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Did this game deliver on the hype?


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Look at the Biodrones out in full force.


It's so weird seeing so few defending the game so desperately.


Like every negative said about the game, is a personal affront to them.


Let it go. Enjoy it if you do, but understand there are negatives about this game.


My thoughts:


The problem often forgotten is not everyone falls under a blanket-term, "hater or fanboy." For myself, I can appreciate both positive and negative criticism; blindly following (without taking into consideration all the information available and forming your own opinion,) is only proof you cannot think for yourself.


This concept applies to both those who hate the game, and those who enjoy the game equally. If you refuse to see one side, but continue to preach about another, it becomes very clear to everyone else that you are biased.

With that being said, knowing the game has flaws and areas of improvement: Does that mean I don't enjoy it? Certainly not! I love this game and am perfectly capable of understanding it takes time for things to improve. Under the rare possibility that they decide to never fix something, I will continue to play the game until something more appealing comes along, or I get bored. Simple as that!

If you’re a “hater”: Know this is a two way street; if you expect all of the fans recognize the "reality," as some call it: You also need to recognize that these fans can enjoy something, even if it's not working to your standards.


If you’re a “fanboy”: Know this is a two way street; if you blind yourself to the issues at hand, and carry on as though there is nothing wrong with the game, you aren’t helping yourself or your argument. It is ok for people to post their feelings, opinions, and/or ideas about the game; as long as it remains productive, constructive or endures an actual purpose other than attempting to destroy the games reputation.


Both sides of the argument are flawed. It's those customers who buy the game, play the game, and decide they hate it; go to the forums and provide zero feedback. They simply exclaim: those who like it are wrong, and spend their entire day attempting to destroy the games reputation, or debunk anyone with an opinion. The customers who completely go out of their way any time they see the tiniest issue, and blow it way out of proportion.


It’s those customers who respond with statements like “go back to <insert game here>,” that really ruin productive discussions. Or the customers who see a legitimate complaint about a bug issue, and label someone a “hater,” rather than discuss the problem. It’s the customers who make irrelevant threads with the appearance of altruism, when it’s really selfishness involved.


There is a considerable difference between each individual player and how they interpret this game and its launch. It's not fair for any one of us to lump sum anyone into a group or category. Each and every single person’s reaction is unique, and should be treated as such! It's those who blindly follow and blindly hate the game that should be disregarded.


I’ve tried to remain as unbiased as possible; perhaps if more people can recognize this concept, we’d have a friendlier more constructive community! Remain neutral; allow yourself the ability of critical thinking, and consider all possibilities both negative and positive.


This is what I strive for!

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Yup because they made the mistake of buying a 3 month card. My game time runs out tomorrow. Valor Rank 80 Marauder (second highest on my server) and I can barely stand to login anymore. Game is terrible.


Now this is too funny. Talk about shooting ones self in the foot. You're a self professed Valor rank 80 but, drum roll please...............you hate the game.


You've played more than I'd guess 90% of the player base, a game that you hate.


Your opinions counter intuitive and therefore invalid. Go back to playing parchesi, you'll probably enjoy that more and it doesn't have a monthly fee. Oh, and don't let the door hit you in the back of your front on the way out.

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Both former employees of Bioware / EA, many media publications AND gamers across the globe all agree this game has severely failed to deliver.


If this game was free to play I think it would be an o.k game.


1) Former employees of Bioware/EA? Links or you are talking out of your rear end.


2) Many media publications? Many more give thumbs up...but either way, they are media publications, so don't put too much stock in that.


3) Gamers across the globe? How many? Five? One in the US, one in the EU, one in Russia, one in Australia and one in Hong Kong? Please don't use terms like "across the globe" as if it means something massive. You obviously have no real numbers.


The real bottom line is that you don't like SWTOR and I do. And that's for each and everyone to decide themselves. As soon as you need to bring in the rest of the world as your support, I can only conclude that your own opinion isn't strong enough. So please, have a real opinion and stop acting like you know what the majority of the world wants.

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My time card was 2 months but it officially ends in 2 days. Flat out this game just isn't worth a monthly sub.


The blizzard trolls are very obvious. If you didnt like the game so much why stick with it, even if you did pay? They spend too much time on the forums trying to convince people who terrible it is. either they are paid trolls are just really bored trolls. No ones fault you got over hyped but your own. If you can not fins anything fun with the game, cancel sub, delete characters and go about your way.

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Says the guy who would've happily linked us a bad review if there was one to be found.




Read it or don't. This is exactly why you won't find negative reviews. Publishers pay reviewers for their reviews. Why would they pay for a negative review? Why would a reviewing company post a bad review if it's going to cut into their future funding?

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No. But that doesn't make it a bad game. The fun wore off very quickly for me because once the voice over honeymoon period was over it was just too much like the other MMO's I've played and burned out on. For someone who's not a huge MMO player and came here for the Star Wars IP it'll probably be fun for a while.
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Don't be rediculous;


I didn't get to 50 in 5 days either.


Granted I had more free time back then.


No I did not get to 75 in 5 days, but I also couldn't logon to FFXI for just an hour and find something to do. You needed nearly 3-5 hours just to get a group, find a location to grind (that wasn't taken already) and on top of it all, the group has to be worthwhile.


PVP was always a joke with their little mini-game they added forever ago.


FFXI leveling =/= SWTOR leveling


No XI leveling and TOR leveling are nothing alike, that's for damn sure. I was just commenting on you saying what you did at cap level and stating that you weren't able to get there very fast so doing that stuff at end game still took a while regardless. But then you'd still be spending a lot of time farming and what not for boss kills in sky and then merting etc etc etc. There was plenty to keep you busy in between big group fights.

