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Did this game deliver on the hype?


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Google it. It was released within the last week that they are going to, eventually, release a console version of gw2


Ah yea found it, but i fail to see how that will effect the pc version, since mmo / console games have yet to be joined together (except for how eve did it).


I'm not to worried about it....since their main focus is the pc version and they haven't started the testing for it.


If they somehow get the workaround of meshing ps3, and 360, and a pc-mmo game together...then that's something to be excited about.



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They said that endgame combat wasn't going to revolve around a bunch of players beating on one giant mob. Umm... no check.


They said they knew the difference between sandbox and theme park and that they were going to find a happy medium between the two. NO CHECK. This is the most linear game ever.


They said the game wasn't overly instanced. Umm... other than Guild Wars this is the most instanced game ever.


They bragged about the billions of different customization options, totally obfuscating the fact that, in reality, your options are two genders, each with 4 human bodies with human faces, and different skin colors and hair styles.


They advertised how the consequences of your decisions were going to totally make this better than a SPRPG because there was no save button. Then they waffled and put in light-side / dark-side markers and the ability to escape-out and re-do any conversation if you don't like the outcome.


They said there were "huge open worlds that go on and on..." making it sound like the terrain was open rather than designed like a maze to hand-hold you from quest hub to quest hub.


They said being a "grey" player would be just as viable as being full light or full dark.


They said a lot of things that were either false or deceptive or got changed later.


Oh my...this is...100% right on the marker. Thank you for this post, holy ****.

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Google it. It was released within the last week that they are going to, eventually, release a console version of gw2


Whichever source you read this from was extremely high and wrote whatever the hell he or she wanted to write. GW2 being on console is no small news and if it was true all the major websites like IGN, GameTrailers, and GameSpot etc would be all over it(which they are not). Don't believe in everything you read....

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BW/EA did nothing but copy and paste and added some story to an already popular storied franchise. Not for one second did I ever get hyped about this game , FFXIV already burnt me.



this is not new...


players want something that was done right before with a little new innovations in it. So just stop that crap already... it's old. That's business, take what millions enjoyed before and add some pep to it.



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This game is going to die and I know it. And when the word hype-being-delivered is brought up, GW2's past weekend beta videos come to my mind. Yeah that's right.




I have that sinking feeling to. Having an ok STORY, and the game being STAR WARS is about all this games cracked up to be.








These are games that arent scared to try some new things. I just hope they dont get dumbed down at one point or another to please the retarded wow crowd thats been created over the past years.


someday....we will see NO themepark grinders and it will be all about the sandboxes ...


Happen it will....

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how can you say a game will die.


what major releases have died so far.




I cant think of one , correct me if im wrong. What Major game has shut down


please respond with some small title that went from 1,000 players to zero.


Warhammer: Age of Reckoning went straight down the crapper after a pretty large launch.

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Warhammer: Age of Reckoning went straight down the crapper after a pretty large launch.


is the game still running? Yes


was it a major release comparable to SWTOR , no.


Warhammer is still going.


it is not dead.


why did you even bother responding with Warhammer? Do you have any critical thinking abilities? Why did you think this was a valid response.

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is the game still running? Yes


was it a major release comparable to SWTOR , no.


Warhammer is still going.


it is not dead.


Yeah, good point. I guess the only one that shut off completely was Tabula Rasa. How large that was, I'm not entirely sure.

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Whichever source you read this from was extremely high and wrote whatever the hell he or she wanted to write. GW2 being on console is no small news and if it was true all the major websites like IGN, GameTrailers, and GameSpot etc would be all over it(which they are not). Don't believe in everything you read....


Except Gamespot did run an article on it....research before posting please.




Edit: and after further research, so did GameInformer, IGN, and most other major gaming websites

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This game is going to die and I know it. And when the word hype-being-delivered is brought up, GW2's past weekend beta videos come to my mind. Yeah that's right.


I doubt it's going to die. Too many loyal bioware fans and people who enjoy rolling alts. Plus you can't underestimate the whole friend factor, as a lot of people simply play games because they are friends with someone who may like the game. So I think it will linger around for quite some time.


I agree it's not going to be the next big thing though, and there will start to be massive fall out after 6 months or so. This game just doesn't have what it takes to keep gamers interested for a long period time. The endgame is just too weak and boring, and the ride to 50 is over with too fast.


Did it deliver on the hype? Nope. I was expecting a lot more than I got. This game was essentially a solid single-player game with a co-ope mode available with the added bonus of a WoW-style endgame attached to the end - minus the effective LFD tool. I enjoyed the game for the first month I had it. But this is no where close to being one of those games that are going to hold your attention for years to come. After 50 the game rapidly losses its appeal.


Hopefully Bioware can turn it around though.

