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Worth paying ~12€ monthly subscr. with current state ?


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Did BW made a mistake by introducing the game with it's current monthly subscription cost ~12.50€ ?


Definetly yes, because they now allow ppl to make a 1:1 comparison with it's biggest concurrent WoW and sad enough most reasons for quit are based on this comparison.


What could have been better at the intro of the game ? Maybe first three months for half-subscription price or a more complete and bugfree game.. something what's promised in patch 1.2

Edited by Xorto
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Nothing wrong with the price, but with the lack of fixing. They want to play aggressive and implement much in a short period to beat WoW, but half of the current content is broken and that's why people like myself unsub.


Let them fix the optimization bugs to begin with. Ilum right now is a *********** joke.

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anyways, is $12 a month worth it? that really depends. are you a poor farmer on tatooine who gets 5 credits a week for herding the nerfs? if so, i would guess that the game probably isn't a sound financial investment for you, especially considering the entry costs of a computer and internet connection.

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yea right ^^


for me and many others this game is totally worth the 12 bucks/month...


If you've expectet a WOW in Space than ... yea you'll be dissappointed but for me the "story" and the whole "immersion" is worth so much more than everything wow has to offer!


Its just that in swtor i care for my character and the story behind the game.


-In WOW you play only for the progress and the gear.


-In SWTOR you play for the story and the immersion... its not realy important what level you are or what dungeon you guild has on "farm" status!



Thats the difference for me and i can guarantee you that i'll have to play the game for a full year or so until i have finally played through all the class-storylines :)

Edited by Davenmor
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anyways, is $12 a month worth it? that really depends. are you a poor farmer on tatooine who gets 5 credits a week for herding the nerfs? if so, i would guess that the game probably isn't a sound financial investment for you, especially considering the entry costs of a computer and internet connection.


No im not a farmer at all.. I just play the game so far because I have fun levelling my first character.

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Nothing wrong with the price, but with the lack of fixing. They want to play aggressive and implement much in a short period to beat WoW, but half of the current content is broken and that's why people like myself unsub.


Let them fix the optimization bugs to begin with. Ilum right now is a *********** joke.



pretty much says it all..

Edited by LaVolpex
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Did BW made a mistake by introducing the game with it's current monthly subscription cost ~12.50€ ?


Definetly yes, because they now allow ppl to make a 1:1 comparison with it's biggest concurrent WoW and sad enough most reasons for quit are based on this comparison.


What could have been better at the intro of the game ? Maybe first three months for half-subscription cost or a more complete game..


I'd pay 12.50 € / month, if it was only for not having to go back to WoW. The other day I logged in there after 6 weeks (with a time card, account has expired). Wanted to see what's going on, and also to compare with SWTOR. Toon was standing in Stormwind, in front of the bank, next to some 40 other toons, all max level, all sitting on their flight mounts. Nobody was doing anything, half of them seemed to be afk. People are probably logged in while facebooking. I simply didn't know what to do there. never want to go back.

Edited by Cretinus
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yea right ^^


for me and many others this game is totally worth the 12 bucks/month...


If you've expectet a WOW in Space than ... yea you'll be dissappointed but for me the "story" and the whole "immersion" is worth so much more than everything wow has to offer!


Its just that in swtor i care for my character and the story behind the game.


-In WOW you play only for the progress and the gear.


-In SWTOR you play for the story and the immersion... its not realy important what level you are or what dungeon you guild has on "farm" status!



Thats the difference for me and i can guarantee you that i'll have to play the game for a full year or so until i have finally played through all the class-storylines :)



Immersion... Lol.

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-In SWTOR you play for the story and the immersion... its not realy important what level you are or what dungeon you guild has on "farm" status!)


Keep telling yourself that, you may fool yourself.




Inmersion, seems to be the joker card of all those who try to defend the half backed program.

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Keep telling yourself that, you may fool yourself.




