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Everything posted by RedSkull

  1. Yep.... two nights in a row I get home from work right at 11pm. Was willing to give this game another chance, but they keep blowing it with patches that haven't been tested properly.
  2. Thanks ******es... I actually get around to feel like playing and you toss out maint cause your network and programming monkeys rushed things out from the test server. Piss off... I'm done with you clowns.
  3. Glad to know the forum mods are happy to continue censoring threads but can't give us the courtesy of giving networking a call and going whiskey tango foxtrot.
  4. A certain amount of patience could possibly be extended. Basically they used the majority of the same WoW formula and many gamers, including me, are tired/bored of it. Get to Level 50 (Enjoy Story/Quests), Endgame dungeons/pvp, Roll alt, Get to Level 50 (enjoy new story/sigh in boredom at redoing most quests), rinse/repeat.
  5. Pretty much... Diablo III should keep me occupied until Bioware can maybe pull their act together with SWTOR. If not, there will be other games.
  6. It's a sad fact of the game when the staff avoids "creative" issues like this. Alien races in Star Wars are a must have and Bioware has tried to fight this aspect since implementation. They originally only wanted to allow humans as a race choice like in KOTOR until LucasArts refused to accept that as a resolution. Unfortunately the voiceover immersion would kill Rodian/Jawa/Wookie type race choices along with several other alien selections. I would love to see more playable race choices to give more of an individual feel to each character but Bioware dug themselves a hole that only a ton of money spent in graphics and voiceover design can dig themselves out of.
  7. http://www.gameinformer.com/games/guild_wars_2/b/pc/archive/2012/02/20/guild-wars-2-is-the-mmo-revolution-that-star-wars-the-old-republic-promised.aspx Overhyped.
  8. Even Game Informer is backing GW II over SWTOR. http://www.gameinformer.com/games/guild_wars_2/b/pc/archive/2012/02/20/guild-wars-2-is-the-mmo-revolution-that-star-wars-the-old-republic-promised.aspx?PostPageIndex=1
  9. http://www.gameinformer.com/games/guild_wars_2/b/pc/archive/2012/02/20/guild-wars-2-is-the-mmo-revolution-that-star-wars-the-old-republic-promised.aspx?PostPageIndex=1
  10. You mean before a forum mod decides to shut it down and delete it?
  11. Well yes, I was hoping to avoid a buzz word that might bring down the smiting of the forums gods.
  12. Not according to the storyline on Tattoine!
  13. Probably will be force choked into oblivion.
  14. Cause they did alot of spin doctoring on the forums too when the NGE hit.
  15. In other words, not worth paying $15/month until they get around to implementing stuff.
  16. Unfortunately Bioware chose to imitate their business model on the only powerhouse game out there, which is/was WoW. Despite all the ideas and lessons learned that were implemented, Bioware either chose to or could not implement them. Unfortunately what Bioware/EA/LucusArts didn't count on was that even a great IP like Star Wars can suffer from hamster wheel burnout. And many of us are burned out on this model after years of WoW and other failed MMO hype attempts. Alot of us pinned our next gen hopes on SWTOR, and it's crushing to see what the development staff came up with. Yeah, it had potential, but the game doesn't allow for customization, creativity, or immersion into the Star Wars universe. I'm confined to a game on rails with limited choices, limited functionality, and another day of running laps around Ironforge... I mean the Fleet Space Station while waiting for queues to pop.
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