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Everything posted by fluffyneko

  1. Just some food for thought, that I forgot to put in for a suggestion, I LOVE the companions, I love collecting them, and being able to choose which one i want for the mood I am in.. yeah I'm silly. With the increase in having over 10 companions, is there a possibility of being able to increase the amount of companions we can use for crew skills? maybe not be able to use all of them, but if there's like.. over 20, maybe increase the amount of companions we can use to 10, or 15, or something like that. For the crafters, there's a bunch of stuff that needs to be crafted, needing to send out companions for certain items from a diplomacy, or such crew skill, and of course the companion gifts. There's so much this game has to offer, and the whole point of these forums is to share ideas on how to improve the game that we all love to play. I think a lot of us that do sub are perfectly aware that this is not a charity. There's just ways the game could be improved as far as well.. lots of things.. ie more tabs to the cargo holds, and being able to use the 20 odd companions we get, making certain things legacy wide and available to all characters on an account, ie valor, paying a bunch of creds for hk-51, various perks when you wanna play more than 4 characters, stuff that would be nice for people who love the game to the point of maxing out their character slots, their outfitter slots, and what not.
  2. I've always wondered why companion gifts stopped at grade 6 missions. Especially with wealthy missions. Perhaps with the grade 6 companion gifts those can be added on to the grade 8 missions, including the wealthy, for investigations, diplomacy, treasure hunting, underworld trading crew skills? Also maybe there could be a legacy thing for the alliance if you do one on both pub and empire side. For people who have more than 3 or 4 characters maybe there could be a legacy thing that could increase the influence for companions faster or something to implement that doesn't take so much. Just some things to add.. maybe someone could elaborate on that idea.
  3. just some ideas to consider implementing : reclaimable dyes from the cartel market, and adding more tabs to the cargo and legacy cargo holds. for us altaholics, the cargo holds get full fairly fast, especially when having a few crafters. and while waiting for stuff to sell on gtn, or trade, there's space that gets full fast. Could increase the items that stack from 99 to 250 or 500. Also, when reclaiming some items for characters like armor sets, since the items are bound, there should be the ability to vendor the items if they're not needed. like a lot of people, I get full armor sets to reclaim them on other characters and do mixing and matching to get various looks that I love on my characters. Not being able to vendor is a bit of a pain.
  4. I love this game I really do, even with all the naysayers and people frustrated with the bugs, there's a lot to this game that works despite a lot of negative aspects. I played at launch, but had to leave for a couple of years due to health stuffs and not having a computer that could run the game, It was an undetermined amount of time. Anyhow, some things that need to be brought back for people who are new to game, or returning from an undetermined hiatus due to IRL stuffs: 1. PLEASE PLEASE for the love of the MMO gods, BRING BACK THE various adaptive supply vendors. They did have some pretty neat gear that is not easy to find, that you could use crystals on. 2. Bring back the old cartel items like the purples ie: Honored Saberist's Harness, Diare Eliminator's Chestguard, Destroyer and Investigator's Armor sets. 3. Re release previous cartel packs with the rep items, jawa scrap, etc. I know people may not have liked them, but they're even more useful now, and those Cartel Market Certificates? Either Increase the drop rate of those from the slots by a lot, or bring them back. 4: Make it so the companions are not as useless as they were pre 4.02! The companions aren't needed outside of 2 people running fps or 3 people with the highest level person using the highest influenced companion. I can understand them being OP if all 4 people in a flashpoint group were able to use them, or everyone in an operations group would be able to bring out a companion that helped with healing and dpsing. 5: Increase the amount of cartel coins for subscribers. Or make it so unlocks can also be bought with credits. 6: Make the various character perks legacy wide. Ie priorty transports, the HK-51 once a person does the questline, repair and mail droids, stuff like that. If a person has gotten their legacy to 50 and they have more than 8 characters, there should be an incentive to be an altaholic for those of us with Character A.D.D. 7: add some kind of thing to the legacy bank where credit spread out among characters can be combined and accessed by whichever character is active at the moment . 8: Make the cartel market dyes reclaimable. Yeah I know not asking for much, but just ideas friends, guildies, and acquaintences that i've chatted with have discussed. I realize there maybe a lot of people disagreeing with this, but there's also probably quite a few that may possibly agree as well. I'm sure there could be some tweeks to these ideas. But seriously, with the way the market is, and for people who like having multiple outfits, and enjoy collecting the sets, these vendors need to be brought back, packs rereleased, an option to unlock stuff for other characters via creds, etc etc. There's so much that can be done with this game, but it's turned into micro transactions, and it limits those who want to play that cant pay to play.
  5. So. there's a lot of great things with 4.0 coming out, but for the love of mmo gods. please PLEASE DO NOT implement planet scaling. It's hard to get groups for the heroics, both when game started, and even now. As a paid subscriber, I LOVE being able to just stomp through planets without having to ask people for help, or trying to find a group. I know I'm not the only one. This is one of the MOST RIDICULOUS ideas EVER!.
  6. There need to be other color combos, and dyes need to be reclaimable. Like.. There should be a black/light blue combination, a dark grey/light grey combo (yes there's light grey/dark grey but would like the reverse). I understand the limitations of the color combos, but trying to find stuff that looks good with a twi'lek depending on the color of their skin is kinda.. difficult. also a red/black combo would be nice..
