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Official Q&A Thread for March 2nd, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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Will we see more loot added to the game. Currently it seems all loot is cookie cutter from 90% of all Ops bosses. Will we be seeing more loot added possibly those "good sought after items" that other MMO's have that arent class specific cookie cutter Tier items. LIke offhands. shields, etc. The loot list is pretty small now.
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WHy is it so difficult to find and group with real life friends? I am not talking about adding their in game character name. And plese don't tell me to use the origin tool because it does not work with swtor for finding friends in game.

There should be an option to send friend requests to your friends account and if they know who your they can accept your friend request.

Currently I have several friends and co-workers playing the game and we constantly have to text out new character names and coordinate what server we are on and whether we are on republic or imperial side.

Friend request would allow you to see all your friends when they are online whether they are on imperial or republic and also if they are not even on your server.

I have not been able to add peoples character names to my friends list unless they are online at the same time as me.

This is not a new concept in the gaming community and Blizzard was not the first to use it with Real ID. Consoles and other PC games have been doing this for years.

I play this game because so many of my real life friends are playing it. It should not be such a hassle to find and group with them in the game.

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I have played many MMOs and Everquest was my first. A Unique feature was the ability to declare war on another guild. When this happened if you came across another member of that guild you were able to PVP that player even if you both were in the same faction. I would love it if SWTOR had the feature in the game. This would make being in a guild not only a great experience but add to the team play factor.
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The new emotes mentioned in the last Q&A that will be unlocked by the Legacy system is a great start, but I'm curious as to what other features you have planned (not necessarily ready to go, mind you) for the future for the role-players of the game?
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Are there any current plans to give Imperial players access to more military-based armor sets? We've got the Officer uniforms (only useable by Agents and Warriors), and the CE Imperial Trooper set (CE only, orange set), but we really don't have anything on the level that Republic players get access to. There are several unique armor styles visible on NPC's (Think Taris, Hoth, Quesh); any chance that we'll be getting access to these looks sometime in the near future?
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Performance , when will this be addresed ?


HP p6647y

phenomII quad core 2.8 mhz

6 gigs ddr 3 1333

7200rpm hdd

Radeon 6670hd Video 1 gig ddr5

Windows 7 64 premium home edition

the specs of my pc benchmark well above the minumal specs thats posted


12 fps on illum 50fps on fleet 60+ fps operations.


why the difrence ? Why is the game not preloading texures in ram and bottlenecking from the HDD waiting for texures to load. This is 2012 and 12 vs 12 fights should not make even the beafiest of pcs have a performance degrade .


Even if it is as you guys claim 5% and you got roughly 300k subscribers thats still $175,000 a month you are gonna be loosing if you guys dont get a handle on this and Id advice you do it fast as my $15 amonth will be one of those .

Edited by Duie
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With the Legacy system encouraging us to make a 'family' of alts, will you implement further character creation tools and character alteration in game?


I'd love some of my characters to have proper wrinkles etc, as the npcs of the same models do, so that my Legacy family has more depth and soul to it.

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With a new operation and ranked war zones coming in the 1.2 patch, will a new set of PVE and PVP gear beyond 140 rating (beyond Rakata or Battlemaster) be released that will drop in the new operation or be attained through ranked war zones? Edited by Blazzen
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Dear Dev Team,


I'm a very quiet poster but I thought I would ask this.


It's very asked a few times each week and I know the people who are asking are feeling disheartened over the lack of communication on this issue. Most other content has been addressed in some way shape or form but the question of same gender relations has not even received a 'we are working on it' which is something we would really appreciate. So here is my question to you.


Bioware, can you please confirm that you are working on same gender relations with our companions please? No time line is required but something to mention that this is or is not being considered for implementation would do wonders for the community as a whole.



Thank you very much for reviewing my question and the consideration at the possibility of answering.



Xeres_Ajani (Miira Lore of Giradda the Hutt server)

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Greetings! As a guild leader, I find the daunting task of having to keep track of who gets/deserves loot drops in Operations Hard Modes and Nightmare Modes the typical chore. Contrary to popular opinion, I believe as a guild, we mostly enjoyed the auto assigned loot functionality of the Normal modes and how easy it made management.


Is there any chance that this functionality could be pushed as a looting option for the other two modes? As a caveat, could it also be made possible to enable a 1 hour cooldown to trade a Bind on Pickup Loot piece to another Ops participant in order to not see items go to waste in this loot mode style?

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