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10 Good
  1. Having issues with heat as well, the new talent just doesn't work as well as before the change for me. Using the same rotation as before and I over heat much faster......
  2. If you rezz a dead player who is flagged pvp you get flagged as well, and dead players show up with gray names above thier heads so how would you know if they were flagged or not...this happened to me on Tat. when i came upon a dead player in the middle of nowhere, it wasn't any kind of greifing trap but I was still forced into pvp mode. I can't understand why they have not implemented the fix of the exploits and a hard wall between the two flags to prevent spells from effecting your flag state accidentally.
  3. Ah didn't think of that.....kind of appeals to me actually to stay in the 1-49 WZ's right now, lol. Don't care for the TTK in 50 wz's atm
  4. Thought I put this in the suggestion box.... if a mod would be kind enough to move it.
  5. It would be nice if we could have a way to turn off experience when using our characters. I play with a group of people and must forgo using my main and favorite character many times because we all have hectic schedules and I don't want to out level them by doing WZ's or flashpoints without them. Also a related idea I had is a reverse bolster type command where if I want to run my main with some lowbie friends I can "debuff" my character to their level. COH had this and I thought it was great for grouping with my friends, some of which are slow levelers.
  6. Nah I would have to be angry to be projecting, it's friday night I have nothing to be angry about lol. I played it from release 7 years with a few months off here or there to try a diff MMO so hey I guess I know first hand too. I don't really read about the mythology of DAOC that you are speaking of and perhaps it wasn't perfect ( what is? ) but it was better than any system that I've come across since imo.
  7. By your posts you sound a little angry about other peoples opinion of what fun PvP is. SWTOR is not likely to turn into DAOC so relax, no need for the fierce attitude . Personally I found relic raids to be Epic, perhaps it was your definition of zerg vs zerg but I think it was Realm Vs Realm at it's finest. Even the roaming gank squads were like the special forces of each realm, they would patrol and spark battles with other groups trying to get back to the big battle. fights at mile gates, stealthers giving intel in chat on who's going where....it was awesome that was real RvR. Premades are in every game and if SWTOR were to make Ilum like DAOC of old it wouldn't make them any more prevalent then they are already. As for the notion of farming rpees what do you think people are doing in WZ's now? Incentives such as Valor or rp's just bring more people to the fight which in my opinion is better than no people....like it was a few days ago when you got crumbs of valor unless you won.
  8. Never played WOW couldn't stand the art style, but DAOC is absolutely the one pvp system I wish another game would copy I had a blast in the frontiers for years....crafting and the housing were great as well. Agreed on SWG but for some reason I ended up back at DAOC after a few months. EQ was awesome for it's time, the leveling process was torture but I felt so much more immersed in that world than most other MMO's and I do believe it had something to do with the "danger" of the world when making your way around. COH was great fun, my brother still plays it sometimes but after I hit 50 and made I ton of cool looking characters it became dull...best character creation though I would give to Champions Online ....basically the same thing as COH but updated
  9. Thanks Teach I feel oh so humbled and I just don't know what I would do without your condescending speech. Although it really didn't refute anything I was talking about. The UI flaws are obvious smart people aren't going to waste time listing things the dev's knew before Dec. and people have a right to rant about paying for beta until March or whenever the patch is supposed to be in. As for opinions yes you are correct everyone has an opinion thanks I really feel enlightened by that knowledge I don't know why I didn't think of it myself.
  10. Sorry but if I as a gamer who has played Online Multiplayer games since Terris and UO have to explain to a game developer how he /she should make it possible to move around my windows and be able to scale them and not have every window close when I close one and have a auction house that takes after what has worked for years and have tooltips that show me if I have a schematic already when searching the GTN and...and... and.... If I actually have to tell him that this basic stuff should be in the game( should've been at realease ) then A: He should be fired and I should get his job and B: He hasn't played a MMO in his life. So these people who complain about the UI without "solutions" have the insight and common sense to know that listing these obvious things does nothing. P.S. I love the genre, and SW and I have hope for fixes but I fully back quitters right to rant and feel offended that the developers would release such an unfinished game. Now if you will excuse me I have to go move all of the stuff I want to sell to the right of my inventory so I will be able to click on them
  11. Crafting is essentially a business venture and as such to be successful a business that makes only indestructable items needs either a enormous ever increasing consumer base, or a constantly changing, new item inventory to sell. This is not even considering competion dynamics. This is why i understand the decay argument, but i don't think the answer is either no decay or all decay but a combination of the two ideas. This is just off the top of my head so don't jump on me if I create a loophole. First off, the other professions need consumable items to sell. That would alleviate some of the feelings of endgame meaningless. Lets say they get rid of the repair at every npc vendor and have it only at the planet main city. Then they could give weapon and armor makers a consumable "repair droid" to craft that does the job the npcs used to do. Of course the prices at the city npcs and the cost of making the item would have to be played with to insure profitability. Then the could also make a "crafter only" non consumable (even though I'm against "non-consumable" consumables). After that they could perhaps tweak the decay rate a bit and also consider making some...not all...some items decay to a point of non repair....perhaps belts and vambraces, or even craftable orange gear. Again if that happened they would have to tweek the cost of those items to be cheaper for the consumer to replace and still allow the crafted a profit Just some ideas off the top of my head.
  12. I refuse to stop stroking my Epeen, my scout will wtfpwn your ranger and the op is trolling...as in thrownig his line in the water looking for fish.
  13. So I'm kinda new to the PvP warzones and commendation gear. I did a few games and got enough to buy something on the vendor (I'm lvl 23). I wanted to buy a cool looking helmet for my BH but all the decent full mask looking ones are lvl 40. Can I take the lvl 40 mods out of one of those helmets and be able to wear it, or is it just locked at lvl 40?
  14. Windows for mac is as much as it is for everyone else, currently $99 for one processor OEM version. I do understand that it adds to the price of SWTOR if you didnt have Win 7 already. Though I'd expect many mac users who are gamers to already have bootcamp running since without it you miss out on many games. It's most likely a profit margin issue, decision/gamble by Bioware to not release it for Mac atm.
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