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Official Q&A Thread for March 2nd, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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The Emergency Fleet Pass & Security Vendor Fleet Passes send you to different areas for each faction. Imperials get ported to the inner circle of the main level of their Spacedock (by hanger elevators, vendors, banks etc.) while Republic players get ported to the starter planet departures hanger. Why is there a difference here, and are there plans to change the Republic port location for added convenience?
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Titles are one way that you can make your character your own, and a little more unique.


Why were all the interesting, and harder to get Titles removed from the game and when will they, or similar titles, be added back to the game?


Titles I am referring to include, "Conqueror of Balmorra", "Primeval Explorer", Scorcher of Worlds", "Shadow Hunter", etc.

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When are you guys going to address the rewards for healers for warzones/ilum. When I talk about this I am referring to the lack of medals and ever inc. difficulty in attaining medals for warzones to start. With more and more pre-mades coming up, most healers spend their entire match just spamming heals with almost no time for dps'ing. End result, dps/tanks coming away with 8-12 medals, healers... lucky to get 3-4.


Yeah against pugs, it's somewhat easy for a healer to get 7-8 medals. That also requires a match to last almost the full duration and they have to work ten times harder to get those medals then any dps or tank ever will. With ranked warzones coming up, it'll be a pita for healers to get any sort of medals.


All the medal system should be objective based imo. Then it'll force people to actually play to win and not to farm medals which a lot of people currently do. Why there has been absolutely no feed-back on this when there has be COUNTLESS posts on it is rather boggling. Just on my server alone, in the beginning days, there were a lot of healers in the matches. I could count them on one hand now on our server due to how little reward they get.


Ilum speaks for itself, you heal, you don't get credit. Ilum is a lost cause at this point anyways unless you've got a huge population on both sides so I won't even get into it.

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When are you going to add more playable races. The model work and animation for mon cal, togruta, rodian, trandoshans etc is largely done. They use the same human skeleton, so share animations. They wear existing gear with little trouble, and you can disable appearance on specific pieces that cause issues (helmets on togruta, feet/gloves on trandoshians, etc).


Please dont tell us that "Leia kissing it" requirement was serious.

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Is the Legacy system only going to be social, aesthetics (such as new races), or quality of life features? Or will we see things in it that are more like the Alternate Advancement seen in other games, where you will get bonuses in your PvE and PvP gameplay in the form of stats, augmentation of abilities, and/or new abilities? And will the Legacy system be universal for everyone, or will each class have different options?
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Can we get an aesthetics option on items, so we can maybe switch stats between items if we have a high enough crafting skill? For example, I like masks, but if I get a helmet that has better stats than my mask, I need to wear the helmet. But if I don't like the look of the helmet, I have to turn off Character Helmets, which is sad because masks are so great.


Also, you could have a certain outfit (ie all black for Sith, if a player wanted) and keep it through the game.

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Many who play Infiltration and Deception specs are concerned with our role in PvP. We are a melee class that wears light armor, and with all the ways we have to stealth and lock down a target one would assume we're designed around burst damage, then escape and do it again later.


However, many of us feel (as evidenced on the Shadow/Assassin subforums) that our dps is not high enough to justify our low survivability. Some great ideas have been tossed around, such as giving us a stronger out of stealth opener, better options for escaping on shorter cooldowns, lowering the amount of time it takes for Exit Strategy to stack, changing Find Weakness so its a stacking buff, etc.


How do the devs feel about the spec and any potential buffs they could see for it?


Thanks for your time

Edited by Rashne
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I want to know when I can wear opposite faction gear! If I want to be Juggernaut and wear Trooper armor, That's my right! Also I want to know when can I see allot more skins and armor types? Please let me see some more unique armor; maybe just some shoulder-pads and straps. Give us some Gladiator stuff. Also, I will say that the game needs more faction vitality. Can I expect to see holo-screens with the Supreme chancellor calling the Sith an 'Evil Empire?' That would go a long way to bringing the conflict to life.

Thank you

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Pre-level 40, the game is rather reminiscent of Star Wars action...fast-paced fights, moving quickly from objective to objective contributes to this. Post-40, the pace slows dramatically with higher mob densities, and more frequent Strongs. This, I feel vastly reduces the fun quotient. Is there any plans in the works to rebalance post-40 combat in favor of a more fast-paced, more Star Wars like feel?
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When will the codex work properly?


I'd love to complete all the entries, but there are so many that don't trigger (through various bugs) or are unavailable because they are tied into quests that are unavailable to the class you are playing (ie. an Imperial Agent on Korriban), as well as many other problems.

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