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Bioware Wen are we gonna get more char slots?


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My vote for at least 16 slots as well, would love to play all faction/class combinations and with 8 per server that just doesn't work out. Please increase the character limit so we don't have to switch out towards a different server :).
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Yup i think 16 slots would be good. As far as implementing that kind of change would be hard to guestimate since we do not know the database architecture behind the scenes. Hopefully space would not be the issue since the cost of storage now in days is fairly low. But i guess their approach will be thinking if everyone on the server had 16 slots in use and what would need to be changed because of that, like a domino effect.
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There are so many ways to bring in more slots without blowing anything up: one-time fee, tiered accounts, monthly fee, level 50 award, legacy award, in-game unlocks, and combinations of the above.


But with so many people clamoring for it, I hope Bioware works to bring this online FAST, before people have their "extra" characters so spread out across servers that they also need migration features. Or they just bail on the game until it happens, which could lead to a nasty spiral.


There's also another wish list post out there:



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oh- they say that adding more slots to one server is technically hard?




and if within one server- 12 is minimum, 16 slots would be optimal TILL NEW RACES/PROFESSIONS come out- then adding more would be needed


1-2 years? what does the bioware thinks we will do for those 2 years?:mad:


(ps- names r reserved for the server the toon is on or across all servers?)

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Why implement the legacy system if they will limit us to only 8 chars pr server?


And, why come with the legacy system so late. If I had known how the legacy system would pan out, I would not have made two SI, but when 1.2 released I already had a 50 assassin and a 47 sorcerer, and no way am going to delete one of those to make room for a JK. But, if I had know the first day of early access, I would have made one of each base class.


And, to play one dark side and one light side, one male and one female of each base class would be awesome, so 16 characters per server is practically needed.

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Why implement the legacy system if they will limit us to only 8 chars pr server?


And, why come with the legacy system so late. If I had known how the legacy system would pan out, I would not have made two SI, but when 1.2 released I already had a 50 assassin and a 47 sorcerer, and no way am going to delete one of those to make room for a JK. But, if I had know the first day of early access, I would have made one of each base class.


And, to play one dark side and one light side, one male and one female of each base class would be awesome, so 16 characters per server is practically needed.


yeah same thing happened to me I just hope we hear something from the devs soon.

Edited by Mechkeaton
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There's definently a need for additional character slots per server, at least twice what we have now. As it is, there's enough to role one of each basic class, but not one of each advanced class. And... well I don't want to start-up in a different community=server.
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I have to disagree with the multiple alt slots...


The games that really allow the community to grow and become dependent on each other are the ones where alts are not easy to attain.


I could be wrong but here's why I am against multiple alts.


Star Wars: Galaxy


Yes, you could have multiple chars and yes you can buy 2 or 3 accounts if you want but generally speaking, most people had one char and that's it. Now if you look at it from a community perspective, that single char had a limit. It couldn't do everything by itself. For example, as a Master Doctor/Master Rifleman, well your role was pretty clear. If that character wishes to get a house, get some furniture, he had to see an Architect. If that person needed a special mind buff, the entertainers would provide one, however, in exchange they needed his Doctor buff. Armorsmith would need some special components only crafted by doctors... In the end, it was all connected and everyone had an important dependency on each other. This over a short period of time allowed people to quickly grow as a community.





Amazing community, extremely connected to one an other. At the point I am in this game, I can fly and use anything I desire... I've been there since early beta so my char is old. However, that's not the case for over 50% of the community and if you're a combat pilot, well, you're a combat pilot, not a crafter. Again, people are good at different roles and such and in order to perform as a guild, everyone has to work together. My corp wanted to manufacture Tech 3 ships so they asked me to lead expeditions into wormholes. It took us weeks to get all the needed materials but we did it and our crafters would have never managed to do it without us. Now, I had alts (extra paid accounts) but even so... it was very hard for my alts and I to actually do everything. Even at my age, my character is dependent on others.



This example can be copied in many MMOs... Darkfall, Mabinogi, EQ1, EQ2, Vanguard to some extent...






All my alts have a different crafting skills and they are specialized in something. Eventually, when I'll need something, I'll just have to log on an alt and do it. There will be no reason for me to even ask anyone for some help or work with someone. I can do everything myself, alone without a problem. Sure, Flashpoints and Operations require some people... ok, fine. Aside from that, everything else is completely soloable.


I do not need to interact with anyone. I can just make alts and spend the time to be self sufficient.


Results? - A weak community that doesn't really need each other for it's own survival. I know and understand that most will be against what I am saying and I can understand that. I too like playing alts but when I think about the future of this game...

Edited by Zag_Stratos
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Warning: I jumped into this thread to add my voice... err text to a discussion that I am sure has already been discussed, buried and exhumed many times over... my apologies for reiterating the obvious.


I have had 8 characters before Legacy was announced, I have 8 characters still.


I cannot take advantage of the features of the legacy system so I can have a Pure Sith or Rattattakki on the Republic, unless I delete a character (which is painful post level 40) OR I am allowed to transfer off a few characters to another server (while keeping my legacy level on new server) OR I am granted new character slots (the number of slots is debatable, but more is necessary so I do not feel screwed out of a system that should have been communicated before I went on a character creation rampage).


At the current time I am SOL... I read things about transfers, but I am shown the same Asia-Pacific gibberish that absolutely isn't applicable to my current situation... now is it???. I see that other people are with me on wanting to take advantage of the Legacy System, but we simply are not able to do so because of the lack of vision that was initial invested by development in this system.


