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My server's population went from heavy to light within one month..


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I play Imperial on the server Rwookrorro. I was one of those people who, during early access followed the developer's and community manager's advice to alleviate full servers and re-roll on one of the new ones. I and my few friends left our characters and started over on this new Server. Rwookrorro filled up fast and we started our own guild and had a blast leveling up and interacting with players, meeting new friends, etc..


Over the last few weeks I have noticed that there are less and less people online during peak hours. Rwookrorro is an eastern server and we peak around 8 and 9 pm. Over the weekend I hadn't noticed more then 45 people on the fleet. People from my guild have not signed as much too. People that were playing 3 or 4 times a week now play once or twice.


Then last night, I logged on to do my hard mode pvp dailes. I queued up for pvp while flying to Ilum to kill Reps. There was 2 people on Ilum, me and another Imperial. So driving around central picking up 30 armaments I realized that my queue never popped. That was strange because it was 8:30 PM and usually I only have to wait 5-10 mins, if that.


I went back to the fleet to do my hard mode daily. I am a tank, by necessity. Its by far the shortest role on our server. I don't mind it, and I'm pretty good at it, although respecing every day kinda sucks but that should be taken care of 1.2 So I ask a healer from my guild and he agrees to go immediately. Nice! Then I spam General LF2M DPS Any Hard Mode. After several minutes of no replies, I started to politely ask random 50s on the fleet. I got 1 DPS from that but I spend another 20 minutes looking for one more and I couldnt find it.


This was sorely disappointing, not in a QQ kinda way, but all I wanted to do was play the game and I couldn't because my server is dying/dead. I sat there contemplating what to do next when I realized my pvp queue still hadnt popped! I disbanded the "group", logged off and watched TV for the rest of the night.


i just wanted to share my story and see if anyone else is running into the same problems? I really enjoy this game but at 50 there really are only two things to do. PvP and flashpoints/ops. Both of which I enjoy doing, but now if this continues I wont even have that. What to do? Reroll again? I really really dont want to do that being I've put a months worth of work into this characters endgame equipment. Bioware has not stated if and more importantly when they will implement server transfers or at least some way to combat the lack of population.


TL'DR Bioware please release some sort of information about how to increase populations on light servers. Not being able to do Flashpoints or Warzones is NOT fun.

Edited by AGSThomas
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I feel for you, OP. Seeing a server shrinking and croaking is miserable; I went through it in Rift before they started with free server moves (hint hint, Bioware).


Now someone is about to hop into this thread and tell you you're lying about all of it.

Edited by Quip
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Have you ever considered that it went from heavy to light because the raised the population caps twice?


Servers like mine that were listed as full have just as many if not more people then they had at launch the server just can handle the population better.



Yes the Doomcryers will tell you it's "Mass exodus!!!111eleven!eatatjoes" but the guys who actually run the game say it's the server cap increase and they would know.


in b4 /tinfoilhat

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Same thing on my server. Went from full to light - standard ( at prime time ). Before on the fleet there was 100+ people, now barely 40-50.


Would change servers but already meet a lot of nice people there, and not interested in moving by myself. Bioware should merge servers or just give an server transfer option.


Before i would get in a warzone in like a minute or two, now i need to wait 15+ minutes. Can't find a group for Hard Modes for a few days already, and i am a healer.

Edited by StellaRossa
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Have you ever considered that it went from heavy to light because the raised the population caps twice?


Servers like mine that were listed as full have just as many if not more people then they had at launch the server just can handle the population better.



Yes the Doomcryers will tell you it's "Mass exodus!!!111eleven!eatatjoes" but the guys who actually run the game say it's the server cap increase and they would know.


in b4 /tinfoilhat


The population is not relative to the cap. At least, it shouldn't be, because then you never get an accurate reading of truth.


Which is just as bad.

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Have you ever considered that it went from heavy to light because the raised the population caps twice?


Servers like mine that were listed as full have just as many if not more people then they had at launch the server just can handle the population better.



