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The sheer number of buttons is just not fun


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hehe, I remember that too.


You simply can't please everyone. If bioware cut the number of abilities down they'd only get complaints from people who are currently happy with the system. This is something the OP is just going to have to live with because it's not going to get changed.


Sony sinned the exact opposite way. Having only a grand total of 6 abilities that can be used at a given moment is waaay too few - thats pretty obvious. SWTOR would benefit from finding a happy medium. 6 is absurdly low and was only done because that's about as many things that a PSP controller could have buttons for. PC has far more flexibility of course, but they went overkill here. Moderation - moderation.

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My vote is MORE action bar buttons so I'd have less restrictive keybinds.


Yes I agree - if they aren't going to consolidate SOME abilities then more bars would help a LOT. (I play shadow spec JC and my bars are insanely full - and there are some don't use too, which aren't even on there..)

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Give us macros that are limited to one command on each line and only maximum of 3 lines. minimum conditional for target like [self], [friend] [hostile] [shift] [ctrl] [alt] [exist].


Although I am fine with my main, but i am getting headache with my alts because there are too many abilities to handle for everyone of them. There are 8 advanced classes and it is too difficult to recall where you place what when you switch to an alt due to a lot of special customization required for situational ability. If some part of these situational abilities can be bound into macros, I am sure that it helps a great deal and the limitation should not enhance one-button or two-button play.


I am an experienced MMO player and I can handle pretty complicated play, and if I feel troublesome for this, I am sure that the majority of us find it more troublesome, though I know many of them don't even bother situational abilities and are satisfied with just a few abilities they know... you know you don't want them in your group or ops...

Edited by Hologramx
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I like the abilities as tthey are. You don't have to use them all. If you're a DPS juggernaught why bother having taunt buttons on your bar?


I like all the abilities. I like to have them at hand with my keybinds. I have no problems remembering what keybinds do what.


Streamline.. is that just another name for taking the variety out of seomthing. Streamline work to make it faster so you have more profit.. Don't streamline games to make them easier all you do through that is lessen the game.


Just use the abilities you want to use.. Don't use them all. My lvl 50 are currently assassin and jugg tanks.. Please leave my abilities alone.

Edited by corbanite
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This has been a real annoyance for me as well, just yesterday I basically decided to give up on levelling my Jedi Shadow tank as at lvl 40ish I felt like I had too many abilities to be able to manage effectively.


It had been fun to play but I pretty much felt like I had all the abilities I needed by around lvl 25, yet still more abilities kept being added and it just got to the stage where I couldn't be bothered with it any more.


Definitely overkill imo, there's a balance here and I don't think SWTOR gets it right for some classes.

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I like the abilities as tthey are. You don't have to use them all. If your a DPS juggernaught why bother having taunt buttons on your bar?


I like all the abilities. I like to have them at hand with my keybinds. I have no problems remembering what keybinds do what.


Streamline.. *** is that just another name for taking the variety out of life. Streamline work to make it faster so you have more profit.. Don't streamline games to make them easier all you do through that is lessen the game.


Just use the abilities you want to use.. Don't use them all. My lvl 50 are currently assassin and jugg tanks.. Please leave my abilities alone.


Perfect example of what the poster right above you was referring to. "Why bother having Taunt in your action bar if you are a DPS Jugg?" Because it's an ability available to your class. Let's say a tank is in one corner blowing his CD's on a couple of nasty baddies when suddenly some adds come from way behind just about ready to instagib your healers. A good player with a DPS jugg knows they can leap or saber throw to that group, taunt and / or AoE taunt from the healer and pop survival CDs, while kiting the adds to the tank, to the DPS to aoE them or anything away from healers if only for a 6 second window of survival.


It's not about "getting rid of abilities", it's about "consolidating several abilities that do similar things in similar conditions into one or two max."

Edited by Vagessel
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I would not mind there being collision detection, because that would introduce the need for actually being able to aim/target or dodge by moving the character which require little extra skill than just tab and press a button.


But with current mechanics, I don`t want to see less buttons... How simple is a game suppose to be?

That is the main reason why I dislike consoles. 6 buttons for every possible action and in a game that basically has auto target/aim that is the last thing this game needs.


Chose to use less buttons if that is what you prefer, don`t complain about the option of using more.

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Welcome to the modern mmorpg, where every game copys the combat system from wow....


Guild wars 2 is going to change that tho


Heh...Secret World will have less than GW2. 7 active abilities, 7 passive abilities. And a choice of 588 skills to work with overall that you can pick those 7 active, 7 passive from at any time.

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I would not mind there being collision detection, because that would introduce the need for actually being able to aim/target or dodge by moving the character which require little extra skill than just tab and press a button.


But with current mechanics, I don`t want to see less buttons... How simple is a game suppose to be?

That is the main reason why I dislike consoles. 6 buttons for every possible action and in a game that basically has auto target/aim that is the last thing this game needs.


Chose to use less buttons if that is what you prefer, don`t complain about the option of using more.


Hah! You have to understand that they're catering to people like you, teens and pre-teens when adding the zillion buttons to mmorpgs.


I'll say this again, in Everquest you would cast one or two spells, then sit down and meditate for 30 - 60 seconds to regain your mana. The fun of the game was the social aspect of it. People played it to relax, not to get a kick out of mashing buttons.


