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Vanguard/Powertech shared tree BURST is OP


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I play a vanguard (assault spec) ya we might have high burst vs equally geared, and very high burst vs low geared targets, but what you say there is a lie, vs battle-master geared people and my 560 or so expertise i rarely get over 2.7k crits, so whatever you are smoking please pass it along.


What you clearly do not understand as a Vanguard/Powertech full dps spec we sacrifice virtually all our survivability, our survivability comes from killing targets before they kill us, while other classes have "Get out of jail free cards" be it vanish/force speed etc etc, we have 1, 25% damage reduction for 12 seconds, once that goes we are free frags for any team with half a brain.


Burst doesnt mean just only one single crit from one ability.

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that's one of the problems with the class.


it's too easy to outplay people, literally anybody is able to because the class is so simple to use effectively.


the only reason pt/vg hybrids don't catch the same flak sc/op did and hybrid sorcs/sages still do is because they are a)not as obvious and b)slightly underplayed


If your playing a hybrid spec you trade off the burst (that the OP is greatly exaggerating about) for more defense and a bit of extra mobility.


If your fully pyro yeah you can get off a chain of attacks that hit hard (assuming you get lucky on procs), your also one of the easiest (if not the easiest) classes to focus down in the game, with zero mobility and only one useful survival cool down.

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I play the same shared tree on the Mercenary side. I usually get 6-12k burst in 3 sec and i don't feel its out of line with the other DPS classes. I am lacking about half the battlemaster gear i believe and am sitting at ~670 expertise. I have been playing this tree for a long while and i dont feel its overpowered.
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Bounty hunter lvl 50 PT Shield


Tank spec is they ONLY tree with the lowest dps out of the 3 trees for pvp.


I'm trying to see the logic in tank spec pvp. I don't see how this is a pvp option for anyone unless you have a deicated healer partner. Even with your healer being really good it keeping me up the only thing I'm good at is distraction. Duration of distraction about 30 second before target realize "oh healer Squishy"


I generally have about 12% defense chance with 40% shielding with 40% absorbing.

Damage reduction 50%, when i use my shield 20% total 70 when my shield is up for 12 seconds. logic'say's i should be very hard to kill in fact with expertise envoled im very hard to take down normally i take's about 3-4 for player to kill me when defenses are working for that short time. Unforunate for me once im targeted im fodder.


No escape. Anyone once they see the glowing blue ball on the screen theyre instinct is " he defenses are about to drop let met get a part of this kill" Bad thing is that when the shield drops so does every other defense you have goes 'bye bye'.


I have 2 skills that don't work and if Someone can show me how to get these skills to work properly i would be appricate it.


First off Quell Describes as a interrupt for 4 secs of where the target can't use that ability .

try using it on let say a soc/sage with obvious skills that seem like there channeling to use meaning there in interrupt skill that Quell should stop. What do you know it does not work.


Try using Quell a jug/knight Epic fail

Try using Quell a ops/assasin IF you ever see one "Super epic Fail"

Try using Quell on a tropper/BH No skill to interrupt wow big suprise there


Second skill

Shoulder charge (not sure about the skill name so pardon me)

Skill describes as ability to hit a target for 1-2k damage if the target conditions are met.


As for you using the skill looking for anyone one with legit proof this skill works cause its always in the dark it never seem to be on and even when my target is under one of the skill conditions nothing ever happens.



PowerTech Shield is by far the most useless tree in pvp don't know why the even bother to put pvp options there. THey hardly ever work.


IE" When you make a scanner to scan for hidden player and add the the bouns of stunning the you forgot to mention

the other player can see where your scaning also and just simply walk around. Wow there is concept.

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If your playing a hybrid spec you trade off the burst (that the OP is greatly exaggerating about) for more defense and a bit of extra mobility.


If your fully pyro yeah you can get off a chain of attacks that hit hard (assuming you get lucky on procs), your also one of the easiest (if not the easiest) classes to focus down in the game, with zero mobility and only one useful survival cool down.


yeah, I don't think the full specs are a problem. However as a hybrid you lose some damage, yet you gain a lot more survivability and mobility...


this game has some serious issues with hybrid specs in general, at least on some classes where it is painfully obvious (PT, sorc, healing merc)

Edited by mufutiz
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PowerTech Shield is by far the most useless tree in pvp don't know why the even bother to put pvp options there. THey hardly ever work.

That's why the hybrid spec most popular among powertechs is tank spec up to jet charge, then pyro up to particle accelerator, right? Because it's such a useless tree with no useful options for pvp?

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Define Burst Please.


Yes, Assault Vangs / Pyro PTs can hurt you in a short period if not disturbed.


Sometimes I can burst (7.5 - 10s) an enemy down, if all stars are aligned.


0.0 Incendiary Round (1.5k)

1.5 Assault Plastic (4k)

3.0 High Impact Bolt (4.5k)

4.5 Ion Pulse (2k)

6.0 Stock Strike (3k)

7.5 High Impact Bolt (4.5k)


About 2k due to the Incendiary Round Dot / Plasma Cell Dot


20+k in 7.5 Secs are possible against LOW Expertise Geared opponents (i.E. the new Rakata PvE generation).