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Look at the Biodrones out in full force.


It's so weird seeing so few defending the game so desperately.


Like every negative said about the game, is a personal affront to them.


Let it go. Enjoy it if you do, but understand there are negatives about this game.


It is the same people in every post saying teh same thing.


Person 1: Game seems a little less populated

Biodrone: SOURCE!!!!!??? YOU CANT PROVE IT.

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Really, show me a gaming site that gave this game bad reviews? k, thx, bye.


for gamers the option of payed journalists matters nothing ....


mate or guild players are everything for gamers ....




Edited by SWTOR-GR
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No XI leveling and TOR leveling are nothing alike, that's for damn sure. I was just commenting on you saying what you did at cap level and stating that you weren't able to get there very fast so doing that stuff at end game still took a while regardless. But then you'd still be spending a lot of time farming and what not for boss kills in sky and then merting etc etc etc. There was plenty to keep you busy in between big group fights.


Sky is a whole different concept. Thats Several expansions in, I was referring to the release of games, and what they had available at the time :)

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Id say no, this game didnt deliver on its hype

This game was hyped up to be something it never was, and could never be. Realistic expectations were thrown out the window long ago. I feel the TOR team were pretty subdued when it came to marketing I dont think they rode the hype train hard. The fans really took control and worked it into a frenzy of expectation.


TOR isnt a bad game, its just everyone seemed to expect that TOR was going to be everything, from SWG2.0, to WoWKiller, to doing things no one had thought of but knew it would be fun, when TOR turned out to be just TOR people were wondering where all the things they had hyped themselves up had gone too.


Every MMO has the same fate these days, it gets announced, it gets hyped up by rabid Fanbois no matter how much you tell them to be realistic, the game releases, and no matter how good that game may be, it always fails to live up to self set expectations of those who hyped it, then they get angry and move on to another game.


Think we need to stop heralding every new MMO as this massive thing thats going to change the world, and go back to start treating them as games first and foremost. A MMO is still a game, but we tend to just blow everything about them out the window

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Edit: I could have been wrong about the lvl, i think 75 was later, release was 70.


Release was 50. If you want to go all the way back to JP release. NA got Rise of the Zilart with the game release which was indeed level cap 70. Which was raised to 75 before any NA had even come close to the 70 cap.


Edit: Also Sky was the first expansion. 2nd expansion was Chains of Promatia, which was Sea. I'm pretty sure something around 75% of players hadn't even got to Sky by the time COP had been released...

Edited by Dantragk
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Look at the Biodrones out in full force.


It's so weird seeing so few defending the game so desperately.


Like every negative said about the game, is a personal affront to them.


Let it go. Enjoy it if you do, but understand there are negatives about this game.


I don't think it's the "Biodrones" that are desperate. It's the people who seem to have some kind of fetish or enjoyment out of the fact that they hate the game and so should everyone else. It is so sad really to see people lower themselves to the point of EVERY SINGLE thread that pops up they have to utter the same things over and over, Bioware lied to us, the game sucks, its boring, blah blah blah.


NO one and I mean NO one is standing next to you with a fully loaded weapon telling you to play this game. If you hate it SO much that you have to post repeatedly how bad it is I'm seriously concerned for you. I think some of these people were bullied or had awful things done to them by their parents to warrant such hate for something that let them down in life. So let it go, hate the game if you want to but be respectful of the people who come to the forums to discuss things about the game that they like and want to see improved, there ARE positives about this game.

Edited by solidkjames
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I'm enjoying the game much more than I have pretty much any MMO I've played in the last 8 or so years (Shadowbane was more fun but it was my first big PvP game so I figure it is largely clouded by nostalgia). Really the whole thing is an issue of preference, but for me, yes it more than delivered what I expected based on hype. I am not a fan of the Star Wars universe at all and find it a pretty campy/dumb setting but the story in the game is frankly amazing for an RPG and unprecedented for an MMO.


PvP is enjoyable if presently lackluster, I suspect/hope this will change but I never envisioned the game as PvP Mecca anyway.


Crafting is better than most games, though shallower than I'd like.


Everything else is gravy imo, all of this said however note that I'm an exceptionally casual gamer these days due to family/friends/school/work etc., so I am easier to please than some.

Edited by SWImara
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Yes. It delivered on the hype. Anyone that disagrees isn't playing, isn't playing right, is trolling just to cause mayhem, or never wanted this game to succeed.


you must of missed the part about them constantly saying incredibly balanced and dyanmic quests that werent "kill x number of rats" where as i am looking at half of my quests that are "destroy x number of x"


or the part where they said they have measures in place to prevent faction unbalanced i guess 5 sith for ever 1 jedi is balanced.


or the fact that a few classes steamrolls other in pvp when they said pve and pvp would both be balanced.


or when they said they had end game content to keep people busy when there are 2 raids per week to do?

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Who cares.


They were honest and straightforward with what they were delivering from the start: an MMO with a huge focus on story, a sequel to KOTOR one and two in such a massive size it was said to be KOTOR 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, etc. An MMO with 8 distinct classes with 8 distinct stories, all unique.


Did they deliver that? Absolutely. Fact is, this game has satisfied me as a sci fi fan, a star wars fan, and a KOTOR fan, purely on the basis of story, characters, and progression. I will continue to play as long as there is content I have yet to see, and I couldnt care less what some neckbeard has to say about threat meters.


Have a nice day.

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