Yes the Doomcryers will tell you it's "Mass exodus!!!111eleven!eatatjoes" but the guys who actually run the game say it's the server cap increase and they would know.


in b4 /tinfoilhat


I honestly don't think its mass exodus from the game, just from my server. People are going to play less as the newness from the game wears off, I understand that. But when there are only 45 people on the fleet on prime time, there is a problem.


eatatjoes.. was that a MST3K shoutout?

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Have you ever considered that it went from heavy to light because the raised the population caps twice?


Servers like mine that were listed as full have just as many if not more people then they had at launch the server just can handle the population better.



Yes the Doomcryers will tell you it's "Mass exodus!!!111eleven!eatatjoes" but the guys who actually run the game say it's the server cap increase and they would know.


in b4 /tinfoilhat




Did you even read what he said?


This has nothing to do with "Light" or "Heavy" wording... READ HIS POST.


He cannot find people ingame to group with for content.


I had the same thing on my server. The last night I played, 3 of the servers that were in my range of content to play (quests, heroics, etc) had less than 10 people each. THAT IS THE ISSUE.


God, I hate people that misinterpret the point.

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Now that people are 50 they're only logging in to raid once or twice a week. This is especially true if you hate the pvp in game (or hate pvp in general) which could consume a couple of hours a day. Or if you've capped on pvp (level 65).


None of this is significantly different than how any other MMO behaves. You need to have something for people to do everyday, and once they've done that enough they'll only log in when they have something specific to do. There are things to do, but they aren't particularly accessible, or don't reward anything really worth having.


Obviously the lack of dual spec significantly limits what you can do with a single character.

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Now that people are 50 they're only logging in to raid once or twice a week. This is especially true if you hate the pvp in game (or hate pvp in general) which could consume a couple of hours a day. Or if you've capped on pvp (level 65).


None of this is significantly different than how any other MMO behaves. You need to have something for people to do everyday, and once they've done that enough they'll only log in when they have something specific to do. There are things to do, but they aren't particularly accessible, or don't reward anything really worth having.


Obviously the lack of dual spec significantly limits what you can do with a single character.


Going by your info, it wouldnt matter if dual spec was introduced. The players would still be bored.

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Have you ever considered that it went from heavy to light because the raised the population caps twice?


Servers like mine that were listed as full have just as many if not more people then they had at launch the server just can handle the population better.



Yes the Doomcryers will tell you it's "Mass exodus!!!111eleven!eatatjoes" but the guys who actually run the game say it's the server cap increase and they would know.


in b4 /tinfoilhat


If this was the case, then where is the article saying that the server caps have been increasing? If this was the case then wouldn't Bioware's team that runs articles get on this so they can paint the game in even better light? Don't get me wrong, i'd love if that was the case, I just have yet to see any proof.

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I just rerolled on a heavy server due to the same thing. It sucks, but it was a great decision over all. I went from having 20 people on fleet to 150-180. The difference is astounding.


That's sorely disappointing because I dont think I could get my IRL friends to reroll, they are casual and not even 50 yet.

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I just rerolled on a heavy server due to the same thing. It sucks, but it was a great decision over all. I went from having 20 people on fleet to 150-180. The difference is astounding.




That is great that you found a server with a thriving population, and that you're willing to re-roll toons there. I have thought about that many, many times.


The frustration comes when I look at what has already been accomplished. I would rather stab myself, than redo all the work I've done with my characters.


- All crafting professions at least 300+, several maxed at 400

- lvl 50 Jedi Guardian

- lvl 50 Jedi Sentinel

- lvl 45 Jedi Sage

- lvl 37 Jedi Shadow

- lvl 38 Smuggler

- lvl 31 Trooper

- lvl 20 Bounty Hunter


Re-roll on another server? I don't think so...


Friday evening, at 9:30 PM EST (Eastern server - Krayiss Obelisk)

- Balmorra = less than 10 people

- Quesh = less than 5 people

- Hoth = less than 10 people

- was working on my lvl 37 Jedi Shadow at the time


YET ... some trolls will come along and say that I'm crying "the sky is falling" and mention some cliche ******** about tin-foil hats, etc, etc.


