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Best medal (so far) - demolisher


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i dont want to rain on your parade but its not uncommon for marauders to pull a 7.5k in one hit.


iv done it on my 47 with crits/power stim

I don't want to rain on your parade, but it is very uncommon to score 7.5k on a hit. Perhaps at 47 against a level 11 it happens every now and then (still not a "common" occurrence), but when you hit 50, you won't be seeing those numbers anymore.

Edited by PenoNation
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I don't want to rain on your parade, but it is very uncommon to score 7.5k on a hit. Perhaps at 47 against a level 11 it happens every now and then (still not a "common" occurrence), but when you hit 50, you won't be seeing those numbers anymore.


No, you will be seeing those numbers. Do you even play? Snipers/gunslingers can crit very high and maras/juggs can still blast people for 6-7k as rage. There's this thing called expertise, full bm gives you 12%+ of it, if you hit someone with all your buffs running and they have no pvp gear guess what!?!? They get hit hard. Hell I dropped most of my surge and I had a 5500 annihilate earlier today.

Edited by Kricys
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No, you will be seeing those numbers. Do you even play? Snipers/gunslingers can crit very high and maras/juggs can still blast people for 6-7k as rage. There's this thing called expertise, full bm gives you 12%+ of it, if you hit someone with all your buffs running and they have no pvp gear guess what!?!? They get hit hard.

I understand that some classes can "crit very high" but this is the Marauder forum so we are talking about Marauders. As a Marauder, you will not crit for 7.5k on a regular basis - even as Rage spec with full buffs. Can it happen? Sure. Will it happen consistently? Absolutely not.

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I'm only 41 so I can't say that wont or will happen. I think the highest I've seen from myself is around 2.7k. This is without really using stems and my gear may be up to full pvp. but I'm not 50 so I don't spend any money on gear. questing doesn't really call for extreme gear.
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I am sorry but this is bs. I am full champ with 2 pieces of bm and I have NEVER seen anything above 4.5k. Popping bloodthirst (+15% dmg), relic (rakata surge/crit), adrenal with the pick up in wz's and I have never got the medal for a 5k hit as a mara, usually about 3800 with all that blown. Maybe the surge nerf changed everything, post some vids, let me see these numbers.
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i dont want to rain on your parade but its not uncommon for marauders to pull a 7.5k in one hit.


iv done it on my 47 with crits/power stim



No, you haven't.


It's not common at all, especially not in Warzones where people run with Expertise.


And to you others who claim to regularily, prove it.


From my own games, trying with both full rakata (power / surge modded) and Champion/rakata gear I have never crit above 5.2k and that was ONCE with surge adrenal and 15% expertise / relic.


Force sweep on as Focus / Rage doesn't count if it's against NPCs or lowbies without gear.



The highest crit I ever had was 11.2k with all buffs up vs Heavy Fabricator during damage increase phase (whatever its called.)

Edited by emeraldon
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7.5k crit will never happen, especially after the surge nerf. I want video proof where you show your surge, and then getting that crit.


I have both BM weapons, implants, bracers, belt. The rest champion with even a couple T3 rakata mods in them and all the datacrons. I have like 75.2% surge, 390 power increase.


I can pop 15% expertise adrenal, with mara 15% dmg buff, and relic and my highest crit was an annihilate for 5.5k. Maybe a slam as rage specced would of done 6.5k on the same target but 7.5k i do not believe to be possible after surge nerf.

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No, you will be seeing those numbers. Do you even play? Snipers/gunslingers can crit very high and maras/juggs can still blast people for 6-7k as rage. There's this thing called expertise, full bm gives you 12%+ of it, if you hit someone with all your buffs running and they have no pvp gear guess what!?!? They get hit hard. Hell I dropped most of my surge and I had a 5500 annihilate earlier today.


5.5? How? On a player with no expertise? I am almost full champ and never see above 4.2k on my annihilates with everything popped.

Edited by JustinxDuff
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5.5? How? On a player with no expertise? I am almost full champ and never see above 4.2k on my annihilates with everything popped.


on a fresh 50 with armor debuff probably


most ive ever hit an annihilate for is 49xx (so close to the 5k medal, i was sad) bloodthrist + adrenals


and it was a sage (not sure what their pvp gear looks like, but no doubt he didnt have any) so it was a light armor class

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Totally not impossible... It'd take a particular trying to get it but i'm sure the surge nerf hurt your chances...


get the area +15% pvp buff, pop the surge stim, bloodthirst and with a fully charged smash it's possible to hit over 6500. But that would be ungeared people.


Bloodthirst is the key, thats a flat 15% increase on top of everything.


But those big crits will not show up often if ever... takes a lot of set up time and you need an ungeared person, as said before. i get the 5k crit medal every match i get a good bloodthirst up in but again, none of that matters if you lose the wz trying to get big crits for shizzengigglez

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