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Consular story is a joke.


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So, I get that you are supposedly more gifted in the force at 4 than master Yuan was at 15, but is being able to take on full jedi masters so early after finishing the trials really legit?



I mean come on, Anakin Skywalker was gifted in the force too, you did not see him soloing Count Dooku 3 days after finishing the trials.... You did not see him POwning Yoda. The whole storyline is a joke and a disrespect to Star Wars.


Am I really the only one that thinks it feels really ridiculous to be taking out MASTERS so early in the storyline? It totally kills the experience for my consular, which sucks because I like the class itself.


Whoever wrote the consular story did a terrible job.


Jedi masters train for many many years. Masters like Dooku, or Sideous often require several jedi to take down. Only when Anakin reached his full potential with his extrodanairy gifts, was he able to defeat Dooku.

Edited by Aurrelio
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A few things:


1. Please add a spoiler tag.


2. Luke defeated a Sith Lord AS his trial;


3. Obi-Wan defeated a Sith Lord obviating the need for his trial;


4. Inquisitors

defeat a Darth at level 15 or so.



So no, it doesn't bother me at all that a fully trained Jedi prodigy could beat a few mind controlled masters.

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Anyone agree?


not with your reasoning no. I don't think its a very good storyline but just because I'm not a fan of the story. It has nothing to do with anything you said(the guy who responded mentioned a few other scenarios which put the possibility of defeating masters as a reality.


That said it is moot - there has to be leeway given in a game. I am a smuggler and you end up fighting and defeating sith and jedi. I loved Han Solo but do you really think Han vs Darth Vader would end in anything but Solo cut in half?


It's a game.

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Not to be overly picky, but if you take into context the time period that this game is actually taking place in, the Jedi temple in Coruscant was sacked, and the reason the starting planet is Tython is because they fell back after being more or less shunned by the Republic, so they're rebuilding from practically nothing.


And also, during episode II, the Jedi that came to the rescue in the Colosseum were Jedi masters, and look at how many fell during that battle. There may be a reason to dislike the Consular story (from what I hear, it's great for lore buffs, and a little stale for other people), but judging from the time period, I think it actually makes sense.


BTW, Dooku and Yoda were respected as the most powerful Jedi during their time (Dooku was Qui-Gon's master, and apparently the best when it came to lightsaber combat). You don't see your character taking on Satele at the beginning do you?

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A few things:


1. Please add a spoiler tag.


2. Luke defeated a Sith Lord AS his trial;


3. Obi-Wan defeated a Sith Lord obviating the need for his trial;


4. Inquisitors

defeat a Darth at level 15 or so.



So no, it doesn't bother me at all that a fully trained Jedi prodigy could beat a few mind controlled masters.


First of all a couple things...


There is a reason they are called MASTERS.



The inquistor is able to beat skotia by disabling his cyborg elements, without which could not have been done.


Luke Skywalker has the same power in his blood as the lord he beat.


And Grievas was not a Sith Lord

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Jedi masters train for many many years. Masters like Dooku, or Sideous often require several jedi to take down. Only when Anakin reached his full potential with his extrodanairy gifts, was he able to defeat Dooku.


Did you try completing the story nekkid? I hear that helps gimp enough you so that you get spanked and sent back to your master. ;)


On a more sincere vein....


You do understand that all MMOs make compromises in the context of reality time lines, etc. so that people feel like they make progress at faster then real life, right???


For that matter, Luke Skywalker went from noob to Emperor killer in about six hours of film. ;)


MMOs and movies both take liberties with time tracks in the interest of promoting a story people will enjoy and feel fulfilled by. It's the nature of "entertainment".

Edited by Andryah
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So, I get that you are supposedly more gifted in the force at 4 than master Yuan was at 15, but is being able to take on full jedi masters so early after finishing the trials really legit?


I mean come on, Anakin Skywalker was gifted in the force too, you did not see him soloing Count Dooku 3 days after finishing the trials.... You did not see him POwning Yoda. The whole storyline is a joke and a disrespect to Star Wars.


Am I really the only one that thinks it feels really ridiculous to be taking out MASTERS so early in the storyline? It totally kills the experience for my consular, which sucks because I like the class itself.


Whoever wrote the consular story did a terrible job.