No matter how many times I've given details over the last couple of weeks, they spew useless rhetoric and ignore the actual facts from those that are unhappy with THEIR server's population. You notice how I've never said anything about the overall health or population of SWTOR? I have no knowledge of that first hand.


What I do/did have first hand knowledge of, is the server that I "live" on. Apparently that isn't good enough.


Personally, I'm done. Account has expired (few days ago), and I have no intention to resub until something is offered or done about the server population issues, and a bunch of other game issues (that shouldn't have been there in the first place).

Edited by Ereint
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Its easy to see many sites that monitor server usage show that USAGE has drop on all servers. So to say they just up the limit is BS. I am sorry but the facts are in many people did not renew their subs for this billing cycle which took place today. Those that didn't stop playing a while back. BW needs to allow server transfers NOW not later or they will lose more people. For those that do not believe the number of people have gone down just wait give it a week. You will see BW post news about having free server transfers in the works and will have it out by middle of March (since i have a source that says they were already working on it thinking popluations would be crazy on some servers) and then by April we will see them close down a few servers. When that happens this game is all but on life support and needs some serious fixing to get people to come back.
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I'll try to shed some light into this

Now I am not saying by any stretch that this is the only reason but it is certainly a big one


People are playing less, plain and simple


My guild and every other guild in the game raids a certain number of days a week

We raid s, m, w. If you signed on at any point in time and other day you would hear crickets

Alot of guilds are like that and thats alot of population


pvp players who reached 60 again there is honestly no reason to log on because there isnt anything for them to do


In the beginning of every game is the highest level of activity. The next highest levels of activity are when additions or expansion or new content gets added. Then you see a surge of online population again for a bit, then it drops and the cycle repeats


If they released an expansion next week your servers I think you would find would be very comporable to what they were when it was heavy


Its the way games have been for awhile. I personally play 7 days a week when its new, now I play 3. It is the way it is for alot of people

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Going by your info, it wouldnt matter if dual spec was introduced. The players would still be bored.


They'd get bored less quickly. But yes, they would get bored eventually.


It's mutually exclusive to create content people really need to log in every day for that takes any meaningful effort, while at the same time be inclusive of people who have things like families and jobs.


If you had dual spec it would make casual grouping much easier. Want to do a 4man? No prob, I can respec and tank it for you. Or you can PVP more effectively compared to a PVE spec or whatever. That makes more content accessible. But there's only a finite amount of content. Even if you had 100 dailies there's still only so much people will want to do.


Wasting peoples time makes them bored. I waste time getting to instances, I waste time getting to dailies. It's not so bad if I can automate it, and alt tab out and do something else while my character gets there, like say, read and post on the forums. But I can't, I have to pay attention to getting to various things because of the layers of loading screens and disconnected flight points.


There's no magical infinite content well. If people need to run around every day and gather resources, well, if they miss a day they end up behind. If you have 7 raids, one for each day of the week, if you have the kids 3 days a week, well then you're only getting 3/7ths of the progression of someone else.


It doesn't bother me that players online at any given time is dropping, what concerns me is that the core systems and actual experience at level cap are driving people away from wanting to log back in at all.

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Have you ever considered that it went from heavy to light because the raised the population caps twice?


Servers like mine that were listed as full have just as many if not more people then they had at launch the server just can handle the population better.



Yes the Doomcryers will tell you it's "Mass exodus!!!111eleven!eatatjoes" but the guys who actually run the game say it's the server cap increase and they would know.


in b4 /tinfoilhat


Wait, so the reasonable explanation is that the caps on the load indicators were changed, and somehow the change of these indicators also caused some sort of time warp that stops people from logging on during prime time when he was trying to find others? Meanwhile the "tin foil hat" explanation is "There's less people logging on"? Ok buddy.

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The fact that people are moving out into the world and not just sitting in fleet does not mean the game or a server is dying. The OP's server at offpeak times shows a steady pop around 500 off peak and 2k at peak times. Hardly a dead server.


People need to understand that they raises lvl caps so that servers that were showing as very heavy are now showing as standard and so forth.

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