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    music, games, and just chilling as life goes on
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    Warehouse/Mail service
  1. Kamehameha wave > Death Star beam.
  2. I believe the Sith are evil. Think of some of the Sith lords in the Star Wars Universe. Odds are each one of them have done something horrible to a person or group of people (kill, poison, electrocute, choke, slavery, execution). Some do it for sheer pleasure others do it for power. They each believe that strength comes from anger and hate and that would most likely make them seem evil, assuming none of them use happiness or joy in their strength in the Force. They kill each other; they kill the weak; they kill their servants when they don't fulfill their duties; They enjoy watching others suffer; They rule their empire through fear; and they interrogate people for information through suffering and near-death methods.The majority of the Sith lords and apprentices are evil. Some more than others. In the game, nearly every Sith lord I've encountered has done something that is horrible or willed for me to do something horrible. However, not EVERY Sith is evil. There are those who use their emotions to gain power and fight their enemies in order to defend themselves or another for a good reason. I'm sure there are some who have even tried to be good, whether it was sparing an innocent, helping someone in need, or showing kindness. But for most of them, Sith are evil and will always be seen as evil.
  3. I would say ugnaughts. Tiny, disgusting looking, can't fight, and have the most annoying way of talking or communicating.
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