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Where's the happy thread?


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As I sit here reading through the forums, I find that I have to search through endless gripes and trolls to find maybe one positive post. I see all these complaints from people who STILL PLAY THE GAME. Maybe it's me, but wheres the positive? What is it about SWTOR that is keeping you playing right after you click "POST" on your completely negative thread. Call me crazy but anyone care to elaborate?
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You are right, although im not justifying it, its pay for service. As a subscriber its a commitment on both sides. I think with bugs and problems as a customer the expectation is far higher than it would be for non paying free play MMO.

Personally I love this game so far. cant find a flaw that grinds yet. But my level of experience of MMO is not on a professional level Im just a happy go lucky player who enjoys learning new concepts of strategy.


With that, having a voice and confidence to speak up when theres gamers out there with such strong opinions and seeminly understanding of everything. Those who do enjoy maybe more intimedated to express in fear of dark side rant.

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You are right, although im not justifying it, its pay for service. As a subscriber its a commitment on both sides. I think with bugs and problems as a customer the expectation is far higher than it would be for non paying free play MMO.

Personally I love this game so far. cant find a flaw that grinds yet. But my level of experience of MMO is not on a professional level Im just a happy go lucky player who enjoys learning new concepts of strategy.


With that, having a voice and confidence to speak up when theres gamers out there with such strong opinions and seeminly understanding of everything. Those who do enjoy maybe more intimedated to express in fear of dark side rant.


I think I'm in the same boat as you. Im by no means a pro at MMO's to be quite honest SWTOR is the first one I've actually dedicated time to playing. I enjoy getting better and learning new things and would love to be great at this game but I guess I just don't understand the game to a level that would warrant a complaint.


To me, I love the story lines, some planets are more of a grind than others but it was my understanding thats the nature of the game. Warzone PVP can get redundant but again I am still looking and finding ways to get better. Group questing is enjoyable and like pvp I always look to become more efficent.


This is'nt a complaint but more of a request. I guess I am looking for that mythical "Best bud" someone who knows what they are doing and enjoys to teach it. but what i do find is that majority of your players who do know what they are doing are quick to call you a NOOB even after I admit it rather than help.


I have no problems learning the game myself but a mentor would be enjoyable.


But all in all thats my only issue so I guess I'm not seeing the problems everyone else is.

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This is'nt a complaint but more of a request. I guess I am looking for that mythical "Best bud" someone who knows what they are doing and enjoys to teach it. but what i do find is that majority of your players who do know what they are doing are quick to call you a NOOB even after I admit it rather than help.


Some guilds are good for that, but then sometimes you have to follow others agenda's.

Its good that every now and then you do find someone who takes you to that next level of understandinng. Observing in game chat about Nerfs and rolling and acronyms drives me made as i think , 'what does that mean', not wishing to ask.


We'll get there it took me 4months of playing Guild wars to become confident to run my own guild. Im sure same will happen here.

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true, I already have 2 characters, ones a 23 operative and the other a 24 sorc, both are on diff servers the operative was my first and the sorc was made so i can play with a friend of mine on his server, I learned more with my second so far and i really havent played with him or his guild as much as i thought i would. I guess doing it a second time around i learned a bit more, but theres still alot to go. I just wish he woulda been on a pvp server as I feel it adds a whole extra aspect to the game without much sacrifice really.
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Finally i found a good thread around here.


This game is fun. I enjoy trying to learn and grind up to lvl 50. It seems the ones who are angry are the ones who have just maybe played to much? IDK.


I love the storyline, the voice acting, the actual play of the game a lot. I'll be playing for a while that's for sure.

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As I sit here reading through the forums, I find that I have to search through endless gripes and trolls to find maybe one positive post. I see all these complaints from people who STILL PLAY THE GAME. Maybe it's me, but wheres the positive? What is it about SWTOR that is keeping you playing right after you click "POST" on your completely negative thread. Call me crazy but anyone care to elaborate?


The positive posts seem to be on guild forums. :D

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Finally i found a good thread around here.


