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New 50, useless in warzones?


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I have a 50 Marauder as well, be prepared to have little to no utility, regardless of gear.


No knockback, no viable stun, no way to prevent yourself from being chain stunned... those are the main issues.


While Marauder is an amazing class, due to having only 3 warzones that are setup the way they are, a Marauders usefulness is really limited.


Good luck.

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Unfortunately this kind of discouragement happens to everyone when they first hit 50. Best advice I can give you is stick with it a few days and don't try to do something you know you can't come out on top. Warzones are going to be your biggest problem but try focusing more on weaker enemies/healers and just keep jumping back in. After a few days you should at least have enough centurion commendations to get a little bit of bad pvp gear. At that point the flow of pvp gets much better and for most people will start to actually resemble something "fun"


Another idea (and what I did) is get a hold of some level 50 mods for your equipment. Every little bit helps. As far as Ilum, Ilum blows any way you look at it. It's either going to be a fishing match or nothing at all, in my experience. If you can't find groups, try getting on at times more players are on.

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That's a good point on bags, but it might be helpful to elaborate on HOW to do that.


(Actually you can pick up 6 bags from comms on day one as well. you can buy one pre 50 hold it until 50, open it then buy 5 more assuming you get back up to 1000 / 1000 comms) Obviously you can try to play 15 warzones in a day and win them, but if you're average warzone takes 12-15 minutes, even at 10 minutes that's 150 minutes assuming you go 15-0... which by the way ISN'T GOING TO HAPPEN. Your daily on day one of hitting 50? Maybe.


But Ilum is broke and with a little work and luck you could probably complete that weekly in one day.

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Since hitting 50 as a marauder I've noticed that regardless of what I do in a warzone, I'm fairly useless. At least on my server, the majority of the people I see have at least champion or battlemaster gear and I can't even dent them. I'm lucky if I can break a sage's bubble right now.


Combine empire losing the majority of the warzones on my server with the random gear bags and its going to take ages before I can do anything besides be a free kill.


Have any other dps classes had this problem upon hitting 50?


I was in your exact same shoes last week. But it WILL change, believe me, in a short time. It's just gear. Get your daily Ilum kills and warzone wins (the weeklies will get done in the course of doing the dailies) and you'll progress up at a steady rate, enough to where you will see noticeable changes in a short period of time. Find a group of people that are PvPing regularly if your guild doesn't.

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To the OP, I think you are over looking one thing.


You don't have to win at warzones. You just have to be willing to take a bruising for a short while.




Because you can buy your bags. All it takes is 200 merc and warzone commendations. There is nothing to stop you from at least getting one bag a day.


Does it hurt to be the new guy on the block?


Yes it does. I am not even going to sugar coat it. But the battlemasters you are now facing have spent countless hours earning that valor and the gear they are in. And to get over the initial hump, you have to be willing to bite your lower lip and take a lumps in the process just like they did.


Think of it like being a boxer. Before you can go for a title match you have to prove yourself in countless other matches. And just like in boxing sometimes you face an opponent that is way beyond your class. The goal in those matches isn't to see if you can KO them, the goal is simply to see how long you last and what your numbers are at the end.


But other than commendations, you are still getting valor. And most new 50s tend to be in short supply of it. The more valor you get, the more valor rank you earn. That puts you ever closer to becoming a battlemaster yourself and will be on the same footing.


The last bit of advice I can give you is to keep a notebook beside you when playing. Note the players who do exceptionally well in each match that are on your same faction. Talk to them and you are bound to find a few who will be happy to include you in their premades. Many of them run pvp warzones just to run them. Victories are no longer important. So they are more inclined to give you a helping hand up. All you have to do is meet them half way and show you are willing to give it an honest effort.


Once ranked warzones come into play, all of this will likely change. So get on the bandwagon and find a few more new friends while you still can.

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This. With the new system you get the full Centurion set rather quick, and with it you got 500-600 expertise.


