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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Best/ Your Fav DPS/Healing Class!


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I'm a fan of Operative, but Sorc is ezmode. I really don't like healing on Merc.


It is ez mode if you play scrub style aka only caring for Scoreboard at the end of a WZ.

Skill cap on Sorc/Sage is one of the highest though.


Not that the majority of MMO gamers in general can even differentiate between skill floor/requirement and skill cap.

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It is ez mode if you play scrub style aka only caring for Scoreboard at the end of a WZ.

Skill cap on Sorc/Sage is one of the highest though.


Not that the majority of MMO gamers in general can even differentiate between skill floor/requirement and skill cap.



when a game revolves around pressing 1-2-3-4 for performing actions and you want to sit here and talk about skill caps, i cant help but laugh.


mmo games are designed for people who dont have elite video game skills...






as far as the OP goes the standard responses you will get are:


sage/sorc - this class will get called overpowered and then have its defenders... see above.


merc/comm - this class will get called generally balanced, but maybe a bit too hard to kill. since this class is the 'runner up' it doesnt get as much hate.


ops/scoun - most people will say this class needs work and needs to be buffed, and you will have the people who defend it saying its awesome as is.

Edited by -Fritz-
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Mercs=single target healers. With proper resourse managment, they can last indefinitely. However they are pro-active healers and they can't do burst-healing. They really shine at sustaining tanks, especialy powertechs.


Operatives=crapy healers. Their only good shtick is that they can fire off HoT or two move on, whic is good for the fights where you need retain mobility. However, they can't heal the entire team without running out of power and they can't(in contradiction to what devs say) do burst heals either. So for all intents and purposes, ops are gimped healer. They can place their HoT on all party members, but practically, they are going to end up being dry after that.


Sorcerers=best group healers there is. If not their AoE heals that heal 8 players at once, that at least for the utility that they provide. Sorcs have craploads of CC which makes regular fights so much more easier. They also have their bubbles, that they can spam on entire team every 20 secs, which is a tremendous help for the entire team. Oh, and just because sorcs specialize in aoe healing, doesn't mean that they can't do single target heals.


Than there's sorc's resourse, which allows sorc to do burst healing with no penalties, unlike other healers. Now, theoretically, sorc is bound to run out of mana at some point. Practically, with proper management and injections of "free heals" sorcs are like those rabbits from Duracell commercials(and going...and going...or was that Energizer?).


Than there's the fact that sorcs can pull friendly targets towards them, like out of danger zones(like aoe). Oh, and sorcs can do in-combat rez, same as ops. Mercs, however, don't have that ability.

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I dont' heal in MMO's... never have... never will... it's just not my thing.


However, a guildie has an Op, Sorc, and Merc. He prefers his Sorc to the other two. He says his Sorc makes it easier to dps, cc, keep heals on the group, etc. while also keeping the tank in a good spot. From his standpoing he likes Sorc the best because he gets to do more... but he really likes hitting buttons constantly, so that doesn't surprise me.

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It is ez mode if you play scrub style aka only caring for Scoreboard at the end of a WZ.

Skill cap on Sorc/Sage is one of the highest though.


Not that the majority of MMO gamers in general can even differentiate between skill floor/requirement and skill cap.


Based on what?


Pressing a couple of dots (that last for awhile), then spamming one key till you get a proc and hitting that button?


Want to know what a Sage/sorc is? A vanilla shadow priest when all classes in WoW were EASY and noone had gaming mice. Add to that? It is even MORE FACEROLL because you don't have to shift in and out of shadowform to heal and your "mindflay" procs everything.


The only difference between a good sorc/sage and a bad sorc/sage is gear and not being a total moron and or a clicker.


It has NO SKILL CAP. None. Zero. It is the easiest, most OP ranged class I have ever played in an MMO besides Commando/Merc and that class is nowhere near as OP.


The sage/sorc class gets EASIER to play as you level. All CC and nukes become instant casts off procs from YOU GUESSED IT. Spamming one button.


Anyone who hit 2200 on a frost mage or shadow priest or lock in the last year in WoW can tell you that this class is a JOKE. Then you have these scrubnubs saying the class has a "high skill cap"?


HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAA. Yeah brah. That is why when I played sage I outdpsed one of the realms "best" sages by a small amount, but when he plays a sentinel I outdps him 2 to 1 on a BAD day.