This game is fun. I enjoy trying to learn and grind up to lvl 50. It seems the ones who are angry are the ones who have just maybe played to much? IDK.


I love the storyline, the voice acting, the actual play of the game a lot. I'll be playing for a while that's for sure.


Hey all. I have to agree that the general sound of the forums overall is a negative one, but in my experience it's that way in most game forums. Actually, I've found much more of a positive discussion here than in any other game forum I've visited (albeit that's not too many). I'm definitely not what anyone would call on mmo professional, but I have played a couple before (most notably WoW and GW, along with a couple of others), and it really seems to me the people with the most negative (and least constructive) comments are the power gamers - the ones who hit level fifty within the first week, and expect a huge load of endgame content simply because that's what they're used to and expect from an MMO (although there seems to be a large section of people who expected a rehash of SWG, which this most obviously isn't). Basically, I think some people aren't getting what they expected simply because they expected a different game. Some of those people aren't coping with that very well, and are coming to the forums to launch giant complaint threads (now I'm all for constructive criticisms in an attempt to make this wonderful game better, but some of these threads get a bit crazy in the requests). Though I think the game needs some help in some places, I still quite enjoy my time - I've got a 28 gunslinger, 12 consular and 7 warrior that I'm thoroughly enjoying (for different aspects), and I've been playing for a month. Don't see an end to my enjoyment in the near future, and if it does happen, I'll gladly take some time off, play something else, and come back later to see what's changed and what hasn't. Overall, I think this is a fantastic game with great support and a beautiful community, and I can't wait to see what comes from it all next. That's what keeps me playing.


TL;DR: A fantastic community, great support and teriffic game keep me coming back, despite complaints from people with differing expectations.


Oh, and sorry for the wall of text, it seems to be my usual :jawa_tongue:

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Every time i post a positive post about liking the game it gets taken down cause they say i am causing riling the trolls up.


which i think means they would rather have the trolls spread out on the forums rather then all in one thread.


anyways i am enjoying the game tho i will admit this game has it's problems but what mmo doesn't, plan on playing this game for a long time.

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The people that are happy are playing the game and aren't posting here. The people who are unhappy post a LOT. While I'll admit there are a few issues I would like to see addressed at some point, I'm not a rage quitter. Maybe I'm just new to MMO's, but this is fun for me. It's a game, and as such, is supposed to be fun. If you aren't having fun, then don't play.


I enjoy the game a lot. I love the characters and the storylines. My husband bought the game and wound up having to get a new desktop (which we were planning on purchasing soon anyway) in order to play the game. I created a character and loved the game so much I decided to get my own copy. I saw a great deal on a HP laptop ($349!!!) and inquired on these very forums as to whether or not it would be a good rig for the game. I was informed that it would suck and I was better off paying lots of money I didn't want to spend to get a better one. A good friend (and MMO-veteran) shot them down and said to buy it, load my husband's copy of the game on it, log into his account and try PvP. "If it works, you've got a good rig. If not, take the computer back." I took the advice and couldn't be happier. I spent less money than a lot of people for a new computer, a game I love, and now my husband and I spend time together, questing, killing, and healing.


When questing together, it forces you to work as a team and communicate, so THANKS BIOWARE! :)

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In customer service and sales there is an axiom - give a customer a positive experience and you gain one repeat customer. Give a customer a negative experience and you've lost 10 customers.


The point is that even in real life individuals are more likely to report to others what they dislike than what they like.


So translate that to MMO forums (these and ALL others) and you will see a lot more complaints than praise.

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Every time i post a positive post about liking the game it gets taken down cause they say i am causing riling the trolls up.


Uh oh do i see a removal in my future? Im glad to see that others feel the same way I do about this, and I'm glad this thread can act as a sounding board for those who may keep their positive reviews and such to themselves because they are in fear of retaliation from the Negative Mob.


But IMO how else would the Dev's know what to keep? Without voicing what is good those good things may get removed and such. This is a lose lose for both teams


Optimists: the game we enjoy gets hacked and sliced in an effort to make all the pessimists happy with what they want removing the good aspects the dev's never new we thought were good.


