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Why as a healer I refuse to PVP


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i didnt realize the total healing done was that substantial. Do you run a spec that uses either of these? if so whats a ballpark figure on your avg total healing done per wz?


I've never done it (I don't even have a Shadow that I've used for PvP), but I think it should be theoretically possible under perfectly optimal circumstances.

Edited by Dzhokhar
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Out of curiosity, how do you healers get the medals for kills? I've had a match where I had 300k healing and ran with a tank buddy who had 250k protection. We were side by side the entire match. He finished with 26 kills and 5 deaths, I finished with 11 kills and 4 deaths. He had 8 medals and I had my typical 3.


How do you get so many kills racked up? As far as I can tell, it doesn't matter if you're in the thick of the battle, you have to do a significant chunk of damage to a player to earn that kill. This post suggests that I don't understand it correctly, and I'd like to improve if I can.

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How do you get so many kills racked up? As far as I can tell, it doesn't matter if you're in the thick of the battle, you have to do a significant chunk of damage to a player to earn that kill. This post suggests that I don't understand it correctly, and I'd like to improve if I can.


Just try to do damage when you are not having to heal. Some games you don't get much of a chance, but other games you can do a decent chunk of damage.

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Classes that can heal and dps both are OP for medals. Try playing a pure dps class. I watch scoundrels and sages rack up their ez mode 2.5k heal 5k heal and 75k overall healing then get all the same medals my "pure dps" class gets. yes a "good" sage can get those three healing medals and every medal my gunslinger can in the same game.

Tanks are the easiest though, just pop a shield on pretty much anyone and you will get a few just for that and staying nearby. My little 36 vanguard can get 8 easily whereas I actually have to TRY to match that on my 50 GS.

I don't like the medal system, I usually just play to win the game. If I have time and we are ahead I might seek out a solo kill if it's handy, I might pop consumables to try for that 5k+ destroyer medal but this "might" doesn't happen very often. I average 5 medals a game on my GS. I got top damage the other day in a voidstar (I think it was like 210k (fast game)) and managed to get the bottom of the list at the end, go figure.

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Out of curiosity, how do you healers get the medals for kills? I've had a match where I had 300k healing and ran with a tank buddy who had 250k protection. We were side by side the entire match. He finished with 26 kills and 5 deaths, I finished with 11 kills and 4 deaths. He had 8 medals and I had my typical 3.


How do you get so many kills racked up? As far as I can tell, it doesn't matter if you're in the thick of the battle, you have to do a significant chunk of damage to a player to earn that kill. This post suggests that I don't understand it correctly, and I'd like to improve if I can.


It seems if you do any sort of damage to a player and they die within a certain time frame you get credit for a kill. Likewise it seems* like if someone was fighting another player then zinged off around a corner and you wait a few moments to attack you can get an assassin medal for a 1v1 even if they are half dead.

Could be wrong but that is how it seems from my experience.



I can tab spam a dot and get credit for them if they die to another player. Sages get a insta cast dot as well as scoundrels though the scoundrel has some cost to it.

Edited by nubzz
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Out of curiosity, how do you healers get the medals for kills? I've had a match where I had 300k healing and ran with a tank buddy who had 250k protection. We were side by side the entire match. He finished with 26 kills and 5 deaths, I finished with 11 kills and 4 deaths. He had 8 medals and I had my typical 3.


How do you get so many kills racked up? As far as I can tell, it doesn't matter if you're in the thick of the battle, you have to do a significant chunk of damage to a player to earn that kill. This post suggests that I don't understand it correctly, and I'd like to improve if I can.


Try aoe damage if you have it you get kill credit if you did damage I think....not really sure on this but I get a few kill medals and Im a full heal spec.....Ill aoe the doors and stuff.


There is another post where some really smart math guys are doing quantim physics to squeez our a few more % points on DPS, ask them...I think all they do is math.....which is not a dig, hard sciences if you want to make real $ in the real world....but ask them Im sure they are working on an math formula to figure it out.:cool:

Edited by kyleemily
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Well since my thread is dead anyway il just copy paste what i posted there, since some people still dont get what medals exist etc, and what the problem is.