Cus sage/sorc has a huge SKILL CAP lol. Ranged classes are always easier then melee classes because you don't have to hit buttons on the move. Other MMO's who have developers that aren't MORONS, make up for this by requiring CAST TIMES, COMBO SYSTEMS which require TIMING, and make the ranged "fakecast" to be competitive.


You don't have to do any of that on a sage/sorc. Add to that? If you are silenced on your "mindflay"? You can still spam all your other spells, regardless of "tree". Add to that? Your stupid bubble can't be dispelled (like it can in WoW). Oh yeah...then you have autoface which removes even more skill from the class.


The sage/sorc class is a DIRECT RIPOFF of a shadow priest. It is just easier to play in every way, better in everyway and melee don't have the tools they have in other games to fight them.


Please never post again. You know nothing about "skill cap" and I could outdamage you 2 to 1 on this stupid class with just my g500 mouse and shift control modifiers, while jumping around and doing 360's in between my spammed mindflay which AUTOFACES THE TARGET.

Edited by biowareftw
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Based on what?


Pressing a couple of dots (that last for awhile), then spamming one key till you get a proc and hitting that button?


Want to know what a Sage/sorc is? A vanilla shadow priest when all classes in WoW were EASY and noone had gaming mice. Add to that? It is even MORE FACEROLL because you don't have to shift in and out of shadowform to heal and your "mindflay" procs everything.


The only difference between a good sorc/sage and a bad sorc/sage is gear and not being a total moron and or a clicker.


It has NO SKILL CAP. None. Zero. It is the easiest, most OP ranged class I have ever played in an MMO besides Commando/Merc and that class is nowhere near as OP.


The sage/sorc class gets EASIER to play as you level. All CC and nukes become instant casts off procs from YOU GUESSED IT. Spamming one button.


Anyone who hit 2200 on a frost mage or shadow priest or lock in the last year in WoW can tell you that this class is a JOKE. Then you have these scrubnubs saying the class has a "high skill cap"?


HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAA. Yeah brah. That is why when I played sage I outdpsed one of the realms "best" sages by a small amount, but when he plays a sentinel I outdps him 2 to 1 on a BAD day.


Cus sage/sorc has a huge SKILL CAP lol. Ranged classes are always easier then melee classes because you don't have to hit buttons on the move. Other MMO's who have developers that aren't MORONS, make up for this by requiring CAST TIMES, COMBO SYSTEMS which require TIMING, and make the ranged "fakecast" to be competitive.


You don't have to do any of that on a sage/sorc. Add to that? If you are silenced on your "mindflay"? You can still spam all your other spells, regardless of "tree". Add to that? Your stupid bubble can't be dispelled (like it can in WoW). Oh yeah...then you have autoface which removes even more skill from the class.


The sage/sorc class is a DIRECT RIPOFF of a shadow priest. It is just easier to play in every way, better in everyway and melee don't have the tools they have in other games to fight them.


Please never post again. You know nothing about "skill cap" and I could outdamage you 2 to 1 on this stupid class with just my g500 mouse and shift control modifiers, while jumping around and doing 360's in between my spammed mindflay which AUTOFACES THE TARGET.


You talk like you have heard of WoW but never played it. I both had a mage and a priest and no it's not like sages. they are all casters but else they are a lot different.

Please stop all the lies you have no clues about, when you have a lot of instant spell you do have to use spells on the run as sage, it's the only way to actually survive as sage, so plz stop with all your clueless opinions when you don't know what you are talking about.

and spamming one button? could you be more wrong, you must play it completely wrong I use 10+ buttons/spells on my sage I dunno what sage class you are playing.

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You talk like you have heard of WoW but never played it. I both had a mage and a priest and no it's not like sages. they are all casters but else they are a lot different.

Please stop all the lies you have no clues about, when you have a lot of instant spell you do have to use spells on the run as sage, it's the only way to actually survive as sage, so plz stop with all your clueless opinions when you don't know what you are talking about.

and spamming one button? could you be more wrong, you must play it completely wrong I use 10+ buttons/spells on my sage I dunno what sage class you are playing.


What the hell are you talking about? I played this faceroll class in beta and reported it OP as hell then (the hybrid spec).


Vanilla shadow priest. Primary dps rotation. Dot (back then you used shadow word pain rank 1 to build up your dmg, so yes you used "2 dots"), mind blast (cast time), mindflay.