Pessimists: the very few things you DO like (if there are any) could get removed because in your effort to make the game better you failed to mention what you "did" like.




also back to my original question to everyone, what keeps YOU playing the game? i really wish someone who does have a lot of complaints about the game could put those aside and fill us in on what they DO like.

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Finally, a positive thread! No, I'm not being sarcastic. I'm genuinely happy to see something civil for a change.


To answer your question, I'll have to give multiple answers. No idea if anyone else feels this way about this game, but here goes. Why do I keep playing?


1) I'm enjoying the stories and the locations (for the most part).


2) I'm enjoying the combat. Every now and then I have a battle that comes right down to the wire, or there's someone I have to fight 3-4 times before I finally beat them. This is unusual for me. I rarely die in MMO's, but I've already died more times in TOR than any other MMO I've ever played (and I've played quite a few). Some opponents seem to be harder than others depending on the class you are playing. I like that.


3) I'm not a huge Star Wars fan, but I was a big fan of KOTOR 1 (and to a lesser extent 2). I love the tie-ins and Easter Eggs that link TOR with KOTOR, Star Wars "lore" etc.


4) It's Sci-Fi! I'm fed up with fantasy based MMO's. This is the most fun I've had since Tabula Rasa (sure it was buggy as all heck, but I loved it :)).


Having said all that there is one thing I wished they hadn't done. I really, really wish they hadn't mirrored the classes. I'm guessing this was a PvP influenced decision.


Still, I really like this game. So much so that I'm fairly ambivalent about the upcoming release of Mass Effect 3. Prior to the release of TOR I was really looking forward to it, but I can't even bring myself to work through ME 1 and 2 again so I have a useful savegame to take into 3. I'd rather keep playing TOR instead. :D

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The usual problem... if you are really happy playing the game, what are you going to do? Play the game, or trawl the forums and say how much you love the game?

If you do not like the game, what are you going to do? Play the game (that you do not like), or ***** about the game on the forums?


Usually the only ones who like the game and who post on the forums are the ones posting because they happen to be here looking for answers to an issue, or the ones like me who cannot get to the game while at work, so we spam the forums instead :p

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Finally, a positive thread! No, I'm not being sarcastic. I'm genuinely happy to see something civil for a change.


To answer your question, I'll have to give multiple answers. No idea if anyone else feels this way about this game, but here goes. Why do I keep playing?


1) I'm enjoying the stories and the locations (for the most part).


2) I'm enjoying the combat. Every now and then I have a battle that comes right down to the wire, or there's someone I have to fight 3-4 times before I finally beat them. This is unusual for me. I rarely die in MMO's, but I've already died more times in TOR than any other MMO I've ever played (and I've played quite a few). Some opponents seem to be harder than others depending on the class you are playing. I like that.


3) I'm not a huge Star Wars fan, but I was a big fan of KOTOR 1 (and to a lesser extent 2). I love the tie-ins and Easter Eggs that link TOR with KOTOR, Star Wars "lore" etc.


4) It's Sci-Fi! I'm fed up with fantasy based MMO's. This is the most fun I've had since Tabula Rasa (sure it was buggy as all heck, but I loved it :)).


Having said all that there is one thing I wished they hadn't done. I really, really wish they hadn't mirrored the classes. I'm guessing this was a PvP influenced decision.


Still, I really like this game. So much so that I'm fairly ambivalent about the upcoming release of Mass Effect 3. Prior to the release of TOR I was really looking forward to it, but I can't even bring myself to work through ME 1 and 2 again so I have a useful savegame to take into 3. I'd rather keep playing TOR instead. :D


I was going to make my own list, but pretty much just... What he said.

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I like this game.

I like the stories, I like the voice acting, I like the chars.

I like that there are 8 class stories I can delve into. I like the NPC's (some I even love: "IMP SCUM"-droid and Gree are favourites.)


I like that there is a social aspect when doing heroics. I like planning strategy for said heroics and seeing them work out.

I like the idea of RP and RP'ers. I like it when high-level players offer their help to newbies out of kindness.

