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To put it gently, I agree with these guys..


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So why do you feel it was too easy or why do you think it was to repetitive, can you give examples to these.


By giving examples will allow for others to see where you are coming from and maybe possibly allow the developers to look into that issue.


Correct, the players are not the developers, but the developers designed the game in a way and might not see what you are talking about when you make a statement like "It's to easy". Just saying that says nothing. Whats to easy? The crafting, the quests, the flashpoints? How is it to easy, does the boss die to fast, can you solo it, what?


By giving constructive feedback allows others to see what your talking about, but just spouting off rants is nothing but trolling.


You're generally right. There's plenty of threads all over the forums where many people, myself included when I was still playing the game and during the beta, gave plenty of specific feedback. This thread here was about a blog, not specific gameplay problems. So the statements are broader, more generic. I don't think I should have a signature attached with specific feedback about everything I believe the game is doing wrong to validate every post I make.


This discussion is off-topic for this particular thread. I do not like the game for many reasons. These reasons can be found in many other threads in the general forum, the flashpoints forum, the class forum, the pvp forum, etc. Right now, in here, the specific reasons are irrelevant. It's sufficient for the scope of this thread to just say that I don't like the game and comment on the subject of the thread. And I would like to be able to do so without a number of people jumping at my throat over this as if I'm some kind of infidel.

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Yup, it's too bad BioWare didn't make a single game instead. It could have been amazing (not to mention it would have made more money). Hell, they could have made multiple games.


I have this awesome idea...


What if they made 8 different versions of KOTOR 3 and sold them each for 59.99!! The once you finish your story you could pay 14.99 a month to play the rest of the end game material and do things like PvP, etc.









Just put out TOR and offer everything at once. You know, an MMO.



BTW, if you don't like it, why are you still here. hmmmmmmm

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So why do you feel it was too easy or why do you think it was to repetitive, can you give examples to these.


By giving examples will allow for others to see where you are coming from and maybe possibly allow the developers to look into that issue.


Correct, the players are not the developers, but the developers designed the game in a way and might not see what you are talking about when you make a statement like "It's to easy". Just saying that says nothing. Whats to easy? The crafting, the quests, the flashpoints? How is it to easy, does the boss die to fast, can you solo it, what?


By giving constructive feedback allows others to see what your talking about, but just spouting off rants is nothing but trolling.


Quests come in three variety's:


Kill x amount of x enemies


Collect x amount of x items


Plant x amount of x items


From 1-50.


But that's not even the problem, every MMORPG has repetitive quests, it's basically the nature of MMORPGs, questing is there only to get you to level cap.


The problem is this game promotes the making and playing of Alts. Not a bad thing in and of itself, actually it makes sense. Time was spent on crafting each classes individual story, and they wish for us to see it. I get it. Like the stories or not, I get it.


The problem is you are going to be doing the same repetitive quests, in the same repetitive manner, EVERY.SINGLE.TIME.


Would it really have killed them to give each class different sub-quests, thereby making the Alt process not only a lot easier, but a lot more fun? Yes, other games have you do the same quests, but other games are not begging you to make Alts. This game is.


The crafting? Where do I start. Shallow, Lifeless, Useless. Seriously, I've never played an MMORPG where the crafting system was so rudimentarily simplified and dumbed down. It's horrible. I'm a huge crafter in MMORPG's and this games crafting system leaves a lot to be desired.


As far as it being easy, it's because the game throws so much Exp at you, that by the time you leave a planet and go to the next one (In a pre-set determined path) you already out level that planet by about 5 levels. This means you hit 50, and you probably still have two full planets of quests left, plus a huge amount of bonus quests.


Let's not mention how hard it is to get a group to run Flashpoints on about 70% of the servers. Nor how backwards it is. I have to be sitting in Fleet to get a group for a Flashpoint. I can't be out questing, I have to sit at the *********** fleet for hours. I mean, really? No Global LFG channel? What the ****..


Ugh. I gotta stop. The more I think about it, the more this game disappoints me.

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I started with original EQ, with trains, no instances, a PVP server, brutal corpse runs, and I had more fun and pain with that game than any in my lifetime.


Can you imagine the tears from gamers these days with a game like that?


Looking back that game was like hardcore mode.