Sage/sorc. Dot/dots, spam your mindflay that kites (just like mindflay did), which procs instant mindblast.


WHOA YOU USE A WHOLE 10 buttons. NO WAY BRAH. I could outdamage you as TK or lightning...I press twice as many ON THE MOVE as a sentinel.


Difference between vanilla shadowpriest and sage/sorc.


Fear is replaced by knockback that roots when hybrid specced.


Don't have to shift in and out of shadow form to heal (makes it more herp derp) and takes away risk/reward for offhealing. Add to that it cost a crap load of mana back then and if you were healing or even shielding other people you went OOM super fast. Hybrid spec gets INSANE force regen that makes worrying about your resource a JOKE compared to the penalties other hybrids in this game suffer for healing.


You get a ranged hammer of justice (LOL).


You get a ranged slow in addition to your autokite mindflay.


The grip a friendly person to you was stolen from later priest talents in WoW. It is the SAME SPELL.


Shield isn't subject to purge and offensive dispels/spellsteal. Which makes it OP as hell when you don't have to shift in and out of shadow form to give it to other people (best instant heal in the game).


Get a spammable AOE that can proc a nuke. (2 button rotation derp).


Get a instant cast polymorph.


Get a sprint (that you shouldn't have) with all the instant cast CC you get.


Are not subject to "tree lockouts". For instance. In WoW if you casted a heal and were interrupted? ALL HEAL SPELLS WERE LOCKED OUT. In addition if you were silenced on a mindlfay or mindblast? You couldn't cast 2 dots, or an aoe etc. You were locked out of ANY dmg abilities.


So yeah. It is EXACTLY like a vanilla shadow priest. Except more CC (all instant cast), an escape, just an easy a dps rotation (cept all instant cast other then mindlfay), and yeah you have no idea what you are talking about. You also don't have to use dispel offensively.


You could argue it takes like 2 more buttons but then again you don't have to shift in and out of shadow form, you don't have a renew to cast, and you don't dispel offensively.


The class is the most faceroll op ranged class ever seen in a game. They took frost mage control, gave it to a dumbed down vanilla shadowpriest, and removed having to worry about mana. Then they gave melee no way to go immune to the CC (cloak of shadows, blessing of freedom), and put a cooldown on cleanse (from healers).


Give me a break. You were prob the worst mage/priest in the history of WoW. I use twice the buttons as I do on this class on a current shadowpriest/frostmage. Many of the frostmage bindings are focus macros but please...


You actually have to time things, HARDCAST CC, fake cast on a mage and you have hard counters (dispels). Even a 1500 rated scrub like you could excel on this class...which is why you don't want it nerfed...

Edited by biowareftw
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On the Sage/Sorc...


The class is the most faceroll op ranged class ever seen in a game. They took frost mage control, gave it to a dumbed down vanilla shadowpriest, and removed having to worry about mana. Then they gave melee no way to go immune to the CC (cloak of shadows, blessing of freedom), and put a cooldown on cleanse (from healers).


...Bright Wizard

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...Bright Wizard


Nah it was those damn Shamans that were OP!


On topic though:


I'm looking to roll an alt for my Jugg, probably a healer but I wouldn't say no to DPS. Is the Sorc fun to play? (ignoring the arguement raging above) If not I may roll an assassin as I prefer melee to RDPS.

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Smuggler Gunslinger/IA Sniper is my favorite DPS class


The skill leveled required to maximize your rotation is deliciously complicated - plus the raw DPS is enticing. So far this class has my heart. Ive re rolled two alts and nothing can come close to the fun Ive had with my Gunslinger - everything seems to easy.


Shadow rotation - Spam 6 attacks while you buffer everything with a free one to keep from running out of force.


Sage - same thing except you don't run out of force. Now compared to my Gunslinger where I actually have to use more then 14 skills to take out a single mob? -Sigh- Dear Gunslinger, you have ruined me

Edited by Elyons
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Ok I dont know about you guys but you clearly dont know anything about healing.


