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This game is TWO MONTHS old.


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If you don't want standard MMO features that have been part of the genre since inception, then go play Hello Kitty Adventure Island.


What about all of us who just dont think theyre absolutely necessary or even what BW should be focusing on right now? Can we stay? Pretty please?

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Yeah, eight hundred people, six years, and two hundred million is a "smidge" more than any other mmorpg I can recall coming anywhere close to having. On all counts.


I wouldn't say they failed miserably though. Subscription numbers have not plummeted anything like they have in many other mmorpg's by this point. At worst they just made some poor design decisions, in my opinion.


80 Million, not 200 million.

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I've been playing MMOs since the launch of EQ. Put serious time into EQ, DAOC and WOW.


The difference between all those games and SWTOR: Two months in I have two Level 50 characters and I have maxed 8 crafting skills on my mains and a couple alts.


It took a LOT longer in other games. That's why a lack of "endgame" content didn't matter as much. It took 8 months to actually reach the endgame with one character... not 8 weeks to reach it with two.


Right because the amount of time per day you spent playing games like DAOC, EQ, and WoW were all equal the the amount of time you put in to play SW:TOR. :cool:

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you guys simply dont understand what is SWTOR lol, do you?


let me explain the current situation of the game with an easy way that everyone will understand the game they're playing right now ;) ready?


1- Project Budget: Arround 250$ Millions (EA Louse mentionned it was more than 300). From my point of view as an experienced gamer and mmo lover (12+ yrs) clearly 75% went into Voice Acting. As a result of a lacking game engine, productions and QA testing. To release a 2011 (almost 2012) game like that, clearly something went stupidly wrong.


2- Game Engine: Have you heard of Hero Engine? i would suggest that you make your own research about ot (Google my friends!) then perhaps you'll understand why this game is so bugged, unstable and almost unplayable with 80-90+FPS even with a 2900$ PC (mine lol).


3- BioWare / EA: perhaps the most failed teamwork in the mmo industries. They dont know what they're doing (clearly). Their first mmo, but they're lacking competent employees (wich many of them already left the team to work on other projects ...). A REALLY bad Customer Service located all around the world, with GMs (droids) that dont even play the game, have no clue about our problems / issue and sending automatic answers to everyone. The main reason right now why ppl are leaving is from the CS lol.


I've seen the same story happening with Age of Conan and Warhammer. SWTOR will soon beat both of them together with their 250$+ millions fail.


It is sad yes, I love Star Wars, but they killed it :(


You'll understand when Guild Wars 2 / TERA and ArcheAge will go live, trust me :)



p.s: my account is already canceled, this game doesnt worth paying in order to play it. Online poker games are better lol.


You seem like a professional.


A professional internet journalist.


EA Louse was debunked.


Analyst+EA Earnings call places it around 80 million.


That's only 17 million more than WoW had at initial launch.


That 17 million probably went to voice acting and motion capture.


People like you are going to be around these forums for a long time, spouting how much this game is going to fail.


The difference between the MMO's you supposedly watched fail and SW:TOR is that SW:TOR isn't bleeding subscriptions like niagra falls one month after release.


RIFT - Dead zone -> Going to be f2p

AoC - Dead zone -> probably never going to be f2p, my guess is it's next MXo

DCUO - F2P because it turned in to dead zone

LOTRo - F2p because it turned in to dead zone

SW:TOR - 2 1/2 Months in and growing, a big middle finger to the nay sayers.

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To me, this game is too shallow. Unfortunately, there seems to be very little sign that it is going to get much in the way of depth in the coming months.


The story is nice. But like all stories, its strength is also its weakness. The focus on story means that very little meat is given to how the player feels in being part of something grander (i.e. being a <insert class here> in the Star Wars universe MMO). Instead, we're just given our <insert iconic gadgets here>, and our class specific ship and told that we're a <insert class name here>.


In short, there is very little depth beyond the scope of the leveling story. You run flashpoints, operations and / or warzones until your blue in the face.


Now, whilst what the game DOES have may be a good start, but the clock is always ticking. As with all MMO's, in the next few months inevitably the lustre and the "new MMO smell" will begin to wear off. More and more players get to end game and begin to analyse what content there is that appeals to them....


Will just throwing more flashpoints, operations and warzones in be enough?

Or will history repeat itself and prove once again that MMO players are getting more sophisticated with their desires?


Tick, tock Bioware.


Read your post and it sounded like you didn't know the difference between a themepark story and a sandbox story.

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I'll say it again. My original post is quoted on page 45 with a really poor response.


