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Is BW going to nerf Sorcs before rated WZs or are we all just going to play them


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A good fix would be for wz etc not to allow more than 2 of the same profession in at the same time. If many are trying to get in it should just randomely pick 2 even if you are a sorc grouped with 4 other sorcs. Could give it more balance but then again there will always be something to whine about........lol
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I don't understand how a stack of the same cards can ever be considered OP. I agree there's a lot of sorcs out there, but of course that means the chances that most of them actually knows how to play them correctly will be mistaken for being OP. If a player is skillful and knows how to handle his/her char. Anyone can be OP.
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Can you apes stop CRYING for nerfs all the goddamn time!!! I have 3 lvl 50s and rest of the advanced classes to mid 20-30 - they are all very good in the right hands - classes SHOULD be unique and not alike - if you keep dying then your either to dumb or dont have friends in this mmo.


Only thing that I see is OP is the dmg from sorc/commandos spammable grave round/tracer and force lighting/telekinetic throw - but tbh ppl using that are crappy pvpers so theyll get what they deserve later on...

The dmg is just waaay to high for a spammable ability amking the lower brackets a pain for every1 else when they once again meet 4 commandos and 4 sages. This is the ONLY issue I have about balance.


FIX world pvp or this game will have a dark future

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Sorcs are curently the most played class on the empire side. I will start by saying i play one so i avoid all the coments how i am secretly defending my class.


I am almost a full geared BM geared and specced for healing.


Are sorcs OP... NO


Are sorcs a class with the least steap lurning curve definitly. And this is where your problems start.


I hear people complaining that sorcs have to much CC, this is probably corect if you are lightning specced. Thn you have access to: elect - stun, knockback root, WW which is the most useless form of CC ever cause it fills yourr resolve bar and breaks on the first damage tick, and blind from shield. Madness on the other hand does not have knockback root and blind barrier burs but has a limited spamable (9 sec CD) root. Healing has only 1, the elect stn, and ofc a snare on the DoT.

So as you can see they have at max 3 arguably 4 CC. This probably needs to be toned a bit by increasing the resolve they give when used. There is no spec however with the magical 50 stuns and 500 blinds.

Damage wise sorcs are ok, nothing great, but steady. Comandos complain they can be interupted but forget same applies for sorcs and the doTs can also be removed unlike the comando/scoundrel DoTs.

Static barrier is good as it is, it provides survavibility for a squishy class. If you as a dps cant burn down a sorc, even a healer specced than you might be undergeared, you might be fighting 2 vs and do not see the other person or i dont want to say it, but you might just need to L2P.

What needs to be fixed though is hutball. And not for sorcs but for all. sprinting with the ball, charging with the ball, pulling with the ball (friendly pull) should be disalowed.

I usually play in a premade of 3 sorcs and a sin and when we get hutball its usually over before it starts.

Otherwise sorcs die like everything else. They are not gods, they dont take uber leet teams to take down. The only fault they have is they are to easy to play, but you can tell this for mercs/comandos, operatives/scoundrels. I think only the warriors have a complicated rotation and tricks to be played up to the standard and i would like to see them buffed.

Well those were my 5 cents, some will agree - some wont, but i just wana say look at things criticaly and think that sometimes its your fault you loose its not alwys the fact that the other side is that good.

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The issue is not the class itself its the fact that Sage/Sorc have too much damage and crippling abilities that we other classes cannot match. I have looked at both Bounty Hunter and Trooper skills and their skills are matched according to kinetic/weapon/energy damage. Sorc/Sage have already over 1000 damage abilities between the levels of 1-10. I only levelled up my skills to that much as a Jedi Knight by Level 43. I have seen Smugglers abilities and they are equally matched in damage as a Jedi Knight. I have even seen the cooldowns on our abilities, we (trooper/smuggler/Jedi Knight) get 1 minutes cooldown to use our escape out of crippling abilities within this time Sorc can use their abilities once again of Whirlwind/electrocute/crushing darkness/jolt and force slow to cripple other players and defeat us over and over and over and over again. People choose which class they want to play but we all need a balance within game so its enjoyable for all and not to meet certain death. Its not about the gear you wear, its not about the tree you have chosen or your rotation, it has everything to do with unbalanced skills amongst all players. Sorc/Sage have Force Speed of a 30s cooldown, with an increase of speed of 150% for 2 secs...gone in a flash. Force Camouflage has a 45s cooldown with an increase of speed of 30% for 4 secs...*** is that? How can someone get out of a situation like that? Its all about balance of abilities and damage sent out amongst all players.
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So why haven't sorcerers been nerfed? Because they're not overpowered.




