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Did this game deliver on the hype?


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So we all know this game was hyped to hell before launch, now two months in do you think this game delivered on the hype?


Personally i think that this game was all hype and that is all. It failed my expectations, leveling up to lv 50 was great for the first time but being lv 50 for a month and a half i can say that this game is very boring. I even made a new alt at lv 40 and it the fun i had when leveling the 1st time is gone, i cant even do a single FP cause it takes a hour of my time to find a party and i still wont be able to get one either missing a tank or healer or both.


The hype got me bigtime just like Warhammer Onlines did.

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Yeah, Id say it lives up to the hype. over the past week I have gone to Best Buy and Fry's twice each and ran into random ppl buying the game or upgrading their computers to play this game. Seems like everywhere I go I meet people who love this game. That hasnt happened since the early WoW days for me.


Yeah even i upgraded my PC, when actually a PC from 4 years back could run it at all the "high" settings as they are at present.


I want to play an MMO where present day hardware is needed and can be utilized.


I hate to say it but i bet there will be no texture improvements by the end of March and another load of cash will be wasted, and ill end up taking a look at Guild Wars 2 or the like.

Edited by Urko
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Didn't live up to the hype for me either and I have played since DnD in the 70s through most MMOs to date.


This is one game I was so looking forward to and wanted it to succeed but they messed it up big time.


Personally I think the MMO Genre will kill itself with all this ***** footing around getting the masses to play and destroying what an MMO is all about and it will go back to old school (here's hoping lol).


Now that new people to the MMO market and yes I mean those that started with WoW (Even Vanila but mostly after TBC) the majority got what you were all screaming for, nerf this give us that, make this easier. Now that we have that, no one wants it. Were left with a pile of **** MMOs all scrapping the bottom of the barrel to get as many people to play as possible (which of course makes perfect business sense) but is destroying the very genre they were built on and people enjoyed.


MMOs of today and this is for me personally are all headed in to single player modes with friends online.


Arcade Games!


Space Invaders Anyone?

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So how exactly does it fail as an MMO?


It has


More raids than wow did it launch.


More PVE content than most fresh MMO's


More PVP than most End game MMO's


And more content in general.




The people that are complaining about the game are spoiled from wow, because they started 3 years into the game.



This game is getting its THIRD raid 3 months into the game, imagine what it will be like in a year from now.




The people that will quit now are the people that never wanted to play in the first place.



Swtor is doing fine, its just people these days are too stupid to understand how MMO's work.

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must have explained why i never made it past week 2. and no i didn't post any i'm leaving threads i just vanished and never looked back.


that game was terrible through and through.


I meant my comment in a negative way , both this and Warhammers hype failed to deliver big time.

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A world pvp system that is going to blow my mind. Fluid combat. And replayability.


I'll totally agree on the world PvP thing, but there IS fluid combat and you can roll an alt of the opposite faction for a totally unique experience. PvP, they blew. But they're working on it.

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So how exactly does it fail as an MMO?


It has


More raids than wow did it launch.


More PVE content than most fresh MMO's


More PVP than most End game MMO's


And more content in general.




The people that are complaining about the game are spoiled from wow, because they started 3 years into the game.



This game is getting its THIRD raid 3 months into the game, imagine what it will be like in a year from now.




The people that will quit now are the people that never wanted to play in the first place.



Swtor is doing fine, its just people these days are too stupid to understand how MMO's work.



More =/= quality, properly working content.

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So how exactly does it fail as an MMO?


It has


More raids than wow did it launch.


More PVE content than most fresh MMO's


More PVP than most End game MMO's


And more content in general.




The people that are complaining about the game are spoiled from wow, because they started 3 years into the game.



This game is getting its THIRD raid 3 months into the game, imagine what it will be like in a year from now.




The people that will quit now are the people that never wanted to play in the first place.



Swtor is doing fine, its just people these days are too stupid to understand how MMO's work.


Major issue for an MMO/RPG the gear textures are absolute sh*t for a game in 2012.


Much better is within the game as we saw in beta, a beta that the graphics sold the game to me.


Dont come with the bull that is "oh that was beta" , beta doesnt mean taking out graphics options imo.

Edited by Urko
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So how exactly does it fail as an MMO?


It has


More raids than wow did it launch.


More PVE content than most fresh MMO's


More PVP than most End game MMO's


And more content in general.




The people that are complaining about the game are spoiled from wow, because they started 3 years into the game.



This game is getting its THIRD raid 3 months into the game, imagine what it will be like in a year from now.




