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So Bounty Hunters have a Jetpack, but can't leap across the map like Sith and Jedi?


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I'm not complaining because I see where the imbalance between BH and Trooper would be, but don't Bounty Hunters have Jetpacks?


It almost makes too much sense for a BH to be able to leap.



Just curious.



Heck, I wish our sprint would let us hover and fly instead of just run. :)



Priest in WOW get levitate. Bounty Hunters should get the same thing.

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I'm not complaining because I see where the imbalance between BH and Trooper would be, but don't Bounty Hunters have Jetpacks?


It almost makes too much sense for a BH to be able to leap.



Just curious.


If your in powertech then no it won't because the vanguard has a leap in the tanking tree.

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The jetpack is used by all Bounty Hunters to ... ummm ... vent heat and regen health!


Some Bounty Hunters have learned to use it to ... ummm ... storm (!) to an enemy. But jetpack fuel is expensive and since saving the galaxy only yields a few hundred credits and we love our credits now, don't we. So the pennypinchers we are we ain't gonna use it to take shortcuts or enjoy the scenery from atop a high building.

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  • 3 months later...
something else about BH and jet packs so the jet pack is on the back of there chest gear right so then why does my BH use rocket boots and not the thing on his back he is a power tech btw
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Something they have to be careful of is the homogenization of classes.


Many times, people say "X class has this, so it's only fair that mine does too!" But at some point group composition wouldn't matter anymore, and that's part of the strategy, imo. (And I'm a scoundrel, the class who really needs a gap closer more than a merc does...)


That said, maybe it can be something... different. Like a gap WIDENER, causing you to jump directly AWAY (relative to the selected target). Would be good for mercs against melee anyway. Maybe it could drop threat during PVE encounters, too.

Edited by Stenrik
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I always thought BH;s should have a jump boost that's moves em 15 yards behind them like hunters had disengage in WOW. Plus it would give us more survivability in pvp since they nerfed the mercenary.


Lol, we posted the same thing at the same time. Great minds think alike!



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I agree that the jetpack is widely underused on bounty hunters.... But i think that troopers should also be given a jetpack to even things out (jump troopers ftw). As a BH i specced Pt shield tech just for the jet charge.
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Leap across the map? Imagine how much heat that would generate to cook your toes/spine.


However, levity aside, I tend to agree. A rocket boot based charge so you are propelled at high speeds to the group would be nice but then maybe OP as well taken with grapple.


Maybe instead I would love grapple's timedown to be a little shorter and that the agro generated was to all close mobs. The mob you grapple to you generates high agro to the ones within 10 meters and they run to you or start firing on you for 6 seconds.

Edited by Bhaers
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