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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

This game is TWO MONTHS old.


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Its funny watching all the excuses being made for TOR because its 2 months old. What's even funnier will be the excuses made by the forum faithful over the spring and summer as we have three AAA MMOs launching with more content, less bugs and functional social elements. I better tag this thread as goal posts will be moved again without a doubt.


What are they?

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Its funny watching all the excuses being made for TOR because its 2 months old. What's even funnier will be the excuses made by the forum faithful over the spring and summer as we have three AAA MMOs launching with more content, less bugs and functional social elements. I better tag this thread as goal posts will be moved again without a doubt.


Please show me what MMOs have come out recently that have had as smooth a launch as SWTOR. I'm going to laugh when these "AAA MMOs" disappoint you because launch isn't as perfect as you expect it to be. lol GuildWars or Tera or whatever games you are talking about will pale in comparison to SWTOR and the numbers will show it.

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I don't know how many times one has to reiterate the same thing.


The argument about SWTOR coming out in 2011 and WoW coming out in 2004 so SWTOR should have all those features blah blah blah is garbage. Completely garbage.


You need to actually stop and think about development for a minute.



When they were planning out SWTOR, I'd say it was either during Vanilla WoW, or Burning Crusade at the latest.


They had a bucket list of things to implement, and began work on it.


Development for this time of game takes YEARS TO DO.


So yes, while they were developing this game WoW was coming out with new and interesting features, as were other MMOS. That's great, but if they stopped and kept adding every new thing in to this game during that time, it would never come out. It would constantly add development time, and the game would end up like duke nukem forever.



Instead, they did what they set out to do with intentions of adding features post launch. THIS IS HOW MMOS WORK.



Yes, WoW came out in 2004, and SWTOR did learn a lot from that believe it or not, but you CAN'T realistically add in every feature WoW has added WHILE YOUR GAME IS IN DEVELOPMENT and expect it to fit budget or come out on time.


Anyone who uses that dull lifeless argument that oh well WoW came out in 2004 so SWTOR SHOULD HAVE ALL THOSE FEATURES BECAUSE ITS 2012!!! obviously doesn't have any idea of how the real world works, nor have they ever held a job that actually does anything of use, besides feeding fat people, or washing their cars or whatever.



Seriously, drop that argument, it only makes you look ignorant and stupid.


SWTOR doesnt even have some features of 2004/2005 WoW.


And I agree, development of actual content takes years, but development of UI, GTN and other features similar to this? not by a long shot. They even took out perfectly fine stuff from beta and I have no doubt they will push it later and call it "new features."


Of course the problem with content is, it is way too easy to get through the operations and HM flashpoints in a few weeks, be completely geared in pvp and pve gear and have nothing left to do but to level alts.


Sure, they promised us quick content patches... I heard that before. Even this "new" rakghoul storyline, they admitted they were working on it for about a year, how long apart will be patches past 1.2 is the real question, because I doubt they can give us new FP every two months and OP every 4 months :p

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Show me links please for the current stats?


Sure, I'll do better and add some more info:




Of which you will notice states: That's over twice the number of copies sold of World of Warcraft close to its launch in 2004, though there's been a lot of growth in the MMO space since those days.


Oh and that article was posted on Feb. 1st...

Edited by Aedales
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SWTOR doesnt even have some features of 2004/2005 WoW.


And I agree, development of actual content takes years, but development of UI, GTN and other features similar to this? not by a long shot. They even took out perfectly fine stuff from beta and I have no doubt they will push it later and call it "new features."


Of course the problem with content is, it is way too easy to get through the operations and HM flashpoints in a few weeks, be completely geared in pvp and pve gear and have nothing left to do but to level alts.


Sure, they promised us quick content patches... I heard that before. Even this "new" rakghoul storyline, they admitted they were working on it for about a year, how long apart will be patches past 1.2 is the real question, because I doubt they can give us new FP every two months and OP every 4 months :p


I don't know what WOW launch you're about because WOW certainly had significantly less features at launch than SWTOR. WOW didn't even have battlegrounds. There were maybe two raids and even less flashpoints/instances. WOW at launch was extremely boring compared to SWTOR.

