wait to engage their current companions, be prepared to re-roll existing characters later, or just play on through to be ready for post-50 content.
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There is a thread in the forums which is called <<When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?">>

On that thread there have been alarming facts about how "dead" some servers are and how Bioware is "ignoring" peoples complaints and requests.


The numbers which are posted by a great deal of players are quite disturbing, eg many servers (mainly EU) have at peak times less than 200 people in total playing. These are legitimate complaints as they are not submitted by just a few people, but by many.


What is Biowares' official response to the ever diminishing populations on many servers and what is it going to do for all those players who would rather quit the game then to re-roll onto a more populated server and spend another 2 months leveling and gearing their characters.



1. Is there going to be a free character migration from low populated servers to higher populated ones?

2. Is there going to be a server merge for those servers which are seriously underpopulated? And if so, when can players expect to see that.


I love this game, but listen to us all, dont ignore us.

Edited by miikke
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For those players who enjoy extremely hard end game material can we expect the new end game to be more challenging. It seems many games mess end game up I firmly believe this game could define the standard of future MMOs I just want to know if your teams will focus more on end game now that the numbers of 50s is increasing.
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Are you sure that your developers didnt make any logical bug inside the loot generation, because it seems like you either messed up the srand() (random initialization) or the code where it chooses the dropped items?


PS: I farmed some social points with my lvl 50 in BT with some others and we got 3 times the same items with just pressing 1 at dialogues. The fourth time i pressed some other numbers before the last boss and it dropped an other item.

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When will we be getting more guild features, such as Guild Ships, Guild Banks, Guild mail?


We need the last 2 more then the first. The log in message doesn't have enough characters to convey all that a guild leader needs to tell people, and Guild banks will make it easier for us to help people out by having crafters keep things stocked in tabs.

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Will there be any consideration by the development team in designing planets that cater to the PvE adventurer? Far from sandbox, but I would hope to see some remote locale style artwork and have the feeling of "middle of nowhere" that you get from places like the Dune Sea on Tatooine or The Tomb on Belsavis.
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Can you please make nameplates click-able for targeting purposes, even through an object/creature.


The huge amazing models of some bosses and other monsters make it impossible to click target behind them (the click is blocked in a large area encompassing the whole creature, so even trying to click through gaps in the model is impossible. Tab targeting is a royal pain to try to select a creature you can't directly click. For me (and I don't claim to know anyone else's opinion of this) from a tanking point of view it's a "must have" change.

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Are there any plans to make an incentive for not raising your companions affection?


To clarify, there are times I am playing as a character and I am a big ol meany. And I wish to abuse my companion, but then I can not keep their affection up to get their bonuses. I feel like as a dark side player, I should be able to treat my companions meanly but bend them to my will.

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BioWare said PvP will be a big focus for them, so are there any plans to smooth out pvp? Like certain classes got an awful lot of CC, others incredible nuke. We haven't seen any major recent changes in that department, even though many dislike the current state of pvp. How are you gonna handle this delicate situation?
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