Inmersion, seems to be the joker card of all those who try to defend the half backed program.


are you laughing so hard to try to cover up the fact that you are not able to immerse yourself as to the utmost fullest extent as you would like?

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-In WOW you play only for the progress and the gear.


-In SWTOR you play for the story and the immersion... its not realy important what level you are or what dungeon you guild has on "farm" status!


Seriusly ? This shallow and predictible story on witch You have absolutly no impact ?

It only feels better then in other MMOs becouse here You don't have to read and You have some kind of "choise" during conversation. But it realy doesn't matter waht will You choose. In the end You will experience same story like all the other players. It's just a mind trick and You know on who it works ? :)

I'm preaty sure that Warhammer Online had beter story than SWTOR. I just didn't bother to read it.

And if You think that this game is not gear driven let just wait what will You say when You get to that companion quest, where You have to summon him to progress it and his compleatly naked, becouse You ware gearing up the other one.

Or try level 50 PvP without expertise.

Or operation in Your "end leveling" gear.

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The only reason why I did not yet think about this is that punkbuster keeps bugging out for me and the EA support is trying to keep me from complaining by drowning me in game time for SWTOR. I got 150 days so far...


But I'd say SWTOR is worth the money while leveling and experiencing the first days at level 50 but right after it is worth about 6$ month.

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I gave it a fair shot imo, by playing for 2 months. Personnaly i like to lvl chars in MMO's, but after the first 50, all the talking is just killing my spirit, on any new i make.


I have 5-6 days left on account, then i am gonna take atleast a break from swtor. Im simply just bored at lvl 50.

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Honestly no not at this point. I think this game stands a chance of being fixed and playable but at this time end game is complete crap.


The tier 1/2/3 gear is atrocious looking.

The tier 1/2/3 gear has the wrong stats on it frequently.

The raid boss mechanics are not very creative.

Warzones suck because you just play huttball over and over and over and then voidstar once and over and over and over again.

World PvP is impossible due to huge server imbalances.

The 50 flashpoints are fun the first ten times but after that....

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WoW has been out for 7+ years.


Expecting a game that's been out for 2ish months to match it for features and content is not all that bright, and even so, TOR has a ridiculous amount of content.


But, it's not surprising that players don't grasp this basic concept since so many players today don't seem to be all that bright and have the attention spans of a rock.

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WoW has been out for 7+ years.


Expecting a game that's been out for 2ish months to match it for features and content is not all that bright, and even so, TOR has a ridiculous amount of content.


But, it's not surprising that players don't grasp this basic concept since so many players today don't seem to be all that bright and have the attention spans of a rock.


And here come the apologists. My complaints aren't things that would be super difficult to fix. I'm not really asking for more content, just better content.

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WoW has been out for 7+ years.


Expecting a game that's been out for 2ish months to match it for features and content is not all that bright, and even so, TOR has a ridiculous amount of content.


But, it's not surprising that players don't grasp this basic concept since so many players today don't seem to be all that bright and have the attention spans of a rock.

Ehh most of the content is single player, which means it lacks longevity, especially for an MMO.


A game released today has to compete with other games of it's genre, it's irrelevant how long a game has been worked on.

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WoW has been out for 7+ years.


Expecting a game that's been out for 2ish months to match it for features and content is not all that bright, and even so, TOR has a ridiculous amount of content.


But, it's not surprising that players don't grasp this basic concept since so many players today don't seem to be all that bright and have the attention spans of a rock.


That card wont fly anymore, has been told countless times. When you release something in 2012 you have to be ready to have it compared to 2012 standards, not "when WoW launched the TV was still black and white". Ridiculous amount of content, you are right there, its ridiculous that after the long run of WoW, they dropped this game with so lil amount of content, not to mention the leveling experience wich allows you to be max lvl in 1 week /played.


Either way, you dont seem to be all that bright to understand my post so, not going to hold my breath.

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