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    Gaming, Billiards
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    Software Developer
  1. the thing i did which help alot was to set my focus target on the emperor. this allow you to see his cast bar all the time so you can disrupt his casts. after i used the focus target, it was soooo much easier to see him though all the other stuff happening on screen. hope this helps someone out there.
  2. Yup i think 16 slots would be good. As far as implementing that kind of change would be hard to guestimate since we do not know the database architecture behind the scenes. Hopefully space would not be the issue since the cost of storage now in days is fairly low. But i guess their approach will be thinking if everyone on the server had 16 slots in use and what would need to be changed because of that, like a domino effect.
  3. yeah it would be nice as a preference option since you have some people that like the change. I myself would rather use the older way since tanking requires more focus on protecting the healer and watching for adds.
  4. Yup loving this game as well. I have played a good variety of other mmos and rpgs. This game has a good balances with great potential of growth.
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