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This. All these fanbois just want a bunch of yes-men nodding their heads and saying everything is great. They can't stand that someone else has a different opinion of the game. A lot of us that don't like the game don't go around to every post that say they like the game and be like OMG YOUR OPINION ISNT VALID YOU STUPID NOOB LOLOL. But every thread of someone posting why they DO NOT like the game is full of fanbois trying to invalidate someone else.


That more than any trolling truly shows how this community works.


If the forums are full of "this game is perfect" bioware doesn't improve, the game fails because everyone leaves without saying what is wrong.


You fanbois don't have to agree with our opinions on the game, but you don't have to post on a criticism thread either =)


Ah but that is not always true. I am not saying that you are one to do this but there are several people who do go out of the way to post hate into topics that are having perfectly good discussions.


Plus not every thread of someone not likely something is attacked by fanbois. Sure if you make a thread saying I hate this and I hate that, yes that is going to be attacked, but if you take the time to say things like or lets say You dont like the UI, the try making a post that say I think the UI can be improved by doing xyz.


This tends to create a better discussion, it allows you to still say that you dont like something, but in a more constructive way and tends to get discussion going instead of flame wars with trolls on both sides.


This game isn't perfect, it does need work. So if you have the slightest care about helping then help. If you dont then dont say anything, this goes for both the haters and the fanbois.

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I started with original EQ, with trains, no instances, a PVP server, brutal corpse runs, and I had more fun and pain with that game than any in my lifetime.


Can you imagine the tears from gamers these days with a game like that?


Looking back that game was like hardcore mode.


Amen to that my brother, Amen..

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In this day, I dont really believe its a question of, Bioware worked hard on this game, they made it for you and you should appreciate it, if not get out. But more of that the entire gaming industry just lacks innovation and promise.


People signed onto these forums in 2008 i think? maybe later? Don't quote me, but my point is, us as fans and gamers become hyped and devote ourselves to these games, and these companies lead us to believe that their game is going to be much worth our time and money, and then after 2 months of playing this game that you waited so long for, you discover that its really just another game. Not the promising, immersive world you were looking for, or even told you were going to get.


I'm not meaning to bag on Bioware specifically, I really mean the state of the industry as a whole. There are some growing pains happening and game developers across the board are playing catch up with their market.

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I have this awesome idea...


What if they made 8 different versions of KOTOR 3 and sold them each for 59.99!! The once you finish your story you could pay 14.99 a month to play the rest of the end game material and do things like PvP, etc.









Just put out TOR and offer everything at once. You know, an MMO.



BTW, if you don't like it, why are you still here. hmmmmmmm



Wow! No need to be so rude. I was just stating the obvious. I'm still here because I was foolish enough to buy the 6 month deal, I couldn't think this game could fail. But I was proven wrong.

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People gave constructive criticism during beta. They were ignored.


Not having everything you suggested get into the game at launch is NOT "being ignored". This might startle you, but the devs had a lot of bugs to fix, and not every bug is equally time-intensive to assess and correct.


Just read this:




It explains pretty thoroughly why this kind of complaint is unreasonable.


We were sold an unfinished product, that did nothing to hide the fact it was unfinished.


You're saying that you knew what to expect, and didn't think that you'd like it, but bought it anyhow. So in other words, you're a poor consumer, and are angry about the fact that you make poor choices. I truly do want to be sympathetic, but... I'm not feeling it here.


YES. This is an MMO. They change over time. Many features that the devs promised won't be in at launch. Some won't ever appear. That's how every MMO has worked for the last 13 years.

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Most of them are rants and they dont really offer any possible solutions or suggestions. They tend to go off on some tanget about how bad the game is, how bad Bioware is, how bad Star Wars is and do so without adding anything useful. You know just saying the UI sucks is one thing but saying the UI needs work and this is a way that it can be fixed it yet another.



Sorry but if I as a gamer who has played Online Multiplayer games since Terris and UO have to explain to a game developer how he /she should make it possible to move around my windows

and be able to scale them

and not have every window close when I close one

and have a auction house that takes after what has worked for years

and have tooltips that show me if I have a schematic already when searching the GTN and...and... and....


If I actually have to tell him that this basic stuff should be in the game( should've been at realease ) then A: He should be fired and I should get his job and B: He hasn't played a MMO in his life.


So these people who complain about the UI without "solutions" have the insight and common sense to know that listing these obvious things does nothing.