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Sure, I'll do better and add some more info:




Of which you will notice states: That's over twice the number of copies sold of World of Warcraft close to its launch in 2004, though there's been a lot of growth in the MMO space since those days.


To be honest, WoW didn't launch in Europe till early 2005

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Please show me what MMOs have come out recently that have had as smooth a launch as SWTOR. I'm going to laugh when these "AAA MMOs" disappoint you because launch isn't as perfect as you expect it to be. lol GuildWars or Tera or whatever games you are talking about will pale in comparison to SWTOR and the numbers will show it.


Sorry but AAA MMOs don't use horrible game engines like the Hero engine.


It's like going to the store to buy steaks and then you see chuck steak's price of $1.99 and go yea that will do just fine. Except chuck steak is terrible. Just like this hero engine.

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Sorry but AAA MMOs don't use horrible game engines like the Hero engine.


It's like going to the store to buy steaks and then you see chuck steak's price of $1.99 and go yea that will do just fine. Except chuck steak is terrible. Just like this hero engine.


SWTOR used Heroengine... and I am quite happy with the game so far.

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As for bugs, you're very wrong. I don't think you've played many MMOs lol because you sound like you don't know what you're talking about. WOW had entire servers down and the lag was completely attrocious. This game doesn't have NEARLY as many bugs as any other MMO I've played at launch before. If you expect this game to be the same a year from now you've just proved to me you don't know what you're talking about.


You keep talking lag and bugs and miss out on what made WoW such a success. It was just fun.


People find things wrong with the game because they are not having fun. I personally don't think features matter as much if people enjoy whatever it is they are doing.

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You must not have been around when the thousands of other threads on this topic made it to 30-40 pages...


I'll sum it up for you: While the game may be new and while other titles may have the benefit of years of development, TOR has to compete with games that are out and playable today regardless of when their competition launched.




Because their competition offers me more for the same price. TOR cannot afford to hide behind "two months old" when other games give you more.


The onus is on the team to deliver a game worth the monthly subscription, and I think where people find fault with TOR is that it doesn't compete well. So people move on to those games and leave TOR behind--which is not what anyone wants.



Except that Blizzard has had around 4 billion dollars of player subscriptions to pay for the extra development of everything from their launch to today.


Our subscriptions now are paying for the additions to this game.

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Oh goodie, same stupid excuse. Really dude try better. I don't care if a thousand people jump off a bridge, it still doesn't make it good. I don't care how other game's launched, it still does not excuse the tripe we put up from this development team; well calling them that is being generous to say the least - mroe like hacks.
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I don't know what WOW launch you're about because WOW certainly had significantly less features at launch than SWTOR. WOW didn't even have battlegrounds. There were maybe two raids and even less flashpoints/instances. WOW at launch was extremely boring compared to SWTOR.


I'm not saying WoW had more features than SWTOR, because it didn't, and yes, it was quite boring game at the time, I played it and only reason I stayed with it at the time was amazing guild and fun we had together.


That doesn't change the fact, that SWTOR is missing some features even old game like WoW had it in its infancy - combatlog, chat bubbles, other stuff, you know, that sort of thing.

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Oh goodie, same stupid excuse. Really dude try better. I don't care if a thousand people jump off a bridge, it still doesn't make it good. I don't care how other game's launched, it still does not excuse the tripe we put up from this development team; well calling them that is being generous to say the least - mroe like hacks.


So you don't care about reality lol? The reality is that you can't expect this game to have 3 expansions worth of content at launch. It is how EVERY SINGLE MMO is launched. Is this your first MMO son?

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So you don't care about reality lol? The reality is that you can't expect this game to have 3 expansions worth of content at launch. It is how EVERY SINGLE MMO is launched. Is this your first MMO son?


