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Bioware Wen are we gonna get more char slots?


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I vote for more character slots! :jawa_biggrin:



Sure I admit being an Altoholic but I just can't help myself LoL


* Even 10 slots would make me very happy

* 16 slots would be perfect

* I'm willing to pay for extra slots

* I really like the story lines and would enjoy doing them again in the future

* Sooner or later they will add more classes & races

* I'm willing to drop character limit from 40 to 32 for more slots

* No disadvantage to those that only want 1 or 2 characters

* Has zero effect on other players if I have 8 or 16 characters on same server

* Gives us a huge credit & time sink

* Having 2 factions dont mean anything because we cant play more then one at a time

* The legacy system pushes for players to have alts

* I would love to unlock each race without deleting my characters

* I would love to have all 16 advance classes without deleting my characters

* I dont want to be on a different server as I really like the one I'm on now.


And lastly...

If you really like a movie, do you not always watch it more then once?




I agree with everything here. Why does asking for more character slots impact anyone who doesn't want them? And there are a TON of people that have been asking for 16.


Especially with the legacy system, I don't want to go to another server to level addition alts. And with the new race unlocks, why wouldn't they give more slots?


so /signed also :)


But if BW isn't planning on giving us more character slots, ever... then I'd rather know sooner than later. Since I'm currently waiting on deleting/rerolling 1 or 2 toons, in the hopes that more character slots will be added. So I'd like to hear one way or another, even a "probably yes" is better than "Currently no plans for adding more character slots" from the guild summit.

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I agree with everything here. Why does asking for more character slots impact anyone who doesn't want them? And there are a TON of people that have been asking for 16.


Especially with the legacy system, I don't want to go to another server to level addition alts. And with the new race unlocks, why wouldn't they give more slots?


so /signed also :)


But if BW isn't planning on giving us more character slots, ever... then I'd rather know sooner than later. Since I'm currently waiting on deleting/rerolling 1 or 2 toons, in the hopes that more character slots will be added. So I'd like to hear one way or another, even a "probably yes" is better than "Currently no plans for adding more character slots" from the guild summit.


I think they want you to reroll. To murder your characters. It sounds harsh, but that's what it's akin to if you've grown attached at all to your characters, right?


And yes, I also agree with the post that you quoted, although if you only play on one server 24 of your 40 account character slots are still going to waste. But it's better than only having eight slots per server.

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I guess BioWare WANTS players to delete their characters when 1.2 goes live. That's the message that comes across to me with the species unlocks, their current stance on adding more character slots, and their constant incentivization to make more characters on one server.
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Yes, please....



It took me years to cap out on my 10 WoW slots. It took me 2 months to cap out on my STWOR slots, and with the Legacy system, now I want to roll even more :eek: I'm ok with deleting a couple of low level alts to make room for some Legacy influenced ones, but that's not going to solve it entirely.

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Myself I agree with getting a few more slots, I'm not (overly) greedy....justa a few would be nice :D. I'd have no problems paying for them either. I'm someone that enjoys the ride getting to max level, more than being max level, but i also get attached to my toons and absolutly HATE deleting them to make room for new ones.


Please, please, PLEASE Bioware allow us to get atleast a few more slots! :)

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Well with the proposal that they plan on with the Legacy System I think there should be 16 slots.


12 is the Bare Minimum.


This is because I, like so many others, have already created 8 Characters.

I actually have 16, 8 of which are on my main server and are all Imperials, and 8 of which are on my second server and are all Republic.


With no way to switch and swap 4 of each around, I am left needing a minimum of 4 slots for the Legacy System. As I have shown, I run 8, 2 of each class and all but 1 of each AC (I rolled 2 BH Mercs) on each server. And a Maximum of 16 would have allowed me to keep them all on 1 (my main) server.


So in short, 16 more slots needed.



Edited by Esproc
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I so agree. as an altaholic, and having made characters with so many names, as well as with the new legacy system, on top of more flirts for women characters (especially female smugs) to be on par with the boys, there HAS to be more slots, i'd say 16 min, but maybe up to 32 :p but what's the point of making new characters on other servers when you have the legacy and all that on 1 or 2 servers?


So I'm right up there kvetching about the need for more character slots. I agree the storylines are intriguing, and almost wish there was more to it. The nice thing is I love how much story there is to the side quests as well, you have 2 or 3 extra stories going along with that.


so.. please please please listen to the player base and get the women characters on par with the boys, and include more character slots. So women only count for 30% of the gaming pop, that's still a large amount of women who play, want to include more women? Make it appeal to them by adding more flirts comparable to the guys.

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People say things like memory and server architecture makes it hard to allow higher numbers of alts, but I don't really know if I buy that. On FFXI, you could have up to 16 characters on one server, and no limit over all servers, you just had to pay $1/month for each additional character over the first one on each server. And that game is 10 years older than SW.


Now that kind of price wouldn't work here mainly because, in FF, you really didn't need many alts, if any at all, because you could play all classes on one character with the job-change system. On this game, paying $1 for each class would skyrocket monthly rates.


The point is, if a game that old can do it from the start, I see no reason why technology today can't handle it.