P.S. I love the genre, and SW and I have hope for fixes but I fully back quitters right to rant and feel offended that the developers would release such an unfinished game.


Now if you will excuse me I have to go move all of the stuff I want to sell to the right of my inventory so I will be able to click on them :)

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Not a bad read.


I would be very much against saying their is a bug or quality issue that is noticable as overly problematic aside from crashes or the like.


But there is a general feel or design aspect to the game that makes it fun for the first month or two and then it becomes less fun. As an RPG it falls short as the story is too generic and ultimately boring. None of the choice seem to make any difference, none of the conversation choices have any effect.


As a multiplayer game too much is invested in the themepark elements so there is little crafting, raiding or PvP or community.

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Quests come in three variety's:


Kill x amount of x enemies


Collect x amount of x items


Plant x amount of x items


From 1-50.


But that's not even the problem, every MMORPG has repetitive quests, it's basically the nature of MMORPGs, questing is there only to get you to level cap.


The problem is this game promotes the making and playing of Alts. Not a bad thing in and of itself, actually it makes sense. Time was spent on crafting each classes individual story, and they wish for us to see it. I get it. Like the stories or not, I get it.


The problem is you are going to be doing the same repetitive quests, in the same repetitive manner, EVERY.SINGLE.TIME.


Would it really have killed them to give each class different sub-quests, thereby making the Alt process not only a lot easier, but a lot more fun? Yes, other games have you do the same quests, but other games are not begging you to make Alts. This game is.


The crafting? Where do I start. Shallow, Lifeless, Useless. Seriously, I've never played an MMORPG where the crafting system was so rudimentarily simplified and dumbed down. It's horrible. I'm a huge crafter in MMORPG's and this games crafting system leaves a lot to be desired.


As far as it being easy, it's because the game throws so much Exp at you, that by the time you leave a planet and go to the next one (In a pre-set determined path) you already out level that planet by about 5 levels. This means you hit 50, and you probably still have two full planets of quests left, plus a huge amount of bonus quests.


Let's not mention how hard it is to get a group to run Flashpoints on about 70% of the servers. Nor how backwards it is. I have to be sitting in Fleet to get a group for a Flashpoint. I can't be out questing, I have to sit at the *********** fleet for hours. I mean, really? No Global LFG channel? What the ****..


Ugh. I gotta stop. The more I think about it, the more this game disappoints me.


Wrong, you don't have to do all the repetive quests. If you do space missions, pvp WF a couple times a day, and do your class quest only you will level just fine. Class quests will be different from the other class you played. I'm doing this now with my alt, the planets I enjoy I run all the quests, the planets I'm not fond of I make the xp from pvp and space missions.

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So these people who complain about the UI without "solutions" have the insight and common sense to know that listing these obvious things does nothing.


You've started thinking this through but not completed the process, I fear. You're quite right; if something truly is obvious (as opposed to just being something YOU THINK is obvious; you might be horribly mistaken after all) then there's not a lot of value in posting it. The problem is, this applies far more to obvious statements such as "The UI isn't very customizable" than to suggestions such as "the chat box is often in my way and I'd like to be able to move and resize it". The former is completely obvious; the devs already know that the UI isn't very customizable.


So the complaints honestly provide little to no actual benefit. They're generally composed of a lot of subjective opinions couched as objective fact (e.g. PvP in this game sucks), along with some dreadfully obvious statements of actual objective fact (e.g. there's a faction imbalance on many servers that affects open world PvP).


On the other hand, actual constructive criticism isn't just composed of complaints, which again aren't helpful at all. Constructive criticism provides suggestions for how YOU think things could be improved. Note that your opinions about how things can be improved are just that: your opinions. Despite the fact that you've played some or many MMOs, this doesn't actually make you a dev nor qualify you to speak on behalf of any players except yourself.

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Wrong, you don't have to do all the repetive quests. If you do space missions, pvp WF a couple times a day, and do your class quest only you will level just fine. Class quests will be different from the other class you played. I'm doing this now with my alt, the planets I enjoy I run all the quests, the planets I'm not fond of I make the xp from pvp and space missions.


Space missions are more repetitive and boring than the quests themselves

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I have been playing MMO's since 1998. I have played a few different games and enjoyed most. I was really into WOW. I beta tested SWTOR. I am really enjoying the game. I do not sit on the forums and analyze everything that is written, then form an opinion. I play the game with my friends and family and just let it flow over me. I guess I could say the game has bugs and quirks but it's also very entertaining.


