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A Look At The Old Republic


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Yeah because it wouldn't make sense to use part of that marketing money to hire more help for coding/bugs/exploits. Pretty sad when this game has major bugs and exploits that other big named MMO's would of had out of the game in a few days. But I guess that's hard to do when your spending all your time and money running a multi million dollar ad campaign all over TV and internet.


Do you know anything about business, like at all?

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Its a new game that is a copy of a 8 year old game that is just as polished as that game was when it released even though it was released 8 years ago.


It's cool if you hate the game, or if you actually believe that people are posting on the forum because they don't want to play the game, but seriously, you need to educate yourself and get a clue about what you're posting before you post it.


The forums would be such a better place for all if people wouldn't post such ignorant things.



If you honestly believe WoW was more polished at release, you never played wow at release. "Gamebreaking" bugs these days are nothing of what they used to be.

Edited by KhealThar
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It's cool if you hate the game, or if you actually believe that people are posting on the forum because they don't want to play the game, but seriously, you need to educate yourself and get a clue about what you're posting before you post it.


The forums would be such a better place for all if people wouldn't post such ignorant things.



If you honestly believe WoW was more polished at release, you never played wow at release. "Gamebreaking" bugs these days are nothing of what they used to be.


"Its a new game that is a copy of a 8 year old game that is just as polished as that game was when it released even though it was released 8 years ago."


That is what I said. Now let me break down what I said so you can understand. SWTOR is a new game that copied WoW. SWTOR is just as polished as WoW was when it was released. The only difference is wow was released in 2004 and SWTOR in 2011. Most people would think that with 8 more years of technology in the gaming business that they would at least be able to put out a game better than one that was released 8 years ago.

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Seriously, why are people shocked, let alone angry that a marketing department for a company made a video to promote their product, and used reviews/comments that reflected positively on them?

No company is ever going to market their product with negative reviews/comments or feedback, no one seems to care when every company in the world does it except Bioware LOL


Drink Coke

" I hate Coke," John from Texas

"When I drink it, makes me want to vomit." Lucy from Atlanta

Coke ooh yeah drink Coke wooooo hoooo yeah

"I actually prefer Pepsi," Dave from Canada

Oh yeah coke is soo good, refreshing woo yeah

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Seriously, why are people shocked, let alone angry that a marketing department for a company made a video to promote their product, and used reviews/comments that reflected positively on them?

No company is ever going to market their product with negative reviews/comments or feedback, no one seems to care when every company in the world does it except Bioware LOL


Heh that is of course correct, always going to put the best foot forward etc


I think the underlying problem people are having is that it seems like BW are just sticking their heads in the sand when it comes the major issues the game has and releasing rather than working on the probs

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Heh that is of course correct, always going to put the best foot forward etc


I think the underlying problem people are having is that it seems like BW are just sticking their heads in the sand when it comes the major issues the game has and releasing rather than working on the probs


While I believe part of that is correct I do feel much is blown well out of proportion, and that everyone kinda feels that once something is posted there is going to be an instant reply, their communication has never been top notch here, but to go as far as some claims is obviously too far fetched.

Could they improve communication? Yes

Could people be a bit more tolerant and look for it themselves sometimes? Yes


But for the large part the Fanbeez v drone war really takes over in any discussion thread, both sides swarm in and just get caught up in everything but the actual topic.


I take everything with a grain of salt, there are things I dont like but I understand that others do, that doesnt make them wrong, and I maybe a bit more tolerant to bugs then others too, maybe Im a realist :)

Nice reply

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SWTOR is a new game that copied WoW. SWTOR is just as polished as WoW was when it was released.


You have absolutly no idea what you are talking about.

Wow was alot worse at release.

No f'ing comparision. ALOT worse. (in terms of polish).

And people complain about this games end content ... :rolleyes:

Edited by SmokingGoose
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"Its a new game that is a copy of a 8 year old game that is just as polished as that game was when it released even though it was released 8 years ago."


That is what I said. Now let me break down what I said so you can understand. SWTOR is a new game that copied WoW. SWTOR is just as polished as WoW was when it was released. The only difference is wow was released in 2004 and SWTOR in 2011. Most people would think that with 8 more years of technology in the gaming business that they would at least be able to put out a game better than one that was released 8 years ago.


That sums up how i feel and alot of my friends feel...nice reply

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I really think people dont really know what they expected,they wanted something just never know what and whatever is given is never what they want


I expected a game engine that worked, not one that slugs around in FPS with two processes. :| Seriously, they never should have done the HeroEngine.

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"Its a new game that is a copy of a 8 year old game that is just as polished as that game was when it released even though it was released 8 years ago."


That is what I said. Now let me break down what I said so you can understand. SWTOR is a new game that copied WoW. SWTOR is just as polished as WoW was when it was released. The only difference is wow was released in 2004 and SWTOR in 2011. Most people would think that with 8 more years of technology in the gaming business that they would at least be able to put out a game better than one that was released 8 years ago.

There's another slight difference: TOR had over 3 times the budget of WoW and years of post mortem from Wow (and other games) success and failures.

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nice propganda guys...rly classic


well this game was designed to be like a classic mmo because you just don't throw those classic things away, you improve on them... ya know like bios classic, heroic, fasted paced, and just plain exciting combat systems that haven't changed since they were originally designed in 2007...



it would have been nice to have another "we really listened. here is the laundry list. this is what we are fixing and improving. when to expect these fixes and improvements." video.

Edited by Emperor_Troll
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