If you want to compare games. Compare kings. Look at history.


Compare EQ to WoW. EQ was king until WoW. Now WoW is king. Do you think WoW would be as successful if it copied EQ and didn't add any new features on launch? No. EQ had plenty of time to evolve from 1999-2004, but it didn't. It started losing subscribers after Shadows of Luclin because a lot of people didn't like the direction the game was going. WoW on the other hand evolved (even between expansions in major content updates) and gained subscribers with the changes they made. Nobody compared Vanilla WoW to 1999 EverQuest because WoW was it's own game! The only common ground between the two was that they are in the same genre.


What did WoW do right? They listened. Even going as far as employing some top EQ players. WoW took what they wanted from EQ (very little, and completely transparent to the majority of players), and added their own features. It didn't matter that they literally had servers MELT (yes I vaguely recall a server melting) on launch because of the sheer number of subscribers. People were foaming at the mouth to play. It was new, exciting, and groundbreaking. Some of the bigger differences being the questing system, instanced raids, lenient death penalty, and solo content. EQ, on the other hand, just plopped you down after character creation to figure things out on your own. There was no hand holding. Solo content? ha. 90% of the classes couldn't solo a mob their own level let alone a mob 3-4 levels higher. Death penalty... ask any EQ player, they all have a CR (corpse run) horror story. Have you seen my corpse? (search that on youtube). Combat system? lol


So, now you have people comparing SWTOR to WoW. Why? You can't help comparing SWTOR to WoW because it is a WoW CLONE. Seriously, if you want to argue that SWTOR is not a WoW clone then sit down and make your own list of the SIMILARITES and DIFFERENCES between SWTOR and WOW. Your list of similarities is going to be exponentially larger than any differences. Don't cite any difference in IP because that is irrelevant. Lightsabers vs Swords doesn't count.


I think people are disappointed because they wanted something new and SWTOR didn't deliver. Many of the people complaining bought this game, but didn't follow it like the fanbois did for 4+ years. They didn't read every update and pour over ever new nugget of information. So any counter-argument of "they didn't promise anything new" is stupid. Does anyone honestly think they would see a big message on SWTOR.COM that says "Star Wars MMO. Nothing new here!". With an MMO launching in 2011, it's expected to have new features!


Plain and simple, SWTOR is WoW all over again with less features.

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You seem like a professional.


A professional internet journalist.


EA Louse was debunked.


Analyst+EA Earnings call places it around 80 million.


That's only 17 million more than WoW had at initial launch.


That 17 million probably went to voice acting and motion capture.


People like you are going to be around these forums for a long time, spouting how much this game is going to fail.


The difference between the MMO's you supposedly watched fail and SW:TOR is that SW:TOR isn't bleeding subscriptions like niagra falls one month after release.


RIFT - Dead zone -> Going to be f2p

AoC - Dead zone -> probably never going to be f2p, my guess is it's next MXo

DCUO - F2P because it turned in to dead zone

LOTRo - F2p because it turned in to dead zone

SW:TOR - 2 1/2 Months in and growing, a big middle finger to the nay sayers.

Rift is doing well with some solid updates to it. AoC is dead due to it's Dev's never hearing the player base out on anything, oh and AoC is already free to play and one of the most pricey F2P games out. Social Clothing for $10 dollars anyone? DCUO had a bad launch and it was SOE. LOTRO went F2P due to the subs dropping as it was one of the few games that did alright but still needed work.


This? It's lucky if it will go F2P. Subs are dropping every week, players are uphappy, 1.2 isn't going to fix anything.

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Right now I prefer playing SW:TOR, and am content with it. Weird how you tried to make an ultimatum.


So its ok for people to tell me to go play WoW, but not ok for me to tell people to go play Hello Kitty Adventure Island?


K, just making sure.

Edited by Frostvein
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Do not fool yourselves.


while Swtor sets the standard in terms of how to make an mmo interesting to lvl, it fails 100% in every other avenue.


This game is basically the worst 'mmo' u will ever play.


The premise of an mmo is to bring a 'community' of people together.


But this game endevours to segregate people at every oppurtunity.


Evrything is instanced. Fleet/ Ship/ Every single planet/ Even zones within planets/ Zero world wide chat...i could go on...


Moving on....graphics! "2012 graphics?...really???


well lets go along with the mantra of 'getting people on low-end spec pc's to be able to play'


Dont fool yourselves...there is nothing games companies can release that my pc cannot handle 'effortlessly'...but swtor makes my pc's fan scream. Really?..with those graphics??


haha...this game is the biggest scam i have ever seen.


