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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Did this game deliver on the hype?


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So we all know this game was hyped to hell before launch, now two months in do you think this game delivered on the hype?


Personally i think that this game was all hype and that is all. It failed my expectations, leveling up to lv 50 was great for the first time but being lv 50 for a month and a half i can say that this game is very boring. I even made a new alt at lv 40 and it the fun i had when leveling the 1st time is gone, i cant even do a single FP cause it takes a hour of my time to find a party and i still wont be able to get one either missing a tank or healer or both.

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Both former employees of Bioware / EA, many media publications AND gamers across the globe all agree this game has severely failed to deliver.


If this game was free to play I think it would be an o.k game.


Really, show me a gaming site that gave this game bad reviews? k, thx, bye.

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Short answer: Nope. Not even a little.


Nope, not even close. Great single player.... Should have never been made into a "mmo". This game would have been one of the best single player games ever if the game ended when you finished your story. The problem is they tossed this "end game" on to it to try to collect revenue from subscriptions that is absolutely HORRID. By far one of the WORST END GAMES EVER RELEASED. I mean it is up there with Age of Conan and Failhammer for how bad it is.


PVP is the worst thing to hit PVP since PVP started. Who thought giving everyone a knockback, CC, multiple spells of the same kind on different tree's, broken resolve bar, etc was a good idea?

Edited by JonnyFreedom
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You really going to take that route? When it's common knowledge that 90% of reviews are bought out?


Sure buddy ... You cant buy love, dont you know? These gaming sites would never take money under the table to give a game a great review .. are you crazy?

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This game is amazing. I was invited to the Beta, and never logged on, becuase I thought it was going to be a space version of all the fantasy MMORPGs. Now I am kicking myself for it. It is beyond anything that I imagined it could be. The potential to make this an epic mmoRPG (emphasising the RPG) is incredible. My fear is that they will do the same thing every other MMOrpg (yes that was intentional) and start worrying about accomodating the casual player at the cost of the RPG aspect, when they will only give it a few hours on the weekend and then eventually move on to something else.
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I like the game and the friends I've made playing it. MMO's are about the people as much as anything and there in lies the problem with most people. Like all the people in this thread that Bioware forces to play their game. I'm sorry you guys are forced to be here and don't blame you one bit for hating this game.
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No, as time progressed I saw it wasn't what they had talked about in the beginning and the more I saw of it the more I thought 'there must be more to it'.


When I got into beta I saw there wasn't, plenty of the fanboys would toss out "it isn't done yet", "this is just beta" but it was clear to all what it was and wasn't.


I still held out that the changes they made, companions death, more detailed crafting, wouldn't be tossed out. I also hoped there was more depth to the world/game that I wasn't seeing. Finally I expected they'd do what needed to be done to make sure customers didn't have to spend hours or days DL the game due to their system and would add a manual patch feature.


A month later I was shown they didn't do any of those things, didn't add much of anything to the game from beta and had in place one of the worst customer/technical support departments I've ever dealt with. All the things fanboys and even BW people talked about were coming after launch didn't come.


To be fair they never gave a date but I figured something like a guildbank could be released in a few weeks. It just seems like such a good idea to let guilds have they couldn't have left it to be made last so it would take months to put in the game. I figured they'd fix the way the GTN search didn't work and vendor search didn't work and GTN worked a bit better but still is broken.


So no it didn't deliver on the initial hype or the later hype of more story than all the Baldur's Gate Games, decisions that matter, etc.

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I love this game and here is why. I didn't set a super high, impossible expectation like half the people here. I knew there was going to be problems (being apart of the WoW launch) and bugs because its a BW game. I didn't really give into the hype all that much. I was hyped because it was star wars but thats about it.
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This is a trick question and the answer will vary from person to person.


If you got yourself overhyped then, no the game will not deliver what you expected. And I have seen countless people do this.


The you have the other side that kept their hype controlled who are pleased with the game. Because they didnt set themselves up for a let down.


And then you have those in the middle who either just dont care or jump on the band wagons and praise or hate the game.



Personally. I believe the game did deliver. It is a refreshing experience away from the fantasy based MMOs. However, that is my opinion.

Edited by Darth_Victus
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