The people that will quit now are the people that never wanted to play in the first place.



Swtor is doing fine, its just people these days are too stupid to understand how MMO's work.


For me personally its failure has nothing to do with content.


Levelling is too fast.

Gearing is too easy.

Space is a pile of ****.

Everything is easy.



The list goes on for me as an old school player.

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Measuring a ratio between hype and what was delivered i can honestly say that this game would get the lowest score i have ever given.


This exactly.


Id wager if everyone who would like a refund got one, Bioware would be almost broke.

Edited by Urko
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Yeah even i upgraded my PC, when actually a PC from 4 years back could run it at all the "high" settings as they are at present.


I want to play an MMO where present day hardware is needed and can be utilized.


I hate to say it but i bet there will be no texture improvements by the end of March and another load of cash will be wasted, and ill end up taking a look at Guild Wars 2 or the like.


Ok. Next time I meet someone wanting to upgrade their PC for this game, would you like me to tell them they dont need to? I dont see the point of your response IN REGARDS to MY post.

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The hype got me bigtime just like Warhammer Onlines did.


It got me too for Warhammer online.


But on topic, aside from story i dont think SWTOR added anything new to mmos? And after all this is a mmo, they should have focused on endgame content before story. If i want a good story i will go play a single player rpg.


And to the person that said this game got good reviews, you have to remember most reviews reviewed the game while leveling up, had they give reviews for lv 50 and endgame content this game would be avging 5/6 out of 10.

Edited by evildestroyer
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So we all know this game was hyped to hell before launch, now two months in do you think this game delivered on the hype?


Personally i think that this game was all hype and that is all. It failed my expectations, leveling up to lv 50 was great for the first time but being lv 50 for a month and a half i can say that this game is very boring. I even made a new alt at lv 40 and it the fun i had when leveling the 1st time is gone, i cant even do a single FP cause it takes a hour of my time to find a party and i still wont be able to get one either missing a tank or healer or both.


Mate, for me the game died at level 20, after that it was just like doing CPR on a dead body until I finally realised at level 44 that it is as dead as dead can be, so i finally stopped playing.

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It's lived up to the BW's own hype of delivering a sterling single player storyline levelling experience with VO-d dialogues in a multiplayer context.


So far as I know that's the only hype BW themselves have pumped about the game.


Don't know what other "hype" people are talking about.

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Mate, for me the game died at level 20, after that it was just like doing CPR on a dead body until I finally realised at level 44 that it is as dead as dead can be, so i finally stopped playing.


Well thank you!


Those of us still enjoying this game, appreciate you funding its continued development with your sub fees! Please continue to do so.

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Ok. Next time I meet someone wanting to upgrade their PC for this game, would you like me to tell them they dont need to? I dont see the point of your response IN REGARDS to MY post.


As it is they dont need to, if it meets the recommneded specs you dont need anymore, as there is nothing graphically to need more hardware power as it is.

Edited by Urko
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My opinion of playing MMOs since '02 and video games since the original Donkey Kong was new in the arcade and Atari 2600s were THE console to have, if you buy into the hype, you're more often than not going to get disappointed.


And by that I don't mean becoming interested in the game because you read a dev blog about a certain aspect of the game or a preview article online or in some magazine.


I mean getting all anxious and jumping around in glee like a 6yo on Christmas Eve waiting to open presents the next morning.


In my own experience there are very few games I remember getting super excited about and found the game to be all that and more. Total Annihilation and Civilization 3 come to mind. There were probably others that I thought were really good, even great but don't recall if they were really hyped up all that much or not.


If you temper your expectations with the realities of the past, you might find you're able to enjoy things more for what they are rather than being disappointed for what they're not.


Sadly, too often today people look for reasons to shoot something down. And I don't mean that as people should sugarcoat their statements about the game or tell falsehoods or anything else. But simply that to read the forums of a MMO you start to wonder if all anyone sees in these games are the problems (until a year or more after they've left the game and then they see nothing but how great it was through their rose colored glasses.)


So to answer the original question, I didn't buy into the hype, I simply expected a fun game which is what I got. Your mileage of course may vary.

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Well thank you!


Those of us still enjoying this game, appreciate you funding its continued development with your sub fees! Please continue to do so.


I am till end of March, if no better textures then a new MMO awaits me, and another company pushing its hype will have robbed me again.

Edited by Urko
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Well thank you!


Those of us still enjoying this game, appreciate you funding its continued development with your sub fees! Please continue to do so.


I know I'm still happy he's paying.


I'm still having a blast playing even with the non-game breaking bugs.

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