I like the chat. I like the community there.

I like the companions. They are a great addition.

I like the graphics, the ambiance, the surroundings and the soundscapes.


And I like to annoy the Empire, 'cause the Empire is dumb.

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I got into this with a Guild-Mate which left both of us on "I only interact with you because ignoring you is against guild protocol" status. People pay for the game, so naturally that said they have their input...the problem is...and I quote myself, "You morons do it wrong."


When most complain...about, oh...cooldown, and such, like it's the...



...They are just wearing they're Yahtzee hats and being typical angry gamers, and the message is lost in their diatribe.

You don't see the message, you just see someone struggling very hard to be the Angry Video Game Nerd who lashes out at any criticism to their opinion.


Maybe if we all dispensed with the theatrics and dramatics and name calling, and posted concerns in a civil manner, entertainment value be damned, there would be more happy people.

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I got into this with a Guild-Mate which left both of us on "I only interact with you because ignoring you is against guild protocol" status. People pay for the game, so naturally that said they have their input...the problem is...and I quote myself, "You morons do it wrong."


When most complain...about, oh...cooldown, and such, like it's the...



...They are just wearing they're Yahtzee hats and being typical angry gamers, and the message is lost in their diatribe.

You don't see the message, you just see someone struggling very hard to be the Angry Video Game Nerd who lashes out at any criticism to their opinion.


Maybe if we all dispensed with the theatrics and dramatics and name calling, and posted concerns in a civil manner, entertainment value be damned, there would be more happy people.


Great insight, I have seen alot of legitimate responses on this thread that I wish I would of seen amongst others. At least I know I'm not crazy and people do think the way I do. I guess now I'm curious about both? Someone tell me (constructively of course) what some issues are but also what is the good that keeps you playing through it all. I'm really interested to see the level headed gamers opinion.

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Great insight, I have seen alot of legitimate responses on this thread that I wish I would of seen amongst others. At least I know I'm not crazy and people do think the way I do. I guess now I'm curious about both? Someone tell me (constructively of course) what some issues are but also what is the good that keeps you playing through it all. I'm really interested to see the level headed gamers opinion.


I guess i can put in my 2 cents. From my perspective in MMO's (ive played AO (anarchy online) for 5 years, WOW for close to 7, and now this) I started TOR because well, its Starwars and how cool would it be to play a dual wielding jedi and I really didn't want to end up with what I had started with in the others where I had joined the game a year or 2 after the game had come out where there was already a mass amount of max level players with the best raiding gear and already cornering the markets with their crafts. At least here, i start out fresh with everyone else that started the game from release.


So far I have truly enjoyed the game however, what i have noticed compared to the other games is that you can level to max level extremely easy without the help or grouping with anybody period. In both AO and WOW, the only real way to hit that max level is by running endless dungeons or be in a group farming kills on monsters that you couldn't take down yourself (heckler teams in AO). In those games if you only did the quests, it would take you absolutely forever to even come close to hitting max level and then when you entered a team to do some sort of dungeon or raid, you had absolutely no clue what to do weather it comes to cc'd mobs, kill order, or the infamous healers getting beat up on by a mob, attack that mob to get it off the healer or team wipes from lack of heals.


Another problem i have with this game is the lack of seamless transition from one area to another. With AO, yes if you entered a wompa, there was a slight pause but you were were you wanted to go within 30 seconds or same if you enter a different area completely. With wow, the only time there was a pause is when you entered a blimp, or swapped to a different continent.


With TOR, its ok... let me run into the jedi knight airlock [game loads] ok, now lets enter my ship [game loads] ok, swap to this world [game loads] now i need to get out of my ship [game loads] exit airlock [game loads]. Now heaven forbid if you were questing and didn't realize you needed to proceed with the quest by clicking on your ships holocon. now i need to go back into the airlock or ship and wait for more loading... ***.