All for an extra 10%. The problem I am finding now is that with my expertise at around the 300 mark, most of even the Centurion gear I could equip would drastcially reduce my key stats where it matters (As a Smuggler). (At most I currently have a belt, bracers and two implants from the Centurion/Champion range) Like losing upwards of 60 points off Critical and Surge ratings for example.


Even equiping Champion gear, once I can afford that, would drop the level of my more important stats by quite a bit..


At best, my primary gains by equiping full sets of Champ gear etc would gain me armour and endurance primarily. Really odd.


This is because of how I ended up modding my original level 40 PvP gear, which I am still wearing even at 50 now.

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Since hitting 50 as a marauder I've noticed that regardless of what I do in a warzone, I'm fairly useless. At least on my server, the majority of the people I see have at least champion or battlemaster gear and I can't even dent them. I'm lucky if I can break a sage's bubble right now.


Combine empire losing the majority of the warzones on my server with the random gear bags and its going to take ages before I can do anything besides be a free kill.


Have any other dps classes had this problem upon hitting 50?


Amusing, Sorcerors are supposedly 'squishy'. Except that is when you hit a Battlemaster one at level 50.


Three of us lower rated 50's hitting on a single sorceror and we could not put him down. For most of the engagement his health bar rarely dropped below 75 -50%, no matter what we unleashed and when it did, he would rapidly heal up again.


In the end the sorceror ran off when there were finally about 5 or 6 of us railing on him.


So yep, Battlemasters in a lvl 50 warzone largely populated by those who have only just begin to get their Centurion set up sorted out is quite laughably out of balance.

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I did attempt to go to Illum actually, but no one is ever there making farm groups when I go, and I am not competing against the 5+ other empire that are always camping the center for boxes. I'm guessing I must be on a low pop server with a huge empire imbalance.


If you control the middle, just farm the boxes. I know with alot of other imps it may take longer but you will get decent at forming a path to increase your boxes. If you do the daily+weekly thats 4 bags right there, enough for one or 2 pieces of Cent gear and possibly one Champ relic or implant. That should put you at like 100-150 Expertise which would help a ton.


Constantly queue warzones. Eventually you will get put on a faceroll team that wont really need your help to in. Boom 3 wins and another bag, not to mention once you collect 800 Warzone comms thats another bag

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What all of you guys defending the grind are missing is that it's not fun. Bioware needs to make the grind fun. No-one whines about leveling to 50, which took your average player well over a month.


Farming boxes in Ilum isn't fun, and neither is being useless in Warzones. If they had a fun way to gear up at 50 no one would care if it took a month. "Just be useless and suffer for a week+" sends most players packing for an alt or a cancelled sub. If you have someone that plays 2 hours a day, it's gonna take significantly longer than a week.

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What all of you guys defending the grind are missing is that it's not fun. Bioware needs to make the grind fun. No-one whines about leveling to 50, which took your average player well over a month.


Farming boxes in Ilum isn't fun, and neither is being useless in Warzones. If they had a fun way to gear up at 50 no one would care if it took a month. "Just be useless and suffer for a week+" sends most players packing for an alt or a cancelled sub. If you have someone that plays 2 hours a day, it's gonna take significantly longer than a week.


if 1 week is a grind nothing will ever be fun for you in life


its pvp. someone has to lose. if you wanted no one to not have fun then the best you can do is have it so no one wins, we just play for 15 minutes without any sort of score keeping or anything, so no one gets their feelings hurt that they are terrible

Edited by bicuspid
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What all of you guys defending the grind are missing is that it's not fun. Bioware needs to make the grind fun. No-one whines about leveling to 50, which took your average player well over a month.


Farming boxes in Ilum isn't fun, and neither is being useless in Warzones. If they had a fun way to gear up at 50 no one would care if it took a month. "Just be useless and suffer for a week+" sends most players packing for an alt or a cancelled sub. If you have someone that plays 2 hours a day, it's gonna take significantly longer than a week.