Because BioWare is a company who answers financially to EA in this case. It's an economically sound move to Nerf Operatives if the masses complain. Operatives are maybe 5% of the population. BioWare doesn't DARE to nerf Sorcerers only due to the shear number of people playing them. Has NOTHING to do with the actually power of a class at this stage. BioWare and EA are trying to make profit and survive the critical breaking point of a new MMO. Give it 6 months, if the game is still around. THEN we will see some actually numbers play in. Other than $-numbers that is.

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Translation: Bro I play a Sorc as my main, and well if I don't have it easy mode I'm going to whine, and I can whine good, just ask my mom, she's in the basement now.


did you think this up all by yourself or do you have a team of monkeys workin round the clock on this ****.


sorc is fine. if anything, they need a buff to add a little burst potential.

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Probably not.


Because sorcerer is fine.


If sorcerer was OP as a class, and not just likable as a class because it's the only caster class in the game, they would've gotten nerfed like operatives.


BW already showed they're not afraid to nerf classes if enough people complain about it and they are really overpowered through in-house testing.


Many more people have been complaining about sorcerers since day 1 and continues to complain about sorcerers.


So why haven't sorcerers been nerfed? Because they're not overpowered.


the ONLY thing that MAY be construed as overpowered is their hybrid spec synergy. That MAY result in a few lightning talents being moved around, but that's the most I foresee BW doing.


Their damage? their heal? their force speed? bubble?


Those are not going anywhere because they're not overpowered, at all.


"6 out of 8 people are sorcerers" is not a reason to nerf the class, given the lack of choices for casters in this game. Breaking a class just so people will play other class is not a smart thing to do.


I played a sorcerer. I have full champion gears.


I no longer do. Why? because they're lackluster when everyone else is geared in full champion as well. They deal mediocre DPS and burst, and their heals are not practical if not healing specced. The only saving grace the sorcerer class has is their static shield (bubble) and force speed.


I now play a powertech.


There is only one reason they didnt got nerfed till now with mercs/commando they are over 50% player base its the only reason!...money talks

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Im a sorc.


I have a BM sorc, played for a fairly long time. Started to get bored, and re rolled a vanguard then a Scoundrel.


WOW, now I see how easy it was playing a sorc was. Wityhout a buble and the hybrid (i can heal, stun and dps) build that is available to a Sorc, I have to play the game in a totally different perspective.


No way should a sorc have that many abilities available to them (yes the bubble IS rediculous, no matter how many justifications are needed. I have survived so many times where I shouldn't of becoause of the buble).


Now I am a fairly good pvper and win a majority of the time with my guild pre made. We know what we are doing, and I know what I am doing with a Sorc. I didn't really see the issue untill I re rolled. Honestly, It is rediculous how a Hybrid sorc has access to all the tool (Force Bending, Wrath AND chain lightning? Erm ok then...)


Change the skill tree, thats all thats needed.

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To the Op: BW will not nerf sorc or s ages. If that was done there would be mass exodus of the game. You are also correct when rated WZ come around all you need is a team of sorc/sages with 1 or 2 tanks and its game over for all. If sorc/sage isnt available Mercs will do just fine!
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Just dont pvp until they fix it, pvp on my server is more or less dead, because we have the same problem with the stupid amount of Sorc in battlegrounds compared to other classes the ratio is somthing like 5-7 sorc on a team ever time a round starts.

If this happens people go afk or leave, and lately no one even bothers to sign up anymore and on lvl 50 you have to stand around waiting for a round to start for like 30-45 min and then 80% of the time what happens is what i already wrote people leave or go afk.


They will do somthing about the Sorc or pvp is dead the Sorc players will whine because they want easy mode to stay. Just wait or the Empire side willl soon be populated bye Sorc in pvp more or less only.

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sorcs and sages are infesting my server now too. 1v1 it is doable, but the group/ packs are just imbalanced.