The last issue i have with the game with i thought was spectacular at first because i just hate farming things are the crew skills, specifically sending your companions to do your dirty work when getting mats for your crafting skill. Yes crafting skills are there but why are we only limited to 1. There is absolutly no reason why my Sentinel cant have artifice, synthweaving, or any other crafting profession at the same time. Also, since im on the subject on crafting, the crafting dosn't really feel like its a unique ability to have. What i'm talking about is when you craft something, it just does not feel like anybody really needs them when the commendations ruin the entire crafting process itself by providing items that are better than the crafts themselves. In wow, the only armor that was better than what i could craft was only available in raids. Here in TOR, not so much.


I truly am enjoying the game and hope for the best as it is still a VERY NEW MMO hence, many many patches will be coming out to fix the current problems and make things considerably better in the future. its just when those fixes come out only time will tell. Im sure there are other items that have bothered me, these are just some of the things off the top of my head.

Edited by haliy
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I guess i can put in my 2 cents. From my perspective in MMO's (ive played AO (anarchy online) for 5 years, WOW for close to 7, and now this) I started TOR because well, its Starwars and how cool would it be to play a dual wielding jedi and I really didn't want to end up with what I had started with in the others where I had joined the game a year or 2 after the game had come out where there was already a mass amount of max level players with the best raiding gear and already cornering the markets with their crafts. At least here, i start out fresh with everyone else that started the game from release.


So far I have truly enjoyed the game however, what i have noticed compared to the other games is that you can level to max level extremely easy without the help or grouping with anybody period. In both AO and WOW, the only real way to hit that max level is by running endless dungeons or be in a group farming kills on monsters that you couldn't take down yourself (heckler teams in AO). In those games if you only did the quests, it would take you absolutely forever to even come close to hitting max level and then when you entered a team to do some sort of dungeon or raid, you had absolutely no clue what to do weather it comes to cc'd mobs, kill order, or the infamous healers getting beat up on by a mob, attack that mob to get it off the healer or team wipes from lack of heals.


Another problem i have with this game is the lack of seamless transition from one area to another. With AO, yes if you entered a wompa, there was a slight pause but you were were you wanted to go within 30 seconds or same if you enter a different area completely. With wow, the only time there was a pause is when you entered a blimp, or swapped to a different continent.


With TOR, its ok... let me run into the jedi knight airlock [game loads] ok, now lets enter my ship [game loads] ok, swap to this world [game loads] now i need to get out of my ship [game loads] exit airlock [game loads]. Now heaven forbid if you were questing and didn't realize you needed to proceed with the quest by clicking on your ships holocon. now i need to go back into the airlock or ship and wait for more loading... ***.


The last issue i have with the game with i thought was spectacular at first because i just hate farming things are the crew skills, specifically sending your companions to do your dirty work when getting mats for your crafting skill. Yes crafting skills are there but why are we only limited to 1. There is absolutly no reason why my Sentinel cant have artifice, synthweaving, or any other crafting profession at the same time. Also, since im on the subject on crafting, the crafting dosn't really feel like its a unique ability to have. What i'm talking about is when you craft something, it just does not feel like anybody really needs them when the commendations ruin the entire crafting process itself by providing items that are better than the crafts themselves. In wow, the only armor that was better than what i could craft was only available in raids. Here in TOR, not so much.


I truly am enjoying the game and hope for the best as it is still a VERY NEW MMO hence, many many patches will be coming out to fix the current problems and make things considerably better in the future. its just when those fixes come out only time will tell. Im sure there are other items that have bothered me, these are just some of the things off the top of my head.


it being starwars got you into the game but what keeps you playing it? Again i really appreciate the CONSTRUCTIVE nature to your issues.


Lets be honest EVERYONE has their issues with the game because if there was a perfect game out there than we would never be looking forward to a new release of a game etc.


Loading screens are annoying... but still can look past for now haha (im just thinking back in the day when i had a Win95 computer that took near 10 min to boot)


I understand your issue with crafting and being stuck to one, but for people like me who dont quite get the advanced levels of crafting i think it makes it an easier pill to swallow when trying to learn. My skill in crafting is simply this: get blueprint, craft, RE untill upgrade blue print (prototype), craft prototype, RE untill advanced, craft advanced now what? ive read forums and guides on crafting and still do not grasp the full concept yet so it will be a WHILE before I will master ONE crafting skill let alone manage multiple.