Thats fine and all and yes the Ilum box grind sucks, but thats not really the point of the thread. The point is how he can best maximize his time for gear, and simply put getting free, uncontested boxes on Ilum is the best way to do that. If there is no one there to kill you then you dont need gear.

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Thats fine and all and yes the Ilum box grind sucks, but thats not really the point of the thread. The point is how he can best maximize his time for gear, and simply put getting free, uncontested boxes on Ilum is the best way to do that. If there is no one there to kill you then you dont need gear.


except this would only benefit empire

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4 days.


This is how long it takes from being a meatshield to being fairly competitive.


4 days.




You should have had collected 6 champions bags before reaching 50. You would go from being destroyed to being fairly competitive in 2 days.

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What all of you guys defending the grind are missing is that it's not fun. Bioware needs to make the grind fun. No-one whines about leveling to 50, which took your average player well over a month.


Farming boxes in Ilum isn't fun, and neither is being useless in Warzones. If they had a fun way to gear up at 50 no one would care if it took a month. "Just be useless and suffer for a week+" sends most players packing for an alt or a cancelled sub. If you have someone that plays 2 hours a day, it's gonna take significantly longer than a week.




This makes me laugh. Why don't you just ask bioware for full BM gear once you ding into 50. While you at it ask them for a cut of the 200 mil they got to make this game. MMO's are a grind, if you don't find them "fun" the go play mario kart.

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All for an extra 10%. The problem I am finding now is that with my expertise at around the 300 mark, most of even the Centurion gear I could equip would drastcially reduce my key stats where it matters (As a Smuggler). (At most I currently have a belt, bracers and two implants from the Centurion/Champion range) Like losing upwards of 60 points off Critical and Surge ratings for example.


Even equiping Champion gear, once I can afford that, would drop the level of my more important stats by quite a bit..


At best, my primary gains by equiping full sets of Champ gear etc would gain me armour and endurance primarily. Really odd.


This is because of how I ended up modding my original level 40 PvP gear, which I am still wearing even at 50 now.


WRONG... all for 10% damage and 10% reduction + stats

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4 days.


This is how long it takes from being a meatshield to being fairly competitive.


4 days.



Took me around that time, too. Maybe a fraction less.


I really don't understand why people DON'T SAVE THEIR WZ/MERC COMMS (!) prior to L50 ... if you get 1,000 of each when you hit L50 you only need to PLAY 1 WZ and you can have 6 bags in 15 mins work maximum which is 90 Centurion Comms, and 42 Champion Comms.


For 15 mins (max) work, that's really pretty easy.

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This makes me laugh. Why don't you just ask bioware for full BM gear once you ding into 50. While you at it ask them for a cut of the 200 mil they got to make this game. MMO's are a grind, if you don't find them "fun" the go play mario kart.


Again you're missing the point. I wouldn't care if it took me 6 months from 50 to get BM gear on my alt, but don't make me fight BM geared players until then; and don't make my geared 50 fight a whole team of guys with 12k HP. It's tedious or boring, depending on which side you are on.


PvP should be about competition and player skill. Not lopsided fights decided by gear and which 4-man premade got the most short-bus undergeared players on their team.

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My first character I was at level 50 pretty quick, had all commendations for bags (though I didn't get any gear from them) and was able to do all the easy Ilum quests, and even warzone wins came regularly. It was still rough at level 50 going up against a well built team, but not too bad overall.


My second alt, who just got to level 50 didn't have all the commendations saved up. I was more focused on running PVE while leveling. Now I do feel pretty useless in a fight going up against known champions/battlemasters. And of course, when you're losing every warzone, it's very hard to get geared up to be competitive.


Getting just 1 bag a day from commendations is very slow going. Even more slow going because you only get half the commendations from losses. I can see now where fresh level 50s would have so many complaints. At this rate, I'll just have to keep PVEing and get some Columni gear before I even have a fighting chance.

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