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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bioware Wen are we gonna get more char slots?


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If you are going to make a game where you put extra emphasis on us to re-roll, then you should put extra emphasis on us having the ability to reroll.


More slots, please.

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I'll just say I don't think we should get any more slots.

I could go into a whole host of reasons why I think this - but as half the posts here are simply "More slots" I won't bore people at this point.

Yer I know, goes against what a few vocal people want, I just feel that 8 is plenty.


I am curious. What are the reasons you didn't mention.

I'm not being antagonistic. just honestly curious.



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I would like at least 16 slots as well. Considering you have fewer and fewer players if at least those that are hooked can do alts on both sides, have a bank toon etc then you will have some activity on the servers.
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I would like at least 16 slots as well. Considering you have fewer and fewer players if at least those that are hooked can do alts on both sides, have a bank toon etc then you will have some activity on the servers.


I want more slots too, but it will in no way increase activity. I'll still be on my server, just playing a different character.

I think the way they tied the legacy to ONE server is going to limit the amount of people that play on multiple servers, and playing on multiple servers, may artificially increase server pop on 1 server because it will be taking it away from another server.


The only 2 ways to increase server pops is

1. More subscribers

2. forced server transfer. - Meaning you close some servers and only allow the option to transfer "free" to specific servers, monitoring population of both factions and making them lively balanced servers.

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I put this in another thread related to this topic, but since I got redirected here I'll just repeat what I said in there.


I just wanted to come in here and show my full support for this idea. :D


For me, the reason why I want the character slot increased to 10 at the very least is due to Legacy race unlocks. I don't want to have to spend 1.5 mil to buy the unlock nor delete a level 50. 10 races for only 8 slots? I'm really happy with my alt-itis, but if BW wants the player base to take full advantage of Legacy, they need to add in more slots. I'd prefer up to 14, that way the player can not only have all the races unlocked, but have a couple of the same race. :D


Just my two credits.

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Agreed. I have stated this before in other threads and agree with most of the reasons put forth in this thread already. Tieing it in with completed 50's or legacy levels would be a good way to do it.


You have made a major part of legacy the incentive to make new characters. You have stated that there may be quests requiring both republic and imperial characters on the same server (I believe this was at the Texas guild summit). You should, therefore, increase the amount of slots allowed on a server and preferably sooner than later so that you can reap the benefits of the legacy system you have put so much effort into.

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I'd suggest numbers of character slots tied to legacy level. Every 10 levels, you get one character slot.


But yeah, I run out of slots.... have 2 inquisitors, and then every class, apart from trooper. Don't want to start tropper on another server, as i'll be stripped of access to my other chars crafting abilities - no "free" mods, weapons, medkits and such.

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I'd suggest numbers of character slots tied to legacy level. Every 10 levels, you get one character slot.


I had all 8 slots in use before legacy system was implemented, so yes, something along these lines would make a lot of sense, if only to be able to utilize the legacy race unlock system. Thumbs up.

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I just got the game a few days back, and even the wife is interested now in getting her account as well. Loving the game so far, but we are both altoholics. I'd like to add my voice to the increased character slots request. Please give us more room to explore, Bioware.
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I feel bad signing a thread that is titled so terribly, but






But I agree. I'm currently playing through my first character, but I just know I'm going to get to the point where I want to experience all 16 different advanced classes. I love this game already and it's only going to get better. This doesn't apply to me yet, but I'm signing so that there are options when it does!



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Big Agree, especially with server transfers coming up. My main server is full and i want to move my lvl 50 powertech from my old server to my new one. We really need enough slots to make at least 1 of each advance class per faction. And 10 slots would be even better, I personally want to make a chiss jedi guardian but i already have a jedi guardian with 400 cybertech and i dont want to delete her, I'm sure there are others that feel the same way with new species unlocks for classes they have already leveled.

Please bring more slots in time for the character transfers in 1.3, it would be greatly appreciated.

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8 character slots is fine.


I would like to see a option to pay for more though.


it is only if u play the classes ONLY for the story but i like to multiple of the same class just so i can have both advance classes

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So, did anyone else read the latest Q&A correctly?


llesna: Can you please tell us why the upcoming Legacy additions for Game Update 1.3 are character-specific rather than Legacy-wide?


Daniel Erickson (Lead Game Designer): Legacy Perks have a different purpose than global unlocks and are specifically designed to enable players to customize each individual character. Since you may not care about Space XP or running the Bonus Series missions on one character it is important that you’re not paying a premium that is calculated at the expense of 8 or more characters all gaining this benefit. This also means the Legacy Perks will, as a rule, be more affordable than the global unlocks.



I guess the "... 8 or more characters .." are no typo ;)

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Without reading all of the replies, yes please.


More character slots per server, please. Preferrably lots, as there are at least 16 different ways without even going into the whole light/dark/neutral discussion. And, as stated above, I'd be quite willing to pay for more slots.


Thank you.

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