1 Sage/Sorcerer Strength is long uptime healer with a nice 20 second cooldown 10 second duration aoe heal that heals for 350 hps noncrit with 1800 willpower 650 power and 2300 force power per second. Its good at aoe heals because it can target 8 people but its got a lower heals per second on a single person. then you got your big heal using the same stats as thats what i have on my sage it does 3750 noncrit and around 5750 on a crit. it eats up 1/12th of your mana pool or 50 force and we only regen 8 per second. then you got your fast heal does about half the big heals heal in half the time for 2 less force. Those are your rarely used heals and are only really used in emergencies. Your two main heals are rejuvenation which is a 6 second cooldown and places a hot on the target if your healing spec that also increases armor by 10% and buffs your next heal cast. and healing trance which is a 3 second channel that heals for 1800 on crits. When you crit with trance you can cast noble sacrifice free which at 600 force which is a talented up from 500 restores 8% force or 48 this spell has a 9 second cooldown but with the pve 2 piece bonus it goes down to 7.5. Now if you are healing speced which is the focus of this discussion your telekenetic throw has a 6 second cooldown and a 3 second cast time. and procs nothing ever. The left talent tree is healing the right is the shared tree and is the one that utilizes tk throw to proc instant attacks that are 20% more powerful and removes the cooldown. If they are spamming this ability they are not a healer and are a dps with healing spells.


2. Trooper/bh They use ammo/heat as a resource they have 12 rounds or 100% heat and when they run out or get too hot they go from regenning .7 rounds a second to .3. troope is called a commando you will recognize them because they got a really big gun..merceneries the bounty hunter equivilant are empire and carry 2 pistols so are also easy to recognize. gunslingers are also dual wielders but are republic so no confusion there. commando is the hardest healer to play for one primary reason their main healing comes from an ammo augment that makes their hammer shot or basic attack if you will deal their healing bonus as a heal. Because they are using an attack to heal themselves they CAN NOT target themselves. This means if they need heals they must spend rounds or add heat so they cant heal themselves well at all. They have an aoe that when talented adds a Heal over time shorter cooldown than sages but only hits 3 targets. Bioware said in 1.2 they are increasing this to 8 to match a sages. Instead of the bubble which absorbs so much damage they use a "earth shield" type buff that they can place on a target and then when that target takes damage it heals a small amount. A basic healing session as a commando/merc is using hammer round to heal in ticks of 125-200 per .5 second burst 3 ticks per 1.5 seconds building 3 combat support buffs per gcd and using a talent in tier 2 of your healing tree to activate a healing surge. This makes the class bursty in healing and when lined up has some good short term burst healing. This makes them capable of healing but lacking in self healing because you cant "shoot yourself"


3. scoundrel/operative These guys are primarily about hots. Their primary attack is a scan that has the same power nad functionality as the troopers however since its not a weapon fireing they can target themselves. They have a few hots they can throw out and with talents their med scan the 0 cost sustained heal restores energy 2 per crit. medscan can easily when fully talented into their healing tree have a 70% crit rate. operatives also have a fluxuating resoruce regen. They have a base regen if 5 and it drops to 2 with 0-20 energy. medscan can often increase this rate and using upper hand an op/scoundrel resource they can increase this by 1.5 per second so with 0 energy they will have 3.5 energy regened per second and if they get 2 out of 3 crits in the 1.5 second channel of med scan thats another 6 or 4 per second so they'll end up regenning 7.5 per second and at max regen they have 10.5 energy per second. This means that they have higher healing uptme than commandos and can target themselves.




This said the order of healing easiness is






Also as a sage with super high healing ability I can not get 2.5k crits my biggest crit on any ability is 1800. But this is something that i'm not unfamiliar with. People see 2 sages and 1 is dps spec and one is healing spec and they think they are both 31/31/31 spec. Why because they dont know the class but want to sound like they do. This is why i have every class and have played them up to 30's. Sentinel is not a hard class it does have a harder time learning what to press in one specific tree of sentenal. This is like mage in wow though they have a very simply rotation with alot of situational abilities. these arent abilities you use all the time but when the need presents itself its the difference between winning and losing. I dont consider that in and of itself to make any class complicated. You could play the class well and rarely ever use those abilities. Knowing what they can do and using them when they are needed can push you beyond great but putting them on your bar somewhere to use in emergency situation but rarely using them doesnt necessarily make you bad. Only an idiot says you play my way or your wrong. and those people need to get a life because the game has taken over

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I looooove combat medic commando (bodyguard mercenary) healing. I feel it is by far the best single target healing in the game, and since I PvP and get huttball alot, it's completely awesome.


Played operative medic for awhile, lacked a attractive or well designed style for making sure you always had your buffs up. Sorc felt to easy mode.

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