Currently there are 18 medals in total, you can group these medals into "groups" namely


Damage medals; 8 medals:


Demolisher – 2.5k damage from a single attack

Anihilator – 5K damage from a single attack

Combatant – Dealing 75k damage

Destroyer – Dealing 300K damage

Assassin – Killing a player in a one-on-one fight

Quick Draw – Getting a killing blow on one player

Commando – Killing 10 enemy players

Soldier – Killing 25 enemy players


Healing medals; 4 medals:


Medic – 2.5k healing from a single heal

Trauma Surgeon – 5k healing from a single heal

Healer – Healing 75K

Savior – Healing 300K


Protection medals; 4 medals:


Shield – 5k Protection

Protector – 50K Protection

Guardian – 2k Protection since last death

Paladin – 10k Protection since last death



Objective medals; 2 medals:


Defender – Earning 1k Defender Points

Warden – Earning 3k Defender Points




I myself do quite like the concept and purpose of the medal system, but it just isn't working as "it should" in my opinion. In my ideal world each role should only get medals from groups that they are actually dedicating a good amount of time to in a warzone, so pure dps speced people should only be able to get damage medals and objective medals, healers: healing+objective, whilst people that go some kinda hybrid(derp) should get medals from more of the groups, but less from each group. In this way it's easy to see who has contributed most to the teams overall performance.


The problem is that in the swtor most medals are accessible to damage dealers, whilst healers( i have no personal experience with "pvp tanks"(if that even exists(i personally think that protection medals are retarded, but il not talk to much about that)) have a very hard time getting the damage medals, and have absolutely no accesses to the protection medals(correct me if im wrong).


Lets assume a warzone on alderaan.


In alderaan most well geared damage dealers should in theory be able to get these medals(do note that some classes can get even more medals, but il take medals accessible to all dps classes):



Yes some of these medals require some luck to get, but they shouldn't be to much of a problem to get.



Demolisher – 2.5k damage from a single attack

Anihilator – 5K damage from a single attack

Combatant – Dealing 75k damage

Destroyer – Dealing 300K damage

Assassin – Killing a player in a one-on-one fight

Quick Draw – Getting a killing blow on one player

Commando – Killing 10 enemy players

Soldier – Killing 25 enemy players



Medic – 2.5k healing from a single heal



Defender – Earning 1k Defender Points

Warden – Earning 3k Defender Points


In total 11 medals




Whilst well geared healers only have access to the following medals:




Yes some of these medals require some luck to get, but they shouldn't be to much of a problem to get.



Medic – 2.5k healing from a single heal

Trauma Surgeon – 5k healing from a single heal

Healer – Healing 75K

Savior – Healing 300K



Quick Draw – Getting a killing blow on one player

Demolisher – 2.5k damage from a single attack(this one will be verrry hard to get but should in theory be do-able)



Defender – Earning 1k Defender Points

Warden – Earning 3k Defender Points


In total 8




The worst thing though is that assassins(and the mirror) can in theory get all 18 medals, sure ive never actually seen that happen in a warzone, but ive seen a screenshot of a sage with 17 medals.


In light of this imbalance i suggest the following:


1. Just get rid of guard/taunt+the medals you get for those abilities, bioware pve abilities dont work in pvp no matter how much you adept them, the protection medals are just giving free medals to a select few classes.


2. do one of the following:


a) Remove some of the damage medals


b)add some healing medals(be creative biwoare)


Any Constructive feedback is welcome


P. S. yes i do know that bioware are adding new medals in 1.2, i just made this thread to hope they will actually "balance" them


Edit: oh yeah some people were also disusing the viability of getting 18 medals, it is probably impossible to get 18, but it was possible to get 17 as a assasin before the pure shockfrozen water nerf(still is if you want to carry 9 of those around). Guard some dude that takes a lot of dmg get healed from pocket healer so you dont die kill various people defend a node to get the defend points kill more dudes, drink some shockfrozen water when low(for the 2,5k heal+5k +75k healing medal) and there you go 17 medals

Edited by Forthehonor
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I've never done it (I don't even have a Shadow that I've used for PvP), but I think it should be theoretically possible under perfectly optimal circumstances.


I do have a shadow so i tried this spec last night. ive got 4 pieces of champ, rest bm. if i constantly fought the entire match, like a voidstar....30k in heals was about the norm.....but i had to have at least 2 enemy players in front of me every 15 secs to blow force in balance on and dot the crap out of everyone in range. worked great for keeping ppl off doors but never came close to getting the 75k heal medal.

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Pro tip OP: quit worrying about medals and just have fun.


If you play enough, your valor and commendations will still come naturally.


I retired my 50 recently and have a few new characters going.


A level 47 Marauder who has rank 47 valor, and...


A level 32 Assassin who has rank 32 valor.


I focus only on objectives in WZ and couldn't care less about gaining medals with either of them and still get plenty of valor and commendations from natural play.

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Bonus commendations and valor are based off of MEDALS.


As a healer on my best game I can get 10. Worst game 5. Average 7.


As a DPS spec I get average of 14... High of 16+ My low is 10.


