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1.2 legacy, will Chiss be a species option for the Sith Warrior?


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i was actually meaning to ask my friend who was a huge star wars lore nerd and had all the books and stuff if Chiss were force sensitive (and could therefore be inquisitors/warriors) because right now we only get them as non force using classes.
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Just wondering, I was really disappointed when I couldn't make a Chiss Sith Warrior. Now with 1.2 Bioware said you will be able to unlock new class/species options but have any details of this been revealed yet?


did they actually say we get new race/class combos?



i know in game it says "new character customization options" but thats as specific as it gets



anyway, i doubt you will see Chiss force users because of their lack of affinity for using the force


i think its more likely that youll be seeing races that are currently faction specific being used by both factions


but no, nothing official yet

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you get race/class combos that were previously forbidden.


the video they released a while back showed a miraluka as a sith, which is currently available only as jedi.



I actually looked up the lore as to whether or not Chiss were force sensitive and its inconclusive.


Dooku had a chiss apprentice during the clone war period who was written into an expansion pack for some Star Wars RTS. Her name was Tann, and she's the only reference in apparent Chiss history to any member of the species being Force sensitive.


so, in terms the timeline, there were no chiss force users in the time period this game takes place in.


in terms of 'how star wars lore works' though, the rules are 'everything is fair game unless George says no.'

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Chiss used to be humans, and there was Sev'rance Tann... So yes they are related to the force, in all fairness in all of Star Wars the only race unrelated to the force I know were the Yuuzhan vong. Not sure if the Sith academy would approve them but they're surely better than some of the inquisitor's options as far as being "alien" goes... Edited by Lightmaguz
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Oh, it is accurate about the video. It does show a Miralaukan in the early Sith outfit while they are vaguely talking about Legacy things. But throughout the video they've also got "content subject to change" watermarked in big font upon it.




There are a couple race/class combos I'd like to do with some alts .... am really hoping they release more info soon.

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The chiss are an offshoot from baseline humans living isolated on an old colony world for thousands upon thousands of years, there's no reason they can't be force sensitive.


The only problem is that generally they are too hard headed to realize some of them can use the force, they just see it as an expression of their inherent superiority.


"Hey, sometimes I can see things before they happen, it's not some outside force I'm just that great."

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They would certainly make a lot more sense than Zabrak.







Tbh, it baffels me that Chiss are a playable race at all, seeing how they are extremely isolationistic and most Chiss don't leave Ascendency space at all. Doesn't make sense that a race that doesn't even have the concept of money is an available race for the BH class whose main goal is, well, money. And Imperial Intelligence having agents that aren't even Imperial citizens? Knowing that, Chiss as Sith would make even less sense.

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Chiss force sensitivity is unbelievably rare, less rare than Wookie force sensitively but allot more rare than human. But you can get Jedi/Sith Chiss, yes.


Chiss society (although you'd never hear one say it to a Sith) look down on force sensitivity as if it's a curse/illness/madness/disfigurement. This is because they value personal strength/ability, so relying on an outside source (the force) for your strength/ability is wrong (as Kreia say's in KOTOR2, strip away the force from even the most powerful user and he is helpless as a child compared to non-force users).


So even when force sensitive Chiss are born/found, they are typically told to ignore it, keep it secret and otherwise act/live as though they are not.

Edited by AngelousWang
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Explain that one.


Zabraks are a slave caste\race in the Empire society. Makes no sense to have one as a Warrior, since they are supposed to be nobility. Inquisitors, definitely, because they start off as slaves, but not Warriors.

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Zabraks are a slave caste\race in the Empire society. Makes no sense to have one as a Warrior, since they are supposed to be nobility. Inquisitors, definitely, because they start off as slaves, but not Warriors.





Maybe the Zabrak warrior had an ancestor that started out like the Inuisitor, as a slave, then he rose to power and voila, he founds his own Sith bloodline, from which the Zabrak Warrior then descends. Easily explained.



Sounds like it'd make a lot of sense for a Force-sensitive Chiss to be sold into slavery, so Inquisitor would be a fine class for them.



No. Chiss don't let about anyone into their territory, and the big majority of Chiss also never leaves said territory. Makes it just a little bit hard to sell one of them into slavery.

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Maybe the Zabrak warrior had an ancestor that started out like the Inuisitor, as a slave, then he rose to power and voila, he founds his own Sith bloodline, from which the Zabrak Warrior then descends. Easily explained.

It's only the "latest wave" of Inquisitors that are slaves. It's partly explained in the storyline (at least, Warrior's).

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Maybe the Zabrak warrior had an ancestor that started out like the Inuisitor, as a slave, then he rose to power and voila, he founds his own Sith bloodline, from which the Zabrak Warrior then descends. Easily explained.


yea not really, in a slave society, even if a slave earns/wins/buys his freedom he will never be regarded as an equal, especially among the noble elite


to them, a slave is a slave is a slave, nothing will change it, the people with the real power would never let a former slave achieve a status equaling their own


we had hundreds of pages of debate about this very topic before the game released, and while it may be theoretically explainable why zabraks can be warriors, it contradicts the background that BW has set up for your character


and it even makes less sense that the imperial zabraks are colored like darth maul because that variation on the species doest even exist in the old republic time period


but w/e, gameplay > lore, racial options are for the good of the game even if they dont make much sense lore wise

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i might just have to delete my jugger and reroll when 1.2 comes if this is true


Same here. Well, I'd just reroll and keep my current jugg for crafting.


Because Blueberries are the hawtness. and the red eyes are even cooler. only thing even close to my blueberry is my Ratta/goth Sorc with full jewelry. But I love Jugg, so I went human.


Oh, and on topic: I do believe they mentioned racial choices in one of the blogs discussing 1.2. haven't looked it up to verify, but im pretty sure it's there.



Just in case no one else posted, here's the quote from the comunity Q&A on Feb 10th from Daniel Erickson:


"Daniel Erickson: Game Update 1.2 will bring you the first big step in the Legacy System but it’s important to understand that the Legacy System will continue to grow, bringing new options to new characters (alts) and some fun options for elder game players as well. Legacy is definitely not just for new characters! The species that will be unlocked in Game Update 1.2 are species currently in the game that will become available to classes and factions where you haven’t seen them before. New species are in consideration for the future but we don’t have any details to share right now. Look for more specific details in the near future as we head toward Game Update 1.2."

Edited by Elyx
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Anyone else think that making Miraluka sith would be the biggest waste of time possible? One of the best parts about being sith as opposed to jedi (apart from the better gear, better story, better pvp, better faction balance, better ship....) is sith corruption; one of the main aspects of which is darkside eye colours. Anyone else see why this may not necessarily work that well with Miraluka?
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to them, a slave is a slave is a slave, nothing will change it, the people with the real power would never let a former slave achieve a status equaling their own



So thats how the Sith Inqui becomes a DC member.



Anyway, to stay on topic, if Zabrak makes little sense as Warrior, why would Chiss be an available race for Warriors, seeing how they (as I already said in this thread anyway) make little sense as BH and Agent either.

Edited by Ticara
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