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PvP in this game is making me bitter


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Some of you will claim I'm late to the party but I had a crude awakening today during my daily PvP grind. Maybe I had a bad nights sleep, maybe I was a little hungover...but earlier today the whole suckiness of SWTOR PvP hit me like a truck.


It started as you'd expect at 1PM CET, because playing before that is entirely pointless for most EU players. You already had a zerg of people standing around the daily quest terminal ready to head out to Ilum. So 1PM comes, everyone picks up the quest and heads over to Ilum.


Imps are already waiting there with 2-3 times our numbers. Normally that wouldn't be too bad if Bioware hand't broken the Particle Cannons sometime 2 weeks ago. So since then there's nothing left to do but stand in the base and buff the crap out of your team.


Yep...buffing every ~10 seconds is my contribution as a melee towards my teams efforts. That's it. Sure, I could try and charge into the enemy zerg or chase down a few isloated players as i used to but I quickly realize there's little point. 99% of the time I'm stunned in the middle of the zerg before my computer has even rendered the scene (3 FPS ftw!). And even if I did manage to cause a little mayhem I'd die seconds later anyway and thus be denied any kills resulting from my actions.


So after weeks of Ilum, I've resorted to what most other melees probably have been doing for the past month. Watch mid-day TV while clicking your class-buff on a regular basis. It really only stops working when half your team resorts to this kind of behavior.


Unfortunately with only the ranged DPS classes somewhat involved it took a whooping ~40 minutes to accumulate those kills. Enough for the Daily Show and Colbert Report..




Ok, so time for phase two of the daily PvP grind. Winning three warzones can be a bit of a random experience as I've become accustomed to over the past month. As random as starting the first WZ with 5 players on my team. Yay...-_-


But playing with 4 team-mates vs. 8 Imps would only be half as bad if i was actually allowed to control my character. But alas, I'm doomed to be chain-stunned to death as soon as more than 2 enemies enter my vicinity. Lighting stun...lightning stun...more lighting....while stunned.....dead. Yay -_-


But thanks to Republic being awesome, we still manage to turn around the game after filling our ranks with late joiners.


Still it was quite an ordeal...as it is every day. Today however, it only took me about an hour to complete the Warzone grind. Some days it take over two.




But anyway....time to reak in the rewards for my efforts. I eagerly head back to the fleet to turn in my quests. I quickly open my BM bags to harvest the fruits of my labor....only to receive nothing.



Odly enough this isn't the first time I've had no rewards for my PvP dailies but for some reason I took it to heart today.


This whole PvP system sucks. All, in it's entirety. It's flawed in so many way, from the conception of Ilum to the lack of understanding of MMO gamers, that I cannot fathom who'd ever design things the way they are. The fact that things were singed-off like this, that paid game-designers thought what they'd come up with was in any way acceptable, is a mystery in itself.


In case you couldn't tell, yes I am bitter.


I'm now going to log back on to my alt and wait for my subscription to end. Because the single-player leveling experience is about the only thing you got right in this game.

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I have to say I agree with the majority of this post.


If it wasn't for the ground-breaking class storylines in this game, I probably would have quit by now and gone back to Rift (or just took an MMO break completely while waiting for ME3 to come out).


Being melee in Ilum blows chunks. What I used to do to contribute in addition to buffing my Op was Force Charge into the middle of the Republic zerg (on our server, the Republic outnumber the Imperials by about 4 to 1), drop Intimidating Roar in the middle of them, Force Camo and then get the hell out. Because the FPS is so bad when you have more than 1 Op involved in the fight, I often don't get Force Camo off before I'm chain stunned and dead. So lately, I just hang back and buff my Op, as melee DPS. Yep. Their ****astic design in Ilum has rendered non-stealth melee DPS classes virtually pointless in large scale RvR.


Then there's my personal favorite: Warzones being allowed to start with 8 vs 3. At least now you can quit when it's that lopsided, but pretty soon you won't even be able to do that. There's soooooo many more important, fundamental design issues they need to fix before they start worrying about stupid crap like deserter debuffs. You don't need to go on the Dr. Phil show to know that your incidents of players quitting WZs would be drastically reduced if they........wait for it.......fixed the WZs!