I have been on missions, FP, quests, pvping, crafting, and datacron hunting. I guess I feel either you get off these boards and find something you like to do. If you don't like this game, move on.


Pyre of Empress Tita :cool:

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I haven't been keeping up closely with these guys. But Keen is uncannily right in his perceptions a vast majority of the time. Besides his assessments, in addition I can not tolerate the bugs and poor design elements which just make you wonder about the designers professionalism, if not their talent. Also the general game management structure and failure of proper public relations and in game support.


It was great while it lasted and save something biblical in effect to change how the game plays and feels, I do not see this title lasting. I'll hang out a while longer, probably go back to an older title like DDO.. I'm sure they've added content by now..


Look. We all know who this person is. Nobody is fooled.


The person that wrote this blog is clearly the lead developer from Star Wars: Super Bombad Racing.


This blog is an obvious attempt to get us forget about that game. But I have news for him...


We haven't forgotten.


And we never will.

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"There isn’t a community at all. This feels like a single-player game. I rarely saw another player while leveling. People are just crammed into the station.

No one needs to communicate with or interact with other players on any level.

Players do not have to rely on each other.

Essentially there is no “massively multiplayer” feel."



I don't get it. These are GOOD things....


VERY good things.

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I have no idea why you feel so hostile about what I wrote; it's true. It was clearly shown recently with the Jennifer Hepler insanity. SWTOR is no worse than any other MMO out there, and far far better than most. And yet, all the complaints tend to boil down to "In WoW, you..." or "WoW does this instead of...".


As I said; your average game nowadays is immature, generally disrespectful, and doesn;t have a clue of what he or she wants out of their games. All they know how to do is complain. Furthermore, it has nothing to do with SWTOR; it has to do with this exact, same pattern playing out on the message boards of every single solitary MMO released in the last, say, 5 years. I've played them all. All. Every last AAA MMO released in the last 10 years, even WoW (for about 34 levels before I gave up out of, yes, boredom).


This cycle has played out on the message baords for every one of those games, but it has really ramped up in the last 4-5 years.


This is pretty much the exact same sentiment that I feel. EVERY MMO that has come out in the past 5 years has suffered because a small, but very vocal, minority of MMO "players" have come out with extremely divisive rhetoric that basically causes negative feelings towards the game to ripple through the community which in turns causes people to think twice about subscribing and eventually the game dies due to lack of funding.


Back in the "good old days", MMO players understood that an MMO was a continuous work in progress and that it would never be complete. The whole point of paying $15/month was so that you would be playing a game that changed and updated over time (well, also to pay for live GMs in game that would run events, but that unfortunately never really came to pass and is an entirely separate point of contention for ALL MMOs).


Now days, people expect that a new MMO is going to contain every feature that every previous MMO has ever incorporated over its entire existence and at the same time be both completely different and yet somehow the same as all the other MMOs that had preceded it.


Now, I am not saying that people who don't like TOR or any other MMO don't have a legitimate grievance. Sure, no game is going to appeal to everyone, and while some people will tolerate a game at a certain level, others will not. Fair enough. If you don't like a game, it's your money and no one is forcing you to play it. You are free to leave and go back to playing the kinds of games that you do like to play.


However, part of the problem these days is that that "threshold for tolerance" among many gamers has essentially been lowered to nil. If a game does not meet all of their expectations and the devs don't deliver on what the player wants IMMEDIATELY, they scream bloody-murder and denounce the game as trash and the worst thing ever made. In the end, these gamers will never be satisfied and will forever be un-happy.


What baffles me with TOR is the pure amount of unbridled HATE that has been heaped towards it since launch. I can't think of any other MMO that has endured this sort of mud-dragging, and that includes games like STO and Champions Online which were far, far inferior to TOR. Anyone who actually tries to stick up for TOR on a forum, blog, or whatever is laughed away and made the object of scorn (kinda like being a Star Wars fan in general). Where was this hate during beta? Or the months and years during the games development? Most of these "unhappy" gamers appear to have accounts made in December of 2011, which to me indicates that they never followed the game or were a part of this community until they actually bought TOR. BioWare's goal with TOR was clear from the moment they announced TOR. They did not want to re-invinte the wheel, but augment it. And those of us who have been following TOR since the very beginning know we got exactly that: a traditional MMO with a traditional RPG storyline. And for most of us, especially us old-school traditional MMORPG players, this is all we wanted out of the launch product. After the game came out, we knew that in the months and years to follow TOR would change and adapt and become much more then just "an MMO with a story". Because that's how an MMO progresses over its life-cyle...or that's how they used to until the vicious cycle of the past few years started to spring up.


