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SWG reality check


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I'm pretty sure in 8 years SWG will still be talked about :) swtor, not very likely tbh


SWG I'm sure will, but not willing to place TOR in the no category just yet, might turn around in the next few months. It's just kinda hard to remember something specificly thats so much like everything else. =/ All runs together.

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Tbh I thought the card game was an interesting thing they did, it was something you could do when you were bored and just wanted to kill time. Plus...you didn't have to keep track of all your cards like in RL, some of them were pretty neat too(not talking about the loot ones, just the actual playing ones), everything else though....ya was kinda "ew" especially the player cities. THOSE CITIES WERE DAMN EVERYWHERE! Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Tbh I thought the card game was an interesting thing they did, it was something you could do when you were bored and just wanted to kill time. Plus...you didn't have to keep track of all your cards like in RL, some of them were pretty neat too(not talking about the loot ones, just the actual playing ones), everything else though....ya was kinda "ew" especially the player cities. THOSE CITIES WERE DAMN EVERYWHERE!


That almost seems like the contradiction to the complaints most people have about this game. Tattoine is so very open ... then again it's a desert. Player cities (when they weren't ghost towns) helped fill in the nothingness that we currently see on some planets in SWTOR like Hoth and Tatooine.

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That almost seems like the contradiction to the complaints most people have about this game. Tattoine is so very open ... then again it's a desert. Player cities (when they weren't ghost towns) helped fill in the nothingness that we currently see on some planets in SWTOR like Hoth and Tatooine.


That's the thing. Hoth and Tattooine are supposed to be empty. They're "death worlds" (to use a Warhammer 40K term), not fit for normal human habitation but people live there anyway. Barren tracts of land that people need to fight for their very survival. Player cities popping up all over the place? Directly contradicts what those planets are supposed to represent.

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That's the thing. Hoth and Tattooine are supposed to be empty. They're "death worlds" (to use a Warhammer 40K term), not fit for normal human habitation but people live there anyway. Barren tracts of land that people need to fight for their very survival. Player cities popping up all over the place? Directly contradicts what those planets are supposed to represent.


I still have nightmares of running and driving through endless cities.....so many to go through...so many. *Shivers in a corner*

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I still have nightmares of running and driving through endless cities.....so many to go through...so many. *Shivers in a corner*


Smuggler City, Dantooine on Starsider, metropolis rank city, grid locked every section of the land within city limits and was grid locked from there outside of city limits all the way to the Dant MO no build line pre-cu. xD Something like 2,000 meter diameter outside city limits, was fantastic rofl.


Not to mention the pheonix risen super city south of c-net for obvious reasons.

Edited by Amaste
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I dont miss the game so much, more the people :)


The only game I can think of where you could spend an evening just clowning around and not actually achieve or make any progress in the game, but still had endless fun and laughs.


I have that with every game I play. But then, I've played with the same set of folks for nearly a decade now.




All over the internet I see people talking about the problems those games had but how much they loved them and it makes me kind of sad I missed out on the pre WoW era of MMOs.


You know, I played EQ1 for quite a long time. Sometimes I think that was the best gaming period of my life, and I wax nostalgic about how fun it was.


And then I fire it up, and start playing again. And after a bit I blink and mutter oh Hellllll no. And I log off the game until that next time I wax nostalgic.


And as I ponder this it gives me the epiphany that it wasn't the game features. It wasn't the game itself. It was the community and shared experience with the people that make me love or not a game.


Hugely popular massive games .... there is no close feeling of community. It's like comparing McDonalds to the hometown mom-n-pop burger place. McD's actually is cheaper, has better hours and a bigger menu ... but there is something homey about the hometown mom-n-pop place. Thing is, games companies really do have to push for that "hugely popular" area ... to cut a profit.


I know, wierd analogy.

Edited by Rhaethe
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Which SWG-Emu are you playing. Still got my org. disk and have been thinking about playing. I know there are a couple out there. Water out side Bestine???? Wish I could have found that when my hams were burning from torso shot. :eek:




I still had the game on my computer so all I had to do was download the launcher and logged right in. Very easy.


You can have 2 characters on Liberator server and can log both in at the same time by going to the launchpad, clicking options and allow multiple instances = True. To get a better feel for control of the character I had to go under options, controls, keymap (bottom left) and then "load a standard keymap" and choose "first person shooter". The above suggestions, should you try it, make it feel easier to control and move around.


I like I can have a artisian on and a combat toon at the same time.

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That almost seems like the contradiction to the complaints most people have about this game. Tattoine is so very open ... then again it's a desert. Player cities (when they weren't ghost towns) helped fill in the nothingness that we currently see on some planets in SWTOR like Hoth and Tatooine.