I also find myself agreeing with the OP that it seems from where I'm sitting that a trained monkey with banana-shapped keys on their keyboard could have done better with PvP design than Bioware did. Sure, it's their first MMO, but you'd think they'd realize that and hire some developers who have had at least some (successful) experience in the medium and enough common sense to implement basic ideas like a no RNG loot system for PvP gear, daily/weekly missions that don't require wins/kills, Warzones that don't start until both teams are full and that allow a separate premade queue from the solo queue, an RvR area with some smarter design that doesn't make top end gaming computers wince in pain, and so on. It honestly feels like this game was released about 3-6 months too early, and that we're paying Bioware to beta test their game for them.


At this point, PvP is more of a morbid curiosity than it is entertainment. We're all rubbernecking as we drive by the accident scene on our way to work, wondering if they are going to pull a decapitated body from the wreckage.

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But anyway....time to reak in the rewards for my efforts. I eagerly head back to the fleet to turn in my quests. I quickly open my BM bags to harvest the fruits of my labor....only to receive nothing.




If you are talking about Battlemaster bags.. I feel your pain. If you are talking about Champ bags I bet you got 14 champ comms which mount up extremely fast to get all the champ gear.


Also... I feel your pain being Republic on Ilum. Im in Germany playing on a EST server where my friends are and come daily reset time republic only seem to get a armament by picking one of the many emps off the edges.

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Yeah i cant belive i pre paid 6 month for this.Standing around in fleet idling around a pvp daily box doing pvp instance that doesnt reg winns because the pvp polanet is nothing but garbage and the lotto gear systen stinks beyond.To put it this way, unless something really changes in this game and i mean really changes for us pvp players i will leave for gw2.And i have been hating on gw2 for a year now in defending TOR.But me like most others have had enough.I thought only Cryptic could make pvp as fail as it is in TOR. Edited by Lord_Karsk
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yep. the gear dependency makes it all the worst. Even more so, you play warzones over and over and over so that you can get BM gear and still you play the same warzones over and over and over. Its dumb.


Gear is so easy to overcome it's a joke.


Once you have full Champion Gear you have basically as good as battlemaster gear. You're talking about single digit stat increases in most cases jumping up to Battlemaster gear. Champion Gear is very easy to get in the current system.


Here's a hint - don't grind for BM gear and you won't get burnt out. It's not really worth the effort.


You don't even need Champion gear to kill a Battlemaster. Certain ones are very, very good. Lots of them aren't, and their gear isn't much better than yours anyway unless you've been level 50 for less than 2 days.

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OP, you are completely spot on.


There isn't a single issue in the current state of pvp. A single issue usually can be ignored, if the whole contest is enjoyable. You think "they will fix it eventually" and enjoy the rest of the experience.


But here it's so totally far away from any resemblance of fun, from every possible angle and point of view.

I wouldn't know how to answer to someone asking what's the problem in SWTOR's pvp.

It's the entire system. I'm rank 56 from warzones only (we get 20 valor/kill on ilum) and I can't recall more than 3-4 enjoyable matches.


I'm a pvper.

I had some 100 days /played over the years on DAoC, with ONE single character, doing nothing but RvR.

Same on Guild Wars.

Idem on Aion. Yes, even Aion was more enjoyable than this trainwreck.


But here, I just completed my champion set and am now creating another character.

I'm not even doing the pvp dailies anymore.


Not saying I'm good or bad or awesome.

Just saying I'm a pvper and BW already lost me. I'm just waiting for my sub to expire.


I got the message, BW. This is not a pvp game.

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I agree the system lacks fun up to BM, where it becomes almost surreal in it's level of stupid.


When you hit BM, you've had more than enough time to accumulate every piece of Champion gear in the game for your class, as well as many for your companions -- and, what is the reward you are assured in each BM bag? Yes, that's right: Champion tokens.


As you starting accumulating them by the hundreds, and have gotten less than 8 BM tokens, you'll really start to feel the level of disconnect between BW and it's entire PvP system.

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If you treat PvP as a grind, it will be very boring for you and will only reinforce the self-loathing.


If you just have fun with it, do your best, and play to your role and learn a little as you go while treating any rewards, credits, commendations, experience, etc as an unexpected surprise, you will enjoy it.


Again, if PvP is a grind to you, then it's not for you. No shame in trying something else that will feel more rewarding. This game has enough side-bars for everyone. Instead of becoming King Butt PvPer, you can:


- corner the GTN in a specific market (or anticipated market ;-) )

- become a popular/accomplished crafter

- become a Socialite with all the rare Social gear

- learn a new class; roll an alt

- explore the maps/go datacron hunting

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