Heck, after a hard day of work, I don't want to come home and have to watch a billion cooldowns and mash a thousand buttons for my entertainment. I still play mmos for the social aspect, but man have they sunk to new lows in order to cater to the console crowd!


WoW is the worst offender. Thank god Guild Wars 2 is going to change all this.

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I play a 50 guardian and we get 28 combat abilities:


4 of those are defensive cooldowns, one of which is the require companion one.


The only ones I rarely use are the two aoe stun/slows and the 'enure' cooldown which is pretty pointless.


That leaves 24 abilities so you can fit them all on your two centre bars. I also use a naga and its very easy to find space for the other 12 without even using modifiers on your keyboard (or 10 if you use the two index buttons).


Sorry but it sounds like you simply haven't though about it because I can cope with 24 abilities in my sleep.

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Hah! You have to understand that they're catering to people like you, teens and pre-teens when adding the zillion buttons to mmorpgs.


I'll say this again, in Everquest you would cast one or two spells, then sit down and meditate for 30 - 60 seconds to regain your mana. The fun of the game was the social aspect of it. People played it to relax, not to get a kick out of mashing buttons.


Heck, after a hard day of work, I don't want to come home and have to watch a billion cooldowns and mash a thousand buttons for my entertainment. I still play mmos for the social aspect, but man have they sunk to new lows in order to cater to the console crowd!


WoW is the worst offender. Thank god Guild Wars 2 is going to change all this.




Modern MMO design seems to be specifically catering to folks that have boatloads of freetime and little to nothing going on in life that could possibly be more interesting than babysitting 4d10+15 cooldowns.

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Yeah, the combat abilities are a bit too many, but with good bindings, you can have all 2 bars accessible to you (which is enough).


If you're a button clicker for your active combat abilities, yes, it's going to be very hard.


Macros should make this easier, somewhat.


What I really hate though is having to watch my bars for procs. This is where I miss the flexibility add-ons bring, just like in WoW.


It'll come, just have to wait.

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The sheer number of buttons the Jedi Guardian at 50 has just destroys the fun I once had while leveling the toon.


Similarly, my Jedi Shadow has a lot of keybinds and you just stare at ur UI buffs for procs. THis is not fun combat at all.


I use a Razer Naga too.


I am glad someone noticed that.


I dont care about the number of buttons tho (I can handle 20 +) I have to press to optimize my class, but I care about the number of buttons that trigger cooldowns. There is a thin line between what is chalenging and what is annoying. Today 50 marauders/juggs have their UIs bloated with CDS. Having to eyeball your UI to keep track of 10 LOW cooldown dps abilities in almost every global cooldown to MAX dps.



Im sure some people will disagree with y opinion on this matter, and tell me I am a baddie. I know I can play Watchmen spec to its fullest in PVP and PVE with no mistakes, but it is annoying.

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I am glad someone noticed that.


I dont care about the number of buttons tho (I can handle 20 +) I have to press to optimize my class, but I care about the number of buttons that trigger cooldowns. There is a thin line between what is chalenging and what is annoying. Today 50 marauders/juggs have their UIs bloated with CDS. Having to eyeball your UI to keep track of 10 LOW cooldown dps abilities in almost every global cooldown to MAX dps.



Im sure some people will disagree with y opinion on this matter, and tell me I am a baddie. I know I can play Watchmen spec to its fullest in PVP and PVE with no mistakes, but it is annoying.


Again, you don't need to use anymore then 10, using it all is just not proficient

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How dare they give you a bunch of abilities to use!!


AND they actually FORCE you at gunpoint to use them all!!



I vote we all have 2 abilities that both do 1 dmg each with a 10 sec CD (with a big alarm sound that lets you know when its back up again, just in case you missed it).


Everyone has 5 hp, latency is standardised so everyone has a 200ms lag, and there is no armor, weaponry or crafting so its fair to all.



So bored of all this whining. Dont like all the buttons? dont play! Ta da! problem solved!

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I agree that we have too many abilities overall, especially given how similar most of them are.


Yup, I agree.


Having many abilities is fine, as long as they add depth to the class and make game-play interesting.


But the Guardian is about as shallow as it gets when it comes to class design and yet they still have 30+ keybinds to press.


Many classes, although Guardians especially, have too many damage-abilities and too few "utility/fun" abilities.

Edited by Dee-Jay
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Welcome to the modern mmorpg, where every game copys the combat system from wow....


Guild wars 2 is going to change that tho


Hey Skip? Wow did not invent or standardize this. It is the standard of the genre, established well before wow.


People have been screaming for more buttons, more control, less white damage for years. These guys deliver and we now get people complaining that there are too many.

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Dont like all the buttons? dont play! Ta da! problem solved!


While not stated in a very nice way, I can't help but agree. If you are a console type person and don't want all the choices of abilities then stop paying bioware to complain on a forum. The game has a certain design and it's highly doubtful they would completely redesign the combat system after the game is out to the public. So if you don't care for it, don't pay for it.

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Again, you don't need to use anymore then 10, using it all is just not proficient


Youre right if you're aiming a non competitive enviroment. When BW add the dps metters people will start to perceive they need to improve and use all the resources the class offers.


Again the number of abilities doesnt bother me at all, I use razer naga + razer anansi keyboard.

I am used to use lots of Buttons, I just dont find it confortable to keep track of lots of LOW COOLDOWN abilities (ranging from 5 to 15 sec). That kind of bloats our UI with CDS.

Edited by Superastro
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