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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Did this game deliver on the hype?


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I AM a major jerk and, not surprisingly, I'm proud of the fact and am not the least bit concerned whether or not people want to be my friend. I'm a little too old to care.


I don't think I'm on some kind of elite level, I simply speak exactly what I think. Which reminds me, who are you and what in the name of Me makes you think I care?


If you believe that makes me seem elite, then that speaks for itself. In reality, I am, though. :)


Oh, and this game is hackneyed nonsense.


lol ok, well I just feel sorry for you.

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You really going to take that route? When it's common knowledge that 90% of reviews are bought out?


Post a verification that "it's common knowledge" please.

I had no idea of this and would like to read where your information is coming from...

Are all movie reviews also "bought out"?

Go ahead and enlighten us with your research...

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They said that endgame combat wasn't going to revolve around a bunch of players beating on one giant mob. Umm... no check.


They said they knew the difference between sandbox and theme park and that they were going to find a happy medium between the two. NO CHECK. This is the most linear game ever.


They said the game wasn't overly instanced. Umm... other than Guild Wars this is the most instanced game ever.


They bragged about the billions of different customization options, totally obfuscating the fact that, in reality, your options are two genders, each with 4 human bodies with human faces, and different skin colors and hair styles.


They advertised how the consequences of your decisions were going to totally make this better than a SPRPG because there was no save button. Then they waffled and put in light-side / dark-side markers and the ability to escape-out and re-do any conversation if you don't like the outcome.


They said there were "huge open worlds that go on and on..." making it sound like the terrain was open rather than designed like a maze to hand-hold you from quest hub to quest hub.Ooooooooooo


They said being a "grey" player would be just as viable as being full light or full dark.


They said a lot of things that were either false or deceptive or got changed later.


Jesus, this is so true.

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So we all know this game was hyped to hell before launch, now two months in do you think this game delivered on the hype?


Loaded question much? I hardly followed any of the pre-game coverage: I created a forum account and signed up for beta, checked the forums a few times a year. It wasn't until I tried the weekend betas that I got hooked and now I've played every day since launch.

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so apparently everyone was hoping for this game to have 10 years worth of content on its release? They didn't make the game and then call it quits. We will see patches and new content over the coming months. As far as bugs go...i don't know what everyone is ************ about, there's nothing that I've seen that can be considered game breaking; the bugs Ive seen are what I call "skyrim bugs" (meaning they don't break the game or make me angry) yea Ilum needs some work but I've had some pretty fun battles there and I quite enjoy warzones. Its definitely the smoothest launch for an MMO that I've ever seen. If you're going to ***** about nothing then **** of the forums the game is obviously not for you.


almost no one expected this game to have 10 years of content, what they expected is features that paralleled features in other mmos, and they got something worse than vanilla wow with no mods.

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The abundant polls on this very website show SWTOR with a 60% disliking the game.


You mean the non scientific straw polls that have been heavily doctored by the hate machine?


Oh and over two MILLION copies sold so far and that number is growing.


so much for your dreams of fail.



And you keep paying because you know the game is awesome and you can't live without it.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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Every game that comes out these days is hyped beyond belief - If you bought into the hype its your own fault - I play because I like the game and I'm having fun, not because some website or commercial TOLD me it was fun - I tried it, I liked it, I play it - simple
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The first playthrough was fine after launch. Lots of people in each zone and at fleet. Findings groups was not difficult.


Second playthrough player population is noticeably less. Not as enjoyable and I begin to notice how much repetition there is on world progression and layout, even between factions.


Now leveling is an utter bore. Endgame is bleh.


If the hype was that this would be a MMO that sucks you in and keeps you entertained for months, then no it failed. It's not an utter failure since people were entertained for a month before the griping really set in.


Just disappointed Bioware could not come up with something better. It would take a serious overhaul of the game to fix the issues currently plaguing it. Doubtful if Bioware/EA is capable of it considering how long this game has been in development and this is the best they could do.

Edited by grueber
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Nope, not even close. Great single player.... Should have never been made into a "mmo". This game would have been one of the best single player games ever if the game ended when you finished your story. The problem is they tossed this "end game" on to it to try to collect revenue from subscriptions that is absolutely HORRID. By far one of the WORST END GAMES EVER RELEASED. I mean it is up there with Age of Conan and Failhammer for how bad it is.


PVP is the worst thing to hit PVP since PVP started. Who thought giving everyone a knockback, CC, multiple spells of the same kind on different tree's, broken resolve bar, etc was a good idea?



is this you by chance?


or perhaps your cousin?

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I didn't have too high expectations to begin with and was skeptical towards many things.


In the end, I was proven absolutely right although I was surprised how much I liked the game despite its short-comings.



The voice-over and SWTORs single-player experience did make a bigger impact than I had anticipated.


But beyond that everything was on par with my expectations....which weren't that high to begin with.


SWTOR is basically an MMO from 2008, released in 2012, with a ****** engine that won't make it fully playable until 2013.

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Met my expectations. I play Bioware games and figured about what I would get from this game. It has as much endgame as LOTRO had when it started and that met my expectations. As much endgame as the first EQ and that met my expectations. Although EQ was more of a sandbox game. I fully expect to play it a while. Edited by Dawgtide
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So we all know this game was hyped to hell before launch, now two months in do you think this game delivered on the hype?


