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Please! Nerf the imp agents "backstab" attack.


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1. Yes it's a pvp rage, if I been angry about this since launch I think I'm allowed to rage.

2. CC remover was on CD.

3. I was alone on left node on "The civil war".

4. I still don't know *** the attack were, cuz I don't play a smuggler or agent. But from my view was it an attack that were spammed but I everybody keeps telling me it's not spam able so.



Why do you always have to write so specific so ppl understand? I stop telling me about the skills. If it had been any other class I'd be surviving through the stun, but I didn't.


So 5. Don't put the focus on the title of the thread. And plz read every post.

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This is what you wrote initially:


Please Bioware it's time to nefr Imp agents "backstab" attack. It's been OP since the game released and it's still. Was playing pvp for about 5 mins ago and a imp agent was sneaking up on me in stealth. He stunned me and kill me 4 secs. I didn't even get out of the stun and he used only one ability. The "backstab" OPattack.


I'm fully champion geared, it's possible that he had fully BM or something but should you really go down so fast? No other class in the whole game can take down a player that quick in pvp.


So please! Nerf attack!! ASAP!



1. No Mention of CC on CD.

2. No Mention of what class you are.

3. No Mention of exactly how many times this happens to you.

4. While the full intent was "realized" thru the thread. We couldn't read your mind from the origional post.


1. Yes it's a pvp rage, if I been angry about this since launch I think I'm allowed to rage.

2. CC remover was on CD.

3. I was alone on left node on "The civil war".

4. I still don't know *** the attack were, cuz I don't play a smuggler or agent. But from my view was it an attack that were spammed but I everybody keeps telling me it's not spam able so.



Why do you always have to write so specific so ppl understand? I stop telling me about the skills. If it had been any other class I'd be surviving through the stun, but I didn't.


So 5. Don't put the focus on the title of the thread. And plz read every post.


6. Breath

7. Take some time to fully compose your problem so we don't "accidently" make you mad because we don't know the full story from your point of view. We are basing our Analysis off of what you post.

8. Still sounds like Person 1 can't beat class X ... ZOMG NERF NAO! *shrug*


Question: Do you want to see PvP nerffed into the ground over and over to try to balance the game which will inevitably cause more game breaking bugs?


Still Sounds like a L2P issue.



Edited by Urael
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After reading your sig, it's clear you're an idiot


Its clear you didn't look at the link in my sig and for the record what makes you so smart? I was being sarcastic in my post, nerfing never solves anything it only ends up leading to something else getting nerfed.

Edited by Tuscad
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1. Yes it's a pvp rage, if I been angry about this since launch I think I'm allowed to rage.


You're never allowed to rage about anything in life. Learn that lesson now and be a lot happier.


2. CC remover was on CD.


Don't guard a node alone with your CC remover on cool down. Secondarily, if an operative or scoundrel opens on you; don't use your CC remover on the knockdown. Wait for his stun.


3. I was alone on left node on "The civil war".


See above


4. I still don't know *** the attack were, cuz I don't play a smuggler or agent. But from my view was it an attack that were spammed but I everybody keeps telling me it's not spam able so.


All of the operatives proc'ed skills use his knife. If it were a scoundrel you would have seen him using his fists.



Why do you always have to write so specific so ppl understand? I stop telling me about the skills. If it had been any other class I'd be surviving through the stun, but I didn't.


It wasn't any other class. Operative / Scoundrel, when specced for melee dps, can only do one thing and that one thing is burst from stealth. They rely on their opponent to freak out and mis-manage the fight on their end (which you likely did and lost). When my opponent doesn't freak out and ignores that I opened on him and he is now at half health; I lose. Scoundrel / Operative will open and bring you to half health instantly, but they lack the ability to continue that onslaught.


So 5. Don't put the focus on the title of the thread. And plz read every post.


This is solely a lrn2play issue for you, I'm sorry, but that is the truth.

Edited by Valsdad
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While Backstab is our hardest hitting ability, if they nerf us anymore I would just stealth and watch.


There are times that Op's get the jump on me, I never see them swing but yet I die and wonder "what just happened!" The best is when two jump you and use their skills perfectly in sync and you have to just sit there and smile.

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While Backstab is our hardest hitting ability, if they nerf us anymore I would just stealth and watch.


There are times that Op's get the jump on me, I never see them swing but yet I die and wonder "what just happened!" The best is when two jump you and use their skills perfectly in sync and you have to just sit there and smile.






Always enjoy getting schooled by people that play my main class so I can learn. Helped me become a better "Stealth Class" in "that other game". ;)

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I don't know. But he killed by only using that attack and spaming it. But I've been up against "glitchers", hackers before so it's possible that was the problem.


