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Concerning Websites showing Server Population Graphs


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I don't know what your background as an economist and accountant has to do with anything -- hell, you're not even required to use anything more than adding, substracting, multiplying, and dividing for accounting.


If you wanted to make a compelling case for your argument, rather than simply paraphrase whatever was written on MMOJunkie's/TORStatus's FAQ pages, then you would talked about how simulation should be utilized to form an hypothesis about the problem (i.e. what is the number in population increase that BW utilized to raise the server cap?) and how different statistical concepts and tools can be utilized to accurately conjecture what BW has done.


I took a Simulation and Design class in graduate school when I got my Masters in Computer Engineering.


Your thread serves no purpose other than "summarizing" all the information that is on the on the FAQ pages of MMOJunkie and TORStatus.

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MMO population ALWAYS goes down inbetween major patches.


Even WoW has major drop offs in between content.


It doesn't matter what it does now.


The question is will it go back up when 1.2 comes out?

This is one of those times where the game's release age is relevant.


Drop offs between content releases when the game is only two months old? That sounds like a disaster already in progress.

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You're totally correct..


How-ever..If we dimiss all the charts, and go by the players reporting fewer players and fewer shards, and take the easiest explanation, we end up with less population == less players?

Mods can subdue only so much of the acrimonious bs posts. We as a community probably need to weed our own garden. The number of no-lifes who are carpet bombing threads with vitriol appears to be dwindling. That and their posts are starting to resemble phishing emails. Makes one wonder why they are even here. Still, maybe we could help ourselves by posting screens? Yes, that's it! Bury the perps in screenshots so the ROW knows what this game and its community are really all about!!!


:) Edited by GalacticKegger
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Imperial: I had the idea of flying to each planet and getting those pop levels, ship, then to fleet. See what ya have. Then by a gross figure, perhaps double that to include Republic or rather if you have a Republic character, doing the same. Of course it wont be correct but you can see it visually what the planets are at. Honestly, I have not done this. It will grossly only show current connections but the planets I am seeing, they rarely have 50 or more people on them.


Why on earth would you do it this way? You know you can just /who Scoundrel or /who Juggernaut, etc. right down the list. I used to do it every night to get an idea of class distribution on Ajunta Pall.

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Why should they vary the load indicators once they have settled on something that roughly reflects capacity? I would expect that a new character most of the time gets created on a server where a players friends are or if the server has at least a standard load during peak times (not sure if there are any at full at this point in time). Only the inexperienced and some rare exceptions will create a new character on a server with light load.
Largely because after adding all those servers on launch day, BW told the forum community to reroll on lower pop servers. So players did and it continues because those threads still exist. Edited by GalacticKegger
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I'll ask again, if I show you the quote from EA regarding this - will you believe it?


Thanks for the proof, or whoever found it.


Just shows that they will say anything. They can say that the servers are at maximum population caps but how can we believe that when they double them within a week of them saying the other. :eek:

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Thanks for the proof, or whoever found it.


Just shows that they will say anything. They can say that the servers are at maximum population caps but how can we believe that when they double them within a week of them saying the other. :eek:


Just as I thought. You don't believe them, you think the game stinks and yet you keep coming back here.


Well, I am off to go bang out some dailies and make stims for Saturday's raid.

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Imperial: I had the idea of flying to each planet and getting those pop levels, ship, then to fleet. See what ya have. Then by a gross figure, perhaps double that to include Republic or rather if you have a Republic character, doing the same. Of course it wont be correct but you can see it visually what the planets are at. Honestly, I have not done this. It will grossly only show current connections but the planets I am seeing, they rarely have 50 or more people on them.


You don't have to fly to each planet knuckle head. /who can search for all people in your faction logged in from on spot. Just a imp and republic toon.

Edited by JerokTalram
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I'm glad to see the thread spawned some reasonable debate with little trolling. It's really interested(in this forum especially) to see a thread where reasonable people are disagreeing without it being a flame-fest and the inevitable "umadbro" being pulled out.


I enjoy a good debate, and I'm happy to jump into a thread full of flame, but this thread is pretty refreshing.


A lot of fair points have been made. A few that stuck out to me:


This is the only data we have to go on

Agreed - this and personal experience. Several people have mentioned their servers having less people in fleet etc. These threads really piqued by curiosity originally because on my server, the Perelemian trade routes, I've seen what appears to be growth. Fleet numbers increasing, planets that had smaller pops a month ago with much larger ones now(Quesh on my sorc had 6 people, and once I was the ONLY person, now off-peak it has around 20).


That said - we all have gut feelings. I never discard my gut feeling and dont expect anyone else to discard theres.