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Protip for kids new to life: Marketing, advertising and hype exist because NOTHING lives up to the hype and products would not sell if people knew exactly what they were in for before purchasing them.


This isnt' true.


Sometimes things live up to the hype.


For example, I kept hearing over and over how awesome the movie Titanic was. How it was making more money than any other movie in history. All of the critics were raving.


I /yawned however. I saw decrapio was in it. Not one of my favorite actors. I didn't buy the hype, thought it was exagerated and refused to watch it. Finally my brother convinced me to watch it.


Billy Zane was awesome. I got to see Kate Winslet naked. The whole sinking of the titanic and the build up to it was incredibly well done. Decrapio dies. It was just an great movie and surprised me big time and absolutely lived up to the hype.


So don't say things never live up to the hype. Sometimes they do.

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I'm still playing through my main, but so far it's delivered.


TOR was meant to put the RPG back into MMORPG. It's done that. It's very story driven.

I do agree with others that it'd have been nice if your choices made more impact. A storyline with multiple branches would be very cool, but would be more difficult to design for, but would be very worth it.


I'd have liked to have seen the kind of phasing WoW has been using lately, in that you actually can change areas. Rid imperials or republics from an outpost and take it over.


I'm tired of seeing pvp in mmorpgs. They need to make some games solely devoted to it. MMOPVP. RPGs are supposed to be story focused. If you're sad about endgame content, then you got there too fast. The way I'd like to see TOR go for endgame, would be additional story arcs added weekly/monthly. They could be single player or multi or both. Maybe an option that if you go on the story arc with other players it just adjusts difficulty by however many players. Flashpoints that are very heavily story driven would be great for this.


I constantly see people complaining about pvp never being balanced. Here, on wow, and I'd imagine it's the same way on other games. I think the way the games always go about pvp makes it very difficult to come to any sort of balance. What really needs to be done is level everything out and make it purely about skill and co-op. Same health, same damage, gear is nothing but looks. Then you'd get a lot closer to balance. I find little interest in pvp for this reason. If I decide to go pvp I don't usually stand much of a chance without equivalent gear.


I can agree the higher res textures need to be enabled. It should be up to the end user to pick their settings.


I'd loved to have seen more companion interaction.

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The game was fun when I started didn't have any expectations, then I hit 50 ....


Then I started thinking about the other mmo's I played before (T4C, FFXI) and I realised how boring and dead this game is.


Never have I cleared any Raid or HC Raid 1st try without even reading on it. Never have I leveled to max level so easily in a game. Never have I seen such a failed crafting system in any MMO. Never have I seen something that easy. The cooldowns are totally messed up there are no strategies, no combos (if you call ae cc+ ae combo .... wow)


I really would love to hear a technical argument of why this game should be good. I always here bla bla this game is fun and so awesome but nobody can actually provide any reason why besides voice acting which doesn't have to do anything with the gameplay and gets boring after you've seen all the quests anyways.


The graphics sucks, ability delay sucks, bugs suck big time, PVP sucks and is not rewarding skill. Seriously what is good about this game and please support it with anargument.


The sadest thing is that you compare it with WoW which is a ****** MMO anyways (I don't care how much it sold, Justin Bieber is crap as well just because people buy this **** doesn'T make it any better)


I'd really like to like the game, I'm bored because I can't play, I just think if I keep up supporting games like this then we will be doomed soon. WOW was allready one hell of a crap MMO, never would I have imagined that SWTOR actually will be worse :(

Edited by VenusProject
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For example, I kept hearing over and over how awesome the movie Titanic was. How it was making more money than any other movie in history. All of the critics were raving.


The irony there is that the ones making the movie were completely expecting it to bomb horribly. They said they were making a huge disaster/chick flick where everyone dies.


Cameron has even said the stress was getting to him so bad that he kept a razor blade on the editing room table with a note reminding him to use it if the movie tanked. =P

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The irony there is that the ones making the movie were completely expecting it to bomb horribly. They said they were making a huge disaster/chick flick where everyone dies.


Cameron has even said the stress was getting to him so bad that he kept a razor blade on the editing room table with a note reminding him to use it if the movie tanked. =P


lol I did not know that. I had heard Cameron was under a lot of stress during the making of it but had no idea it was that serious O.o

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So we all know this game was hyped to hell before launch, now two months in do you think this game delivered on the hype?


Personally i think that this game was all hype and that is all. It failed my expectations, leveling up to lv 50 was great for the first time but being lv 50 for a month and a half i can say that this game is very boring. I even made a new alt at lv 40 and it the fun i had when leveling the 1st time is gone, i cant even do a single FP cause it takes a hour of my time to find a party and i still wont be able to get one either missing a tank or healer or both.


It's just a good game, not the second coming of MMORPGs. So ... No, it didn't live up to the hype. I am not surprised. I was almost convinced it would suck, until I tried the Beta.

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