But I know that the attack has been pissing me off before. But this time really got me angry. Couldn't do a ****....


And I guess you can't read...I was stunned for the whole time. Let me know what you would do if you would be in the same situation. And also the imparing remove ability was on CD. So give me a good answer


I suggest you read up on other characters and their abilities. Back Stab is on a decently long CD and can not be spammed, however, we do have several attacks that use the knife stabbing animation.


As for nerfing the character, are you joking? We were already hit hard with nerfs once! We are what you would call a "Glass cannon", tons of damage, but we shatter if you get a hold of us. In your particular situation there were several things you could have done, but obviously didn't.


While Backstab is our hardest hitting ability, if they nerf us anymore I would just stealth and watch.


There are times that Op's get the jump on me, I never see them swing but yet I die and wonder "what just happened!" The best is when two jump you and use their skills perfectly in sync and you have to just sit there and smile.


I love ganging people with another Ops, great times!

Edited by PostalTwinkie
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1. Yes it's a pvp rage, if I been angry about this since launch I think I'm allowed to rage.



You choose to direct that anger into whining on the forum rather than direct it into something more productive like... figuring out why your losing or actually just learn to play better.


Well done.


2. CC remover was on CD.


And, so... therefore ?


You blew your CC and got whacked with it down. That would be your fault and kudos to the guy attacking you for picking you so perfectly.

Pro-Tip: Stealth Classes are designed to wait until your vulnerable and strike.

You expect them to slap you with a glove across the face before they attack or something ?


Pro-Tip: Dont stand still, dont keep facing the same direction and grow eyes in the back of your head for when that CC is on cooldown.



3. I was alone on left node on "The civil war".


You were alone, probably standing still and clueless so some Op saw you figured you were an easy target and nuked you for being so silly.

Clearly the OP is at fault rather than you.


4. I still don't know *** the attack were, cuz I don't play a smuggler or agent. But from my view was it an attack that were spammed but I everybody keeps telling me it's not spam able so.


At least you are being honest now that you dont know jack about what your complaining about.

Person killed me in one shot - Totally unfair !

... well actually that person killed me in a whole rotation of abilities while my pants were around my ankles and I was on my own with a giant "DARWIN AWARD" stapled to my forehead.


Why do you always have to write so specific so ppl understand? I stop telling me about the skills. If it had been any other class I'd be surviving through the stun, but I didn't.


You are not supposed to survive through the stun, Ops are first strike bursters. They are designed to kill you before you hit back. You beat them by: not running off on your own and / or keeping your detection going.


Jesus... you dont want them to burst you down ?

Uhh, ok then BW please allow OPs to become Stealth Sorcs. No burst just consistant damage from stealth cover. That way instead of dying in one stun you can die from someone shooting you from 40m away and never knowing where they were.


That better ?

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Ok, I'm going to try and respond to you. I'm not trying to flame you. Let's get that out of the way right now. I am, however, going to criticize you. There's a difference.


2. CC remover was on CD.


Everyone understands that. What they're saying is that you may have used your CC removal ability at an inappropriate time.


4. I still don't know *** the attack were, cuz I don't play a smuggler or agent. But from my view was it an attack that were spammed but I everybody keeps telling me it's not spam able so.


Ok, so if you now recognize that the operative did not spam a single attack, what's your point? That a particular combination of attacks is overpowered? If so, what combination?


Why do you always have to write so specific so ppl understand? I stop telling me about the skills. If it had been any other class I'd be surviving through the stun, but I didn't.


So 5. Don't put the focus on the title of the thread. And plz read every post.


Well, if you don't explain yourself clearly then people will not understand. That's basic communication. We can't read your mind. You have to be clear. I've read every post, and those posts tell me that you aren't being clear enough. Nobody, including you (admitted in point 4), is at all certain of what happened. Therefore, no conclusions can be drawn.


My recommendation to you would be to experiment with the operative a bit. Maybe find a friend to duel with you, read up on the operative abilities, and so on. Find out exactly what is causing the problem you are experiencing. Then, if you can't find a way around that now very well defined problem yourself, come back and tell us of your findings.


If you don't want to do that, then I submit that this problem isn't really as big of a problem as you portray it to be.

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You choose to direct that anger into whining on the forum rather than direct it into something more productive like... figuring out why your losing or actually just learn to play better.


Well done.




And, so... therefore ?


You blew your CC and got whacked with it down. That would be your fault and kudos to the guy attacking you for picking you so perfectly.

Pro-Tip: Stealth Classes are designed to wait until your vulnerable and strike.

You expect them to slap you with a glove across the face before they attack or something ?