Oh and yes, above numbers are with Battle Focus, Trinket and Adrenal - Battlemaster/Rakata geared

Edited by Tanyala
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Simple Facts about Pyro/Arsenal PTs/Vanguards


- High Burst (4k+ Railshot Crits are common)


Trade is........


We die super fast and have the worst defensive cooldowns for a single AC in a PvP Environment. Nor do we have any way to charge, get out of combat, etc. Oh, and the fact we have to be in Melee for maximum damage...


Just mark the Pyro/Arsenal and they'll die quick.

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There is this archetype in these sort of games it's name is DPS. They have low survivability, no self heals, and very good damage capacity. The assault vanguard is a DPS spec/class.


It has exactly 1 mitigation (aka need heals now or I die) tool.


It has exactly 0 escape tools. They have no vanish, they have no speed, they have no lolimmunelol.

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Almost forgot Bh pt shield burst damage is a joke. Hands down

im not saying it for my health. im saying it cause i don't belive how this guy belive his burst damage done to him while he is stun is op.


if you never seen it before let me explain.


burst #1


Missle spam about 4-5k damage single target then over heat.


Burst #2


Flame burst spam untill rocket punch procs off CD.

Much longer spaming time but damage is way higher than burst #1

Damage is varies and hard to gauge without a counter.




Rapid shot till ion gas proc railshot

This my vary but his has the higher chance of dps because of 3 factor the 60 % of armor ignored, the chance that the target could be on fire giving you another 30% well lucky here 90 % of a persons armour is ignored at expertise and railshot pretty deadly on burst damage. avg dps 1.2 -1.8 hardly any realy burst with a huge chance to crit.


My issue with Burst#3 its all just a chance!!! This based on your target not wearing anything thing but a loin cloth. Put some gear on your target for protection Effectively lowering your chance to pull any of that off.


So when your target has a health of 17k like me and obviously geared and you have to do any burst damage to a target. How do you get them to 40% in shield spec its while stun in 4 second its impossible to pull off.

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yeah, I don't think the full specs are a problem. However as a hybrid you lose some damage, yet you gain a lot more survivability and mobility...


That's as much because of poor the mobility and survivability of the pyro in general as anything else.


The hybrid build is actually nice for a PT, it's more survivable than a straight Pyro and does ok damage enough that it can't be ignored but not so much that it's insane, certainly the hybrid spec healing specs I've seen seem far more dangerous in other classes.

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Just mark the Pyro/Arsenal and they'll die quick.


I die quick enough as it is, stop telling them this.


'Hey PT is he a shield or Pyro?"


'Pyro, focus him down now and every time he gets back.'



Edited by Dharagada
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OP/sin burst is just as deadly and more predictable. Once every 75 secs (recklessness) I can hit enemies with two back-to-back attacks that hit for around ~4K, and without having to sacrifice my firstborn to the RNG gods. Edited by Krytycal
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You can do same thing on Assassin/Marauder as you can do on powertech, though like people have said, Assassin/Marauders are much harder to bring down, and have multiple escape options, Powertech's escape option is basically killing you before you kill him.
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OP/sin burst is just as deadly and more predictable. Once every 75 secs (recklessness) I can hit enemies with two back-to-back attacks that hit for around ~4K, and without having to sacrifice my firstborn to the RNG gods.


The vanguard is better at taking out tanks/tank hybrids than the assassin, not 1v1, mind you. They just do better damage to armored targets due to the high armor penetration on HIB. Assassins, even the DPS ones, win out against vanguards on survivability CDs; speed, vanish, force shroud...


1 v 1 the assault vanguard is a free kill for multiple classes and specs.

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I die quick enough as it is, stop telling them this.


'Hey PT is he a shield or Pyro?"


'Pyro, focus him down now and every time he gets back.'




Ha. I've caused enough headaches on my server I get focused a lot if it's not a bunch of newbie 50s :(


WTB Marauder Immunity Shield. PST.


PS: I hate marks lasting through death, doesn't help my survivability one bit.

Edited by exphryl
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My Assault Plastique hits for 3500, and my HIB hits for 3200.




This thread is a joke, either that or he is referencing a player named Lone Leah who is not a good benchmark, because of "obvious" reasons.


Wasn't gonna waste my time with this, but assault/pyro is NOT a melee spec. Vangaurd may be more melee but the AP, HIB, incendiary, etc have 30m range. I'm not say it is op, I don't think it is, but don't defend it with bs.


And for the record of all the people that don't get the op. He's not talk about one frog for 8k, he's talking about how AP hit the same time as something else so you have one of the highest bursts of all classes. But it is balanced, just a surprise shot to the nuts because grav/tracer get more attention.

Edited by MartyrLXXVII
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Wasn't gonna waste my time with this, but assault/lurk is NOT a melee spec. Vangaurd may be more melee but the AP, HIB, incendiary, etc have 30m range. I'm not say it is op, I don't think it is, but don't defend it with bs.


And for the record of all the people that don't get the op. He's not talk about one frog for 8k, he's talking about how AP hit the same time as something else so you have one of the highest bursts of all classes. But it is balanced, just a surprise shot to the nuts because grav/tracer get more attention.



I didn't know I could spam my railshot or td.


I totally must have misread the Rocket Punch and Flame Burst "melee" talents that reset it...




Pyro is not a ranged class...

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