Absolutely showing me how people are such sheep, plus how laughable all these so called 'reviews' are from these big companies.


If you listen to any strangers advice in your life people, listen to this....cancel your sub immediately..THIS IS A RIPP-OFF.

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Do not fool yourselves.


while Swtor sets the standard in terms of how to make an mmo interesting to lvl, it fails 100% in every other avenue.


This game is basically the worst 'mmo' u will ever play.


The premise of an mmo is to bring a 'community' of people together.


But this game endevours to segregate people at every oppurtunity.


Evrything is instanced. Fleet/ Ship/ Every single planet/ Even zones within planets/ Zero world wide chat...i could go on...


Moving on....graphics! "2012 graphics?...really???


well lets go along with the mantra of 'getting people on low-end spec pc's to be able to play'


Dont fool yourselves...there is nothing games companies can release that my pc cannot handle 'effortlessly'...but swtor makes my pc's fan scream. Really?..with those graphics??


haha...this game is the biggest scam i have ever seen.


Absolutely showing me how people are such sheep, plus how laughable all these so called 'reviews' are from these big companies.


If you listen to any strangers advice in your life people, listen to this....cancel your sub immediately..THIS IS A RIPP-OFF.



What a crock. there is nothing separating people. there is nothing preventing people from grouping together. People just have gotten use to automated grouping systems and are too lazy or socially awkward to talk to one another

Edited by FiveDeadlyVenoms
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Do not fool yourselves.


while Swtor sets the standard in terms of how to make an mmo interesting to lvl, it fails 100% in every other avenue.


This game is basically the worst 'mmo' u will ever play.


The premise of an mmo is to bring a 'community' of people together.


But this game endevours to segregate people at every oppurtunity.


Evrything is instanced. Fleet/ Ship/ Every single planet/ Even zones within planets/ Zero world wide chat...i could go on...


Moving on....graphics! "2012 graphics?...really???


well lets go along with the mantra of 'getting people on low-end spec pc's to be able to play'


Dont fool yourselves...there is nothing games companies can release that my pc cannot handle 'effortlessly'...but swtor makes my pc's fan scream. Really?..with those graphics??


haha...this game is the biggest scam i have ever seen.


Absolutely showing me how people are such sheep, plus how laughable all these so called 'reviews' are from these big companies.


If you listen to any strangers advice in your life people, listen to this....cancel your sub immediately..THIS IS A RIPP-OFF.


I agree with certain points. SWTOR is only innovative in terms of being fully voiced over. Nothing design wise is innovative. The graphics and engine look dated compared to MMOs that cost 1/4 of BW's budget....


1. SWTOR (HEROengine)



2. DCUO (Unreal Engine)


Edited by Sizzurps
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I love Star Wars games + I love playing online with/against other people + I look for a large population of players = I play SWG.


SWG updates/revamps + population drops off = Stop playing SWG


I love playing online with/against other people + I look for a large population of players = I play WoW.


I love Star Wars games and learn of the making of SWTOR = I stop playing WoW as it loses its appeal to me, and I begin to wait anxiously/patiently for SWTOR release, socialising on official and unofficial forums.


SWTOR is released.


Bugs, issues, latency...


Every game has positives and negatives, I accept them. SWTOR will continue to evolve, as will any other MMO or standalone game series.


I love Star Wars games + I love playing online with/against other people + I look for a large population of players = I play SWTOR.



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What a crock. there is nothing separating people. there is nothing preventing people from grouping together. People just have gotten use to automated grouping systems and are too lazy or socially awkward to talk to one another


What a crock?..really?



I will gauranttee u 100% that u have not got a lvl 50.


there is no doubt about it in my mind.


let me tell u this, Mr. I know it all.


There is isno mmo..( not One) currently available on the market that does not have a world wide chat of some sort.


And do you know why???....(figure it out)


Thats because it enables people of all lvls to communicate with each other.


if you dont know know why thats important then i cannot educate you further.


listen m8....when people who have gotten further and harder are telling you about their experiences, listen...


well if you dont want to, feel free to be roam around ina ghoast town yelling at the top of your lungs about how wonderfull your empty game is

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Two things.


One; apparently I am one of the very few who are aware the game has a LFG tool already. Unless you're all looking for a zero-interaction, queue-and-wait, port-me-to-the-fp tool.


Writing "LFG XXX" on the Who list is not a proper LFG tool, anymore than a hatchback is a proper pickup truck.


