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Worst Star Wars Character Of All Time.....GO!


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I know many will disagree here but....Darth Maul.


I never liked him. The first time i saw him, i was like...."what is this supposed to be...the devil", IMO he was a massive red flag that the prequels where going to disappoint.


Now, had he lived maybe i would feel different about him, maybe with the right character development.


Now that he is back in "clone wars", we will see.


His character development is already established in a brilliant book called Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter. It's set just before TPM. I haven't read it for a while now but what I remember of it made the character seem more alive and far more intimidating and extends beyond what you see in the movie.

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His character development is already established in a brilliant book called Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter. It's set just before TPM. I haven't read it for a while now but what I remember of it made the character seem more alive and far more intimidating and extends beyond what you see in the movie.


Well, that's the main problem with the movies in general. You pretty much have to read the novelizations to actually know what's going on and who's who.

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Well to be fair to the temple, it was mostly padawans the 501st killed and some knights which isn't a real challenge at all. Plus its the Empire's fault for underestimating a seemingly insignifcant species.


There is no defense for it. They aren't seemingly insignificant, they were insignificant. Taking the situation to its logical conclusion, rather than a Lucas conclusion, it's the equivalent of pitting 19th Century Zulu warriors against a modern brigade of the 101st Airborne Division.

Edited by Rikalonius
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I know many will disagree here but....Darth Maul.


I never liked him. The first time i saw him, i was like...."what is this supposed to be...the devil", IMO he was a massive red flag that the prequels where going to disappoint.


Now, had he lived maybe i would feel different about him, maybe with the right character development.


Now that he is back in "clone wars", we will see.


It would have been better if Maul remained, other than Palatine, the main antagonist throughout the series. Instead Lucas had to give us Dooku in II, out of nowhere mind you, and then Grievous in III, whose appearance came in the Clone Wars Cartoon, but was still pretty much out of nowhere. This monster of the week formula is one of the many proverbial straws that broke the camel’s back when it came to the prequels.


So much could have been done with Anakin as far as showing his fall by linking it to his pursuit of Darth Maul, first as a desire for justice for Qui Gonn, and then later in pure revenge.

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My most hated character in SW of all time is actually from this game... Sergent Rusk...can't stand him...C2-N2, Revenge of the Sith Battle Droids, and Jar Jar Binks are close seconds, thirds, etc....


Edit: Post above reminded me. Ahsoka. Hate her.

Edited by Lithy
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There is no defense for it. They aren't seemingly insignificant, they were insignificant. Taking the situation to its logical conclusion, rather than a Lucas conclusion, it's the equivalent of pitting 19th Century Zulu warriors against a modern brigade of the 101st Airborne Division.


You are so wrong there my friend.


It's like koala bears acting like 19th century zulu warriors.


And in answer to your question Jacen Solo. Went from whiny little girl to complete ***. Best was Anekin Solo.

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My most hated character in SW of all time is actually from this game... Sergent Rusk...can't stand him...C2-N2, Revenge of the Sith Battle Droids, and Jar Jar Binks are close seconds, thirds, etc....


Edit: Post above reminded me. Ahsoka. Hate her.


I agree that SGT Rusk is useless and an incompetent field commander. Personally, he's in my "Why are you here?" column along with Tanno Vik and Skadge. Skadge should still be rotting away on Belsavis, with Vik and Rusk joining him there.


Vik went from dishonorably discharged from military service to serving in the top SpecOps squad in the Republic Army. And from what I've seen so far, Fuse was better at his job than Vik, and a nicer guy, too. My ONLY theory about why Garza would saddle us with that oxygen thief is that he's her revenge for all the times we mouthed off to her during Chapter 1.


Rusk was obvious. The Republic Army decided to assign him where he would do the least amount of damage to his own men. With a Jedi Knight that is never going to use him.


And Skadge STILL has me going HOW THE HELL when I think of how he managed to weasel his way onto my ship....

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There is no defense for it. They aren't seemingly insignificant, they were insignificant. Taking the situation to its logical conclusion, rather than a Lucas conclusion, it's the equivalent of pitting 19th Century Zulu warriors against a modern brigade of the 101st Airborne Division.


Except the Empire didn't have a Division on Endor, it had a Legion which during the Empire a legion to them was only 8,192 troops. Your right they were insignificant to the AT-STs, however to the stormtroopers which mind you were jumped by groups of Ewoks and stabbed hit over the hit with rocks spears are not gonna survive if they are constantly being hit. They also were having help from Han/Leia, and Rebel specforce wilderness fighters, it wasn't until Chewie got a hold of the AT-ST did the battle turn around because the AT-STs were decimating the Ewoks. Ewoks weren't totally insignificant though, should have been clear they were but not completely.

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