Coming from a NEW mmo player, The fact that the game is relatively easy to get a barebones understanding of it is great, and it seems to fair well with your mmo veterans which means that this game has done somthing special to appeal to the most people.

But can we expect devs to only cater to the noobs no, but I belive its a combination of allowing you to be introduced to it as well as it being a new game.


anyone else?

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I guess i can put in my 2 cents. From my perspective in MMO's (ive played AO (anarchy online) for 5 years, WOW for close to 7, and now this) I started TOR because well, its Starwars and how cool would it be to play a dual wielding jedi and I really didn't want to end up with what I had started with in the others where I had joined the game a year or 2 after the game had come out where there was already a mass amount of max level players with the best raiding gear and already cornering the markets with their crafts. At least here, i start out fresh with everyone else that started the game from release.


So far I have truly enjoyed the game however, what i have noticed compared to the other games is that you can level to max level extremely easy without the help or grouping with anybody period. In both AO and WOW, the only real way to hit that max level is by running endless dungeons or be in a group farming kills on monsters that you couldn't take down yourself (heckler teams in AO). In those games if you only did the quests, it would take you absolutely forever to even come close to hitting max level and then when you entered a team to do some sort of dungeon or raid, you had absolutely no clue what to do weather it comes to cc'd mobs, kill order, or the infamous healers getting beat up on by a mob, attack that mob to get it off the healer or team wipes from lack of heals.


I can't speak for AO, but the leveling in WoW is so nerfed now you can sneeze and gain a level. I leveled a toon to 40 in less than a week just by doing quests. If you start doing dungeons you quickly out level your professions if you're trying to keep them up.


Another problem i have with this game is the lack of seamless transition from one area to another. With AO, yes if you entered a wompa, there was a slight pause but you were were you wanted to go within 30 seconds or same if you enter a different area completely. With wow, the only time there was a pause is when you entered a blimp, or swapped to a different continent.


With TOR, its ok... let me run into the jedi knight airlock [game loads] ok, now lets enter my ship [game loads] ok, swap to this world [game loads] now i need to get out of my ship [game loads] exit airlock [game loads]. Now heaven forbid if you were questing and didn't realize you needed to proceed with the quest by clicking on your ships holocon. now i need to go back into the airlock or ship and wait for more loading... ***.


Yes, I totally agree with this. If the loading screens would be faster it would be a bit easier to overlook


The last issue i have with the game with i thought was spectacular at first because i just hate farming things are the crew skills, specifically sending your companions to do your dirty work when getting mats for your crafting skill. Yes crafting skills are there but why are we only limited to 1. There is absolutly no reason why my Sentinel cant have artifice, synthweaving, or any other crafting profession at the same time. Also, since im on the subject on crafting, the crafting dosn't really feel like its a unique ability to have. What i'm talking about is when you craft something, it just does not feel like anybody really needs them when the commendations ruin the entire crafting process itself by providing items that are better than the crafts themselves. In wow, the only armor that was better than what i could craft was only available in raids. Here in TOR, not so much.


Yes! You shouldn't be told what professions you can take. If you choose to take 3 crafting professions that should be your prerogative. It would help the game's economy as well if you had to venture to the auction house for materials.


The crafted armour in WoW is all but useless now. Between the newest heroic dungeons and the looking for raid feature, everyone is dripping in epic gear.


I truly am enjoying the game and hope for the best as it is still a VERY NEW MMO hence, many many patches will be coming out to fix the current problems and make things considerably better in the future. its just when those fixes come out only time will tell. Im sure there are other items that have bothered me, these are just some of the things off the top of my head.


I am enjoying this game as well too. I'm just a little disheartened to see how the server populations have dropped so dramatically in such a short time.


I've been here long enough now to see many TOR vs (insert MMO) comparisons. Yes, TOR is new and I have great respect with how much work creating this MMO was/is. However, the polish that other MMOs have now are what a lot of people have come to expect.

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