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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

NOW = 1.7 Million Active Subscribers | 3 Months from now = Guess What


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You know, you're personal experience, on your one of dozens of servers is not indicative of the entire game's health. When I see the server lists, during prime time, (6-12 AM central time) most of the servers have the standard population with a number of them being light and of course the 3-4 servers that go from heavy to full. There is definitely a population imbalance, that needs to be solved and the best option is no doubt server merging (as well as making the repub experience more entertaining, damn it's boring being part of the repub) but there is no sign the game is hemorrhaging numbers. Just as many doom sayers are claiming their servers are dying and people are leaving every day, there are others saying the opposite.
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I, like many, was really hoping this game would be everything we hoped it would be. Unfortunately it is not. I really hope 1.2 makes the changes necessary to keep myself, and many others, interested in the game.
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I, like many, was really hoping this game would be everything we hoped it would be. Unfortunately it is not. I really hope 1.2 makes the changes necessary to keep myself, and many others, interested in the game.


1.2 is going to add some much needed stuff to the game but don't kid yourself that 1.2 is going to drastically change anything.

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Possibly, but its not going to bring back the people they lost by not having that stuff in at launch.


If the features "not present at launch" being added into the game won't bring back the people they lost by "not having that stuff in at launch", then that was never the reason they left the game in the first place.

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If the features "not present at launch" being added into the game won't bring back the people they lost by "not having that stuff in at launch", then that was never the reason they left the game in the first place.


I don't think you can say that with certainty.

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I don't think you can say that with certainty.


why not, if they left until the features they wanted were implimented into the game yet didnt come back, then why didnt they come back ?


BW didnt hold back on what would and what wouldnt be in the game at launch and im still lost with how people seem to think they would miraculasly apear on launch when we were all in the beta who pre ordered.

Edited by Shingara
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Possibly, but its not going to bring back the people they lost by not having that stuff in at launch.


Thing is a lot of people left because of what 1.2 is bringing and the previous changes made already. So I think a lot of people are gone and staying gone. Its not going to bring any of those people back, and for any person who comes back for 1.2, they'll probably lose one because of the changes.


My guild has been pvping since they opened up PVP in EQ with the no rules Sullon Zek server, they're all gone now because PVP has been carebeared up to a sickening degree and they aren't coming back.


I think the delta will be they break even and then slowly creep under a million subs, and they start consolidating servers.

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why not, if they left until the features they wanted were implimented into the game yet didnt come back, then why didnt they come back ?


BW didnt hold back on what would and what wouldnt be in the game at launch and im still lost with how people seem to think they would miraculasly apear on launch when we were all in the beta who pre ordered.


Well, there are a two reasons I can think of off the top of my reasons.


One, statistics show that once people leave an MMO for whatever reason, rarely do they return even if the issue that caused them to quit has been fixed.


Two, some of the Features being implemented aren't exactly what people were expecting. If I left because of a lack of combat log, I wouldn't be coming back to use the "combat log" they are putting in.

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Well, there are a two reasons I can think of off the top of my reasons.


One, statistics show that once people leave an MMO for whatever reason, rarely do they return even if the issue that caused them to quit has been fixed.


Two, some of the Features being implemented aren't exactly what people were expecting. If I left because of a lack of combat log, I wouldn't be coming back to use the "combat log" they are putting in.


So back to my point, people knew what was going to be in the game pre launch, people know what is in the game post launch. if people leave it isnt because they thought a feature was here but more that they were just trying swtor and never really wanted to play it longtime.

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GW2, pfft. Cause you know how well MMORPG sequels do, lol.


And for the Record, this is not a sequel, it is a prequel, technically :D



another misinformed person. /facepalm


GW2 is 250 years AFTER the events of eye of the north.


so much for a Prequel.

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So back to my point, people knew what was going to be in the game pre launch, people know what is in the game post launch. if people leave it isnt because they thought a feature was here but more that they were just trying swtor and never really wanted to play it longtime.


How do you presume to know that everyone knew what was in launch and what wasn't?

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How do you presume to know that everyone knew what was in launch and what wasn't?


I think he was inferring that they should have known, and if they did not it is their own fault, not the game's. It was plastered all over the internet for months and months.


Point is that if one buys a game and then finds out it is not the game they wanted, its not the games fault. As has been stated, the game is solid, they have a base of players, new content is on the way this month. It is not dead. It is not FTP. There is no mass exodus....just the same complainers that hated the game 3 months ago still hanging around arguing that it will be dead in, er, the next three months....yeah, that's it.....the next three months. ;p

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The release date was Dec 20, 2011. Players got a free month. So that means paying subscriptions started Jan 20, 2012 right? What is 3 months from that date?


Approximately April 20, 2012 is the key date when all the 90 day subscriptions end. Let's see what happens after that. That's the true test.

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So back to my point, people knew what was going to be in the game pre launch, people know what is in the game post launch.


Only the beta testers had an idea what was going to be in the game. Most didn't know what endgame was going to be.

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I think he was inferring that they should have known, and if they did not it is their own fault, not the game's. It was plastered all over the internet for months and months. p


I partially agree with that, but there was a bit of err, advertising that indicated otherwise -


For example, this quote from Dev Tracker August 4th, 2011


"We are on the finishing stretches for this game, the first BioWare MMO set in the Star Wars: The Old Republic era. It's a spiritual sequel to the KotOR games and focuses heavily on bringing BioWare story into the MMO space. It features a highly polished and fluent evolution of traditional MMO combat systems. It has the bells and whistles of a modern MMO, it's faithful to the IP and universe it's set in and it features BioWare's signature features such as story, companions, etc."



So I don't think its everyone's fault that they were either aware or unaware of what the game was going to launch with, especially when they saw stuff like this.


My original point wasn't that 1.2 was going to make people leave, I actually think it will convince some people to stay,. But I don't think you will reclaim people you lost by not having those features in at launch.

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Well, that's still wrong because the events of KOTOR 1 and 2 precede this game's timeline.


umm you are wrong sir. Admit it. He said,


"yah, cause we all know sequels to mmos do great right?"


he meant gw2 being a sequel and SWTOR being a prequel to the last star wars mmo which was star wars galaxies. You were wrong. Just admit it. I'm here for you ! :D

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I don't really care what the subscriber number will be.


What I am more concerned about is whether Bioware will become a toxic brand, with the fiasco that is ME3 and now 1.2.


what fiasco are you talking about there.... can you explain to me?

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Seems to be a trend that when enough people say a good game sucks, it eventually does. Like ME3 and DA2.


From a literary point of view though I am satisfied, though this may not be enough for a lot of people since most who play video games are high schoolers or fresh out of high school and have limited appreciation for a good story but ridiculously extensive knowledge of gameplay mechanics.

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what fiasco are you talking about there.... can you explain to me?


The ME3 ending(s) and the intense rage it has caused among the playerbase. I never played any of the ME games, but some of the guys I know do, and they described it to me, and linked me the video showing all the endings played at the same time beside each other, and even I got annoyed at BW for it.


The 1.2 issue is the bait and switch/false advertising feeling about some of the features a lot of player have, and the continued lack of response to the population issues. People are not happy with BW/EA right now.

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