Pro-Tip: Dont stand still, dont keep facing the same direction and grow eyes in the back of your head for when that CC is on cooldown.





You were alone, probably standing still and clueless so some Op saw you figured you were an easy target and nuked you for being so silly.

Clearly the OP is at fault rather than you.




At least you are being honest now that you dont know jack about what your complaining about.

Person killed me in one shot - Totally unfair !

... well actually that person killed me in a whole rotation of abilities while my pants were around my ankles and I was on my own with a giant "DARWIN AWARD" stapled to my forehead.




You are not supposed to survive through the stun, Ops are first strike bursters. They are designed to kill you before you hit back. You beat them by: not running off on your own and / or keeping your detection going.


Jesus... you dont want them to burst you down ?

Uhh, ok then BW please allow OPs to become Stealth Sorcs. No burst just consistant damage from stealth cover. That way instead of dying in one stun you can die from someone shooting you from 40m away and never knowing where they were.


That better ?


.....and that is the game kids.....nothing to see here now, move along. Uhh...last one out needs to give the OP some tissue. Cause this stung.

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Scrapper spec'd, it's really -all- we do. Pew pew pew, vanish. We aren't very survivable, the burst doesn't last forever, and if we run out of energy, we're pretty much done.


I'd say it's fairly balanced. :) (Speaking as a 50 vanguard who has been on the receiving end, as well as a 40 scoundrel dishing it.)


If you can outlast the burst we have, there's a good chance you can take us down! :)


Yeah, I have to agree. A nerf isnt needed cause this is literally their best move. I play a marauder and there are some good smugglers on my server that camp ilum and pounce on stragglers, which I tend to be some times. As long as I am paying attention and I break my stun I can counter back and beat em down. They are extremely squishy so they need a burst like that.

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This is another reason why MACROS should never be allowed cause I bet it takes some skill to use that many attacks in the right order to take someone out before a reaction could be attempted.


If macros get added then anyone would be able to do this and everyone would be an agent or what ever class does this.


Playing my commando i have been attacked multiple times in this fashon. I hate it but just then i just spam in my teams chat KILL XXXX player hes AGENT and in about 3 seconds he/she is dead cause about 6 people gang up on him/her.


I just wish the game had built in voice to make it easier. Tor could have recomendations for types of headsets and a side client software that works like xboxlive voice. would make group play so much better.

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For everybody that doesn't seem to read the other posts in the thread.


CC remove ability = CD


Good point, no matter what the operative does to you, you should be able to escape, he shouldn't have the luck of finding someone who blew all their cooldowns. He needs to be nerfed so he can't get a kill until all those abilities refresh.

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Just another sage who thinks operatives are op.


I play an operative and I can't count how many times a scoundrel or operative have gotten the opening jump on me and I still trash them.


By what you are saying it really sounds like you have no knowledge of what it is you are fighting.

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I play a scoundrel and I communicate with the agents on the Imp faction on our server. Both classes play almost the same. My scoundrel has 6 seconds of stun, with the ability to vanish and shoot first again for another 2 seconds of stun. Most of the time an Imp, depending on gear and buffs, will be 50% - health when my first 6 seconds are over and then you need to speed debuff/snare get behind them with another fletch round and back blast and pound them a bit prison style. Agents just seem to be better because they seem to have slightly better stealth/stealth detection and can hold that stun lock longer. Their damage besides the possibility to crit/surge huge, like the scoundrel, is static burst. This can be offset with a good healer nearby. With a bubble and heal the biggest threat is over and with a tank and guard the threat is drastically reduced. The only bad thing about imp aganets/rep scoundrels is the same as Sorcs/BHs. When you fight agaist 2-3+ that are coordinated in vent it can quickly turn into a frustrating day ot play pvp.
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Lol you ops saying Youre underpowered are just playing the system.


Your supposed nerf was in fact a HUGE BUFF


You traded slight dmg for ridiculous control.


And if a player doesn't have their trinket then its a lost fight. Operatives feel this is balance.



What it really is.. is another cowardice stealth ambush backstab class relying on auto crits and stun locking.


True story. Op with 13k hp.. a fresh 50 jumped my jugg in soresu form ~45% dmg reduction plus 530 expertise... He took me from 100% to 30% within the first stun.


lol yea real underpowered.



Haha stunning someone for 8 seconds then flashbanging them after.. you're skilled.

Edited by wwkingms
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I play as a marauder and I feel op's are fine where they are at now. Before the nerf it was ridiculous, but now they still hit hard but there is a chance to counter them back. To nerf them anymore would make them completely useless.


LOL SAYS THE KID WITH 638464 oh sh** buttons


And a sprint.



Try not having all those carebear dmg reduction abilities and tell me they're ok

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