Proof that the light/med/heavy moved with cap moves

This is a sound question. I tried to stay away from taking an actual "side" in the debate since I was just trying to, more or less, move the debate away from people posting to those sites and trying to say definitively the population was doing one thing or another, but this is a pretty fair question we will never know the answer to. It doesn't "sound" right to me personally that those numbers wouldn't change but I guess it's possible(So if light = 0-500, and then they double the server cap, light would still = 0-500)


You can use the graphs for long term trends

In the really long term this is true. That time is going to vary. For instance if the game does tank as some are suggesting it is - in a few months it will be abundantly clear to EVERYONE that server pops are non-existence and you could look at the graphs and be like yup, graphs were right. For now though there are to many variables. Someone else mentioned the fact that we just finished a holiday season. That along with colleges across the U.S. starting up late jan and early feb contribute to different possibilities.


I'll reiterate that I really have no clue if population is rising or falling. I actually have the gut feeling that it is actually fairly stable at the moment and the likely changes in individual servers are people moving among them(my server perhaps already had a bit more activity so people moved to ti from a lower-pop server contributing to those on here saying fleet is a ghost-town).


In closing



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Haha, um no. There was nothing but a steady increase... for 5+ years in WoW. It never dropped off at all. It was #1 on the PC seller list for like 5 years straight as well.


not what i said. I didn't say that subs dropped off i said that people online dropped off.


In between content patches there is always a lul in user logins. Players get tired of playing the same game straight so they still are subbed but they don't log in to play as often until there is a new shiney patch.


hell this happens with EVERY game.



also that is 100% untrue about it being on the pc best seller list for 5 years.

Edited by jarjarloves
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not what i said. I didn't say that subs dropped off i said that people online dropped off.


In between content patches there is always a lul in user logins. Players get tired of playing the same game straight so they still are subbed but they don't log in to play as often until there is a new shiney patch.


hell this happens with EVERY game.



also that is 100% untrue about it being on the pc best seller list for 5 years.


No, the population really did not ever drop off when the game was released... there were queues on many servers up to a year or more into the game's release.


People couldn't get enough WoW. That's definitely different than what we're seeing here.

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No, the population really did not ever drop off when the game was released... there were queues on many servers up to a year or more into the game's release.


People couldn't get enough WoW. That's definitely different than what we're seeing here.


also not true. There most defently was major drops in server population between patches. Sorry to burst your bubble but some of us where actually there.

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also not true. There most defently was major drops in server population between patches. Sorry to burst your bubble but some of us where actually there.


Do agree with you. WoW had a massive drop in subs then they rose again.

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I've been playing MMOs for many years, and one thing that always amuses me is how people give 101 reasons why xfire statistics are invalid. I have yet to play a game where I didn't see more people in game over time when xfire numbers were going up, and less people online when they were going down.


I have an active subscription, I bought the CE, I have a good guild, old friends that play, and plan on playing for a long time to come. That's my disclaimer since this sort of opinion is normally treated as some sort of game hating propaganda. I just can't help but roll my eyes when people dispute allegedly flawed/incomplete data with even more flawed/incomplete guessing.

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I'm a lucky few who couldn't care less about not having wow type populations. I just want my friends and family. We enjoy the game and I'm sticking with it. But I love how you basically shut down server population arguments. It's not a perfect game and shouldn't be immune to criticism, but damn it it's fun. So I'm going to keep playing.
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also not true. There most defently was major drops in server population between patches. Sorry to burst your bubble but some of us where actually there.


I was there before you, guaranteed.


And nothing of the sort happened in WoW's first year at least, let alone first 2 months.


Sorry to call you out.

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I've been playing MMOs for many years, and one thing that always amuses me is how people give 101 reasons why xfire statistics are invalid. I have yet to play a game where I didn't see more people in game over time when xfire numbers were going up, and less people online when they were going down.


I have an active subscription, I bought the CE, I have a good guild, old friends that play, and plan on playing for a long time to come. That's my disclaimer since this sort of opinion is normally treated as some sort of game hating propaganda. I just can't help but roll my eyes when people dispute allegedly flawed/incomplete data with even more flawed/incomplete guessing.


Your experience is not unique among players. What is also not unique are those who have had the exact opposite experience which just demonstrates how personal experience can shade ones perception of things.


I can only assume though you're not referring to my op since I did not say the statistics on these sites are invalid for any and all purposes.


They are incomplete(if you don't believe me, then you should believe the websites themselves who say it).


What you seem to be saying is that they are not incomplete and are not just relevant to the discussion(which they are absolutely relevant) but that they are the only required proof of a server drop or increase.


Still - my first bit is the most important. You right now must be experiencing a less-people experience(since every single time it goes up, your server pop goes up and vice versa)


What would you say though to people who are experiencing the opposite? My server, Pere Trade Routes shows as going down on the websites, but I can state with certainty that I have personally a higher population in the areas I frequent.


The argument is NOT that the website information is absolutely invalid to the discussion. It is that they alone are not definitive proof(as many many on these forums have been using them as)

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