I am spec heals for my guild ops and I don't want to respec just to gain more valor. I don't see why healers should be punished for PVP. However my friends that PVP always want me to go with them because they need heals... I just don't see a point trying to advance in an unequal system.



************ On a side note ************

I don't see why players complain about healer being unkillable. They are just bad players. I have 18+k hp and I get 4 shot all the time. Sent/Mar jumps in and stuns. I pop out already have taken 8k. I insta cast static I take another 3k in actual dmg as static got some of it. I cast my one insta cat heal get 1.3k on a crit (this is due to the %30 healing reduction or it would be more) mind you I have taken 11k already. I pop inervant get 1.2 on a crit then before tick 2 it is interrupted. Then I take another 8k. If I live I start to cast another heal but never get it off. I get killed by one dps player all the time in less than 3 seconds.


******** However on the other hand ******


Sometimes a bad dps player that does not interrupt or stun gets on me and I heal minutes straight until help arrives. I see how that can be frustrating but it is just about skill at that point.


*********** Conclusion **********

Healers need to be able to get as many medals as a dps players can. Respecing to dps or hybid to gain medals hurts the others I play with because they need good heals.


K dont pvp, we dont need a whine thread this long for you to tell us stuff we already know! thanks sport...

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Bonus commendations and valor are based off of MEDALS.


As a healer on my best game I can get 10. Worst game 5. Average 7.


As a DPS spec I get average of 14... High of 16+ My low is 10.


I am spec heals for my guild ops and I don't want to respec just to gain more valor. I don't see why healers should be punished for PVP. However my friends that PVP always want me to go with them because they need heals... I just don't see a point trying to advance in an unequal system.



************ On a side note ************

I don't see why players complain about healer being unkillable. They are just bad players. I have 18+k hp and I get 4 shot all the time. Sent/Mar jumps in and stuns. I pop out already have taken 8k. I insta cast static I take another 3k in actual dmg as static got some of it. I cast my one insta cat heal get 1.3k on a crit (this is due to the %30 healing reduction or it would be more) mind you I have taken 11k already. I pop inervant get 1.2 on a crit then before tick 2 it is interrupted. Then I take another 8k. If I live I start to cast another heal but never get it off. I get killed by one dps player all the time in less than 3 seconds.


******** However on the other hand ******


Sometimes a bad dps player that does not interrupt or stun gets on me and I heal minutes straight until help arrives. I see how that can be frustrating but it is just about skill at that point.


*********** Conclusion **********

Healers need to be able to get as many medals as a dps players can. Respecing to dps or hybid to gain medals hurts the others I play with because they need good heals.


If you refuse to pvp over obviously wrong facts...why are you on the pvp forums?

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getting medals as a healer is far easier i found, dot people every now and then sure you won't get a solo kill ( well maybe) but you can easily get

25 kills (2) (counts 10 kills)

75k damage (1)

killing blow (1)

5k heal ( 2) (counts 2.5k heal)

300k heal (2) (counts 75k heal)

thats 8 ( i am correct right?)


how about you fight for classes that can only dps, who can;t heal or guard

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As a healer my max was 12 medals. Usually about 8. Hardest medal is one-on-one kill, coz i hardly ever can duel with someone.


In a winning match of Huttball hang around the top at their side looking for a lone person coming out of the spawn then go down and fight them, perferably make them come down underneath the second ledge underneath the catwalks so others that spawn may not notice you mid fight, often when they do they'll keep going rather than jump down there in order to get to the ball or where the cluster **** is to go pad their dps with AoE. That's usually how i got the solo kill on my Sorc when heal spec'd, just beware of burst classes :p

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Yep, the Medal system is completely ****ed up as Healer, especially fi you are playing with a very strong DD and you support him. He will never die and deal 700k Damage while you healed 500k or so. Guess who gets the MVP Votes? >.> Edited by Teabaker
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Secondly to all the people saying that many medals is impossible, no it is not, in theory a assasin/the mirror can get ALL medals(18), i have never seen this happen irl, but i have seen a screenshot of a dude with 17 medals.


Theoretically this might have been true before they fixed Pure Shockfrozen Water, but it certainly is not true anymore. An assassin/shadow can receive a maximum of 14 medals, as they no longer have access to healer medals.

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Whine, whine, whine. I absolutely love PVPing on my healer. I find that I rarely lose on my healer in 1-49s, while my DPS toon is more 60/40 on the win ratio. I feel like I directly influence the outcome of wins, especially Huttball (My personal lord and savior is the Mighty Giradda). While I don't always get a ton of medals, I usually get so many MVP votes that I'll top out at 100 commendations often times. Edited by ulukinatme
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