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Funniest line in game?


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Not sure if this was said (trooper line so probably not)



Balmorra quests, trying to recruit tanno vik, im shown a holorecording of him

says he took a security team for a top secret mission, says to check regulation 235-R

ask elara what that is, heres convo:

"Dorne, are you familiar with regulation 235-R?"

"Yes sir, but it makes no sense. Regulation 235-R dictates the size and positioning of improvised field latrines."


That made me laugh :D


I'm pretty sure that's inspired by Red Dwarf :) Although it's not such an original idea, so maybe not :-/

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I'm pretty sure that's inspired by Red Dwarf :) Although it's not such an original idea, so maybe not :-/


With as many winks and nods to other sci-fi franchises in this game, I wouldn't be surprised if this was an homage to Red Dwarf. Loved that show!


Oh, there's Serenity Valley on Voss, just as an example. :D

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Don't have time to skim the whole thread so if it's been posted, sorry...there's a conversation between two Imperial soldiers at Drift Hills on Hoth:


Imperial soldier (1): "Biting cold, man eating monsters, a broadcast range of two meters...Does this planet have a single redeeming feature?"

Imperial soldier (2): "The hundreds of destroyed Republic ships?"

Imperial soldier (1): "Point."


Cracks me up every time I hear it :D

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Don't have time to skim the whole thread so if it's been posted, sorry...there's a conversation between two Imperial soldiers at Drift Hills on Hoth:


Imperial soldier (1): "Biting cold, man eating monsters, a broadcast range of two meters...Does this planet have a single redeeming feature?"

Imperial soldier (2): "The hundreds of destroyed Republic ships?"

Imperial soldier (1): "Point."


Cracks me up every time I hear it :D

I remember that one. I was just like: "Why are these guys in the army anyways?"


Good to see a newcomer to this thread. :D one post closer to 100 pages!

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Don't have time to skim the whole thread so if it's been posted, sorry...there's a conversation between two Imperial soldiers at Drift Hills on Hoth:


Imperial soldier (1): "Biting cold, man eating monsters, a broadcast range of two meters...Does this planet have a single redeeming feature?"

Imperial soldier (2): "The hundreds of destroyed Republic ships?"

Imperial soldier (1): "Point."


Cracks me up every time I hear it :D


Haven't heard that one!


Same planet, near the Imperial landing site base iirc

Soldier 1: man this cold, I can't stand it!

Soldier 2: Yeah! i know what you mean!

S1: it's not so bad for you though.

S2: Why do you say that?

S1: You know . . . the extra padding

S2: What's that supposed to mean?

S1: Nothing


And heard on Tattoine:

Guy 1: I heard other planets have these things called seasons.

Guy 2: Oh yeah?

G1: yeah, sometimes it's hotter or cooler, but most of the time it's downright tolerable

G2: Sounds great!

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Occasionally when you click on Lt. Iresso (JC companion) he says something like, "I know, nice armor, but this staring thing's getting a little weird."


Love this thread! Still reading everything before adding my own.


I discovered this line by Iresso the other day. Added bonus: since both him and Qyzen use the same gear, I only keep one set for both, and most of the time Qyzen wears it and Iresso stands around the cockpit in his undies. So this line was even funnier (and creepier).

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Love this thread! Still reading everything before adding my own.


I discovered this line by Iresso the other day. Added bonus: since both him and Qyzen use the same gear, I only keep one set for both, and most of the time Qyzen wears it and Iresso stands around the cockpit in his undies. So this line was even funnier (and creepier).


Eww! What would you do if someone in their underwear Said to you:

"what so you think of my armor?"

Heh heh. Glad you like the thread.

Edited by Anysao
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I finally read everything (except for a few spoilers). Lots of good stuff!


I have playing my Smuggler a lot lately, so I got a bunch of good ones. Hopefully no repeats.


On a quest in an early planet, maybe Taris: one of those where you have to enter a building, go through a lot of mob-filled hallways until you get to your objective. I ran into a Guardian that was going the same way, and we grouped so we wouldn't be competing for mobs. We finally reach our destination, where we have to rescue some girl. She starts by saying "Hi, padawan". One of the possible answers was "Padawan?", I picked it, won the roll, and my guy says


"I have to stop running around with Jedi, it's worse than being invisible."


The fact that there are special conversation lines for specific group configurations is awesome in and of itself. Also, it was a pretty funny moment.


Not a line as much as a visual gag. When the Smuggler gets to Alderaan


he has to take an old droid to some brother and sister nobles. Instead of giving him the thingie he wants in return, they ask for his help for something else first. He listens while leaning on the droid in his best nonchalant, cool as a cucumber pose. The noblegirl mentions casually that the droid is rigged to explode if someone tries to open it without knowing the combination, and the smuggler JUMPS away as if it burned.



From a mission in Hoth, I think it was the main world mission chain:


If I end up as a pair of smoking boots, can I just say "I told you so"?


At the end of Chapter II,


after you save Senator Dodonna from an assasination, she implies that she wouldn't mind to thank you with a fade to black. You have the choice of answering "My heart belongs to Risha", to which she answers:


Well, your loyalty is to be commended, even if your tastes are... eclectic.


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My favorite is on the Imp side of Alderaan when one of the NPCs says, "I'd rather seen Alderaan blown to bits than in the hands of the Empire."