  7. An idea that we've discussed in my guild for each species/character you get to 50, 2 slots. IE if you get 1 Sith Pureblood to 50 that opens up 2 slots.. one for levelling it to 50, and one for opening it up to the species. So if you got a second pureblood to 50- that'd be 1 opened up character slot. by this time a lot of people have their character slots filled, ie name savers for a specific class for when they can open the race, or because they have over 5 50's. With the legacy, they really should have opened up a few extra slots so that people who do have their slots almost full can make a class with the species they'd want, ie a twi'lek trooper or twi'lek warrior. I mean i have characters on other servers because of wanting to play both sides, and different races. because the story does change a little when you play a different type of character. Twi'lek's and humans are the norm for pub. and norm for the SI, however a mirilan changes the story a little. There really should be a way to implement more than 8 slots. so that people get the most out of their game play. I for one I LOVE the smuggler story so much, i'd like to have a multitude of smugglers. but i can't cause i want to play other classes. unfortunately many people like me are unable to do what they would like because of lack of space for slots. so.. I say yes to 8 more + slots. PRETTY PRETTY PLEASE
  8. I have noticed a significant loss in running the missions that used to bring a small profit that would at least compensate for the cost of the mission and a little extra... however.. what the frell were they thinking to make it so that running the rich missions were not worth the net losses? i mean it takes about 200k to get a frelling crit and you don't get 1/4 of that back.. also with the warzones.. they took out the 30 daily but kept the 150 weekly?? uhmm why ??
  9. with exception to my IA, there is a significantly lack of flirting for most all classes for women, and with exception to the SW, we only get one romance option, I understand and realize that the woman population in the world of mmo gaming is lower to that of the male population, but given that about 30% (i think it's a LOT MORE than that) are women.. that's still a LOT of women. It's kind of sad that women gamers are viewed as liking the cooking/ cutesy type games.. heck I tried Hello Kitty Online.. BOOOOOORING.. I mean come on.. there is still sexism alive and well in the gaming world. Even a strong woman type (Trooper/BH) should be allowed to have some fun. I remember reading a fantasy story in the Chicks in Chain Mail anthology series where there was a woman soldier, while her male counterparts were able to go to brothels to relieve some steam.. she was stuck.. having to amuse herself. I'm just appalled at the lack of flirting the Smuggler as a woman has.. I mean Corso alludes to us getting hit on left and right.. but we get like.. what.. 3 -5 choices? There's him, darmas, a sith lord on tattooine... oh and MAJOR SPOILER here the option to have a bit of fun with skavak.. but.. between starter planet and alderaan.. that's like.. barely ANYTHING compared to what the boys get. We can kick butt, take names, carry weapons the same size of us, but we can't play with the boys? Yet our male counterparts get to have all the fun? COME ON.. where's the equality in this?
  10. Holy.. I was actually thinking the same thing a few weeks ago, that yes Trooper is supposed to be the equivalent of a BH or and the IA= Smug, but they really aren't. The smug and bh should be cross faction, but also in relation there should be republic agents and imperial troopers. I mean I understand to keep them faction specific, and that there is a money and time issue, but if they're npc's in game, wouldn't it make sense to not only make the BH and Smugs cross faction, but an Republic Agent, and a Imperial Trooper would be neat to have. Also the BH and Smug play a LOT different than their counter parts.
  11. More character slots please! for legacy and other races becoming available. Even if it's a microtransaction, I think a lot of people would like the option to have more than just 8-10 slots, the multiple ac's, plus the specific races to unlock to have access to that race for both sides, and then the new aliens? I mean if legacy was account bound rather than server bound, that would be awesome and make it easier as well, but still there's the issue of wanting to play a Jedi sith pureblood, or a Twi'lek Sith warrior, or a mirilan BH. So the option of 16+ slots needs to be available.
  12. I so agree. as an altaholic, and having made characters with so many names, as well as with the new legacy system, on top of more flirts for women characters (especially female smugs) to be on par with the boys, there HAS to be more slots, i'd say 16 min, but maybe up to 32 but what's the point of making new characters on other servers when you have the legacy and all that on 1 or 2 servers? So I'm right up there kvetching about the need for more character slots. I agree the storylines are intriguing, and almost wish there was more to it. The nice thing is I love how much story there is to the side quests as well, you have 2 or 3 extra stories going along with that. so.. please please please listen to the player base and get the women characters on par with the boys, and include more character slots. So women only count for 30% of the gaming pop, that's still a large amount of women who play, want to include more women? Make it appeal to them by adding more flirts comparable to the guys.
  13. As of this point there is no same sex option. However it will be added in at some point in the future. Also you know you're involved with a companion when they get a little mushy on you in the conversations, and start sending you in game love letters with little trinkets. I myself was wondering why I haven't gotten any kind of flirt action with Talos. Is it because of having max affection with Andronikos? or is it because of being lvl 40? (i completed the story with help from some friends cause they got a kick out of seeing how different my story arch went) So does this me if I get involved with Quinn on my jugger, will I loose out on getting to dump his rear in the gutter and get to romance Pierce? Thanks bunches (and they still really need to add in a bit more flirt options for us women players. we can force choke, carry big guns, wield sabers, kick butt , however we can't get some in game action? come on. a girl needs some fun time here. sure murder, mayhem, chaos is all fun and games.. but killing and terrorizing the masses can be exhausting. a girl needs her downtime)
  14. Thank you thank you thank you all for posting up on this. I LOVE Bioware, but my biggest issue is the lack of flirting.. I mean COME ON.. my friend gets to flirt as an SI right off the bat with the cute little redhead. yet on my SW and my SI.. I have yet to flirt. Also, if the guys get to flirt with Vette, why can't us JC's get to flirt with Zenith? I mean come on.... we can wield big sticks, kick butt, force leap knock enemies dead, but we cannot have babies with lizard boys if we want? yet I can be a mom in law to little mako and vette? i mean come on.. (my son likes to play as well and I'm helping him get his affection up with his companions.. ) SO if Bioware is going to add same sex loving, can they please please please give us women folk more flirting equal to the guys? and can we not get stuck with farmboy or the old man?
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