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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Use your ship's holoterminal


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Travel to Planet <name> and use your ship's holoterminal.


Use it before you leave your ship and run all out of the spaceport before you realize, you have to use your ship's holoterminal and return all the way back


unless you are imp sided, then you have the comfortable automatic, when you arrive on your destination planet, the holoterminal pops up imidietly.


"why oh why"-matic in progress ...

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  • 3 weeks later...

There was it again ...

Why oh why am i Republic ?


Fly to Alderaan ..

Outside the spaceport: "where my questmob ?!"

Press "L".


"Use your ship's Holoterminal"


Still want to buy sithmode ^^

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And then i used tha Holoterminal and what does my char say ?


"Master Orgus, i am ON ALDERAAN" ...

Sorry i just came from Alderaan and saw my ship sailing off.


Can you see the disturbance in the Force here ?

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Little bit lazy?


Pay attention to your quests and whats going on instead of trying to rush rush rush and you won't overlook little things like that.


Ok, let me explain the problem.

From the first time i ran into this issue, in knew about "use your ship's holoterminal".


But the neuroprogramming said

"Travel to Alderaan"

and not

"Use your Ship's Holoterminal in the orbit of Alderaan"


So when i arrive in the Orbit, and "Travel to Alderaan", im gonna travel to Alderaan.

When using the Ships holo terminal, you always left the planet with your ship, shown by this nice animations.


Either the logic has to be changed or the Republic gets the same auto holo, once arrived in the planets orbit.

Very cool would be, if you enter your ship and dont fly automatically away, load load load ...


Can you understand my retarded and not native english ?

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Strange but my trooper tends to auto start dialogue as soon as he reaches the room where the holo terminal is and I ain't on the Imp side.


yeah, thats strange ...


do you have that with all your characters or only with that one Republic sided ?

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Strange but my trooper tends to auto start dialogue as soon as he reaches the room where the holo terminal is and I ain't on the Imp side.


Same with my Republic characters including my trooper. In fact I find it a bit annoying at times when I'm trying to plot out answers based upon maximum companion affection gain. Be that as it may, it'd be nice to have an official answer from someone who gets to post in yellow.

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My imp Juggernaut automatically enters the holoterminal when you arrive at the planets orbit.

My rep Guardian not.


Then that would be a bug as the conversation should auto-start when your ship arrives on planet. Should report it.

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I'm still trying to figure out why one would need to travel to Alderaan first BEFORE using a holo terminal (or any planet). Does the holo terminal not work until you get to the planet you and your NPC partner are going to talk about? It's a very odd way to set up the system.
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Actually pregression is normally like this:


Finish one planet (class quests), the next quest is use your ship's Holo Terminal, followed by travel to planet, followed by use ship's holo terminal.


It is always like that.....


Talk to boss after mission, travel, talk to boss before getting off the ship.


Make sure you talk to boss before you travel though :p or the arrival won't register before you get off the ship, this is no different for sith.


See if you travel first, then talk, you get a quest saying travel to, but how do you travel to your current location?

Edited by Jeskelech
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My imp Juggernaut automatically enters the holoterminal when you arrive at the planets orbit.

My rep Guardian not.

Is the distance between the "pilot seat" and the "exit" closer for the guardian as compared to the juggernaut ?


Usually the hologram comes up if you wait for a while after clicking to travel to the desination planet. Unless you are so fast that u select the planet to travel, then rush to the ship exit and exit your ship.

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Is the distance between the "pilot seat" and the "exit" closer for the guardian as compared to the juggernaut ?


Usually the hologram comes up if you wait for a while after clicking to travel to the desination planet. Unless you are so fast that u select the planet to travel, then rush to the ship exit and exit your ship.


It is indeed, straight out of the map room and drop down directly in front of the exit on the Jedi Knight ship. No running up or down stairs and through other rooms etc.

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I ahve done the same thing myself absent mindedly, and yes it is annoying, but I think you are misinterpreting what it means when the quest says "travel to Alderaan". It is clearly telling you to use your ship to go to the planet, not to get off of your ship and land on the planet.
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Ok, let me explain the problem.

From the first time i ran into this issue, in knew about "use your ship's holoterminal".


But the neuroprogramming said

"Travel to Alderaan"

and not

"Use your Ship's Holoterminal in the orbit of Alderaan"


So when i arrive in the Orbit, and "Travel to Alderaan", im gonna travel to Alderaan.

When using the Ships holo terminal, you always left the planet with your ship, shown by this nice animations.


Either the logic has to be changed or the Republic gets the same auto holo, once arrived in the planets orbit.

Very cool would be, if you enter your ship and dont fly automatically away, load load load ...


Can you understand my retarded and not native english ?


I don't get auto-holo on my characters....and I play Empire, but I do read the quests which state quite clearly:

Travel to Alderaan

Use the ship's holo-terminal.


Which should be self-explanatory, and if that wasn't obvious enough, a triangle that normally isn't there shows up on the mini-map stating a quest is there.

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Thanks for your replies ^^


At all, while watching your comments, it seems to be either a bug or a faulty conception.

Totally new to me was the feedback, that other republic characters also have this "auto holo" and some others dont.


It is not about i dont read my quests enuff (what may be true), its about a unfun conception that seems different for everyone.

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