I know each and everyone of us were thinking...."Just give it a few thousand more years and you'll have your wish." :cool:

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Sith Inquisitor, torturing a student. Entertian me, give me a song or something.,sing what are you serious. make it something cheerful. Sings, your really need to learn to project your voice. Electrocute. LMAO. Edited by AlannTH
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I finally read everything (except for a few spoilers). Lots of good stuff!


I have playing my Smuggler a lot lately, so I got a bunch of good ones. Hopefully no repeats.


On a quest in an early planet, maybe Taris: one of those where you have to enter a building, go through a lot of mob-filled hallways until you get to your objective. I ran into a Guardian that was going the same way, and we grouped so we wouldn't be competing for mobs. We finally reach our destination, where we have to rescue some girl. She starts by saying "Hi, padawan". One of the possible answers was "Padawan?", I picked it, won the roll, and my guy says


"I have to stop running around with Jedi, it's worse than being invisible."


The fact that there are special conversation lines for specific group configurations is awesome in and of itself. Also, it was a pretty funny moment.


Not a line as much as a visual gag. When the Smuggler gets to Alderaan


he has to take an old droid to some brother and sister nobles. Instead of giving him the thingie he wants in return, they ask for his help for something else first. He listens while leaning on the droid in his best nonchalant, cool as a cucumber pose. The noblegirl mentions casually that the droid is rigged to explode if someone tries to open it without knowing the combination, and the smuggler JUMPS away as if it burned.



From a mission in Hoth, I think it was the main world mission chain:


If I end up as a pair of smoking boots, can I just say "I told you so"?


At the end of Chapter II,


after you save Senator Dodonna from an assasination, she implies that she wouldn't mind to thank you with a fade to black. You have the choice of answering "My heart belongs to Risha", to which she answers:


Well, your loyalty is to be commended, even if your tastes are... eclectic.

You jerk! I just got to alderaan on my smuggler, and I was going to post my expierenced with the potentially explosive droid.

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When Kellian Jarro tried to mindtrick the bounty hunter, and the bounty hunter waved his hand and said: "You will realize what a complete idiot you are"



Not sure if that's been posted I didn't read much of this thread.

Another one from a quest in the BH story:



Some Republic troopers ran into an Imperial base and you were given the option (when they asked you to surrender) to just kill the lead guy. The line for it was, "Actually, that's incorrect. WE have YOU outnumbered", then shoots the guy


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Haven't heard that one!


Same planet, near the Imperial landing site base iirc

Soldier 1: man this cold, I can't stand it!

Soldier 2: Yeah! i know what you mean!

S1: it's not so bad for you though.

S2: Why do you say that?

S1: You know . . . the extra padding

S2: What's that supposed to mean?

S1: Nothing


And heard on Tattoine:

Guy 1: I heard other planets have these things called seasons.

Guy 2: Oh yeah?

G1: yeah, sometimes it's hotter or cooler, but most of the time it's downright tolerable

G2: Sounds great!


I burst out in laughter when I first heard this about a month after launch when I was working on leveling my main.

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When Kellian Jarro tried to mindtrick the bounty hunter, and the bounty hunter waved his hand and said: "You will realize what a complete idiot you are"



Not sure if that's been posted I didn't read much of this thread.


The Smuggler on Tattoine has a very similar one.



Part of your class quest is to find a particular individual. There're two ladies also looking for him, one jedi and one sith. When you finally get there, both are standing there.


They both try to use Force Persuade to get you to kill the other.


The smuggler's response. "Could you both stop waving your hands around? You look silly."



And the smuggler and bounty hunter have another similar line.



About to go on a dangerous mission:


"If I die, bury me with my money (if BH)/ship (if Smuggler)"


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I forgot the actual text, but it was in the beginning as a Republic Trooper


Man: My wife is dying! Please, we'll tell you anything

Wife: I'll never betray the cause.

Me: Well, have fun burying your dead wife, man.


I laughed out loud pretty hard.


That's just cruel! Hilariously cruel!

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Going through Taris again last night with a female smuggler:



You get a side quest from Dr Ianna Cel, she gives you a dose of an old rakghoul plague vaccine which you've just recovered for her and tells you to go and get yourself infected by a rakghoul to make antibodies for a new up to date vaccine. Having got yourself bitten, you go and report to a medical droid.



CB-08-4: Do you have any of the following symptoms: dizziness, fever, shortness of breath, or an inexhaustible hunger for sentient flesh?

Smuggler: I could really go for a nerf burger right now ... that doesn't count, right?

CB-08-4: I'll add it to your notes.



The way the lines are delivered by both the droid (completely deadpan) and the smuggler (usual confident swagger in the first part of the reply, sudden uncertainty for the second part) really made me laugh :) The voice acting in this game is generally brilliant.


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Thread's too long to see if this was posted, sorry if it's a repeat.


Now, it's been a little while, so I can't really remember any dialog, but in the smuggler storyline on Ord Mantell, there's one particular mission where you infiltrate the seps base. You kill your way down to the computer, and as you activate it a conversation starts where some guy and a battle droid spot you. The guy asks if you know what's going on and basically you play along as if you weren't the person who left all the dead bodies laying around. Then he hands you a blaster and tells you to be careful (assuming you took the right conversation choices), then heads off to fight.


The droid in that conversation had one of my favorite lines. Can't remember the exact wording, so I'm probably paraphrasing a little:


Battle Droid: "I have detected several non-functioning sentient beings. Specifically, the dead bodies over there."


I love how casual and deadpan the delivery is, too.

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