Personally i think that this game was all hype and that is all. It failed my expectations, leveling up to lv 50 was great for the first time but being lv 50 for a month and a half i can say that this game is very boring. I even made a new alt at lv 40 and it the fun i had when leveling the 1st time is gone, i cant even do a single FP cause it takes a hour of my time to find a party and i still wont be able to get one either missing a tank or healer or both.


No, it didn't.


It's a a decent game, but a bit of a ways away from what you would have expected given the long development time. And don't hand me that "you have no idea how game dev works" crap. I'm a professional man, an engineer, and game development people (software engineers) seem to be the whiniest bunch of people i've ever seen from first hand experience mind you. Not many other industries would think that 4-5 years is not enough time to develop and engineer a product. Don't tell that to game devs though, they are on their own little cloud looking down onto those who "just don't get it"..


However, I do take issue with you saying that the game was great for the first time levelling but isn't again. That's genre standard at this point in time. Other successful mmo's can only claim a slight leg up on alt levelling variety because of alternate zones, but that is easily negated by Tor's class stories. So, it becomes a wash.


So, in my mind, that's hardly an argument against TOR.


BUT, it didn't live up to the hype. I does have some great combat animations which is a priority for me, but too much is still "circa 2007" that it fails in that regard alone.


Something went wrong along the way. Something that made them cut corners here or there that resulted in half assed systems in many areas. I don't know what it was and don't pretend to. All I can do is use an experienced mmo eye.


They turned out a decent game, but anyone who isn't left wondering what happened isn't being objective.


They do, however, get a mulligan from me as this is their first mmo. And any objective person should cut some slack for that.

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No, it didn't.


It's a a decent game, but a bit of a ways away from what you would have expected given the long development time. And don't hand me that "you have no idea how game dev works" crap. I'm a professional man, an engineer, and game development people (software engineers) seem to be the whiniest bunch of people i've ever seen from first hand experience mind you. Not many other industries would think that 4-5 years is not enough time to develop and engineer a product. Don't tell that to game devs though, they are on their own little cloud looking down onto those who "just don't get it"..


However, I do take issue with you saying that the game was great for the first time levelling but isn't again. That's genre standard at this point in time. Other successful mmo's can only claim a slight leg up on alt levelling variety because of alternate zones, but that is easily negated by Tor's class stories. So, it becomes a wash.


So, in my mind, that's hardly an argument against TOR.


BUT, it didn't live up to the hype. I does have some great combat animations which is a priority for me, but too much is still "circa 2007" that it fails in that regard alone.


Something went wrong along the way. Something that made them cut corners here or there that resulted in half assed systems in many areas. I don't know what it was and don't pretend to. All I can do is use an experienced mmo eye.


They turned out a decent game, but anyone who isn't left wondering what happened isn't being objective.


They do, however, get a mulligan from me as this is their first mmo. And any objective person should cut some slack for that.



I've given up on MMO's, i'm just gonna wait for Guild Wars 2 and play that.

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Nothing lives up to the hype. Nothing.



Look at Skyrim for example, sure it's an amazing game but it's essentially the same thing they've been doing for the past elder scrolls games they just added a new (bland, snowy) world and dragons.


GW2 will go the same route, sure it looks good on paper but unless they absolutely deliver perfectly at launch, people will be on the forums *OMG THIS GAME SUX, WASTE OF 60$*


You can't make everyone happy, but despite what people believe, the vast majority of players in an MMO do not visit the forums for any reason at all. They may come to the website to set up their subscription or validate their account but that's it.


Polls on forums don't mean anything because the forum community is a vile, vile creature.


With that said, I love this game. I plan on playing both SWTOR and GW2 when it launches.

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Post a verification that "it's common knowledge" please.

I had no idea of this and would like to read where your information is coming from...

Are all movie reviews also "bought out"?

Go ahead and enlighten us with your research...


Game company contact game magazines with reviewers that have previously giving other games from that company good reviews and demand that only that person is allowed to make the review. bad review = no preview of games, no press invites. Was a case up with that here a year ago or so, where EA sent a questionare to a gamingsite before they got to review BF3, asking how he revied BF2, what score he gave it, if hes fan of BF and other stuff.


Companies likes to send extra items to the press when they want them to review the game, microsoft sending ipads etc.


About the former EA employee, i guess hes mentioning "EA Louse" that made a long article about Mythic, Bioware and EA, and got alot of attention from the gaming industry and alot of former EA employees, most of them agreeing with him, mostly it was about how the suits treat the actual workers, limit them, and tells the programers to do one thing everyone that actually plays mmos know will suck, but have no chance to argument about, becouse of beeing afraid of getting fired, in recession time.



Edited by SeloDaoC
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Every game that comes out these days is hyped beyond belief - If you bought into the hype its your own fault - I play because I like the game and I'm having fun, not because some website or commercial TOLD me it was fun - I tried it, I liked it, I play it - simple


Too much common sense for the forums sadly

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Both former employees of Bioware / EA, many media publications AND gamers across the globe all agree this game has severely failed to deliver.


If this game was free to play I think it would be an o.k game.


For the people that say things like the above. I have only one thing to say. MMOs are Open door. you dont like what you buy leave. there are more of us that are enjoying the game and we dont need trolls that have nothing good to say.

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Playing out like Warhammer.


SWTOR will continue to bleed subs just the same and in time be down to a few stragglers holding on to a broken dream.


It could have been a tremendous game... could have been.


It already is doing better than Warhammer ever did so bad argument.

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