To be honest these planets lore wise should feel exactly like that, a big emptyness, because its what they realy are desert planets. They arent planets full of citys.

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To be honest these planets lore wise should feel exactly like that, a big emptyness, because its what they realy are desert planets. They arent planets full of citys.


Thank you! People say that TOR isn't "Starwarsy" enough (whatever the freaking hell that means) and cite player cities as one of the examples of how SWG was more "Starwarsy". I can't help but mourn for the Star Wars fan base when I see that.

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To be honest these planets lore wise should feel exactly like that, a big emptyness, because its what they realy are desert planets. They arent planets full of citys.


Don't get me wrong .... I'm not saying that it was right. I just find it amusing that in this game people complain about how fast hoth or Tat seem to be ... but there's nothing. I'm like ... well DUH (actually said that to a guy here at work yesterday).


I'm okay without player housing in this game ... as long as they update my ship in the future to where I can decorate as I could in SWG. It gave me something to do (I did it in EQ2 for awhile as well) other than pvp or an actual RP event.


I like the game just fine. I wish crafting and thus the economy was different (I didn't like it in WoW either), but it is what it is.


Happy Gaming!

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Seems people come to the discussion forum berating tor as it isn't like SWG and how great it was....well removing the rose tinted specs I remember...


Buff wars and overpowered spies-because buffs and stealth classes only existed in SWG. Riiiight.

Empty servers-At times but not always, certainly not in it's hey day.

Empty space-Crowded space wouldn't be too realistic would it?

Wasting time bounty hunting for Jedi only to find them afk grinding from rooftop houses-It's not hunting if you succeed every time.

Exploits aplenty such as bike calling in combat-At least this game has no exploits right?... Right? And, from what I remember, bikes were blown up with one shot.

Line of sight crap-Not sure which issue this refers to but I am sure it was horrible no doubt.

Card game just another way to fleece subscribers-Never participated, never missed it and it never affected my game play.

Server transfers costing 50 dollars just to move to a server with a couple more people on-So this is in the last year or two of the game. What about the first 6 or 7?

Afk grinding rife pre and cu game-You really are worried about what other people are doing aren't you? I hated the AFK stuff as well but before they OKed it late in the games life they would get rid of AFKers that were interfering with people. Plus it was worth dealing with some AFKers to have a robust macro system like SWG had.


I could go on and on....I'm so glad it's over


You hate it so much yet you obsess enough to make posts dedicated to it. Like it or not SWG was a fun game for a lot of people, plus it was based on real Star Wars. I like TOR era well enough but it's not truly Star Wars in an I've-been-alive-since-the-70's-and-80's sense. It's mearly a substitute and an acceptable one since the devs aren't bound by any lore but their own essentially.


I find it funny that so many of you guys are threatened by a game that ended two months ago. At this point why not let people feel how they want. What does it matter to you?

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Nobody can compare SWTOR with SWG.

SWG was an open ended roleplaying game with all the mechanics in place for people to group together and create.

Every skill had A use, and every profession was needed....

The people who put most into the game got the rewards....simple as that.

Want to craft the best items ?...then you had to research every aspect of the multiple stat/resource combinations.

Want to build your own CI|TY....then you needed buildings made.....land protecting, shuttle ports to be earned, Cantina's to create and maintain....and don't forget none of this happened until someone got the politician skill to allow all this.

The PvP in every game in the history of online is 'broken'..'borked'....'unfair'....or so I read every game forum I visit :D :D :D


Anyone who disliked SWG (pre-cu).....well....you missed the point.

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The reason I began this thread is because I came across a post bemoaning the fact tor wasn't more like swg. As some people have said they are different games. I just disliked how swg has been forgiven for most of its faults simply because there's another star wars mmo on the market. Swg is still the most berated mmo in history and alienated more people than any other mmo. The reasons I posted are why I hated it so much.


I'm enjoying tor. I'm in no hurry to hit level cap in a enjoyable playable game....without the need for queuing for buffs so I'm invincible before I can do anything :p

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The reason I began this thread is because I came across a post bemoaning the fact tor wasn't more like swg. As some people have said they are different games. I just disliked how swg has been forgiven for most of its faults simply because there's another star wars mmo on the market. Swg is still the most berated mmo in history and alienated more people than any other mmo. The reasons I posted are why I hated it so much.


I'm enjoying tor. I'm in no hurry to hit level cap in a enjoyable playable game....without the need for queuing for buffs so I'm invincible before I can do anything :p


Wait until you get to level 50 PVP....there will be A LOT of queuing....and boredom. xD

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Nobody can compare SWTOR with SWG.

SWG was an open ended roleplaying game with all the mechanics in place for people to group together and create.

Every skill had A use, and every profession was needed....

The people who put most into the game got the rewards....simple as that.