I guess what I am trying to say is that many people no longer have any patience or the willingness to be a part of a community and help a game grow and become better over time. That does take commitment and a willingness to invest a little bit of time and money (doesn't take much), but I guess those are qualities that are becoming few and far between these days.


I am not saying that TOR is the best MMO to ever be released, because the best MMO ever made has never been released, and probably never will be. But it is certainly not the worst MMO and given the same amount of time and attention that certain other MMOs have been afforded by the MMO community, it will be one of the better ones in the genre.

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So lets see. These are his bullet remakrs.




•Too repetitive

•At first the story disguises the grind, but when you’ve reached the 5th planet giving you the same cliche story arcs, it’s hard to suspend disbelief. The writing for a lot of the quests was bad.

•Too boring, maintaining a very generic feel.




•I have no desire to make alts. Maybe this falls under questing. I can’t do it again.

•Only a few of the classes felt fun or interesting, and the mirrors were a little too obvious. I can’t, for example, go play a Juggernaut after playing a Guardian. They are the same thing.




•In many ways, pointless. Only Biochem and maybe Cybertech are useful.

• No meaningful connection between players. Crafting is pretty much a solo experience.




•All but the first dungeon felt very boring to me. I couldn’t bring myself to do them more than once.

•They didn’t have that replayability factor that WoW dungeons had — I could run Scholomance a dozen times but I cringe thinking about running a SWTOR dungeon.


End-game PvE and PvP


•Gear treadmills aren’t fun for me.

•I don’t like the Expertise stat at all.


How the game feels


•Combat feels off for me as a Jedi Knight. There’s a disconnect somewhere. Maybe a delay, maybe a GCD issue, maybe the animations.

•It’s not quite “WoW in space” because I think SWTOR falls short of what WoW achieved in the ‘feel’ department. For what it is, WoW has a lot of depth (which might sound like an oxymoron because themeparks do not have a lot of depth) and SWTOR did not capture the player in any sense of “world”. The game actually felt closer to Warhammer Online’s truncated questing hubs.




•There isn’t a community at all. This feels like a single-player game. I rarely saw another player while leveling. People are just crammed into the station.

•No one needs to communicate with or interact with other players on any level.

•Players do not have to rely on each other.

•Essentially there is no “massively multiplayer” feel.



Too Repetative he says in his first bullet. ALL mmorpg's are repetative. At least here Some quests are different other then wow where every quest is the same for every character per faction you make. Then he talks about the "grind". I felt more of the grind in wow and FFXI then I ever have here. Point is, ALL mmorpgs are grinds end of story. Seems to me this blog guy needs to play a non mmorpg game, when it comes to questing.


Then he doesnt want to make alts. Thats one of the main points of a theme park game. Making Multiple characters. If you dont do that then you really are gimping yourself in the theme park mmorpg. As far as feeling fun, I love my sniper and Sorc. assasssin. I hate my Sith Warrior. There is always going to be at least one class you dont like the feel of, if not more. In wow I liked the hunter. Every other class felt the way you feel.


About the crafting, I aggree here somewhat. The crafting does need a buff but it is still fun none the less.


Reguarding dungons. I am exactly the opposite here. In wow I HATED the dungons. They always took way to long, had NO STORY to them that I could keep track of and were boring. This includes wow vanilla, BC, wotlk and cata. However, in this game, the story fr the flashpoints are intrieging and fun. I listen to them and pick different options every time if possible. The boss fights are not bugged in any I have ran , and I eagerly wait everyday so I can run them again because they are just that fun.


The end game PVP/PVE are the same as WOW, FFXI, EQ2, EQ, LOTRO, and DCUO and probably more. This is a T H E M E P A R K. They rely heavily on the RAID/PVP or DIE model. There is NOTHING to do in these games other then those two things.. The point of theme parks are the gear treadmils. I dont like them very much eaither but they are whta they are. Again, it sounds to me like you are looking for a Sandbox mmorpg and not a theme park. Ultima Online how I miss you.