There is no way to close the gap and deal enough dps at range as those groups can do... 1by1 you are pinned down. A very strong DPS tree and very strong healing tree and all at range so you effectively cover more area, it seems 1 class will be it once team ratings etc. become part of PvP.


The only way to break this is to add a stacking nerf to PvP or allow tanking to work better vs force and tech. This however will make healing imbalanced as each heal will become way more effective and fights might not end. I think both stacked dps and stacked healing should be nerfed. 1 healer works, 2nd less so and 3rd one would be obsolete.


Same for DPS: 2 works, 3 less so and the 4th is obsolete ???


You do not need to nerf the class as 1v1 is is not so bad (they do run away to easy and the self-heal, shield etc. combination is overdoing it. My BH has a huge rotation compared to a sorc/ sage). The group dynamics with dots or pebbles/ lightning is way off and this should be addressed asap.

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This is true but think of rated WZs premades with vent you will want the class who have the most utility. 5 Sorcs should destroy anything that comes there way. This is how power techs can do well against one because there the only ones that can live till there resolve bar is filled up.


For WZs ie huttball 5 sprints, bubbles, heals and more stun, slows then you can poke a stick at for rated WZs as it stands Sorcs bring it all and Sorc teams will be top rated.




A team of sorcs in huttball is just horrible for my scoundrel. If i had my cc breaker on 5 second cool down it might help a bit, but only a little bit.

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Probably not.


Because sorcerer is fine.


If sorcerer was OP as a class, and not just likable as a class because it's the only caster class in the game, they would've gotten nerfed like operatives.


BW already showed they're not afraid to nerf classes if enough people complain about it and they are really overpowered through in-house testing.


Many more people have been complaining about sorcerers since day 1 and continues to complain about sorcerers.


So why haven't sorcerers been nerfed? Because they're not overpowered.


the ONLY thing that MAY be construed as overpowered is their hybrid spec synergy. That MAY result in a few lightning talents being moved around, but that's the most I foresee BW doing.


Their damage? their heal? their force speed? bubble?


Those are not going anywhere because they're not overpowered, at all.


"6 out of 8 people are sorcerers" is not a reason to nerf the class, given the lack of choices for casters in this game. Breaking a class just so people will play other class is not a smart thing to do.


I played a sorcerer. I have full champion gears.


I no longer do. Why? because they're lackluster when everyone else is geared in full champion as well. They deal mediocre DPS and burst, and their heals are not practical if not healing specced. The only saving grace the sorcerer class has is their static shield (bubble) and force speed.


I now play a powertech.


The only reason sorcs are not nerfed is cause 90% playing sorcs are terrible players, as they choose the easiest class to play.


Sorcs have too much utility and thats that. It is not very much too powerful, but it is by far the most powerful class in the game, simply cause its best at everything. And with one spec.

It have most cc, msot utility with not only run speed, it can also pull, and it can dish out among most damage of any class in the game when you have good gear.


The only class that can beat a good geared sorc would possibly be a marauder, but then he needs 2 dedicated healers on him or he wont come near.


Now add that damage with cc etc and yes, its overpowered.


Its only a bunch of kids coming to internet to defend their class.


And above all: The first sage, sorc nerf is coming in 1.2. Healing is reduced. After that, we will see, but Im 100% sure they will fix the sage and sorc later too.


The pull and run speed alone makes them the only class required for hutball.

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The only reason sorcs are not nerfed is cause 90% playing sorcs are terrible players, as they choose the easiest class to play.


Sorcs have too much utility and thats that. It is not very much too powerful, but it is by far the most powerful class in the game, simply cause its best at everything. And with one spec.

It have most cc, msot utility with not only run speed, it can also pull, and it can dish out among most damage of any class in the game when you have good gear.


The only class that can beat a good geared sorc would possibly be a marauder, but then he needs 2 dedicated healers on him or he wont come near.


Now add that damage with cc etc and yes, its overpowered.


Its only a bunch of kids coming to internet to defend their class.


And above all: The first sage, sorc nerf is coming in 1.2. Healing is reduced. After that, we will see, but Im 100% sure they will fix the sage and sorc later too.


The pull and run speed alone makes them the only class required for hutball.


Rarely read worse uninformed nonsense than in this post.

And what comes in 1.2 is not a nerf but a fix because an ability which is supposed to work on the next spell can be double dipped into and in essence can benefit two spells.