Want to craft the best items ?...then you had to research every aspect of the multiple stat/resource combinations.

Want to build your own CI|TY....then you needed buildings made.....land protecting, shuttle ports to be earned, Cantina's to create and maintain....and don't forget none of this happened until someone got the politician skill to allow all this.

The PvP in every game in the history of online is 'broken'..'borked'....'unfair'....or so I read every game forum I visit :D :D :D


Anyone who disliked SWG (pre-cu).....well....you missed the point.



The above post was correct. SWTOR and SWG are nothing alike. SWG was extremely immersive. It took people working together to make the game work.

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The above post was correct. SWTOR and SWG are nothing alike. SWG was extremely immersive. It took people working together to make the game work.


I am absolutly agree with you... SWG was all about community and Immersion in SW EU. Everything class and Crafting was made that you needed each others to succeed. You could not acheive much alone. That's the all point of playing MMO. :)


In SWTOR you can be a total jerk with no friends, no guild and run true most of the game alone...


But you cannot compare much both games... Different times, different technology! different thinking!


SWG as been launch between Episode I and II and most of content was from classic movies and Extend Universe books shelf ;) from 80's and 90's... most of SWG never been on movie screen... Dathomir, Dantooine... Lady Luck Lando Calrissian famous luxury ship ;) SWG gave us the chance to see with our own eyes (or screen) what my generation was dreaming about since Return of the Jedi. For the Star Wars geek I was... I was addicted to the game at first minute I see the box on store shelf :eek:


I agree SWG was not a good game for gamers BUT was a game for SW fans... Big problem with SWG was SOE and a stack of bad decisions from launch to shut down. I will never play a SOE MMO again.


About SWTOR: I love it!

I was happy when they confirmed the game 3 years ago... I loved and enjoyed KOTOR and fresh content to discover. And so far SWTOR is an excelent game that I would recommend to all SW fans... But right now everything depends of next year evolution and wich direction BW will take...


IF the end game is killing stuff and people to get better gear I will move on quickly. Star Wars deserve a game with more layers than that. Please, BW be creative SW universe is so huge!!


Thanks for reading and sorry again for grammar... (english is not my language)

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What I loved about SWG (pre-cu) in a word, was the freedom it gave me.


Sure. No one aspect was overly stellar, in fact as mentioned many aspects of the game where at best sub-par. But I could level a combat toon, endeavor to create my very own city, jump into my ship for some satisfying free-roam space combat, roll a crafter toon for purely economic purposes and still spend mountains of time getting to that point, and the list goes on.


What can I do in SWTOR? I can level, or I can PvP (needs more content) or I can PvE flashpoint (needs more content). Something like 75% of the space missions are a total snooze, the ship upgrade system is not at all dynamic, I cant do it with any friends. There is no point to crafting (what a horrible oversight) unless I am biochem.


Oh. And also me and something like several thousand other subscribers are still having all too frequent disconnects from SWTOR's servers.


Bioware. I love you. Before TOR, I would have had your love children if only you had asked. But I am probably one of the biggest Star Wars nerds you will ever find, and when my interest in a Star Wars MMO begins to wane only months after release, its bad news.

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I loved SWG when it first launched, but it was a different game entirely back then, and equally far removed from TOR.


It was the epitome of the sandbox game: you make a character and they just throw you into the Galaxy and say, "Have fun." You get no help after that. You had to find your own things to do in that game, and make your own fun. It was very relient on the community, and after the NGE and the community dissipated, the game just lost its appeal.


Now, I love TOR as well, but for different reasons. They are different games, and I view them as such. Do I prefer TOR over SWG? That's hard to say. At least it makes sense here to see so many Jedi running around. Can't say I was too fond of the abundance of Jedi in SWG.


Combat was flawed, and my Master Bounty Hunter was completely broken for a class expected to hunt Jedi players. But there were still good times to be had, nevertheless.

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I am absolutly agree with you... SWG was all about community and Immersion in SW EU. Everything class and Crafting was made that you needed each others to succeed. You could not acheive much alone. That's the all point of playing MMO. :)


Problem however is people whine and cry to make things easier, so the devs do and then those same people rage that changes were made. Then the same people whine for content from the devs, not realizing or not wanting to use the tools that the devs gave the players(Storyteller & Chronicles) to make their own game content. Oh sure the minority of people are happy, but the larger portion who keep crying won in the end and thats why SWG changed.


The only difference between SWG and TOR, is that in SWG the devs didn't pump out content(or was very lacking). Whereas with TOR the devs are pumping out content, so the players won't complain theres nothing to do.


Now yes in SWG you could do whatever, BUT in the end of it all NO MATTER WHAT! You are STILL crafting, you are STILL killing mobs, you are STILL traveling around. Eventually you are gonna get bored of doing all that over and over again.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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