No use arguing with children. Let them go play Kung Fu Pokewow and leave the real gaming to the rest of us :p

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Please show me what MMOs have come out recently that have had as smooth a launch as SWTOR. I'm going to laugh when these "AAA MMOs" disappoint you because launch isn't as perfect as you expect it to be. lol GuildWars or Tera or whatever games you are talking about will pale in comparison to SWTOR and the numbers will show it.


You cannot judge the game by the number of box sales or subscriptions. You judge it by the profit it makes.


Now, $300m to make we're told.


2 million box sales @avg $50 = 100,000,000. Now give away the royalties which was mentioned somewhere @30% leaves circa 66m.


Now, take the subscriptions, say $15 and pay the 30% royalty = $10 profit per sub x we'll say 1.5m subs = 15m pm, then take away overheads, salaries etc. Don't forget to pay the investors..


How many months to go into profit? Assuming the sub base stay at 1.5m which I doubt, it ever will.


Rudementary figures assumed.


Given those figures, they cannot break even after year 1. Bear in mind, within the first year, you have GW2 coming out and Tera launching in April. Regardless of how you feel about those games, they are going to whittle the sub-base down. Now add in that Diablo3 will most likely launch this year and that alone is going take huge bite in tot he sub base.


If anything there is unrealistic, please let me know.

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I'm not saying WoW had more features than SWTOR, because it didn't, and yes, it was quite boring game at the time, I played it and only reason I stayed with it at the time was amazing guild and fun we had together.


That doesn't change the fact, that SWTOR is missing some features even old game like WoW had it in its infancy - combatlog, chat bubbles, other stuff, you know, that sort of thing.


So what it doesn't have a combat log. I'm sure it will come if they see a need for it. SWTOR isn't going to have every single feature WOW has and I'm glad. I actually like not being overly concerned with putting out the exact right amount of DPS in a group as long as we get the job done.

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Honestly I think a lot of these people are just bored with MMOs in general and expected this to be a drastically different game changer at launch.


I fully agree with that comment right there. I think that other game has made things just horrible for anyone else trying to break into the MMO market. Then add into it all the games that had promise and had promised a great game just to get turned into FtP. Plus a lot of games run the fantasy / super hero gamut over and over to death.


This game had some big shoes to fill as well seeing as it was NOT the first Star Wars MMO. A lot of people were bitter at the end of SWG.


But the game is only 2 months old and getting better all the time. Except for the stupid environment NPC's who dialog is louder than hell and does not go away till it ends. That is my only complaint.

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So what it doesn't have a combat log. I'm sure it will come if they see a need for it. SWTOR isn't going to have every single feature WOW has and I'm glad. I actually like not being overly concerned with putting out the exact right amount of DPS in a group as long as we get the job done.


The argument is; for a $300m game, one would expect it to have the basic features like guild banks, proper lfg tools, moldable UI.. need i go on?

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I fully agree with that comment right there. I think that other game has made things just horrible for anyone else trying to break into the MMO market. Then add into it all the games that had promise and had promised a great game just to get turned into FtP. Plus a lot of games run the fantasy / super hero gamut over and over to death.


This game had some big shoes to fill as well seeing as it was NOT the first Star Wars MMO. A lot of people were bitter at the end of SWG.


But the game is only 2 months old and getting better all the time. Except for the stupid environment NPC's who dialog is louder than hell and does not go away till it ends. That is my only complaint.


NO kidding. When it's different all we hear is "make it more the same1!!!!" And when it's the same al we hear is "stupid clone nothing innovative waaah waah I haz a sad!!!!!"

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So what it doesn't have a combat log. I'm sure it will come if they see a need for it. SWTOR isn't going to have every single feature WOW has and I'm glad. I actually like not being overly concerned with putting out the exact right amount of DPS in a group as long as we get the job done.


Combatlog is for more that just tracking your dps and if you can't see the difference between combatlog and addons/dps meters, I have nothing else to say here.

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The argument is; for a $300m game, one would expect it to have the basic features like guild banks, proper lfg tools, moldable UI.. need i go on?


Oh, please do continue...the litany of non-game-breaking things that has ragequitters and pantwetters screeching like bloody harpies on the forums hasn't been regurgitated nearly enough.

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