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Bioware WHERE is the Star wars music!!


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Wow, I actually LOVE that the music isn't non-stop. In every MMO I've played the music gets turned off after about 50% of the way to cap because it's just too repetitive. Having the music queue up when I enter a champion fight or boss fight makes it that much better.
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Wow, I actually LOVE that the music isn't non-stop. In every MMO I've played the music gets turned off after about 50% of the way to cap because it's just too repetitive. Having the music queue up when I enter a champion fight or boss fight makes it that much better.


I agree that a constant loop would be a bit too repetitive, but there needs to at least be more things that trigger it, like traveling, entering an area, etc.

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I don't know much about rights and whatnot, but I'd almost bet something on that John Williams music comes with the IP and isn't separate - provided it's actually produced FOR the IP.


Used to do rights work for Disney last century so I have a small idea of how things work.


Even though the music is part of the IP it is separate to the IP in terms of licensing. Lucas doesn't have the ability to assign William's rights away, that belongs to John to decide on his own.

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Because of lack of music, I turned in-game music off and using my own from winamp. It's good to have some fast music for space missions and when you have heavy duty fighting :)

But yeah I miss original music from star wars in game, but on other hand, this game is around 3000 years before actual star wars movies right? So this means that they should put some new music in game as they did. Only that current music in game is not good as it should be for that game. I won't complain much as I know how hard it can be to make perfect game (almost impossible), but I would suggest BW to give more time into sound division. There are still some sound bugs in game.

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Used to do rights work for Disney last century so I have a small idea of how things work.


Even though the music is part of the IP it is separate to the IP in terms of licensing. Lucas doesn't have the ability to assign William's rights away, that belongs to John to decide on his own.


So, basically, it comes down to what John Williams and Lucas(arts) have agreed upon, which I guess is not public knowledge?

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imho they should put some devs to work on this and overhaul the whole music playing in the entire game ASAP. very unsatisfying.


"the music leads the experience". well, not. another lie. why? BECAUSE IT'S NOT PLAYING. and if - some KOTOR songs I don't care about. or space battle music from episode I. /yawn.

Edited by Rikeryo
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I have a playlist of starwars music that i turn on when i am questing and i will tell you what having the emperors throne room music playing on Korriban is 100% more awesome. You should try it.


The thing with starwars is that music played throughout the entire film it was massive musical score that created the setting.

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A good chunk of some of the music is from the original 2 Kotor games. so like. I love that. brings a welcome to good memories daze when I hear some of it.


Agreed, the music in this game is fantastic overall.

Last night on my trooper all of a sudden Across the Stars song by John Williams started in the background, it completely blew me away.

Those saying that the music is bad are either trolls or they need their ears checked.

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Agreed, the music in this game is fantastic overall.

Last night on my trooper all of a sudden Across the Stars song by John Williams started in the background, it completely blew me away.

Those saying that the music is bad are either trolls or they need their ears checked.


I know I cant count the number of times I have heard the song from Malachor V when I have gone into an area where there is an impending big fight as well as other songs throughout the entire game. Yes a lot was taken from the KOTOR series but that doesn't make it "not Star Warsy" people.

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I would like to have more SW music but I am going to forgive BW because of Balmorra.

Balmorra music theme is outstanding. I can stay there for days and weeks not in hurry to move on just because music is so great.

But more SW music would be welcome :)

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I don't know what y'all are talking about; there's always music in this game! Each planet has it's own theme, the music is different in certain areas of each planet and/or instance and also differs when you are in battle versus simply exploring. My favorite are the themes to Hoth and Voss, and I rather like the Empire's theme for Balmorra, as well as the Republic's theme for Alderaan. I honestly think the music is one of the best parts of the game; it's so well done and well-used. Well, except for a couple of those cantina songs. Those make me want to shoot the jukebox. Edited by a_birdbird
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As a sith inquisitor, when I did that Ashara-related quest on Taris where you collect the datacron-like thingies, I absolutely loved how the remixed samples of Across the Stars kicked in seamlessly a couple of times when the records played. It was great. And a lot of my excitement was due to the fact that we get so little of that in this game! Let's have more of it BW, it works great and really adds to the cinematic value of the game. Edited by Decembrist
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I'd like there to be more music. Each planet seems to have a 'theme' set of music pieces to it, but as people on this thread have said, you hardly ever hear the music. Put in a loop button by default, or increase the frequency at which the music is triggered... Or simply have the default music theme musics loop when no action or theme is happening. Agree with you that the running around in silence in the SW universe is most un-Star Warsy.
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I agree and I wish they would loop some Ep V tracks in the game, or from any Ep for that matter, you know.. like all other Star Wars games do. Remember playing Jedi Knight in silence or just a couple choruses popping up here and there? No - when I think back of my dear memories of those games I hear the music from all the different gameplay levels and cinematic moments. There was always that constant feel of Star Wars when playing.


In this game I'm now and then reminded that this is the same universe as the Star Wars I know, like when watching those rare epic cinematic moments with lightsabers, blasters, epic music and drama (music and drama being the big ones; this game needs more epic music and more emotional conflicts).


I haven't heard Duel of the Fates in this game, period. HOW IS THERE A 2012 STAR WARS GAME WITH NO DUEL OF THE FATES?!




I don't know much about rights and whatnot, but I'd almost bet something on that John Williams music comes with the IP and isn't separate - provided it's actually produced FOR the IP.


Actually, I believe this track plays during the Infernal Council fight in Eternity Vault.

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SWG used music from the movies but to be fair there really isn't that much music to use. In SWG you had around three or four different pieces of Star Wars music that worked in a combat setting, and you heard them over and over again. It got old real fast hearing the same old "ruh-roh it's a fight " music all the time, over and over again.


I credit BioWare with taking the initiative to add new music to the genre.

Edited by Tomb-Stone
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