The game feels to me like its good. Im sorry you do not enjoy it but I currently think this game is 100x better in this aspect then wow.


Now to the cumminity section. I have seen way more players while leveling my SECOND character then I did in wow. In wow everyine is crammed in Org and Stormwind so you dont really see anyone else while leveling. In this game I have recruited 15 level 10-20 people on dormundkaas in the past 5-10 minutes. There have been plenty of others who are there as well turning me down.


Im sorry but you saying no one needs to communicate with anyone is wrong. Everyday I communicate with my guild members in order to make sure everyone finishd their heroic quests and to see who wants to run the regular flashpoints while leveling. More over, I run HM Flashpoints everyday and communication is needed for that, not to mention the operation I run every saturday.


Lastly, I rely heavily on my guild members as they rely on me. We all need to work together and be there for each other in order to run stuff/ If you do not rely on each other then you will never get anything done. Please dont say pugs because pugs do not excist on my server, Bergren Colony.


Thank you OP and random blog posting guy.


The point here is that while the OP or blog posting person may not enjoy this game, my wife and I do.


Me and my wife's enjoyment >Some random blog posting guys opinion of that game that doesnt matter if we are enjoying it.

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"YES. This is an MMO. They change over time. Many features that the devs promised won't be in at launch. Some won't ever appear. That's how every MMO has worked for the last 13 years."


Exactly why many MMO's in the last 2 to 3 years fail cause people have the sense of this is how it works for mmo. Which if it worked for an mmo they wouldn't be going f2p and dropping subs. The problem is people like this person assume gettting a half made game and it's light on content can get fixed after launch with patches. Instead of the company actually making a solid game with minimal bugs and lots of content.


Lets be serious what worked for WOW isnt working anymore even WOW is losing tons of subs so not sure how saying every MMO has worked like this is a good thing. EA/Bioware didnt think to hard about well we can dangle these basic features for months and most will stay or come back. When in fact i can think of 3 big MMO's that are right around the corner that offer alot more and its only THEIR BETA.


Love star wars and bioware games, just obvious bioware was in over their heads and should of stuck to SP games.

Edited by madmikeyb
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Sorry but if I as a gamer who has played Online Multiplayer games since Terris and UO have to explain to a game developer how he /she should make it possible to move around my windows

and be able to scale them

and not have every window close when I close one

and have a auction house that takes after what has worked for years

and have tooltips that show me if I have a schematic already when searching the GTN and...and... and....


If I actually have to tell him that this basic stuff should be in the game( should've been at realease ) then A: He should be fired and I should get his job and B: He hasn't played a MMO in his life.


So these people who complain about the UI without "solutions" have the insight and common sense to know that listing these obvious things does nothing.



P.S. I love the genre, and SW and I have hope for fixes but I fully back quitters right to rant and feel offended that the developers would release such an unfinished game.


Now if you will excuse me I have to go move all of the stuff I want to sell to the right of my inventory so I will be able to click on them :)




this is spot on imo.

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Space missions are more repetitive and boring than the quests themselves


So basically there are several ways you can choose to level your toon, not all involving doing the same quests (which mind you is every MMO I've ever played), but that's not good enough?


So in your infinite wisdom and gaming genious, what would you have them do?


Viable ways to level in SWTOR:



Space Missions

Standard Quests

Class Quests


Group quests on planets


I can confirm these all work just fine, as I've used them all to level. Actually used all of them to level which keeps it from getting boring.


I guess they can add lower level operations, but I think it would make more sense to develop those for end game.


The people complaining about content really just don't like MMO's, because you can't name one MMO that doesn't use the above to level. And in a lot of games, not all of these choices are even viable because the xp sucks. It's actually VIABLE in this game, as the xp is decent for all of these activities.

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Kinda makes me wonder. People have put up with far worse and even now tout how awesome it was. Has the gamer nation as a whole turned into such wusses?


That has nothing to do with it... I'm not sure "putting up with it" is the trait of a gamer at all. Expectations were high, and generally not met.

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"There isn’t a community at all. This feels like a single-player game. I rarely saw another player while leveling. People are just crammed into the station.

No one needs to communicate with or interact with other players on any level.

Players do not have to rely on each other.

Essentially there is no “massively multiplayer” feel."



I don't get it. These are GOOD things....


VERY good things.


Not if you want the game to survive.

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