Two; If you picked up SWTOR looking for the next big online PVP e-sport, I think you've severely misjudged where Bioware has and will continue to place the bulk of their focus.

If there is any misjudgment, it's not mine. You want proof? Go to Ilum, a place designed for world PVP that is borderline deserted. Go ahead and run from one end of the "battlefield" to the other and you'll be lucky to even see another player. Oh no, it's clear on Ilum that it wasn't me who made a serious misjudgment.


You can't just have PVE at end game in an MMO. People who PVP are going to want other players to play against, not just the same group on the same server every night for months on end, not to mention dead world PVP.

Edited by kristoffbrujah
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What a crock?..really?



I will gauranttee u 100% that u have not got a lvl 50.


there is no doubt about it in my mind.


let me tell u this, Mr. I know it all.


There is isno mmo..( not One) currently available on the market that does not have a world wide chat of some sort.


And do you know why???....(figure it out)


Thats because it enables people of all lvls to communicate with each other.


if you dont know know why thats important then i cannot educate you further.


listen m8....when people who have gotten further and harder are telling you about their experiences, listen...


well if you dont want to, feel free to be roam around ina ghoast town yelling at the top of your lungs about how wonderfull your empty game is



you have nothing on me *******. Nothing. ive given more ideas to people and help people make more money then they realized possible.


You really think I give a damn what you say. your ************ on the forums about a 2 month old mmo. yeah Global chat is really a game breaking issue. that's up for Biowares designers to decide not you


its biowares to lose now. and it always has been.

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Writing "LFG XXX" on the Who list is not a proper LFG tool, anymore than a hatchback is a proper pickup truck.


Except if everybody used it, it would work just fine. I've personally never had a problem getting a group using it. Granted its not the "1 click and ur teleported to dungeon with a full group" device everybody is used to, but god forbid you actually have to communicate with people to get a group activity going.

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Except if everybody used it, it would work just fine. I've personally never had a problem getting a group using it. Granted its not the "1 click and ur teleported to dungeon with a full group" device everybody is used to, but god forbid you actually have to communicate with people to get a group activity going.


Problem is, nobody actually uses it.


And it's not cross-server anyway. It's not even cross-world.


When you get to end-game and are doing a dungeon you've done 20 times already just to get your daily out of the way, the fun of actually assembling a group is lost. You just want to get it done.

Edited by kristoffbrujah
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Problem is, nobody actually uses it.


And it's not cross-server anyway. It's not even cross-world.


And nobody using it is the problem, not the system itself.


And while it's not cross-server it IS cross world. I can sit on fleet and see people on coruscant who are flagged for lfg.

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And nobody using it is the problem, not the system itself.


And while it's not cross-server it IS cross world. I can sit on fleet and see people on coruscant who are flagged for lfg.


Yeah if you screw with the little search function and type in a different world for something that nobody is using.


Again, nobody wants to go through that much effort to assemble a group for a daily you've already done 20 times. That's different when you're still leveling to 50, the mystery is still there and assembling a group could lead to the unexpected.


When you're running Black Talon for the 50th time there is no desire to assemble a group. I just want to get it done, the only reason I'm doing it is because 1) It's a daily and helps me get geared 2) the drops help me get geared. It's not a new area of the game where the mystery keeps me in my seat.

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you have nothing on me *******. Nothing. ive given more ideas to people and help people make more money then they realized possible.


You really think I give a damn what you say. your ************ on the forums about a 2 month old mmo. yeah Global chat is really a game breaking issue. that's up for Biowares designers to decide not you


its biowares to lose now. and it always has been.


I take from your reply that everything he said about you is correct. In that you dont have a level50 yet etc.


So you come back with insults and nothing to do with what he said.

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Yeah if you screw with the little search function and type in a different world for something that nobody is using.


Again, nobody wants to go through that much effort to assemble a group for a daily you've already done 20 times. That's different when you're still leveling to 50, the mystery is still there and assembling a group could lead to the unexpected.


When you're running Black Talon for the 50th time there is no desire to assemble a group. I just want to get it done, the only reason I'm doing it is because 1) It's a daily and helps me get geared 2) the drops help me get geared. It's not a new area of the game where the mystery keeps me in my seat.


right now you can see everybody on the server thats flagged for lfg by pressing 4 keys, saying thats too much work is you just being lazy.


Which is also the reason why people are demanding the instaqueue feature that wow spoiled everybody with. It takes 0 effort, and thats all anybody cares about nowadays is getting things done as fast as humanly(or in this case, computerly) possible.

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