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Everything posted by Fatekeeper

  1. This is something i'd also like to see. I run an empire guild but have a couple of republic alts and the same goes for a few of my guildies. We have a custom channel set up, and just for the sakes of us being able to easily have a conversation when we're on the other side of the game would just make like so much easier.
  2. Totally agree. Being an altaholic in every MMO i've ever played this is something i'd really like to see - during the first few days i'd already filled my slots with all the concept characters i'd thought of. I picked 1 server, i call that server home, and even though there are other servers, i'm not going to be playing on those ones because those servers don't have my guildies on them, they don't have my friends on them. As it is i'm jumping all over the place playing my characters through their stories with my friends, but the time will come when I'm going to want to try something new out. The slots offered on other servers are completely meaningless to me, and as i've done in other MMO's i would even mind if i had to pay a small fee to unlock extra slots as the sheer convenience of making another character on the same server as my friends would justify the cost.
  3. Definitely something i'd like to see return. Currrently still wearing the Half Face Mask on my Marauder since it keeps the hood on my gear, but i would just love to have a helmet underneath my hood instead.
  4. After watching a video of a Korean MMO "Archeage" i've come across a feature i believe would add a great amount of character to the game. This of course is dance mode, a feature which adds in Dynamic Dance moves to the player's movements. Please see . Now, for those of you who have watched that you are most likely thinking I am completely crazy, in which case thank you for thinking that. Or like me see this as being the pinnacle of classy killing. You see, often in the course of battle I have felt that walking up to my opponent and proceeding to impale him lacks the appropriate flair that I like to bring to a scenario. What better way is there for the demonstration of the Empire's sheer skill than some incredibly lethal choreography. Furthermore, sometimes just dueling someone can not quite be enough - with Dance Mode however it becames a Deadly Dance off to the Death which to be fair is... well, Genius. Not only do you get the chance to defeat your rival but you also get to show off your superior moves. Granted for those of you who still may not be convinced then I must say Picture this. You've just boarded the Black Talon for the umpteenth time, you start the fight against Yadira Ban but this time you approach her whilst dancing the night away with your Choreographed Combat. The entertainment factor in this situation skyrockets - and once again you prove that she is no match for you but this time both in combat and in choreography. And just for added fun there could be an option menu where the player can choose the style of dance they wish to perform. That should be everything... - Artists Impression of The Death Star: Empire's plans to make the Galaxy's Largest fully functional disco ball. ... Now thats everything.
  5. Sadly didn't work for me. Had a slightly odd occurance where it would start up a launcher.exe that was on a different HD for a different game (Need for Speed:Hot Pursuit) until i went into it's directory and renamed that exe. After that it was launching the SWTOR launcher, but after starting the game the overlay wasn't working, and there was no indication on steam that i was still playing.
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