Therefore go back from the uninformed place you came from because clearly you have 0 clue.

Edited by Vales
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Just dont pvp until they fix it, pvp on my server is more or less dead, because we have the same problem with the stupid amount of Sorc in battlegrounds compared to other classes the ratio is somthing like 5-7 sorc on a team ever time a round starts.

If this happens people go afk or leave, and lately no one even bothers to sign up anymore and on lvl 50 you have to stand around waiting for a round to start for like 30-45 min and then 80% of the time what happens is what i already wrote people leave or go afk.


They will do somthing about the Sorc or pvp is dead the Sorc players will whine because they want easy mode to stay. Just wait or the Empire side willl soon be populated bye Sorc in pvp more or less only.


I agree on this.


The balance of the sorc is actually killing pvp.


And whats up with the children on imperial?


Sages are also powerful, but on republic side there is like 1 sage for every 10 sorcs on imperial side.


Its nice to play hutball vs republic cause most games its just all classes available.


I hear people say they rolled sorc for the role playing value and class story.

Thats just redicilous.

People are rolling sorcs cause it is by far the easiest class to play, by far. And it is the most powerful class to play, also by far.

If you say anything else, you are a bad player, and you have not tried other classes.

Its just simple as that.


Stop defending the sorc, its just sad. You are destroying pvp.


So many BM sorcs, I have met that honestly tell me that the class IS overpowered but they will just roll as long as they can.

I have not met one sage or sorc that is around bm that dont think this class is over the top.

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Rarely read worse uninformed nonsense than in this post.

And what comes in 1.2 is not a nerf but a fix because an ability which is supposed to work on the next spell can be double dipped into and in essence can benefit two spells.


Therefore go back from the uninformed place you came from because clearly you have 0 clue.


What is nonsense dude?


You have the easiset class to play in the game, by far.


Try to roll a scoundrel or operative and see how you manages?

Roll a marauder and see how you do?


Just get off the high horse, roll another class and play it.

If you come back here and say its as easy to play and as good, then you are lying.


There is not one hardcore pvper out there that dont find that sorcs are too much.


Personally Im rather fine with sorcs but I know how to handle them, but for a team based game, they have way too much utility and need to use so few skills to perform well.


You dont need a rotation of 4--7 attacks, you are even easier to play then a merc or commando gunnery spec.

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What is nonsense dude?


You have the easiset class to play in the game, by far.


Try to roll a scoundrel or operative and see how you manages?

Roll a marauder and see how you do?


Just get off the high horse, roll another class and play it.

If you come back here and say its as easy to play and as good, then you are lying.


There is not one hardcore pvper out there that dont find that sorcs are too much.


Personally Im rather fine with sorcs but I know how to handle them, but for a team based game, they have way too much utility and need to use so few skills to perform well.


You dont need a rotation of 4--7 attacks, you are even easier to play then a merc or commando gunnery spec.


Lol, someone is mad. Awwwww.


Did sorc interrupt your tracer missile spam? *cry*

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I eat sorcs on my Powertech. Marauders, at least the ones who learned to play their class, love eating Sorcs/Sages too.


But I guess you'd rather just re-roll and then learn the hard way how foolish your "FOTM" intentions were, as you get eaten alive by a skilled Powertech or Marauder.


What am I saying? Yes! Roll a Sorc and play rated Warzones!


So what, Sorcs and BW on warhammer were **** 1vs1 against many melee classes yet they roflstomped pretty much everyone on group. You can't say their performance 1on1 is the only thing which matters when the game, the warzones and the rated warzones are all team oriented.


Gotta see after the patch, ignore haters and stop spreading BS.

Edited by Keldaur
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Lol, someone is mad. Awwwww.


Did sorc interrupt your tracer missile spam? *cry*


I play a scoundrel dude, or a Vanguard.

I dont have tracer missile. I


There is a reason there is like 1 scoundrel per every 25 warzone games.

Not only the nerfs, but with the nerfs it became rather hard to play well.

Im doing very well with mine though, but most abandoned it.

I rerolled after all nerfs though, from vanguard.


And I have never lost to a sorc in 1vs1. As vanguard or scoundrel.


Im talking about the team.


What sorcs brings to a team is overpowered, and thats it.

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