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Show me a screenshot of your Juggernaut!


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So yeah, I rolled first commando... didn't like feeling like my schnauzer could succeed at the class as much as I did, stopped at level 44. Rolled powertech, stopped at 25 because I didn't find the story too appealing. Rolled marauder, stopped at 18 for 'I am teh squish!' reasons. Rolled guardian, have spent the last three days getting him to level 22 (space missions ftw) but the armor isn't all that cool... plus I can't force choke random dudes. Also rolled operative till 24, stopped at tat. Rolled vanguard till 21, stopped because I hated replaying the same story. I am an altaholic.


Now, I now that guardian is the mirror class to juggernaut, but there are two things that decide a class for me: looks and story. I'm fine with the so-called 'difficulty' of the class (thank you guard for contributing three automatic medals to my WZ score, puts me at an average of 6-7 medals on my guardian) but I'd be willing to redo the first 20 levels of the SW story (takes what- 3 hrs spacing through quests) if the Juggernaut looks cooler than the guardian.


TL;DR: show me a picture of your juggernaut so I can decide whether I want to roll one for fickle aesthetic reasons. I like cookies.

Edited by jedistreen
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Nice. You guys really do look very... uh... sithy. I hate creating adjectives. Can anyone tell me how the gear was leveling? did it stay the same look the entire time (I love the bulky armor, coming from playing a DK in WoW... EPIC SHOULDERPADS -they were like 3 feet tall) or did your guys go from less bulky armor to more bulky armor? Thanks in advance.
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Mine is the full Champion PVP armour except for the braces and belt which are Rakata that built when I had synthweaving at 400. I don't like the look of the PVE gear. I think it looks like a crappy Iron Man.


I will probably strip the mods out of the rakata gear and stick it in some PVP gear.

Edited by ArsenalJaycen
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Nice. You guys really do look very... uh... sithy. I hate creating adjectives. Can anyone tell me how the gear was leveling? did it stay the same look the entire time (I love the bulky armor, coming from playing a DK in WoW... EPIC SHOULDERPADS -they were like 3 feet tall) or did your guys go from less bulky armor to more bulky armor? Thanks in advance.


Yes it's eaxactly like that. PvE wise you start off in pretty basic figure hugging gear with little or no shoulder extensions, then as you get further in level the armour becomes more Darth Vaderesque/robotic, culminating in the PvE tiered set which is what my Jugg is wearing.


You essentially start in a training robe and then progress to a spandex combat suit, then armoured chest pieces with decent shoulders with rebreather masks, then armoured chestpieces with capes and full face helmets that distort your voice, then armoured robes, then tiered gear.


There are also some nice hooded robes with armour options once you hit the late 40s (obtainable through FPs or by comms vendors). All in all it's ok - the armour could look a LOT better in my opinion but I'm afraid to say it's nowhere near as crap as the Jedi Guardian's gear, which is just terrible. Space Samurai?!

Edited by JamieM
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Mine is the full Champion PVP armour except for the braces and belt which are Rakata that built when I had synthweaving at 400. I don't like the look of the PVE gear. I think it looks like a crappy Iron Man.


I will probably strip the mods out of the rakata gear and stick it in some PVP gear.


Yeah the PvE set looks good except for those terrible injection things on the shoulders and the crappy helmet. Those utterly spoil (hence why I don't show my head piece) the set. If they gor tid of the injections then the armour would look soooo much better.


I also have the PvP set but as much as I like the spikey shoulders - the helmet and skin tight boots make you look like a weirdo in a gimp/morph suit, not a Sith. Just my opinion though of course.

Edited by JamieM
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I will be a sad panda when I'm finally forced out of my orange heavies that look like what I imagine an elegant gown or riding habit would look like if it were heavy armor.


For now, I stick in the best purple mods I can. Though I know that will only take me so far.

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Here is my Juggernaut.






I believe I'm level 47 in those shots, doing the Hoth Bonus series, heh.


What armor are you wearing (esp legs & chest)? That looks really great and would love to know. And I noticed from another post its orange / heavy?

Edited by sippelmc
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Oh look almost everyone is in rakata, why is endgame so hard?


It's ridiculously easy, If you got a smart & reliable group and some sort of voice communication.


I've had some bad loot days since I've ran KP & EV HM for the last three weeks now and havene only gotten the legs, main hand and mount from KP. While the rest of my group is in almost full T3. :p


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I will be a sad panda when I'm finally forced out of my orange heavies that look like what I imagine an elegant gown or riding habit would look like if it were heavy armor.


For now, I stick in the best purple mods I can. Though I know that will only take me so far.


They will make the mods moveable from operation gear. Soon I think. My guess is 1.2

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