How often does BioWare chime into these threads?


BTW: I am not asking for additional slots for crafting or crew skills... I am asking for the legacy system, which is in part being denied to me because it was horribly executed and miserably communicated to the users. This has created a need that should have already been addressed by BioWare before the release of 1.2 .


A free 30 days and a Tauntaun are nice, but are not the solution :rolleyes:

Edited by Feluraunt
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There's definently a need for additional character slots per server, at least twice what we have now. As it is, there's enough to role one of each basic class, but not one of each advanced class. And... well I don't want to start-up in a different community=server.


Same here. Even four extra slots would be nice, with the option to buy more.


I wonder what the hold up is? o_O

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Star Wars: Galaxy


Yes, you could have multiple chars and yes you can buy 2 or 3 accounts if you want but generally speaking, most people had one char and that's it. ...


And this is one of the main reasons why I quit SW:G less than a year after launch (shortly after they added land speeders and you finally didn't have to run everywhere anymore).



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with all the customizable game play options available in this game, with light side/dark side, ACs, and faction, doubling the character slots would be a welcome site. However, I believe that these extra slots should be unlocked through the amount of


1) level 50's you have.



2) your legacy level

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I also think we need (the ability to attain?) more character slots.


I had planned on having one of each archetype per faction (8 in total) and two more characters to play only with my friends (leveling throughout the game with each other). Unfortunately, as it is now, our leveling teams are horribly mismatched as we try to fit them into our overall legacy and game plan.


All in all it feels claustrophobic and unnecessarily restrictive. And after all, wouldn't additional character slot be the perfect reward for furthering/leveling your legacy?


Please at least round it out to 10 slots so that we completionists can have room to move!

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I'm pretty sure I posted in each one of those threads already. And yes, 16 slots/server would be perfect. Make it a microtransaction for all I care! I will play longer leveling 16 characters on 1 server than I would leveling 8 characters on 1 server. I simply refuse to play on multiple servers, I find that HIGHLY inconvenient.

1) You can't chat with your friends while playing on another server

2) Relogging server during a playsession takes more time than simply changing character (and while it hasn't happened lately, imagine switching character and ending up in a server queue!)

3) While I play on one server, I won't play on the other. So the slot to create characters on that server is taken but only half used. It would be more economically efficient if some other player occupied that slot and fully used it, instead of me only half using it. You'd be running 2 servers for me instead of only 1, Bioware!


As for reasons to play the same class twice?

-There are TWO Advanced Classes to each base class.

-Each class story has at least a Dark Side and a Light Side variation (some, if not all, actually have a neutral variation as well!)

-There are small variations to the stories depending on whether you're MALE or FEMALE.


Sure, the latter two reasons might not be interresting to standard MMO players. But they matter a LOT to Bioware fans! Bioware fans are notorious for playing the same thing over and over in all kinds of variations. So you want to encourage the Bioware single player fans to socialize and take part in the MMO aspects of this game, but at the same time force them to switch server for their alts, effectively reducing the opportunity to build any meaningful relationships with other peoples, because in an hour they might be on an entirely different server anyway? That's really counter productive, sorry to say.


And no, this wasn't even a rant. Just summing up some simple facts and statements.


What will you do if they add 2 new base classes and 4 new ACs? LOL then you would need 20 slots.

Ide like maybe 10 slots then I could happily self support my crafting addiction.

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I need more slots as well. Having both a way to unlock more in game for free and paying for more are both welcome options.


As soon as possible would be preferred.

Edited by Renneium
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Come on devs. We've been asking for this since early access and I'd wager that some have wanted this since beta testing began.


It cannot be that much of a technological hurdle to simply increase the number of slots per server. Most of us asking for this will happily pay you for it too!


Just make it happen, please!


16+ slots, thank you!

Edited by llesna
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I wish the devs would talk a little bit more about it.


They need a PR department... this weekly blog is seriously lacking... not that I am against the Asian Pacific players or anything, but they seem to dominate the cycle a lot... I guess that's the 80/20 rule... 80 percent of SWTOR business comes from that group.

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I used to think, "Who would want to play more than 8 characters on a single server?" But then I filled up all 8 of my slots and I had a character on another server that I eventually want to transfer. So yes, please. A couple more slots would be nice.


I think this could be something you might do for loyal subscribers. Say, people whose account has been active for three+ months?

Edited by thewatcheruatu
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Now that Legacy is live, i totaly lost all motivation to lvl up my Republic chars. My mains are Imperial on another server and I would love to use the racial options I unlock on Empire, to remake some of the Republic. I cant use my bonus on the Republic server. The reason i made them on a new server was because i wanted to try all the 8 classes on each side.


So please, can we get 16 slots or cross server unlocks.


Even if the legacy experience doesnt come from both servers, can the unlocks at least be cross server? Or some of them at least like the racial/faction options?

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During the live stream of the guild summit, they clarified they have no intention of increasing amount of character slots in the near or not so near future.


That's utterly rubbish then.


Building legacy on 2+ servers isn't "fun" it's just plain annoying.

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I used to think, "Who would want to play more than 8 characters on a single server?" But then I filled up all 8 of my slots and I had a character on another server that I eventually want to transfer. So yes, please. A couple more slots would be nice.


I think this could be something you might do for loyal subscribers. Say, people whose account has been active for three+ months?


With the legacy system you need at least 12 per server and really 16 per server would be nice.

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