But rather than $1 per character, I think a viable, reasonable option would be something like $2-5/month for a block of 8 character slots, per server, with only 1 block available for each server. Or as one guildie just mentioned to me, a one-time fee of, say, $10 per slot, as he says other games do.


BW would get a little extra money for server maintenance, and the players would get the slots they need. Because let's face it, games like this create a market for altoholics, the more classes and races there are, not to mention at least 2 genders (who knows what may come in future) the more combinations are available to play around with.


I mean, with 9 races (I think), assuming all are unlocked by legacy, 16 AC's, and 2 genders, that's 288 potential combinations to play. And that's not even counting character design variations like body types 1 through 4.


Sure, I doubt any sane person would create so many alts, but looking at that, you can see how even 16 slots isn't really enough.

Edited by JakkFrost
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They should just give us a character limit across ALL servers, and we get to decide where to put them. Like... 50 characters, and if I want them all to be on Assassins of Sion, then that's my decision. Or if I want 2 on Cerellian and 8 on Assassins and 4 on another server... then I can do that too.


But either way, I suppose more slots.

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They should just give us a character limit across ALL servers, and we get to decide where to put them. Like... 50 characters, and if I want them all to be on Assassins of Sion, then that's my decision. Or if I want 2 on Cerellian and 8 on Assassins and 4 on another server... then I can do that too.


But either way, I suppose more slots.


The account limit is actually 40. For people like me who prefer to only play on one server, that's 32 slots that are wasted. 32! Those are a lot of slots that I could be using for all of the characters that I can't help but keep coming up with.

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Patch 1.2 makes this all the more necessary.


Not for the obvious reason of Legacy.


They are clearly trying to force people to play Scoundrel/Operative healers again, after most people abandoned the class and invested in gearing up Sages or Commandos.


To do so, they nerf the Sage/Commando into the ground, and then will buff them back up later. They are intentionally making Scoundrels FotM.


Take one look at Patch Notes for Seer, Combat Medic, and Sawbones and the same conclusion will be obvious.


Well...I only have 8 slots. My Republic Smuggler is a Gunslinger. My Operative cannot heal in the place of my soon to be hit with a 30% healing throughput nerf Commando.


So now my guild is out a healer because I have to set aside 4 slots for the opposite faction and the other AC.

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Totally agree. Being an altaholic in every MMO i've ever played this is something i'd really like to see - during the first few days i'd already filled my slots with all the concept characters i'd thought of. I picked 1 server, i call that server home, and even though there are other servers, i'm not going to be playing on those ones because those servers don't have my guildies on them, they don't have my friends on them. As it is i'm jumping all over the place playing my characters through their stories with my friends, but the time will come when I'm going to want to try something new out.


The slots offered on other servers are completely meaningless to me, and as i've done in other MMO's i would even mind if i had to pay a small fee to unlock extra slots as the sheer convenience of making another character on the same server as my friends would justify the cost.

Edited by Fatekeeper
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I don't understand why the legacy system encourages us to use the same server for alts legacy yet does not provide enough slots. I fully intend on having 16 characters.


pulled from DarthHater's posting of the topics and discussion:


Q: Will we see epic weapon and armor quests where you have to go to multiple Flashpoints and Operations to obtain them? Gabe: Not in 1.2, but we do have some stuff coming in the future like that. Daniel: Something that could effect your entire Legacy. Something that you might need characters on both sides to be able to do.

Why are we being limited?


Please.. increase slots.

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I don't understand why the legacy system encourages us to use the same server for alts legacy yet does not provide enough slots. I fully intend on having 16 characters.


pulled from DarthHater's posting of the topics and discussion:


Q: Will we see epic weapon and armor quests where you have to go to multiple Flashpoints and Operations to obtain them? Gabe: Not in 1.2, but we do have some stuff coming in the future like that. Daniel: Something that could effect your entire Legacy. Something that you might need characters on both sides to be able to do.

Why are we being limited?


Please.. increase slots.


I guess they want you to re-roll. It's what they praised as an endgame activity before release, so I doubt that's really changed much if at all. A shame really, considering most people don't actually have no attachment to their characters whatsoever the last time I checked.


Having only eight slots per server REALLY hurts if you're the kind of person who cares about their characters, only wants to play on one server, and keeps coming up with characters even when they run out of slots. Doesn't help it when BioWare keeps incentivizing alt-making when they say they have no plans to increase the per-server character limit.

Edited by Nichos_Ketra
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I know most folks won't care about additional slots one bit. But I think the minority who do are of significant number and will find it valuable--.


Not all players post in the forums or even read the forums. I think the majority of players judging from forums and from game chat, want more slots.

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I want 16.... 32 maybe purchasable for 10 million credits?


I'm sorry, but I seriously facepalm when people suggest things like this, and they suggest it all too often.


BW may add slots for free because they realize they should have had more to begin with, or they may charge a small real money fee to enable extra slots, but why would they give it to us for their own in-game virtual money? I know they're looking for credit-sinks, but that's pushing it.


That's like playing a f2p game, Everquest 2 for example, and saying "let us buy Station cash with platinum". Because real money is used to buy station cash, and station cash is what gets you extra character slots (among other things) in that game, iirc.

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