Jedi masters train for many many years. Masters like Dooku, or Sideous often require several jedi to take down. Only when Anakin reached his full potential with his extrodanairy gifts, was he able to defeat Dooku.



I enjoy my class story tyvm, so no I do not agree.

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Anyone agree?


As a Star Wars dork, I can kind of see your point. Jedi and Sith are supposed to be incredibly powerful and only attain that power after years of training and study. So in that sense it doesn't make a lot of sense for relatively new Jedi to be taking down Masters.


As a gamer though, I don't want to spend the first 30 levels doing trials in the temple. It's supposed to feel epic and engrossing.


If you really need to analyze it, think of your story arc as a trial by fire. Maybe that will help you get passed your issue.

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Not to be overly picky, but if you take into context the time period that this game is actually taking place in, the Jedi temple in Coruscant was sacked, and the reason the starting planet is Tython is because they fell back after being more or less shunned by the Republic, so they're rebuilding from practically nothing.


And also, during episode II, the Jedi that came to the rescue in the Colosseum were Jedi masters, and look at how many fell during that battle. There may be a reason to dislike the Consular story (from what I hear, it's great for lore buffs, and a little stale for other people), but judging from the time period, I think it actually makes sense.


BTW, Dooku and Yoda were respected as the most powerful Jedi during their time (Dooku was Qui-Gon's master, and apparently the best when it came to lightsaber combat). You don't see your character taking on Satele at the beginning do you?


The only master in the colosseum was Windu. The rest were regular jedi, and all they could manage to gather, as was said in the story. Like I said, the title of master is only given to the most powerful jedi alive. So by killing a master, that is like killing Satele.

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I didn't find the story compelling as an evil consular. The evil choices made you seem like a brute and the responses from the Jedi council were a stretch. "Another master dead again!?! Oh well"


Could have used alot more subtlety and nuance for the evil part.

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The only master in the colosseum was Windu. The rest were regular jedi, and all they could manage to gather, as was said in the story. Like I said, the title of master is only given to the most powerful jedi alive. So by killing a master, that is like killing Satele.


So, I have to ask.... did you rage quit yet?


Is this your first MMO? What pushed you over the edge in other MMOs? I mean with your literal pragmatism, just about every MMO should have given you an arrow to the knee in this department. ;)

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So, I have to ask.... did you rage quit yet?


Is this your first MMO? What pushed you over the edge in other MMOs? I mean with your literal pragmatism, just about every MMO should have given you an arrow to the knee in this department. ;)


I see your point, but there is a way of trying to be subtle about the massive time skip for entertainment value purposes.

The consular story has you beating your master in open combat at level 12 or 13. That's ridiculous.


Edited by lightumup
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The only master in the colosseum was Windu. The rest were regular jedi, and all they could manage to gather, as was said in the story. Like I said, the title of master is only given to the most powerful jedi alive. So by killing a master, that is like killing Satele.


Yupyup, my bad, I, for some reason, thought you meant knights, and not masters... meh... but still, during that time period, there was more than one Jedi Master, and the ones you fought were controlled no?

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Maul was an apprentice, not a sith lord. L2SW


Still a Lord. There is always two in that time. Both Dark Lords of the Sith. Maul was no better than Vadar job-wise, both underlings of Palpatine. But with your logic one is a Lord and the other isn't?



I flagged your post for moderator intervention btw. You were told already to put spoiler tags on your pointless diatribe.

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Still a Lord. There is always two in that time. Both Dark Lords of the Sith.


Yes, but there was a difference between Maul, and Dooku. Maul was a genuine apprentice, Dooku was a full fledged sith lord. Maul was never refered to as a Sith Lord, only as an apprentice.


Maul was a new apprentice of Sideous

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Yes, but there was a difference between Maul, and Dooku. Maul was a genuine apprentice, Dooku was a full fledged sith lord. Maul was never refered to as a Sith Lord, only as an apprentice.


Maul was a new apprentice of Sideous


Actually he was training Maul since a child. You don't know anything dude.

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Yes, but there was a difference between Maul, and Dooku. Maul was a genuine apprentice, Dooku was a full fledged sith lord. Maul was never refered to as a Sith Lord, only as an apprentice.


Maul was a new apprentice of Sideous


Sideous was training Maul from infancy, and Maul was still referred to as 'Darth'

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